Misinterpretation... Almost lead to a GM page in harassment...

.. UO Stratics - Counselor Blues ..

Posted by Counselor Trey on February 07, 1999 at 22:44:28:

Well as a blue robed counselor, I see a lot of calls about ships being lost, and players needing help finding one. This player never had both master keys, so the sad story was a GM would not help because ownership could not be verified. He was complaining mainly because he could not see the plank of a ship he parked way to far from shore, and when i told him there was nothing we could do to make it easier, he went on to speak about it for a while. He was fine to talk to, and a great person, and when i was about to leave, and pass it to a GM because he really wanted to know if at all he would be helped, he said "thanks for listening to me bitch." I was rather shocked, and i went on to tell him the Msg i send the GM wont be light on his part, but a harasment call. He quickly explained he meant bitch as in complain, but not as in I am one. Dah well, confusion is part of life.

*hopes to find more to tell ya in the near future*
