NOTE: The following information is official documention for Mondain's Legacy, as described by Electronic Arts. If you have written your own unofficial guide about the new Collections found in UO, please send it to UO Stratics at [email protected] for publication to our website.
Cooperative Collections, or Community Collections as they are also called, allow players to donate gold and other resources towards various group efforts, such as supporting the Britain Public Library or maintaining the Britannia Royal Zoo in Moonglow. Cooperative Collections allow individuals to donate and earn rewards based on their direct participation towards the group effort, adding a new way to obtain exclusive decorative and functional items. In addition, contributing to a collective effort can be beneficial to every player on a shard. Repopulating the Royal Zoo, for example, will be quicker with a group effort and offers an opportunity for every shard-member to enjoy the results. Below are some examples of what you'll now find when visiting the Zoo on Verity Isle (just south of the city of Moonglow):

Help support the Royal Britannian zoo!

A small sample of the rewards the Royal Britannian Zoo Society
will bestow upon those who donate generously.

One of the many creatures that you can help bring back to the Zoo!