G'Thunk Vows Regenge..

But he's not mad at us... he's mad at the FoA....

G'thunk Spotted East of Vesper! Vow's to take vengeance on the FoA for G'splat's death!
G'Thunk has made an appearance East of Vesper. He's probably still there for all to see. He is regarded as criminal (obviously) but good luk trying to kill him :) Anyway, He's basically standing there, fuming over the death of his brother. He seems to completely blame FoA for his brother (G'splat's) death. He's vowing vengeance for his brother's death.

Here's what I could get G'Thunk to say:

G'Thunk speaks openly to investigators...Rainman: Hello Gthunk
GThunk: What hummie want? Leave GThunk alone.
R: I want to know about the FOA.
GT: Name hard to say. Why me tell you?
R: What happened to Gsplat
GT: Me brother. Him dead. FOA fault.
R: Do you like FOA?
GT: Me hates FOA. Me destroy them.
R: Why do you want to destroy them?
GT: Me want revenge. They no save Gsplat. Gsplat dead.
R: How are you going to get Revenge?
GT: Me know them. Me know FOA.

And now, more text submitted to me from Grond of the Amethyst Dragons (GL)

Grond: Revenge? How?
G'Thunk: Me know them. Me know FoA.
Grond: Who do you know?
G'Thunk: Name hard to say. Why me tell you?
Grond: Give me a name, and I'll make them pay.
G'Thunk: Me think. Me maybe tell you. Come back later.
Grond: Later?!?
G'Thunk: Leave G'Thunk now. Come speak later.

Wow, it seems G'thunk is another possibility to finding out the name of an FoA contact!! Lets all bug him with names until he cracks! :)

So far he seems to be part of the investigation, in some strange, out-of-the-blue way... If anyone has any hard "evidence" as to what purpose G'thunk is serving by standing in the open and vowing revenge, please e-mail me. :) Also, if you can get G'thunk to say any more than this... DEFINITELY drop me an e-mail!