
Overconfident Fools

After finally assembling our little terror party, my companions (Octavius, Forge, The Drunken Dwarf, and Jack Napier) and I decided to pay a visit to Covetous's treasure room. The Drunken Dwarf opened a gate, and all of us entered. We came out in a room but a few feet shy of the huge treasure room.

I figured our numbers would scare away any would-be heroes. Alas, I underestimated the foolishness of others yet again. For upon entering, The Dwarf was set upon by two warriors and a magician. I put up a wall of flame which the two warriors promptly decided to cook themselves on, but was too late to save The Dwarf. His overly-powerful magical arrow having been reflected back upon him, he lay dead at my feet.

Well this fool, Allawishes, remained in the room while the rest of us entered. I assumed he must be powerful to not cower in fear or flee altogether. I always take advantage of the foolishness of others, though, and when I saw that he was wearing a full suit of plate and had just drawn his weapon without putting up another reflection shield, I turned him into a lightning rod. He went down. Glancing upon his body, I noticed he was over-equipped with mystical reagents, about 80 of each, so I lightened his load. I make a habit not to carrry more than 20 of each at any given time, in the event that I am killed (which isn't very often, thankfully), but nobles are rarely as smart as I.

As the remainder of my party and I scoured the room, several more "nobles" came in to loot our treasure room. They were quickly put down. I then put up a wall of paralyzation in the corridor outside in the hopes of scaring away any more heroes. I believe that the titles of nobility British grants to his subjects also transfers with it a good chunk of his stupidity, for several more fools ran into that barrier and were promptly stuck. I touched them not, however my companions were rather bloodthirsty, so many more corpses littered the floor. Seeing that my wall didn't work and we were quite overloaded with loot now, my group and I opened a gate to Vesper's bank in order to stash all of this treasure. I did not realize, however, that my reputation had proceeded me all the way back to Vesper already, and I was killed on sight by the "guards".

Now where was that Chaos shrine again...