Strange Weddings

.. UO Stratics - Counselor Blues ..

Posted by Counselor Praetorius on February 26, 1999 at 09:56:49:

Well, we all know how we counselors often perform weddings. Well, then it was no suprise when we saw a call for a wedding in the queue. I went there, only to find out the couple to be married....were two polar bears!

The owners were afraid their bears had been living in sin for too long, and were afraid their worst fears would come true....bastard bears.

So, after chuckling to myself, I improvised a small prayer to the gods of the Sky and the Earth, proclaiming them "Bear and Bear, you may now kiss the Bear."

The ownsers appeared to like what they saw, as one clapped, the other wept, then both thanked me.

Right as I was going onto the next call, their parting words rang in my ears...
"*Cough cough* Wedding gift *cough*".....
