Father of the Damned: |
DR: 10 |
OR: 10 |
Fame: ? |
Poison: ? |
Magic: 8th |
Tame: ? |
Karma: ? |
Loot: |
? |
Commonly Found: |
Hythlothl Level 3 |

"T'was an Evil beast that attacked us in Hythloth! The "Father of the Damned"! It killed more than 30 people and continued to slay all that entered with earthquakes and blasts of hellish flame that meant death to all who came near it. It moved like lightning, faster than any monster I have ever seen, and was the color of crimson blood. If ever you meet this beast, I advise incredible caution, for't can walk through the walls themselves! Listen for its speech, for tis' nothing like ye have ever heard in yer life!"
-Lord Hydra (Chesapeake)
"just wanted to tell you about this new blood-red daemon that i saw in Hythloth. Father of the Damned. Really cool... it makes the sound of a hellhound before it shoots this incredibly strong fireball at you (It takes 1 fireball to kill you!) I think it was GM-controlled because I was behind the wall in Hythloth level 3 that you could cast spells thru.... it came up to the wall, and after 2 seconds or so appeared on the other side. I thought it was gonna kill me cause it cornered me but I reflected his fireball back at him and it died. Pretty cool eh? Then another one came cause I guess the GMs thought that that daemon didn't do enough damage. A lot of fame and karma, but a Balron's loot."
-Hell Knight (Chesapeake)
"He never shot insta killing fireballs. They were just as powerful as any balron's fireballs. All he was is a GM played Balron. He died too fast the first time, due to 2 Energy Vortexes. So he came back. He did kill over 30 or 40 people the second time. He teleported through walls, walked fast, and opened doors. He never talked. I also feel as though it was me who invoked him. I paged a GM asking to speed up the spawn in Hyloth 3. What do you know, not 10 minutes later he appeared! I can only assume the GM I paged played him..."