And you are stuck...?

.. UO Stratics - Counselor Blues ..

Posted by Counselor Aquillion on February 24, 1999 at 14:02:07:

It was a busy night in the Que. Some 5-6 entries down I noticed a cry for help. The message read "I am stuck and cannot move." That poor unfortunate soul! I know how frustrating it can be to be stuck and unable to move! Sadly, he had no choice but to wait until we had helped the individuals that were ahead of him in the Que.

Eventually we had cleared or were handling all the calls before him, and I found myself the lucky counselor who was going to be able to save this fellow's night of fun in our world. So I magically transported myself to his location and...

Found myself standing next to him beside the First Bank of Britain.
"Hmmm, you are stuck...," I inquired?
"I got tired of waiting for one of you to show up," he replied, "so I walked back here instead."

Counselor Aquillion
