Tinkerbell's Tower

Catskills, Trammel

Owned by Tinkerbell

Located sourth of Minoc on Covetous Mountain's North Face.

First Floor favorite feature is the back room. I have all types of GM artisans: Tinker, Tailor, Bowyer, Smithy, Carpenter, Poisoner Alchemist, Scribe, Fisherman. With the compact design of the back room, each of the two center thrones has access to equipment and 8 chests each. There are 14 chests in the room. This opened up the rest of the tower for entertaining and for decorating.

The second floor is a Library designed for quiet visits as well as a compact Rune Library.

The Third floor is my armor and weapon display room. Vanquishing weapons are displayed as well as my Full Deamon Bone armor and my Ranger Suit.

The Roof is for large meetings and some training. I especially liked the effect of the Tribal Spear weapon racks. Orc hides adorn the floor.