Somethin' ya don't see every day! (pic)

.. UO Stratics - Counselor Blues ..

Posted by Counselor Tai`an on May 20, 1999 at 21:46:59:

Hail everyone!

I see that I shall be your only sense of entertainment for the time being, so I'm posting something thats...well...sorta a week old. Sorry about that! Here are two screenshots of a guy who had worked his way down to Evil Lord, and was going for Dread Lord. First time I've personally seen someone with a title that far down, so out of good will and because its pretty rare, I've decided to post it! Enjoy!

(**NOTE** - My previous posts with pictures no longer work, I had to take them out of my FTP, sorry!)

Evil LordEvil Lord

Hope ya like! I'll post again soon, and when I do, the information will be right, I'll check every square inch of to make sure!

Counselor Tai`an
"I am a God, yes. But don't tell my SRCs or the GMs on duty about it. They might get jealous" - I didn't say that. Really. I didn't. ;-)
