Last visited by Zerver - Nov 8 98
This is a very very cool looking pen. The stands are raised so that the nobility
can sit at the top and jeer the contestants (hee hee hee).
Avalon's fight nights are very well attended. There was even a seer. The room
beneath the stands is used as a staging area. The contestants enter that room and
prepare to enter the ring. Possibly they leave valuables with someone there.
When they enter the ring, the contestants all attack the ref, then duke it out.
I heard someone say that due to the ring size, heavy crossbows currently win the
all around competitions since you cannot get out of heavy crossbow range. Perhaps
the weapons rebalance patch will correct some of that though.
When someone falls, they are ressurected immediatly, and they pick up their own
There were many more people attending than my photo would indicate, for many such
as I, were sharing seats (and hidden), or were around the other end of the pen. The
balcony seating is not bad, but be sure to bring teleport regs because getting to
the far end can take a while. Actually, the view from the top end is not really
that good, so everyone just stacks up in the middle. They should probably add a locked
door to the balcony, and only allow royalty, seers, (and visiting reporters *grins evilly*)
to use the the balcony).
A Link to Avalon's Web Page: