Blackmith's Shop, Large

Floorplan Courtesy of: The WeatherClan
Cost: Currently Unavailable (was 152,800 GP)
Floors: 1
Rooms: 3 + Patio
Max. Items: 1100
Max. Lockdowns: 1100
Max. Secure Containers: 8
Image Scale: 1:2
This building ROCKS, and in my opinion it is the best building in the game. It is designed to be a retail shop. Not only is the exterior door lockable, but if you open it, the door to the Patio can also be locked, so you can actually conduct business. From the front Room, you can NOT teleport to any of the other rooms or the Patio. You can open a trade window across the counter. This ofcourse is great if you want to conduct business from behind the counter.
There is of course a downside... Anyone can smelt their Ore on the forge from outside the fence, but they can not use the anvil. If nothing else, you will have no shortage of ingots to buy :)


First Floor: