BNN Day 48
[Intro Music]

Bundor Bard:

Crisis in Britannia, Day 48.
Hello, I'm Bundor Bard and you're listening to Britannia Network News.
In the headlines today.
We have another report from BNN reporter Drenon, live with the resistance in Trinsic. Drenon?

[Jungle sounds]


Hail again Bundor.

Bundor Bard:

Where are you Drenon?


My apologies Bundor, but I can't say at the moment. I'm travelling with a group of resistance fighters on our way to raid a nearby supply depot. I found myself enlisted in a make-shift army and it's certainly a good thing I learned the blade as a boy. I have with me the rebel leader who has asked not to be named. Good lady, would you care to give our listeners some details?

Female voice:

Well the west and south gates are blocked and most of the walkway is inaccessible. Recalling and gating into and out of the city is perilous at best. [Owl hoots] The only real way in is by boats. Thank the virtues for Nystul's gate. Many of those who couldn't fight made it out. Remind me to buy that one a drink when I see him.


Do you have an assessment of the city?

Female voice:

The undead are everywhere and they run around like the own the place. And if that isn't bad enough they've set [Bleep] traps. Real nasty those things are.


Aye, don't remind me. That flame column came a bit too close last night. Do you have any messages for those outside of the city?

Female voice:

Oh yeah, if you can't fight stay the f[Bleep]k away from Trinsic. If you can handle a blade, shoot a bow, cast a spell get the f[Bleep]k to this city, we need all the help we can get.

Bundor Bard:

Thankyou Drenon. Keep your guard up. We look forward to hearing your next report. And that's the news for today. I'm Bundor Bard and this is BNN.

[Exit Music]

Title: Crisis in Britannia, Day 48

Author: OSI
Copyright: �2000 Electronic Arts
Abstract: Britannia News Network

From the Britannia Network News