Fighter Treasure Hunter
Building a Fighter Treasure Hunter, by Blackheath; edited by Magellan

Author's note: I would like to direct you to first read Ferret's excellent "Pure Treasure Hunter Essay". He has included some information that is valid to all treasure hunters, and I will not cover that here. I am sure my version would only pale by comparison.

What skills do I need to be a fighter/treasure hunter?

Obviously you need some basics of both fighting skills and treasure hunting skills. These are the absolutely necessary ones:

  • Cartography
  • Lockpicking
  • Tactics
  • Fighting skill of your choice

In addition to those, there are many that will help you one way or another. Think a bit about how you want to play your t-hunter and choose from the following. Bear in mind that while being GM in all your skills is nice, sometimes choosing to lock a skill at a lower level and adding another can result in a better character.

  • Anatomy - Improves the damage you deal with each blow. Also helps if you are using healing.
  • Magery - Enough to recall, heal and cast telekinesis at least.
  • Hiding - Often the only thing that keeps a t-hunter alive on a high level chest.
  • Healing - I don't think I need to say how useful this skill can be, especially when you get two fighters cross healing each other.
  • Mining - Mining not only helps you to find the chest in the first place, but also allows you to stand back a few paces so the initial spawn is not right on top of you. It is not a requirement however, and you may decide to use a map archive to locate the chests and an invis item to avoid instant death.
  • Resist - No comment.
  • Parrying - Nice for the non-archers if you can fit it in.

Ok, I've chosen my skills, now how do I develop my character?

I highly suggest working on cartography and lockpicking early on in your character's life. These skills have a way of leaving you with 25 strength, 100 intelligence and 100 dexterity....not the ideal stats for a fighter! Try to maintain your strength by alternating your training sessions between fighting skills and t-hunting skills, but bear in mind that if you intend to GM cart and LP, it will take you longer to do than your fighting skills will. Leaving a buffer of 10 or so "real skill" points will give you room to continue strength training by alternating use of a couple of strength-related skills, such as arms lore or wrestling.