The bad guy goes away, Britannia is at peace once more.


From: Radagast, Guardian and Guide, GM The Last Guard [LG] (PAC)

Battle between G'Thunk and his party of revenge, and those who would arrest the FoA leader.I was awakened last night by the frantic, calls of my guildmate Tristan. "Come to the bottom of Shame" he urged, "Hurry!!". Without hesitation I leapt for my chest of runes, frantically searching for the right one. Alas, the closet I could find was to entrance of the dungeon. I chanted the mystical words transporting myself to that spot and began an all out run through the dungeons first levels, skirting Elementals all the way. My mount well lathered and myself panting I arrived at the lowermost level only to be confronted with a vanishing magical gate. Frantically I searched for my companion, but again he called to me through the ether "I am safe, come to you Yew". A few magical hops later I arrived in Yew to find my friend in the company of none other than Halston Montil. With them was a group of guards and other adventurers escorting a captive know only as THE FoA LEADER!! I joined retinue and escorted him to prison, where Halston thanked all for their help saying that The Lords British and Blackthorne would be immensely pleased, and Geoffrey too. After he all goodnight and left, I hurried Tristan back to our guild hall anxious to hear of the evenings events.

It started when the town criers began yelling "Buccaneers Den is under attack!!". Led by Halston many rushed to Bucs Den to push back the attack. After a bloody battle the hoard of orcs, ettins and evil wizards was defeated. Halston asked a person there who was responsible for the attack. The group was directed to Minoc where they searched out a peasant who had knowledge of the events. Finding him in the inn, Halston questioned this man too. They were directed to Yew, where at the mill a woman could be found who knew the location of the FoA leader. Again, the group traveled, somewhat smaller now, in search of information. Upon questioning the woman in Yew, it was revealed that the FoA leader had taken up residence in the depths of Shame in fear of G'Thunks revenge. Travelling to the location, fighting an unusually large number of Poison Elementals en route, the group searched out the hiding place of the FoA leader. They found him hiding in a room deep within the dungeon. He agreed to Halstons demand of surrender provided that he would be given protection from G'Thunk.FoA leader in Yew Prison It was somewhere around this point that G'Thunk appeared, it is unclear whether he had just arrived or had been there for some time. Immediately he charged the FoA leader, seeking his revenge, but was pressed back by the numbers of people crowded in the room. Thus began the battle with G'Thunk...Many died fighting this most powerful troll, including some of the castle guard. In the end, the numbers of humans outmatched G'Thunks raw power and he too was slain. The survivors returned the dead to life and gathered up their prisoner, setting off for the Yew prison. After a few more tense encounters they arrived in Yew, where I joined them, to deposit the FoA leader in his cell.

I can not but feel some regret at the passing of G'Thunk, for he was in many ways more noble than most men that I meet each day. Also, I sit pondering the identity of this mysterious FoA Leader.

From: ROCK IRONFORGE of Catskills

1. The FOA leader was the false Sage Winslow.
2. The importance of the "find what Winslow was doing" quest awhile back was to point towards what happened to Winslow and when. First, Winslow, (much as I had) had heard rumors of invisible black wisps that could only be seen by certain people. So Winslow set off to visit his friend Mariah the Mage, to study wisps further. However, Winslow never arrived. He had in fact been killed by the FOA and been replaced by the FOA leader. Fortunately, the fake Winslow was arrested and discredited. The false Winslow left and has since never returned to the castles service. Later, the bones of the real Sage Winslow were discovered in the dungeon Shame where they had been carelessly left near the FOA leaders abode. Finally, Halston moves his slow arse (along with a small group of individuals) to investigate. After the short investigation, the group leaves and comes back days later to capture the FOA leader (False Winslow).

It's all over, it's allll over....

On second thought, and I apologize to those who read my comment on the main Stratics page of this quest being "nothing to write home about"... on second thought, this sounds like an interesting event to attend. I just had the unfortunate inability to attend it, as I was not informed until after it happened (imagine that). However, this does sound like it was an interesting, if extremly sudden, end to 10 months of story.

I am, of course, extremely shocked to see this story end so suddenly. Yes, I did rant on the fact that this story had already lasted 10 months, with little to show for it. Yes, I do feel that we're well past time to wrap this story up. Yes, if I were the GM in charge, I probably would've asked for it's conclusion months ago. That makes me feel no less surprised to see it suddenly come to a quick screeching halt, only days after I wrote my huge crybaby rant on the whole situation.

Nevertheless, it is time, here on this page, to review the major questions that have been left open for future fiction.

One: Why were Mondains Relics Stolen?
Two: How close did Crawworth come to breaking the story? And, why did he not divulge what he knew before questing in the new lands? Didn't he know more?
Three: What ever happened to Finth's Wife? Dead? Alive? no body was ever recovered.
Four: How was the red moongate cast to take Blackthorn away? Who cast it? Why?
Five: Why is Blackthorn acting so strangely?
As you can see... there's quite a bit left, these five are just what I could come up with off the top of my head. I'm sure you can think of more.