Reputation FAQ: Bards
How will the Provocation skill work?
Provoking a creature sets the bard as the creature's controller. As soon as the provoked creature attacks another target, the bard is no longer the controller of that creature. If the creature attacks an Innocent (different from the original target) after the initial provocation, then the bard will no longer be the controller, and the bard will not be flagged as a Criminal or Aggressor towards the Innocent.

The following explains how provoking a creature to attack a target relates to Karma, Fame and Criminal flagging:

  • Creatures dying as a result of Provocation does result in Fame or Karma gain for the Bard.
  • If the target is a pet or good NPC, the bard is flagged as a Criminal. If the pet or good NPC dies, the bard will lose Karma.
  • If the target is an Innocent, the bard is flagged as a Criminal and Aggressor and he can be reported as a Murderer if the Innocent dies. (This will also result in the normal Karma loss associated with being reported)
How long do I remain set as the controller?
As long as the creature is in combat with the original target.
Will successful use of the Peacemaking skill remove my name from a creature's controller status?
No. Your name will be removed as soon as the creature attacks another target.

Earl the Bard, an innocent, provokes the Collector of Souls (a Balrog) to attack a lesser Daemon. The Balrog kills the Daemon, then immediately attacks the Innocent Bob, another player in the room. Bob dies. The Balrog moves on to attack several other players and only after a large group of them has perished is it killed in its weakened state by Mac the Mage.
Is Earl an Aggressor? If so, to whom?
Earl is not an Aggressor to anyone.
Is Earl a criminal?
Earl is not flagged a Criminal.
Can Earl be reported as a murderer?
No, because he did not provoke the Balrog to attack an Innocent directly.
What happens to Earl's Karma?
What happens to Earl's Fame?