$a = array ( 'Ash', 'Reagent', 'Sulphorous Ash', 'Root', 'Reagent', 'Mandrake Root', 'Pearl', 'Reagent', 'Black Pearl', 'Moss', 'Reagent', 'Blood Moss', 'Silk', 'Reagent', 'Spider Silk', 'Shade', 'Reagent', 'Nightshade', 'Gate', 'Place', 'Moongate. A fixed or magical created doorway that allows travel of groups over large distances.', 'GY', 'Place', 'Graveyard', 'BS', 'Spell', 'Blade Spirits', 'Invis', 'Spell', 'Invisibility', 'EB', 'Spell', 'Energy Bolt', 'Summon', 'Spell', 'Summon Creature - Elementals - Air, Earth, Fire, Water', 'Terravenger', 'Monster', 'Terrathan Avenger', 'Terras', 'Monster', 'Terrathans', 'Ophids', 'Monster', 'Ophidians', 'Uni', 'Monster', 'Unicorn', 'Bally', 'Monster', 'Balron, a very powerful demon', 'NPC', 'Monster', 'Non-Player Character', 'WW', 'Monster', 'White Wyrm. A type of monster', 'LL', 'Monster', 'Lich Lord', 'Mare', 'Monster', 'Nightmare. A powerful and tameable horse-like monster', 'Drag', 'Monster', 'Dragon', 'Red', 'Potion', 'Refresh', 'Blue', 'Potion', 'Agility', 'Orange', 'Potion', 'Cure', 'Yellow', 'Potion', 'Heal', 'White', 'Potion', 'Strength', 'Green', 'Potion', 'Poison', 'Black', 'Potion', 'Nightsight', 'Purple', 'Potion', 'Explosion', 'Taming', 'Skill', 'Animal Taming', 'Lore', 'Skill', 'Animal Lore', 'Lumber', 'Skill', 'Lumberjacking', 'Eval', 'Skill', 'Evaluate Intelligence', 'Item ID', 'Skill', 'Item Identification', 'Vet', 'Skill', 'Veterinary', 'Resist', 'Skill', 'Magic Resistance', 'Bowery', 'Skill', 'Bowcraft, Flething', 'Fletching', 'Skill', 'Bowcraft, Flething', 'Bowcraft', 'Skill', 'Bowcraft, Flething', 'Forensics', 'Skill', 'Forensic Evaluation', 'Carp', 'Skill', 'Carpentry', 'Detect', 'Skill', 'Detect Hidden', 'LJ', 'Skill', 'Lumberjacking', 'SA', 'Reagent', 'Sulphorous Ash', 'MR', 'Reagent', 'Mandrake Root', 'BP', 'Reagent', 'Black Pearl', 'BM', 'Reagent', 'Blood Moss', 'SS', 'Reagent', 'Spider Silk', 'NS', 'Reagent', 'Nightshade', 'GS', 'Reagent', 'Ginseng', 'GL', 'Reagent', 'Garlic', 'T2A', 'Place', 'The Second Age lands', 'Pap', 'Place', 'Papua', 'Serps', 'Place', 'Serpents Hold', 'Dagger Isle', 'Place', 'Frozen island at the north east of Brittania', 'Artic Isle', 'Place', 'Frozen island at the north east of Brittania', 'Avatar Island', 'Place', 'Jungle island to the south east, has Hythloth dungeon on it', 'Fire Island', 'Place', 'Jungle island to the south east, has Hythloth dungeon on it', 'LL', 'Place', 'Lost Lands, large world area', 'Skara', 'Place', 'Skara Brae. A Britannian town', 'Glow', 'Place', 'Moonglow. A Britannian town', 'Gate', 'Spell', 'Gate Travel', 'Poly', 'Spell', 'Polymorph', 'Res, Rez', 'Spell', 'Resurrection', 'Res, Rez', 'Speach', 'To get resurrected by a player, a an NPC healer or at a shrine', 'Ele', 'Monster', 'Elemental - Air, Earth, Fire, Water', 'EQ', 'Spell', 'Earthquake', 'MS', 'Spell', 'Meteor Swarm', 'GC', 'Potion', 'Greater Cure. Orange. Cures Poison', 'GE', 'Potion', 'Greater Explosion. Purple.', 'GH', 'Potion', 'Greater Heal. Yellow. Restores hit points.', 'NS', 'Potion', 'Nightsight. Black. See in the dark', 'GP', 'Potion', 'Greater Poison. Green.', 'DP', 'Potion', 'Deadly Poison. Green.', 'GS', 'Potion', 'Greater Strength. White. Adds strength.', 'GA', 'Potion', 'Greater Agility. Blue. Increases dexterity.', 'Keg(s)', 'Item', 'Potion Keg(s)', 'Nox', 'Potion', 'Poison or Nightsight', 'Terra keep', 'Place', 'Terrathan Keep', 'GL', 'Other', 'Glorious Lord/Lady (and also Great Lakes a shard)', 'GL', 'Shard', 'Great Lakes', 'LS', 'Shard', 'Lake Superior', 'Drach', 'Shard', 'Drachenfels', 'SP', 'Shard', 'Siege Perilous', 'Twink', 'Other', "A low skill player, using high level abilities (a 60/60 twink tamer would have 60 taming, 60 lore but be using dragons). Also a person who thinks they are good but they aren't; someone who has a very unorigional name like 'Goku'.", 'LB', 'Other', 'Lord British. Former King of Britannia.', 'FS', 'Spell', 'Flamestrike', 'EV', 'Spell', 'Energy Vortex', 'Combo', 'Other', 'A tactical combination of magic spells and/or weapon attacks.', 'Pots', 'Potion', 'Potions', 'Bandies, Bandys', 'Item', 'Bandages', 'Regs', 'Reagent', 'Reagents', 'MIB', 'Item', 'Message in a bottle', 'GP, gp', 'Item', 'Gold pieces or gold coins.', 'Drake', 'Reagent', 'Mandrake Root', 'rofl', 'Speech', 'rolling on the floor laughing', 'y', 'Speech', 'why', 'r', 'Speech', 'are', 'u', 'Speech', 'you', 'k, kk', 'Speech', 'ok', '^^', 'Speech', 'a smile', 'keke', 'Speech', 'laughter', 'plz', 'Speech', 'please', 'ty', 'Speech', 'thank you', 'yw', 'Speech', "you're welcome", 'afk', 'Speech', 'away from keyboard', 'brb', 'Speech', 'be right back', 'bbiab', 'Speech', 'be back in a bit', 'bbiam', 'Speech', 'be back in a minute', 'np', 'Speech', 'no problem', 'irl', 'Speech', 'in real life', 'rl', 'Speech', 'real life', 'bbs', 'Speech', 'be back soon', 'wb', 'Speech', 'Welcome back', 'ltz, l8r', 'Speech', 'later', 'mk', 'Speech', 'Hmm okay', 'thx', 'Speech', 'thanks', 'Sig', 'Other', 'Signature', 'BK Room', 'Dungeon', 'Bone Knights Room in Deceit', 'Brit Bank', 'Place', 'West Britain Bank', 'CoD', 'Place', 'City of the Dead', 'Del', 'Place', 'Delucia', 'Fel', 'Place', 'Felucca', 'Tram', 'Place', 'Trammel', 'Ish, Ilsh', 'Place', 'Ilshenar', 'WBBT', 'Place', 'West Britain Bank Trammel', 'BE', 'Monster', 'Blood Elemental', 'Blood', 'Monster', 'Blood Elemental', 'DSS', 'Monster', 'Deep Sea Serpent', 'Ellies', 'Monster', 'Elementals', 'E-horse', 'Item', 'Ethereal Horse', 'Ethy', 'Item', 'Ethereal Mount', 'Vet', 'Other', 'Veteran Player', 'Exp', 'Other', 'Experience', 'IVM', 'Spell', 'In Vas Mani, Greater Heal', 'Anti', 'Other', 'Anti-player Killer. A UO player that is out to kill PKs.', 'Blue', 'Other', 'Character with innocent status', 'Camp', 'Action', 'To remain in one spot, waiting for certain spawn', 'Carebear', 'Other', 'Derogatory term, indicating a Trammel player', 'Check', 'Item', 'Bank check', 'Count', 'Other', 'Murder count', 'Crook', 'Weapon', "Shepherd's crook", 'Daily', 'Item', 'A rare item that spawns once every day', 'Drain', 'Action', "Tactic to drain a monster of all of it's magical energy (mana) before attacking it hand to hand", 'Mana dump', 'Action', 'Tactic to use all mana a player has on an opponent in the form of harmful spells', 'Eastern Sky', 'Other', 'Reference to timezone EST', 'Exploit', 'Other', 'Unlawful use of game mechanics', 'Fairly', 'Other', 'Fairly worn. One of the decay stages of a house', 'Farm', 'Action', 'To basically harvest a resouce, ie, visiting all the blacksmiths to buy ingots over and over again', 'Fork', 'Weapon', 'War fork', 'Gank', 'Action', 'To team up on, be teamed up on or killed in an unfavorable way; also, to steal or have something stolen.', 'GGS', 'Other', 'Guaranteed Gain of Skill', 'Greatly', 'Other', 'Greatly worn. One of the decay stages of a house', 'Grey', 'Other', 'Character with criminal or aggressor status.', 'House sitting', 'Action', 'Waiting for a house that is "In danger of collapsing" to collapse', 'ICQ', 'Other', 'Instant Messenger that allows you to talk to other players via the net, outside of the game', 'IDOC', 'Other', 'In Danger of Collapsing. The final decay stage of a house, before it collapses (disappears)', 'IDOC Camping', 'Action', 'Staking out a house in the hopes it will decay and drop all items inside on the floor ready for taking.', 'k', 'Other', 'Thousand. 10k = 10,000 (gold coins, ingots, arrows etc.)', 'Lag', 'Other', 'Internet latency, causing the connection to the game server to become slow', 'Lag Monster', 'Other', 'Whatever is causing the lag. Not an actual game monster.', 'Macro', 'Action', 'Use an external program to perform repeated tasks in game', 'mil', 'Other', 'Million. 10mil = 10 million gold', 'Net', 'Item', 'Special fishing net', 'Newbie, Noob, newB, noobie', 'Other', 'An unworthy opponent; a battle-cry; a new player; uninformed', 'Noto', 'Other', 'Notoriety Player Killer. A PK who not only kills non-innocent players but also does so repeatedly, and with no good in-game reasons, so as to be able to kill players without going red himself. A noto will typically attack any grey player on sight, even if the player went grey by accident, or perhaps flagged grey intentionally. Noto is a derogatory term, not used by the noto to refer to himself.', "Para, para'd, parad", 'Other', 'The casting of, or state of being under the effect of, the paralyze spell', 'Para ganked', 'Other', 'Death by repeated paralyze spells so that one cannot move throughout the short remainder of their impending doom. Often characterized by application of several x-pattern energy or paralyze fields as well..', 'PB', 'Other', 'Pure Black, the darkest color a Nightmare can be', 'PK', 'Other', 'Player Killer. A UO player that is out to kill other (mostly innocent) players in-game.', 'Plate', 'Item', 'Plate metal armor', 'Qstaff', 'Weapon', 'Quarter staff', 'Rares', 'Item', 'Uncommon or rare in-game items', 'Red', 'Other', 'Character with murderer status', 'RP', 'Action', 'Role-play', 'Semis', 'Item', 'Rare items that spawn once every 18 to 38 minutes', 'Server births', 'Item', 'Rare items that spawn once when a server becomes active', 'Shard', 'Other', 'Set of servers spanning one entire UO world', 'Shard births', 'Item', 'Very rare items that spawn once when a shard becomes active for the first time', 'T-map', 'Item', 'Treasure map. Used to find and dig up hidden treasure.', 'ToW', 'Other', 'Terms of War', 'Trammie', 'Other', 'Player who prefers playing on under Trammel ruleset', 'Vendor', 'Other', 'A player-maintained NPC merchant', 'Xbow', 'Weapon', 'Cross-bow', 'Xshard', 'Other', 'Across shards, normally used when trading or transferring to a different shard', 'Yoink, *yoink*', 'Other', 'To be one less of whatever you had', 'Art', 'Speech', 'Are (Thou art brave = You are brave)', 'Banz0rr3d', 'Speech', 'Forcibly removed from uo (banned)', 'cya', 'Speech', 'See you (later)', 'cul8r', 'Speech', 'See you later', 'd00d', 'Speech', 'dude', 'hail', 'Speech', 'hello', 'Hither', 'Speech', "Not precisely 'here'; it's more like 'to here, towards here (this point)'.", 'ic', 'Speech', 'I see', 'j/k', 'Speech', 'just kidding', 'j00', 'Speech', 'you', 'lamer', 'Speech', 'twink', 'leet, l33t, 1337, 371173', 'Speech', 'very good. Derived from "elite"', 'morrow', 'Speech', 'morning', 'roxxors', 'Speech', 'rocks', 'suxxors', 'Speech', 'sucks', 'thee', 'Speech', 'you (as in: to you)', 'thine', 'Speech', 'your', 'thou', 'Speech', 'you (as in: you have)', 'Rune', 'Item', 'Recall Rune', 'pwned', 'Speech', 'Owned', 'GM', 'Other', 'Game Master, Guild Master, Guild Mistress, Grand Master', 'Sploit', 'Speech', 'Exploit', 'Sploiter', 'Speech', 'One who uses exploits', 'Nujelm', 'Place', "Nujel'm", 'PE', 'Monster', 'Poison Elemental', 'Tub', 'Item', 'Dye Tub, Furniture Tub, Black Dye Tub', 'peekay, PK', 'Speech', 'PK, or player killer', 'Orphs', 'Monster', 'Ophidians', 'RoE', 'Speech', 'Rules of Engagement', 'Snakes', 'Monster', 'Not only snakes, but often ophidians', 'sup', 'Speech', "Hello, what's going on?", 'wazzup', 'Speech', "Hello, what's going on?", 'Atl', 'Shard', 'Atlantic', 'Muddy Buddies', 'Monster', 'Earth Elementals', 'GSS', 'Monster', 'Giant Silver Serpent', 'Cats', 'Shard', 'Catskills', 'Pac', 'Shard', 'Pacific', 'PKing', 'Action', 'Killing Players', 'OL', 'Place', 'Old Lands, large world area', 'Lates', 'Speech', 'Later', 'L8er', 'Speech', 'Later', 'bay', 'Speech', 'ebay', 'Hvy', 'Weapon', 'Heavy Cross-bow', 'Heavy', 'Weapon', 'Heavy Cross-bow', 'Aids', 'Item', 'Bandaids', 'Wep', 'Speech', 'Weapon', 'Dexxer', 'Other', 'Thief, Fighter - Character with high dexterity', 'Brit', 'Place', 'Britain', 'RC', 'Monster', 'Rotting Corpse', 'RC Room', 'Place', 'Rotting Corpse Room', 'Insta-Rez', 'Action', 'Instantly Resurrect', 'Rez-Kill', 'Action', 'The dastardly act of resurrecting and killing repeatedly', 'Virtue Weps', 'Weapon', 'Weapons of Virtue', 'PvP', 'Other', 'Player vs Player', 'PvM', 'Other', 'Player vs Monster', 'Oranges', 'Other', 'Opposing Guild/Faction', 'Greens', 'Other', 'Guilded', 'Smackdown', 'Speech', 'Kicked Butt', 'Cheapie', 'Speech', 'Wasted murder count', 'Jacked', 'Action', 'Ganked', 'TB', 'Other', 'True Brits', 'SL', 'Other', 'Shadow Lords - Factions', 'CoM', 'Other', 'Council of Mages - Factions', 'Min', 'Other', 'Minax - Factions', 'Sitters, Campers', 'Speech', 'Bank Sitters', 'Ankle Biter', 'Other', 'Skilless or New Fighter', 'Keep', 'Dungeon', 'Terrathan Keep', 'Liches', 'Dungeon', 'Deceit Lower Level', 'Trin', 'Place', 'Trinsic', 'Mag', 'Place', 'Magincia', "Buc's", 'Place', "Bucaneer's Den", 'Noobieville/town', 'Place', 'Haven', 'Valor', 'Place', 'Valor Island', 'Map', 'Item', 'Treasure Map', 'Ride', 'Item', 'Mount', 'CoS', 'Monster', 'Collector of Souls', 'Serp', 'Monster', 'Sea Serpent', 'Rats', 'Monster', 'Ratmen', 'ME', 'Monster', 'Meer Eternal', 'MM', 'Monster', 'Meer Mage', 'EW', 'Monster', 'Ethereal Warriors', 'Skeletal', 'Monster', 'Skeletal Dragon', 'Spid', 'Monster', 'Spider', 'OL', 'Monster', 'Ogre Lord', 'EG, Elders', 'Monster', 'Elder Gazers', 'Jacker', 'Skill', 'Lumberjack', 'LP', 'Skill', 'Lockpicking', 'Picking', 'Skill', 'Lockpicking', 'Picker', 'Other', 'Lockpicker', 'Lore', 'Skill', 'Arms or Animal Lore', 'ID', 'Skill', 'Item Identification', 'Taste', 'Skill', 'Taste Identification', 'Swords', 'Skill', 'Swordsmanship', 'Disarm', 'Skill', 'Disarm Thief - Combo Skill', 'SS', 'Skill', 'Spirit Speak', 'Carto, Cart', 'Skill', 'Cartography', 'E-Field', 'Spell', 'Energy Field', 'GH', 'Spell', 'Greater Heal', 'Chain, CL', 'Spell', 'Chain Lightning', 'SD', 'Spell', 'Summon Daemon', 'Morph', 'Spell', 'Polymorph', 'Exp', 'Spell', 'Explosion', 'PF, P-Field', 'Spell', 'Paralyze Field', 'Bard, Bardy', 'Weapon', 'Bardiche', 'Hammer', 'Weapon', 'War Hammer', 'Kat', 'Weapon', 'Katana', 'Broad, Broady', 'Weapon', 'Broadsword', 'Slayer', 'Weapon', 'Virtue Weapon', 'Scimi, Skimi', 'Weapon', 'Scimitar', 'Chessy, Chessie', 'Shard', 'Chesapeake', 'btw', 'Speech', 'by the way', 'otw', 'Speech', 'on the way', 'brt', 'Speech', 'be right there', 'brh', 'Speech', 'be right here', 'Kite', 'Item', 'Kite Shield', 'Loot', 'Action', 'Remove items from a corpse', 'l00t', 'Speech', 'loot, remove items from a corpse', 'Loot', 'Item', 'Gold, valuables - often removed from a corpse', 'HnK', 'Speech', 'Hugs and Kisses', 'hehe', 'Speech', 'Laughter', 'vil, villa', 'Item', 'house', 'ss', 'Item', 'sandstone house', 'Temple', 'Dungeon', 'Daemon Temple on Avatar Island', 'Fire Island', 'Place', 'Avatar Island', 'Tets', 'Monster', 'Terrathans', 'Ice', 'Place', 'Artic Island', 'Stone', 'Item', 'Guildstone, Moonstone', 'EU', 'Shard', 'Europa', 'nerfed', 'Speech', 'busted, broken, destroyed', 'In Lor', 'Action', 'Use nightsight spell', 'NS', 'Spell', 'Nightsight', 'g/f', 'Speech', 'girl friend', 'b/f', 'Speech', 'boy friend', 'Ocky', 'Shard', 'Oceania', '???', 'Speech', 'Huh?, Excuse me?, What?', 'PWW', 'Monster', 'Pure White Wyrm', 'MB', 'Spell', 'Mind Blast', 'Ebolt', 'Spell', 'Energy Bolt', 'Para', 'Spell', 'Paralyze', 'Barneyland', 'Place', 'Trammel', 'lol', 'Speech', 'laughing out loud', 'yer', 'Speech', 'your', 'emote', 'Other', 'Indicate emotion, as in *blushes*', 'Guard whacked', 'Action', 'Killed by a guard for committing a crime', 'Gump', 'Other', 'Graphical User Menu Pop-up - can be opened and closed', 'Justice Region', 'Place', 'Area surrounding towns and moongates where guards punish criminals', 'Manifest', 'Action', 'To become visible when dead', 'ooc', 'Speech', 'Out of Character, no longer role-playing', 'Spar', 'Action', 'To practice fighting or magery skills with a friend without the threat of death', 'Dynamic', 'Item', 'An item in the game which can be manipulated', 'Static', 'Item', 'An item in the game which can not be moved or manipulated', 'Xroad', 'Place', 'Crossroads', 'Pigeon', 'Other', 'ICQ', 'Capping', 'Action', 'Getting the maximum of 700 skill points', 'welx', 'Speech', 'welcome', 'SOS', 'Item', 'Message in bottle - Same as MIB', 'Coords', 'Other', 'Coordinates to a location', 'Wall up', 'Action', 'Make a wall at a doorway to prevent exit/entrance', 'X-heal', 'Action', 'Cross heal', 'ic', 'Speech', 'In character - playing a role', 'Permakill', 'Action', 'Permanently kill a character, usually for deletion', 'Halby, hally', 'Weapon', 'Halberd', 'Looter', 'Other', 'A person who loots dead players corpses - see Loot', 'Spammer', 'Other', 'A person who says the same sentence over and over', 'Spam, spamming', 'Action', 'To say the same sentence over and over', 'Scammer', 'Other', 'A person who gains items, usually valuable, by using devious, illegal methods', 'Scam', 'Action', 'To gain items, usually valuable, by using devious, illegal methods', 'LS', 'Weapon', 'Long spear', 'Char', 'Other', 'Character', 'Mule', 'Other', 'A secondary character created for quickly gathering resources (usually gold) or providing services (e.g., creating exceptional armor and weapons) for a primary character which cannot or does not want to devote skill points to those activities. Often created by players whose primary character is a PK, adventurer or merchant, and are often craftsmen of some sort. But the opposite also occurs, where, for example, an alchemist will create a monster basher mule to quickly raise funds to support alchemy', 'BS', 'Other', 'Blacksmith', 'Dex', 'Other', 'Dexterity - Stat', 'Str', 'Other', 'Strength - Stat - See Health', 'Int', 'Other', 'Intelligence - Stat - See Mana', 'Mana', 'Other', 'Needed for casting magic spells - equivalent to Intelligence', 'Health', 'Other', 'A measure of durability - equivalent to Strength', 'Hit points', 'Other', 'The number of points remaining before death - See Health', 'Stats', 'Other', 'The combination of Dexterity, Strength and Intelligence', 'Bbs', 'Item', 'Blessed black sandals', 'TB Mare', 'Item', 'True Black Nightmare', 'TWW', 'Monster', 'True White Wyrm', 'Nox Mage', 'Other', 'A character with magery and poisoning', 'Maze', 'Place', 'The Maze', 'Pit', 'Place', 'Jhelom Dueling Pit', 'Pure', 'Item', 'Pure Black Nightmare', 'ur', 'Speech', "your, you're", 'imma', 'Speech', "I'm a, I am a", 'Long', 'Item', 'Long Mane Nightmare', 'Reg', 'Item', 'Short Mane Nightmare', 'Ridgies, Ridgys', 'Item', 'Ridgebacks', 'Dessies, Dessys', 'Item', 'Desert Ostards', 'haxxor', 'Speech', 'hacker', 'Hit the stone', 'Action', 'Dbl-click the faction stone or guildstone', 'UOA', 'Other', 'Ultima Online Assist - Third party software', 'UOAM', 'Other', 'Ultima Online Auto Map - Third party software', 'gl', 'Speech', 'good luck', 'Dex Monkey', 'Other', 'A character with high dexterity', 'Restock', 'Action', 'To restock a vendor', 'Reg up', 'Action', 'Get more reagents, usually prior to a hunting adventure', 'Stat Loss', 'Action', 'Loss of stats due to murder', 'Revert', 'Action', 'Server outage - revert to previous data backup - Timewarp', 'Timewarp', 'Action', 'Server outage - warp back to previous data backup - Revert', 'Ping', 'Action', 'Test the amount of lag - a timing action', 'owned', 'Speech', 'I own you, your life, you are defeated', 'thy', 'Speech', 'your - belonging to thee', 'Red robed', 'Other', 'Game Master', 'Gods', 'Other', 'Game Masters', 'Client', 'Other', 'The program on your computer that communicates with the server', 'God Client', 'Other', 'The program used by Game Masters - Added capability', 'Flag', 'Action', 'Becoming grey, criminal - often intentionally', 'woot', 'Speech', 'An emotional phrase - I DID IT! YOU DID IT! HOORAY!', 'Ice Island', 'Place', 'Same as Artic Island', 'otoh', 'Speech', 'on the other hand', 'ow', 'Speech', 'overweight', 'ppl', 'Speech', 'people', 'tele', 'Speech', 'teleport', 'convo', 'Speech', 'conversation', 'rot', 'Other', 'rate over time', 'lost conn', 'Speech', 'lost connection', 'para-tame', 'Speech', 'paralyze-tame - a method of paralyzing a target in order to more easily tame it', 'Bug', 'Other', 'A glitch in the game causing an error of some type.', 'Ancients', 'Monster', 'Ancient wyrms', 'Wyrm', 'Monster', 'White wyrm', 'True black', 'Other', 'The most black an item can be. Also Pure Black', 'Pure black', 'Other', 'The most black an item can be. Also True Black', 'Mag', 'Shard', 'Magincia', 'Base', 'Other', 'A faction stronghold', 'Earthy', 'Monster', 'Earth elemental', 'Anat', 'Skill', 'Anatomy', 'Insta-log, instalog', 'Action', "Log out in a location, such as an inn or one's own house, where your character immediately disappears from the game.", 'Ice', 'Dungeon', 'Ice Dungeon - and - Isle of Honesty, Arctic Isle', 'BOD', 'Item', 'Bulk Order Deed', 'Green acres', 'Place', 'An area on the map that is not legitimately an open area of the game, but which nevertheless some players managed to get runes to at some point. Used for testing by OSI personnel and, at one time, for training counselors.', 'Main', 'Other', 'Main character - the primary character used in the game.', 'Griefer', 'Other', "A player who repeatedly and intentionally engages in actions designed to interfere with other people's enjoyment of the game. A derogatory term.", 'Lord', 'Monster', 'Orc Lord or Ogre Lord', //=============================================================== // EDIT: Vintage //=============================================================== 'Ruin', 'Weapon', 'Weapon modifier', 'Might', 'Weapon', 'Weapon modifier', 'Force', 'Weapon', 'Weapon modifier', 'Power', 'Weapon', 'Weapon modifier', 'Vanq', 'Weapon', 'Weapon of Vanquishing', 'Emm acc', 'Weapon', 'Eminently Accurate - Weapon Modifier', 'Sup acc', 'Weapon', 'Surpassingly Accurate - Weapon Modifier', 'Dur', 'Weapon', 'Durable - Weapon Modifier', 'ar', 'Speech', 'armor rating', 'Silver', 'Weapon', 'Weapon modifier - increases ability to kill undead', 'Archer Suit', 'Item', 'A light armor combination', 'Dread', 'Other', 'A Dread Lord/Lady. Mostly obsolete since the glory days of the Dreads was pre T2A.', '7xGM', 'Other', 'A player with 7 skills at maximum (100) level.', 'UO3d', 'Other', 'The 3d (Third Dawn) client', 'UO:LBR, LBR', 'Other', "Ultima Online: Lord Blackthorn's Revenge", 'LBR', 'Other', "Lord Blackthorn's Revenge, a UO expansion kit", 'Avocado', 'Other', 'Seer', 'Perma', 'Other', 'Short for permanently grey, which affects a thief who has stolen from someone.', 'PH', 'Other', 'Power Hour', 'BH', 'Other', 'Burst Hour - Same as Power Hour', 'Smurf', 'Other', 'Counselor', 'cunslor, councelor', 'Other', 'counselor', 'UO:R', 'Other', 'Ultima Online Renaissance. An expansion pack for UO.', 'Stunner', 'Skill', 'Mage of Thief with Stun Punch - Combo Skill', '8x8', 'Other', 'Method to gain skills using an invisible grid of 8x8 map tiles', 'See-saw', 'Other', 'To manipulate stats fast using two stat modifying skills', 'Peach, Peachy', 'Other', 'Ingame supporter, replaced for Counselors', 'c&o, c/o', 'Speech', 'chaos and order', 'T2A', 'Other', 'Ultima Online - The Second Age. An expansion pack that added the Lost Lands of Delucia and Papua to the game.', //=============================================================== // EDIT: New entries 2010 //=============================================================== 'Sammy', 'Other', 'A Samurai, a character with bushido skill', 'Sampire', 'Other', 'A Samurai using Vampire Embrace spell', 'Necro', 'Other', 'A Necromancer, a character using necromancy skill', 'Necro', 'Skill', 'Necromancy', ); //=============================================================== // TYPE: Show only chosen reference from navigator bar //=============================================================== if ( $Col == "" ) { $Col = "1"; }; // Initially, no column selection $b = array (); $j = 0; if ($Col == "0") { for ($i = 0; $i < count($a); $i += 3) { $b[$j++] = strtolower($a[$i].$a[$i + 1]); } } elseif ($Col == "2") { for ($i = 2; $i < count($a); $i += 3) { $b[$j++] = strtolower($a[$i]); } } else { for ($i = 1; $i < count($a); $i += 3) { $b[$j++] = strtolower($a[$i].$a[$i - 1]); } } asort ($b); reset ($b); ?>
Ultima Online Gaming Lingo | ||
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