Hunt Quest Walk-Thru

I hope this helps....

From beginning to stuck...

I received this main walk-through a while ago. and I'm terribly sorry for not posting it earlier as it was very well written. all I can say is that in the gobs of e-mail I can get sometimes, things just get buried. Thanks to Melkor for this huge submission.

One day, while walking to the armory in Lord British's castle to sell some of my lesser made armor, I noticed a lady standing around. Not too odd as there are swarms of them around LB's castle, but this one had an invulnerable tag over her head. Here is a transcript of what I managed to get out of her:

Renee: Oh, hello. Forgive me, mine thoughts art elsewhere.
Renee: Aye. My husband hast gone away on a dangerous journey with Sir CrawWorth.
Renee: CrawWorth is leading a small group to explore the lands beyond the fissures.
Renee: The openings caused by those dreadful Zog people.
Renee: Aye, with some spell and **pauses** Oh, my! I've just remembered something!
Renee: CrawWorth asked a favor of me before leaving! Oh, Virtues forgive me!!
Renee: He has something in his home that I was to bring to someone. Some information.
Renee: CrawWorth's home is in Trinsic, just to the west of the Tinkers' guild.
Renee: Something about those Zog people. I don't know what it is.
Renee: **crying** I don't remember who! No, cruel, cruel fate!!
Renee: Don't you see! I've failed in mine duty!! And Xarot is in danger!
Renee: He is on a dangerous mission and my foolish actions will condemn him!
Renee: He will end up being the one who pays for my mistake, I just know it. **sobs*

So, I ran to the smithy and gathered a few able wo/men (don't want to offend the liberals) (Totom the Third, Sunday Finehone and Virem Olag). We promptly gated to Trinsic and, after a bit of searching, found his house. The clues there were:

On CrawWorth's desk:
You see: last entry: Despite Winslow's complete disapproval, I have taken measures to ensure that the Zog Cabal is still pursued.

In a chest:
You see: note to self: Copy this book and leave the original. Don't forget to deliver before leaving. -CrawWorth

In the book
Title: A small request for ye
Author: CrawWorth

I have finally stumbled upon a source of information that could lead to the Zog Cabal. Ironically, it was greed which brought him to me. Thraal Veese, a wretched thug, approached me soon after the earthquakes.He told me he could show me a meeting place the Zog Cabal uses. He also wasted little time before naming his price. A hefty sum of gold. Much more than I had. I was able to talk him down a bit, before I finally agreed to his price. I could not afford to let such a strong potential clue pass me by. Plus, if he was conning me, it would be an easy thing to exact justice against Thraal. I am telling ye this so that ye might continue searching for the Zog Cabal in mine abscence. Thraal told me I could find him at the Shattered Skull tavern. Seek him there. Mention my name and that ye seek the same information in my place. He has already been given his gold, so don't let him try to squeeze more out of thee. Tell him that you know he has been paid! Thank ye and good luck in finding the Zog Cabal.

Thraal the gambler in ScaraSo, after numerous arguments, we finally figured the Shattered Skull tavern was in Skara Brae. I, being unable to recall and the rest having numerous gate difficulties. We eventually were scattered throughout Britannia. When we finally managed to regroup the two members of our group who found Thraal told us that he said the Zog Cabal met in the Thieves Guild in Vesper. So, after running around Vesper like idiots for an hour or so, I asked an NPC. This NPC happened to be a thief and replied something like, "There is a thieves guild in Vesper?". So, after asking numerous other NPCs (the responses varied from, "somewhere south" to "a secret basement") I got a clear and concise answer that they met in the basement of the tanner's shop. There we found these clues:

Inside a chest:
You see: small torn piece of parchment ... 'and transfer all to one of the other three locations...'

-W asks his followers to leave...On a table:
You see: British's speech hath made this location too much a risk... leave at once... leave nothing of importance behind. - W

You see: The Failure of Pundits: History Repeats Itself

You see: top book title... 'The Inconsistent Constructs of Time' ;
bottom book title... 'Typical Spell Methodology'

You see: ... inside the fogged crystal thou dost see a land desolate and empty...torn parchment hints of other FOA locations....


Crawworths imprisonment Journal!!

AshurGreytower sent me this wonderful tidbit, its the entire journal of Crawworth, not just the except above.

"I have begun this journal as pieces of information begin to fit together."Tis my hope that this will be of aid to thee."Though my captivity was some weeks ago, I happened to jar loose an important bit of memory. During the last few days I was held, some high-ranking members had been to see me. I was half passed out from beatings and lack of food. Mayhap I had even been mildly poisoned to help them better able to control me. Thinking I could not hear and unable to speak freely in front of mine guards, their conversation took place in mine "quarters". I will scribe what I recall of their words:
"'We waste time looking to that long dead fool for guidance. We know now from whom he recieved the spell. Any fool could have been in his place. We must not appear as such.'
"'Aye 'tis quite true. All must know we are following a specific path-not blindly lashing in ignorance."
"'Ye both know my mind on this. 'Tis why this meddler shall live. When he regains his mind, he will tell all of our new determination. As well as our new name- The Followers of Armageddon.'
"As I ink this I now realize they were referring to me, CrawWorth, as the meddler who will announce this new name for them. Perhaps this renewed vision will provide the insight they seek, but 'tis my though that they are knaves with a longer name.

"I have finally stumbled upon a source of information that could lead me directly to the Followers of Armageddon. Ironically, it was greed which brought him to me. Thraal Veese, a wretched thug, approached me soon after the earthquakes. He told me he could show me a meeting place the Followers of Armageddon use. He also wasted little time before naming his price. A hefty sum of gold. I was able to talk him down a bit, before I finally agreed to his price. I could not afford to let such a strong potential clue pass me by. Plus, if he was conning me, it would be an easy thing to exact justive against Thraal. I am telling ye this so that ye may continue searching for the Followers of Armageddon in mine absence. Thraal told me I could find him at the Shattered Skull tavern. Seek him there. Mention my name and that ye seek the same information in my place. He has already been given his gold, so don't let him try to squeeze any more gold out of thee. Tell him that you know he has been paid! Thank ye, and good luck in finding the Followers of Armageddon."

The Quest Continues!!
"Soon after"... a paladin was placed to guard this "lair" of the members of FOA. his name (on Atlantic, was Morgan... here's my chat with him:

Rainman: Hello Morgan
Morgan: Well met citizen. What brings ye down here?
R: I seek the evil members of the FOA...
M: Aye, this was once someplace they met. But theyre runnin scared now.
R: They are scared now?
M: Most certainly. Sir Halston even has a suspect who may be involved.
R: Who is Sir Halston?
M: He is a member of our Lords castle guard. Assistant to Geoffrey himself.
R: What suspect does he have?
M: Someone he wishes to question. I know not who or why.
R: Where can Geoffrey be found?
M: Sir Geoffrey is captain of the castle guard. A braver man ye shall never meet.

I immediately set off for for Lord British's Castle. There I found Halston. I had a brief conversation with him.

Rainman: Hello Halston
Halston Montil: Hail, friends. Welcome to the castle.
R: What suspect do you have?
H M: Well, there is one man we have been told could be involved with the FOA.
R: What man is that?
H M: Im not at liberty to name him for ye. But you could speak with Augustina.
R: Where is Augustina?
H M: Augustina is a member of the guard. She led the escort to Yew.
R: Where in Yew?
H M: At the Court of Truth in Yew. That is where you will find Augustina.

It is here that others e-mailing me have picked up the story. Noone sent me logs/screenshots of the above two characters, if I've missed a part of their speech(es), please e-mail me with the text, I'll post it here with your name. Also, even though I'd like to post screenshots of every character, that would put this walk-thru over 1 meg, and that's just too big for my tastes.

From Naxus:
After talking to Augustina, we found that Sage Winslow was being held there for questioning about the Followers. She said that he was mentioned in some information left by the Followers, and that she would tell us where it was if we discovered what Winslow had been doing lately.

From Scorpio:
Halston himself could offer little help, except to tell me that Augustina, who recently led an escort to Yew, might know more about this ordeal. So I set foot to Yew, my hometown, and find Augustina at the court of Truth. She escorted Sage Winslow to the prison of Yew. But Winslow is not saying much. So we quickly come to a deal. I try to make Winslow talk, then Augustina will tell me more about the FOA.

We, (Plutos the Elf and I) managed to get Augustina to say this:

Rainman: Hello Augustina
Augustina: Greetings. What brings ye to the Court of Truth?
Plutos the Elf: What is it ye know of the Followers of Armageddon?
A: I escorted Sage Winslow here to answer some questions concerning the FOA.
PtE: Questions?
A: Aye, hes down in the prison now. He claims to know nothing of the FOA.
R: Why is Sage Winslow here?
A:We had reason to think him involved in some way with the FOA.
PtE: hmm...
PtE: He's involved with FOA?
A: He was mentioned in some FOA information that was found.
PtE: what information?
A: I cannot reveal the source of this information. Unless...
A: If ye discover what Winslow hath been doing of late, Ill tell ye of the house.
PtE: What house?
A:You must first do your part... **smiles**

Sage Winslow... Prison InmateIt is then that you venture inside the Jail to speak with the now "jailbird Winslow" :)

From Naxus:
We found Winslow inside a cell at the prison. He denied that he had any ties with the Followers, and said that he had been studying wisps with Creighton, an herbalist at the Moonglow telescope.

From Scorpio:
Winslow is more talkative than I thought. He tells me he's been researching wisps, together with his aid Creighton. Creighton can be found at the Moonglow telescope.

Plutos the Elf and I managed to get Winslow to say all this:

Rainman: Hello Sage Winslow
Sage Winslow: Please, keep thy cheer... I am in no mood for it.
R: I always suspected ye were criminal
Plutos the Elf: What about the followers of armageddon?
SW: I know nothing about the Followers of Armageddon! I am quite tired of this.
R: What makes you tired?
SW: Questions, questions, questions I wish only to return to mine research.
PtE: Hah, I suspect he is keeping something from us
PtE: Research of what?
SW: Even if I wished to tell thee, thou possess not the ability to understand.
R: I'll understand
SW: How could thee. Thou hath not my knowledge nor years of experience.
R: I've tons of experience
SW: But of course. I have spent my entire life studying the world.
R: What have you been studying?
SW: Yes, studying. One cannot learn too much about what is around them.
R: What can one learn?
SW: For instance, I recently began learning about wisps, since they... no, enough.
R: What about Wisps?
SW: I have been studying wisps with the help of Creighton.
PtE: Where is Creighton?
SW: Creighton is an herbalist in Moonglow. He has often aided my research.
PtE: Shall we head to Moonglow?
SW: He is often loitering around the telescope. Unless I give him something to do.

It is here that the trail splits in two. I haven't been able to follow one of the trails very far. The other one leads up to "proving" that both Sage Winslow, and the captive Julia (In minoc, explained below) are working with the FoA.

From Naxus
We talked to Creighton, who said that the Sage had asked him about wisps, and Creighton had sent him to Freygo, a worker at that zoo.

From Scorpio:
First i head to Moonglow. Creighton tells me I should speak to Freygo at theMoonglow zoo. He's the expert on wisps.

Valen Trebond managed to get Creighton to say this:

Valen Trebond: Hail Creighton.
Creighton: Why hello there. Nice telescope, isnt it.
Valen Trebond: winslow
Creighton: Oh you know Sage Winslow also? I often help him. I trust hes well.
Valen Trebond: wisps
Creighton: Yes, Sage Winslow had asked me about wisps. I told him about Freygo.
Valen Trebond: freygo
Creighton: He works at the zoo. Well, more or less. If anyone knows wisps,he does.

I couldn't locate Freygo at all when I visited the Zoo on Atlantic. He has been sighted on many servers though.

From Naxus:
Freygo said that he had always wanted to talk to wisps, and Winslow wanted to know about them. Winslow had also wanted to know about a certain 'substance', and sent us to Mariah, a mage at the Lycaeum.

From Scorpio:
But Freygo can only help me by sending me to Mariah at the Moonglow Lycaeum. At which point i find no extra clues.

Valen Managed to get Freygo to say this:

Valen Trebond: Hail Freygo
Freygo Ginn: Greetings. I apologize for the sad state of our zoo.
Valen Trebond: State
Freygo Ginn: Aye. Poachers and knaves are yet killing our creatures each day.
Valen Trebond: Poachers
Freygo Ginn: **shakes his head** Tis sad. This was once a proud zoo.**sighs**
Valen Trebond: Winslow
Freygo Ginn: Aye, I spoke to Winslow not too long ago. It was odd though.
Valen Trebond: odd
Freygo Ginn: Creighton said Winslow wanted to know about wisps. He never asked about them
Valen Trebond: wisps
Freygo Ginn: Wisps? We have none here, unfortunately. I would love to try speaking to one.
Valen Trebond: speaking
Freygo Ginn: It has happened before, in the past - a wisp spoke our language.
Valen Trebond: language
Freygo Ginn: Well, from what Ive read, their language is not speakable by us, humans.

Sadly, this is pretty much where the trail ends on this fork. I have some conflicting reports about the next step, and as I can't find Mariah or Freygo to talk to, this will have to do until someone e-mails me something more :)

From Naxus:
Mariah said that Winslow sometimes did research at the Lycaeum. Freygo had told her about someone asking about a strange kind of rock.

From Vanir:
Mariah however denied ever haveing spoken to Winslow.

From Grifter
Freygo tells you of a substance that Sage had and Freygo sent Sage to mariah, however mariah never saw this man that Freygo had sent.

The elusive MariahFrom Calaquendi:
She [Mariah] said he [Winslow] does research there, I inquired to the research he is doing and she knew nothing of Sage Winslows research.

From Lethic of Baja:
Hit the books in the public library next to the castle. There is a book here devoted to breaking down the speach patters of wisps. I believe (it's been a while since I was there myself) that the book is even written by Winslow. Perhaps this book yields the next of the clues or is what you need to ask of to get a different answer from the zookeeper or the researcher?

Perhaps this part was only there to prove Winslow's involvement with the FoA. There seems to be no other purpose to this part of the trail. Anyone have any ideas?

Branch Number Two! The trail of Sir Duquelle's murder, and the evidence it was meant to conceal....
After speaking with Winslow in his cell, return to Augustina, and tell her you discovered that "he was researching wisps".

From Naxus:
After returning to Augustina, the paladin, we told her about the research into wisps. She said she would tell us the coordinates of the informative location. However, she wold not respond to anything else or give the coordinates. Here is a little something else that's interesting: Getting mad at her defiance, I called her a "Stupid woman!", to which she replied "Yes, there was some woman involved. I do not know of her, though." After finally saying "note" to her, she angered us by saying that she had dropped the note with the coordinates at a guard post somewhere between there and Britain! So Dameon and I walked all the way, and eventually we found the note. Here are the coordinates (* equals degrees): "152* 3 minutes South, 31* 25 minutes East".

Plutos the Elf and I managed to get Augustina to make the deal :)

Rainman: He has been studying wisps!
Augustina: Ah, he has been researching wisps. Very interesting. And I shall honor our deal
R: Let us have your end of the deal!
A: We found a house used as a hideout by the FOA. I have the coordinates.
R: May I see those coordinates?
A: I have sextant coordinates written on this note. Hmm, Its gone.
R: What? Where is that note?
A: I had a note with the sextant location of the house. I must have dropped it.
A: Probably at one of the guard posts between here and Britain.

Going to each guard tower south along the road, you can probably still find the note in a metal chest in the last guard tower from Yew (heading South). At least, that's where I found it on Atlantic... your mileage may vary. The coordinates point to a house next to a small pond in the jungles south of Yew. The coordinates are:

The fate of Sir Duquelle... as witnessed by BlackstaffBlackstaff, Lord of the Ravens (PAS) sent me this great screenshot on the right. of what you find at the place of Duquelle's decapitated body.

Two interesting things can be found at this site.

One: There's a note underneath Duquelle's head that gives you a clue where to go next in the trail. It reads like this: Lena, Meet me at the Blue Boar tavern. I have something important to ask thee. - Sir Duquelle

Second: There are three notes left in the metal chest you see in that picture... they read as follows: 'Tis time to again meet our combined fates. To this end, I ask of ye to find that which I have collected and hidden throughout the realm. The keys ye have long held will unlock the way. The substance ye will be collecting will aid in powering our efforts to the point of success.

On to the next clue... you can find Lena at the Blue Boar Tavern in Britain. (for those that dont know exactly where that is, it's the tavern just east of the central tailor shop, and just north of the First Library of Britain, along the river.)

From Scorpio:
Lena has also learned of Duquelles demise. She is in tears. She tells us we might learn more in Sir Duquelles room in the Lieges Castle. But the room is secured by the castle guards. Luckily Duquelle has a friend, Kahrl, a monk at the first library of Britain, who might know a way in.

From Vanir:
I went to the Blue Boar and spoke to Lena. She was Duquelle's girlfriend. Appearently Duquelle had some information he had found in a note found on one thumbed Branson. His room at the castle had been sealed.

I managed to get Lena to tell me this:

Rainman: Lena Hello..
Lena: **sobs** Oh, hello. Forgive my tears.
R: Why the Tears?
L: **sniffs** My good friend, Sir Duquelle, was killed by those FOA people.
L: He apparently had some information about them and they killed him for it.
R: What Information?
L: Well, something was found in his room. Some note of some sort.
R: Where is his room?
L: Sir Duquelle has a room in our Lieges castle, but the guards have secured it.
R: They have secured his room?
L: They have locked it up to keep everyone out. Even me, his girlfriend.
R: Indeed? Locked?
L: Yes, but I may know a possible way to enter, or at least the person to ask.
R: What person?
L: Sir Duquelle has a close friend who works at the First Library of Britain.
R: Who is this friend?
L: Kahrl, a monk, has known Sir Duquelle since a child.

From there, its just a few steps south to the First Library of Britain. :)

From Scorpio:
The library is right next door, so we arrive there quickly. He tells us Duquelle has mentioned a secret way into his room. He has overheard Duquelle say "Spirituality will take me home". We head to the Chamber of Virtue, knowing Spirituality is one of the virtues. Standing on the sign, we speak the words of spirituality (known to everyone who has read about the path of spirituality) and are magically transfered to Duquelles room.

At this point, I have to applaud Scorpio, noone else that e-mailed me mentioned that they managed to get Kahrl to say those things. I myself couldn't find the right words to get him to speak all that and give the clues as to how to get into Duquelles room.... but I did manage to grab this much:

Rainman: Hello Kahrl
Kahrl: Welcome. Please make thyself at home.
R: I understand you knew Sir Duquelle?
K: Aye I know... knew Sir Duquelle. We both grew up in Skara Brae.
R: Kahrl, I understand Duquelle had a room in the castle?
K: Aye, he has.. had a room in Lord Britishs castle. **tries to retain his smile**
R: Can you tell me of Duquelles Spirituality?
K: Duquelle was always true to his path. He never swayed.
R: Did he ever visit the shrines?
K: Duquelle rarely went to the shrines. Instead he went to the Chamber of Virtue.
R: You both grew up in Skara Brae?
K: As kids, we both lived there. Duquelle was always blessed with spirituality.

So, from there.. all you do to get into Duquelle's room is walk to the Chamber of Virtues (or is it Hall of Virtues?).. stand on the tile for Spirituality, and repeat the mantra for Spirituality while standing there. (If you dont know the mantras, there are books on the table in front of Kahrl telling all of them.) A big thank you to everyone who managed to get this far and e-mailed me. To those that I didn't post quotes/screenshots from... I give you a HUGE THANK YOU, you gave me too much to chose from :)

In Duquelle's room... we find this scene...Note incriminating both Winslow and Julia..

The note mentions Winslow by name. The note also contains the initials for three known members of the FoA. M.S. could easily stand for Martoo Saul Other's have briefly mentioned the names of the other two in e-mails to me... but I can't find those e-mails at the present time. :( Can anyone just quickly jot down the names of the three known FoA members that match up to these initials?

I find these ties enough evidence to believe that Winslow is indeed a traitor to the land. What do all of you think??



I've spoken to this Julia in Minoc, the door was open for me to speak with her the other day. Here is all I could get her to say:(on tape)

Rainman: Julia, you are an outlaw, a traitor.
Julia: You know my name? Do all think they know me? Am I condemned, yet innocent?
Rainman: You are Condemned
Julia: I know not why all think I am some outlaw. I would hurt no one.

Now the rest of Julia's text!! As E-mailed to me by Gabriel!

Gabriel: I’m sure you would never hurt anyone.
Julia: I live by the virtues. They guide me.
G: You are an outlaw?
J: They think I am one of the FOA members. **shudders**
G: What do you know of the Followers of Armageddon?
J: I know nothing of the FOA. I would help people not hurt them.
G: How would you like to help people?
J: I dabble in the healing arts. I often help those who are wounded.
G: The FoA will wound a lot of people.
J: Never would I wish to be part of such devastation. I want to heal, not kill.
G: You expect the FoA to kill people?
J: I have heard of what the FOA hath done.. and wishes yet to do.
G: What do they wish to do?
J: Geoffrey said they are still trying to cast that terrible spell.
G: What spell?
J: The spell of Armageddon. It would destroy all.
G: You spoke to Sir Geoffrey?
J: Sir Geoffrey asked me many questions. I knew little what to say.
G: What kind of questions?
J: Mostly about the FOA and Sage Winslow. I know little about either.
G: Do you know Sage Winslow?
J: I met Sage Winslow once. I remember his green staff.
G: His green staff?
J: A bright green staff. He is never without it, or so I hear.
G: Thank you Julia.

Winslows staff seemed to be siginificant, so some people e-mailing me went back to talk to him about his staff. By All accounts, Winslow responds to his staff as saying. "My staff? What about it? I have it not here with me!" If anyone has journal text they can send to me about Winslow's staff, I could use that here. Thanks!

Interesting Tidbits So far...

G'Thunk has appeared seeking revenge for his brothers death, CrawWorth, the "FoA fighter" is not among us for these events, and There has been NO DEFINITE connection between FoA and the armageddon spell itself. The spell of Armageddon is a closely guarded secret of the Wisps. It was given to one man over 3000 years ago (Britannias time) by the wisps to a man named ZOG. ZOG cast the spell, and life ceased to exist on Britannia for 1000 years. Has anyone seen any hard evidence that would even suggest that the FoA even HAS the spell of Armageddon? Perhaps it's all one big bluff...

A retraction on what I had posted here earlier. I was feeling a bit left out of all the commotion over the FoA battles (mostly because of my own problems, but that's another story) Anyway, feel free to e-mail me with your individual stories on what happens while hunting down FoA members, or defending chests. However, since this portion of the story is running differently on all the shards, I can't promise I'll post any of it... it simply doesn't work well for me to post something here that that isn't true for all the shards. I am interested to hear them though, and if I find definite patterns in all the stories I read, I'll post about it. Thanks!