NOTE: The following information is official documention for Mondain's Legacy, as described by Electronic Arts. If you have written your own unofficial guide for the Spell Weaving Skill, please send it to UO Stratics at [email protected] for publication to our website.
As if in a dream, you ponder the cosmic forces of the multiverse. Numerous strands of astral energy form into enigmatic equations. They swirl around inside your mind attempting to engulf you like raging tempest. As the temporal storm calms, you come to an inchoate realization. You are able to calm it; you are able to understand it; you are able to control it. As you awaken, you feel invigorated with the arcane knowledge of the Elves. You have now learned the rudiments of epic spellcasting: Spellweaving.
Spellweaving is a new skill of magic that allows an arcanist (the official title of a spellweaver) to summon powerful forces of nature and manifest them into various spell effects. Channeling such power is often done in concert with other arcanists. Such cooperative casting allows for arcanists to weave titanic magic that would otherwise be impossible for a mortal to command.
To learn the art of spellweaving, one must find an experienced arcanist willing to accept you into the community.
Note: Spellweaving is part of the Mondain's Legacy expansion pack. The contents of this page were correct at the time of publish.

Click a spell for details.
Arcane Circle - Myrshalee
Mana Cost: 24
Minimum Skill Needed: 0.1
Casting Delay: 0.5
Duration: 1-5 hours (Skill Level Real / 240, minimum 1) (+1 hour per additional arcanist)
Area of Effect: Caster and up to 5 other arcanists standing within an arcane circle.
The caster and up to four participating arcanists must stand inside an arcane circle. When the caster invokes this spell, a magically charged emerald (called an arcane focus) is created for the caster and each participating arcanist. The arcane focus increases duration, spell damage, healing spell effectiveness, and area of effect for the activator�s Spellweaving spells.
Gift of Renewal - Olorisstra
Mana Cost: 24
Minimum Skill Needed: 0.1
Casting Delay: 3.0
Duration: 1-5 minutes (Skill Level Real / 240, minimum 1)
Area of Effect: Caster or 1 target
Arcane Circle Bonus: +1 health regeneration per additional arcanist. +1 minute duration per additional arcanist. +2% cure poison chance per additional arcanist.
Increases the recipient�s natural health regeneration for the duration of the spell. Can cure poison one time, and then the spell immediately ends. If the recipient gets poisoned after this spell�s initial casting, the spell will attempt to cure poison one time. If the cure poison attempt is successful, then the gift of renewal expires as normal.
Immolating Weapon - Thalshara
Mana Cost: 26
Minimum Skill Needed: 0.1
Casting Delay: 1.0
Duration: 11-15 seconds (10 + (Skill Level Real / 240, minimum 1))
Area of Effect: 1 Weapon (must be equipped by caster)
Arcane Circle Bonus: +1 damage per additional arcanist. +1 second duration per additional arcanist.
Temporarily enchants a bow or melee weapon so that it inflicts extra fire damage per hit.
Attune Weapon - Haeldril
Mana Cost: 26
Minimum Skill Needed: 0.1
Casting Delay: 1.0
Duration: 11-15 seconds (10 + (Skill Level Real / 240, minimum 1))
Area of Effect: 1 Weapon (must be equipped by target)
Arcane Circle Bonus: +1 second duration per additional arcanist.
The arcanist becomes one with an enemy�s weapon. This curse lessens damage inflicted by an enemy�s weapon by 50% for the duration of the spell.
Thunderstorm - Erelonia
Mana Cost: 29
Minimum Skill Needed: 10.1
Casting Delay: 1.5
Duration: Damage is instantaneous. Any victim interrupted while spellcasting receives a penalty to faster cast recovery for a duration of 5 seconds, unless it successfully makes a successful Resisting Spells skill check.
Area of Effect: 1 Weapon (must be equipped by target)
Arcane Circle Bonus: +1 damage per additional arcanist. +1 tile radius per additional arcanist. +1 second duration per additional arcanist.
A thunderous boom temporarily smites opponents with physical damage and may reduce spellcasting recovery time for the duration of the spell.
Nature�s Fury - Rauvvrae
Mana Cost: 29
Minimum Skill Needed: 10.1
Casting Delay: 1.5
Duration: 26-30 seconds (25 + (Skill Level Real / 240, minimum 1)) or until slain (whichever comes first)
Area of Effect: 1 insect swarm
Arcane Circle Bonus: +1 damage for each insect swarm attack per additional arcanist. +2 seconds duration per additional arcanist.
Summons a swarm of insects that inflict poison damage upon its victim. The more it is angered, the more damage it inflicts.
Summon Fey - Alalithra
Mana Cost: 31
Minimum Skill Needed: 24.1
Casting Delay: 2.0
Duration: 1-5 minutes (Skill Level Real / 240, minimum 1) or until slain (whichever comes first)
Area of Effect: 1 lesser fey
Arcane Circle Bonus: 1 fey per additional arcanist (5 max). +1 minute duration per additional arcanist.
Summons one or more lesser fey to fight, follow, and guard the arcanist. Note that this spell is acquired through the questing system, and does not drop as loot.
Summon Fiend - Nylisstra
Mana Cost: 31
Minimum Skill Needed: 24.1
Casting Delay: 2.0
Duration: 1-5 minutes (Skill Level Real / 240, minimum 1) or until slain (whichever comes first)
Area of Effect: 1 lesser fiend
Arcane Circle Bonus: +1 fiend per additional arcanist. +1 minute duration per additional arcanist.
Summons one or more lesser fiends to fight, follow, and guard the arcanist. Note that this spell is acquired through the questing system, and does not drop as loot.
Reaper Form - Tarisstree
Mana Cost: 34
Minimum Skill Needed: 38.1
Casting Delay: 2.5
Duration: Permanent until the caster assumes another form
Area of Effect: Caster only
Arcane Circle Bonus: +1% to swing speed increase, spell damage increase, and resists per additional arcanist.
Transforms the caster into a reaper. This provides bonuses to swing speed, spell damage, and resists. However, while in this form, the caster is susceptible to fire and moves at a slower speed.
Wildfire - Haelyn
Mana Cost: 34
Minimum Skill Needed: 38.1
Casting Delay: 2.5
Duration: 1-5 seconds (Skill Level Real / 240, minimum 1)
Area of Effect: 5 tile radius
Arcane Circle Bonus: +1 tile radius per additional arcanist. +1 damage per additional arcanist. +1 second duration per additional arcanist.
A blast of intense fire inflicts fire damage on all opponents within its area of effect. Lasts for several seconds.
Essence of Wind - Anathrae
Mana Cost: 40
Minimum Skill Needed: 52.1
Casting Delay: 3.0
Duration: Damage is instantaneous. Any victim chilled receives a penalty to swing speed increase and faster casting for a duration of 1-5 seconds, unless it successfully makes a successful Resisting Spells skill check.
Area of Effect: 5 tile radius
Arcane Circle Bonus: +1 tile radius per additional arcanist. +1 damage per additional arcanist. +1 second duration per additional arcanist.
A blast of cold air inflicts cold damage on all enemies within its area of effect. Enemies attack and cast spells slower while under this spell�s chill effect. Chill effects last for several seconds.
Dryad Allure - Rathril
Mana Cost: 40
Minimum Skill Needed: 52.1
Casting Delay: 3.0
Duration: Permanent, until slain
Area of Effect: Caster only
Arcane Circle Bonus: +2% chance to Charm humanoid per additional arcanist.
Like a dryad, allows the caster to charm humanoids (not player characters) and command them to do her bidding.
Ethereal Voyage - Orlavdra
Mana Cost: 60
Minimum Skill Needed: 66.1
Casting Delay: 3.5
Duration: 26-30 seconds (25 + (Skill Level Real / 240, minimum 1)), or the caster performs a hostile action (whichever comes first)
Area of Effect: Caster only
Arcane Circle Bonus: +2 seconds duration per additional arcanist.
Allows the arcanist to wander around in an ethereal form as if under the effects of monster ignore. Effect ends after the duration expires or when the caster performs a hostile action (whichever comes first). The arcanist is still visible to other player characters and may be attacked by other player characters as normal. Cannot be used during the heat of battle.
Word of Death - Nyraxle
Mana Cost: 50
Minimum Skill Needed: 80.0
Casting Delay: 3.5
Duration: Instantaneous
Area of Effect: 1 target
Arcane Circle Bonus: +5% hit points per additional arcanist.
This spell can possibly slay any one creature that is under 5-30% of its maximum health. Player characters and creatures that are not slain outright take energy damage instead.
Gift of Life - Illorae
Mana Cost: 70
Minimum Skill Needed: 80.1
Casting Delay: 4.0
Duration: 1-5 minutes (Skill Level Real / 240, minimum 1)
Area of Effect: Caster or 1 tamed (must be bonded) creature under the control of the arcanist
Arcane Circle Bonus: +1 minute duration per additional arcanist.
Death during this spell effect can possibly be reversed for the arcanist or a bonded pet under her control. If the caster or a bonded pet dies while under the effects of this spell, then she/it is instantly resurrected, restored to 50% health, cured of all poisons, and the spell ends. Only the arcanist and her bonded pets may be resurrected in this manner.
Arcane Empowerment - Aslavdra
Mana Cost: 50
Minimum Skill Needed: 24.0
Casting Delay: 4.0
Duration: 16-20 seconds (15 + (Skill Level Real / 240, minimum 1))
Area of Effect: Caster only
Arcane Circle Bonus: +10% (+1% vs. player characters) damage modifier per additional arcanist. +5% healing modifier per additional arcanist. +2 seconds duration per additional arcanist.
For the duration of this spell, the caster�s damaging spells and healing spells are increased in effectiveness. Summoned creatures and animated undead are also increased in effectiveness.