Last visited by Zerver - Nov 24 98
The Evil Eye is unlike any other place I've been. The Role Play here
is a little to the edgy side. Fighting and Killing are forbidden...Inside the tavern.
Outside, I saw 5 people die, and a Noto PK come through killing everyting
in sight. Don't think the PK was part of the place though.
There were many Role Playing Undead, Orcs, Ogres, Vampires, and other evil characters.
Their language is difficult to understand, but the standard greeting is "Good Soulsssss".
The bar vendor is a Zombie, who was restocked several times by an Undead named Boz.
The place is wonderfully eerie, the Orc Ale I was told is some of the best to
be found (miss my Milk though). This would be a fantasy playground for any
serious RPer.
Thanks to an email from Necrosanct I now know that the city of Necropolisss is made
of primarily of three groups. The undead is the largest, but also the Crimson Alliance,
and the Dark Rychen. (It is hard to ask out of character questions to people who
refuse to go out of character ;-)
Link to the Necropolisss Web Site: