[ORB HQ] Dragon's Tower
of the Dragon's Nest Player Run Town
Oceania, Trammel.
Owned by Bendog of ORB (Order of the Rising Blade)
Location: 33�11'E 57�23'S
"Dragon's Nest is the name of the new ORB Guild Town which
lies just north of Trinsic on the Trammel facet, right next to the swamp. Besides a ORB HQ
Dragon Tower with rune library, 2nd HQ is Virtue Tower (North behind Dragon Tower)this
houses roof area for combat, Dragon's Nest has a Tavern, a Virtues Church and Militant
Order of Paladins Chaptor House, guild Hall,
Military unit chaptor houses, Shadow HQ Chaptor House for training, and supply depot
towers and lastly members private residences"
