[Intro Music]

Bundor Bard:
I'm Bundor Bard and you're listening to Britannia Network News.
BNN has gone to a new weekly format and we have some marvelous things in store for you today. We're waiting to hear from Lilia Morgan, who has arranged for us to receive a direct communication crystal transmission from within Lord British's Castle. Our Monarch has spent much of the last week in a secret meeting with Shamino and Nystul. Only his closest advisors were privy to his location. This must have been where...


Bundor Bard:
Hold on! It sounds as if Lord British has appeared. Lilia we're hearing a wonderful fanfare and flourish now. What's going on down there?

Lilia Morgan:
Well, Lord British has indeed entered the chamber and is moving slowly toward the center of the dais in front of his throne. I can say to you truly Bundor, that I've had the privilege of seeing Lord British in person only twice before this night and I have never seen him look anything like this. He appears haggard and weary with his brow deeply furrowed. Dupre and Nystul stand to his side. Shamino however is no where to be seen. Bundor there is a bit of a stir as Lord Blackthorne has just entered the room. Dupre has stepped aside to allow Blackthorne to stand just to the side of Lord British. If I didn't know any better, I'd say that I just saw a faint smile briefly light upon the face of our liege as he glanced over to his friend.


Lilia Morgan:
Lord British has turned to face the assembly.

Lord British:
I bid thee greetings, fellow citizens of Britannia. 'Tis not a joyous or uplifting message I bring to thee this night, for our realm faces a great flux and change. I often stand on the castle wall as the day grows faint and gaze out into the realm. In times past, mine eyes would rest upon pale leaves fluttering in the winds as a playful magpie dodged among the branches of a majestic tree. A small nest among the frail upper branches was the magpie's home. It swooped down to the ground to find berries and grain, despite constant danger from many predators. When a particularly fierce wind tore the magpie's nest from the tree, the small bird resolutely began searching for small twigs with which to rebuild its home. Whenever a traveller passed within its vision, the magpie never failed to chatter to its visitor welcomingly, willing to share its home and territory. Season after season, the little magpie lived life through both adversity and delight, but a time came when I saw the magpie no longer. I strode to the tree to find if it was hurt. As I approached, a tainted breeze beset me. The rancid for of a zombie raised itself from the base of the tree. It launched a feeble swipe at me with a bloated and oozing fist, but 'twas easily evaded and I revoked the foul energies that gave the zombie its twisted translation of life. The tree had obviously suffered greatly from the presence of the zombie and was dying, but I could find no sign of the magpie. Disheartened, I turned and began walking back to the castle. Lost in contemplation, my steps wandered a bit. My path took me past a small willow and I was welcomed by a warm twittering. I looked in among the diverging branches, nestled not far from where I stood, was a small nest and standing on a branch not far from the nest was the magpie. Undaunted by the loss of its tree, the magpie had found a new one and was starting again. Hope and promise filled its songs. When I now look out upon the land there is turmoil and anguish. The terrible evils wrought by Minax recently have brought out the best in many of our fellow Britannians. We have bravely fought her at every turn and have managed to thwart the dark witch and yet the war continues to rage. Minax has marshalled a massive force that she intends to bring to bear on our realm, laying waste to all in her path. Startlingly, this is not the end sought by Minax, Britannia is more than the object of her hatred. Minax seeks more than just satisfying her lust for revenge. Make no mistake, she desires those greatly and holds no love for us. We remind her of all she once had and yet lost and she blames us for that loss. Yet an even greater need than revenge and hatred drive Minax. This need overpowers even the twisted delights Minax derives in tormenting those she abhors. The domain in which Minax resides has been depleted. Her land is an empty husk that is diseased and broken and Minax has no choice but to abandon it and leave it to die. Simple contempt would be enough for Minax. Revenge more than ample reason, but added to the fervor of her attack is the desperation of a cornered rat, with but little choice other than to crawl her way to a new sanctuary. We do not yet have any means with which to bar Minax from our realm. If we cannot destroy her, then we would be forced to share this realm with Minax and her minions. Even were that possible, she would not hesitate to devour this land as she did the one before it. She would not spare any effort in ensuring that this land is hers. She would not be willing to share. Minax does not play well with others. The attacks on our realm grow ever bolder and more destructive. Not even our beautiful shrines to the eight virtues have been left free of the onslaught of Minax. Our victories in Trinsic and in battle elsewhere, have only spurred Minax to further heights. We have but little time before she unleashes her hordes upon us. The moment is upon us forthwith, there can be little delay. As did the resilient magpie, we must find comfort in a new nest. Rest assured that it will be virtually indistinguishable from the one we now inhabit, but safe with the knowledge that Minax will be unable to enter. Ready thyself, one and all. The time comes quickly. Nystul, even now, begins to prepare the means and in but short days hence, we shall away.


Lilia Morgan:
Well Bundor, it's quickly become a mad house here. I can see a man from Moonglow with other mages gesturing wildly and yelling, but at this time, I am unsure as to what exactly has caused their outrage. Lord British has stopped beside Lord Blackthorne as he's preparing to leave. They appear to be exchanging words. Lord British has just departed with a sad smile and Lord Blackthorne is heading for the doors. I'm making my way to the main doors to see if I can get a few comments from Lord Blackthorne on this speech. Lord Blackthorne, Lord Blackthorne!

Lord Blackthorne:
Excuse me miss, I must be on my way.

Lilia Morgan:
Lord Blackthorne, I'm Lilia Morgan with the Britannia News Network. We're transmitting live, right now, to quite a few listeners. Do you have a moment to share some of your thoughts with us on this important day?

Lord Blackthorne:
I do not believe your listeners have a care for my thoughts Lilia, but I will indulge you for a moment.

Lilia Morgan:
Thank you my lord. Having listened to Lord British, what is your reaction to the things we've heard today?

Lord Blackthorne:
[Sighs deeply]
The world will never be the same. I grieve for my old friend. He has no choice but to do this thing that he and Nystul planned.

Lilia Morgan:
What do you mean by that sir?

Lord Blackthorne:
Anyone who understands the true motivation of Lord British knows that he has sought, without pause, to bring harmony to our fractured world. In the course of events, we are sometimes driven to sacrifice a pawn in order to remove a queen.

Lilia Morgan:
I understand that you are a consummate chess player Lord Blackthorne. Do you have any kind of anecdote or metaphor for the strategy of survival Lord British described for us here today?

Lord Blackthorne:
My dear, your acumen is astounding. The metaphor here is difficult to peg. We might possible describe what has happened here as a queen's move to stalemate the game after a long attempt by a king to castle with his rook and on that note, I must be on my way.

Lilia Morgan:
One last question Lord Blackthorne. What are your plans? Will you follow Lord British into his new world?

Lord Blackthorne:
[Thoughtful sigh]
Much has been revealed these last few days and will require great forethought to make this well deliberated plan of action successful. I can not yet say what my plans will be, for I have not made any conclusive decisions. At the very least, I will not interfere with what British intends and honestly wish him well. I am not as confident in their course, yet I can not honestly state that I can provide a better one. Of one thing I am certain though, few will walk away from the coming days without being effected in a most profound manner. And now I wish you a good evening Lilia.

Lilia Morgan:
And to you as well Lord Blackthorne. Well Bundor, there you have it. Lord Blackthorne has made his way out of the castle and the few visitors are making their way toward the exits or toward a moongate summoned by a nearby mage.

Bundor Bard:
Extraordinary events Lilia. Thank you for your report and thank you for listening. Stay tuned to BNN for more news after this word.

Female voice:
Hey!! Give me back my Minax doll!

Another female voice:
What do you mean your Minax doll? It's mine now orc breath. Finders keepers, losers weepers.

Female voice:
I said give it back! Corp por!

Another female voice:
Ohhhh! Dad!!

Male voice:
Betty, what are you doin'? Who taught you to say that? Tell me.

Female voice:

Male voice:
Who taught you to say that?

Female voice:
You did Dad! You did!

Third Female voice:
Parents who corp por have children who corp por. This message has been brought to you by Parents for a Bolt Free Britannia.

Bundor Bard:
You're back with BNN. Standing by is Lucinda of Yew with a brief commentary on a recent event in Britannia. Lucinda?

Thank you Bundor, here at BNN, we reporters and editors have been swimming in a sea of grim headlines for many weeks. Therefor BNN was delighted to find this rare gem that we hope holds out a promise of peace for us all. You see, just a few short weeks ago, Paxlair's mayor Winfield selected the former Orc Guard Ruglug to fill the appointment of the high office of Chancellor. When questioned about the selection of an orc, a race that has for so long been hostile to humans, Mayor Winfield reluctantly admitted that while some of the towns people were displeased with Ruglug's appointment, his reasons for the appointment were sound. Apparently the recent discovery of ruins in Paxlair indicated the presence of orcs in that area much earlier then previously considered. Further exploration has verified that indeed the orcs have not only been there for quite some time, but had erected certain structures, one of which seemed to be some type of shrine. The orcs have reluctantly acknowledged that soon, at an undisclosed time and place, that they would be holding a sacred ritual meant to honor their orcish God. Winfield had this to say to BNN, "Appointing an orc to the high office of Chancellor is just another unique accomplishment for the City of Paxlair. The city is wholeheartedly dedicated to maintaining the delicate balance between good and evil on a daily basis as it strives to hold true to neutrality." When asked about the ramifications and possible repercussions of appointing an orc to such a position, Mayor Winfield went on to explain that, "This was a necessary action, entirely in keeping with Paxlair, where even the presence of death knights are tolerated within the city." Diversity, thy name is Paxlair. We at BNN salute your efforts and we look forward to our next visit to Paxlair in which we hope to enjoy some fine orcish cuisine at the new orc tavern. Back to you Bundor.

Bundor Bard:
Thank you Lucinda and thank you for listening. I'm Bundor Bard and this is BNN.

[Exit Music]