Words of Power Definitions, by Xena Dragon
Listed below are syllables a mage utters to accomplish spells. These are syllables of an ancient language, which bind and release etheric energy. A basic understanding of these should give you insight into the nature of the spells you control.

Syllable Meaning   Syllable Meaning
An Negate or Dispel Nox Poison
Bet Small Ort Magic
Corp Death Por Move or Movement
Des Lower or Down Quas Illusion
Ex Freedom Rel Change
Flam Flame Sanct Protect or Protection
Grav Field Tym Time
Hur Wind Uus Raise or Up
In Make, Create or Cause Vas Great
Jux Danger, Trap or Harm Wis Know or Knowledge
Kal Summon or Invoke Xen Creature
Lor Light Ylem Matter
Mani Life or Healing Zu Sleep