Sailing Vessels
Ship People Hold Size Cost Description
Small Ship 12 400 Stones 12,500 GP This is the smallest ship available, it is highly maneuverable, especially in crowded ports. A great ship if you want to travel alone or with a few friends, but with anymore than a few it is quite a tight fit. However if it is just you and your cargo this makes a fine ship.
Small Dragon Ship 12 400 Stones 12,500 GP Similar to the small standard ship in size and performance, however the prominent dragon head on the prow shows that this ship is built for war.
Medium Ship 15 400 Stones 14,200 GP This is the typical midsize ship. It is a good blend of maneuverability, and room. A great ship if you want to bring a small to medium adventuring party to Hythloth and bring back a few loads of treasure. This ship is also good for shipping large amounts of ore or ingots from the more remote mountains to the cities.
Med. Dragon Ship 15 400 Stones 14,200 GP Similar to the medium standard ship in size and performance, however the prominent dragon head on the prow shows that this ship is built for war.
Large Ship 18 400 Stones 15,900 GP If you need to move large numbers of people or great quantities of cargo, this is the ship for you. This is the largest ship sailing the seas of Britannia.
Large Dragon Ship 18 400 Stones 15,900 GP Similar to the large standard ship in size and performance, however the prominent dragon head on the prow shows that this ship is built for war. If you want a ship to bring your army to bear on an enemy, this is the ship for you.
"People" indicates how many individual tiles compose the ship's deck (tiles being the map squares that characters occupy)--the tillerman is not counted. Prices are approximates and may vary due to economic conditions, etc. Sorted by size. Descriptions and screenshots courtesy of Captian Enosh Flam.