Glamdring - Greetings and thank you for attending tonight's Open House.
Glamdring - Tonight's chat is considered General Discussion and as such we will accept questions of any topic relating to UO.
Glamdring - I will be our moderator for this evening. In order to submit questions please /msg Flame, Fripp or Uziel.
Glamdring - Please /msg different question-takers at different times, and only to one question taker in order to balance the load and speed this process up. Do not msg anyone from OSI or myself--these questions will be ignored.
Glamdring - Remember that OSI may not have the opportunity to answer all of your questions. In addition, some questions may not be answered if the Dev Team feel that it is not appropriate or that it has been better answered through some other question.
Glamdring - In addition, please do not submit any questions that have already been answered during past conferences. We encourage you to read the logs of the previous Open Houses, which are available at
Glamdring - Thanks for coming, everyone. We will now begin accepting questions.
Glamdring - Everyone please remember....this is not a chat with the Development Team
Glamdring - This is a support related chat and we will not be able to delve into dev questions

Glamdring - *Shadow* How many pets, tame or formerly tame, are allowed to be trapped (trapped behind locked down boxes) in a house/tower etc?
GM_Rock - This question is asked quite often, and is addressed directly in the GM Support document
GM_Rock - on the web site.
GM_Rock - Our policy is this:
GM_Rock - No monsters are allowed, they will be removed if they are found trapped in a house.
GM_Rock - Hirelings or pets with a loyalty of zero will be removed based on the situation
GM_Rock - and excessive pets will be removed based on the situation.
GM_Rock - I'm not sure if I can give an exact number, because it can vary depending on the case.
GM_Rock - For more information on this subject, check out:

Glamdring - *Mstr---* Why on the T2A section of your page does it say that NO new animals will be allowed in the new lands but when people page GMs about it they get a responce saying its totally legal?
Zippy - The reason this was put on our web page was ......
Zippy - people who do not own T2A will not be able to see the new art for the creature ...
Zippy - For this reason we do not have the GM's remove them being 95% aff all players have T2A

Glamdring - *FinkPloyd* What is OSI's offical stance on Macroin'? There has been a lot of contraversy over it. Is it banable if Last Target, etc, etc ISNT used? Or is it banable for using anything? e.g EZ macros..
GM_Rock - The first thing to realize is that using a third party program can get your account banned....
GM_Rock - but, obviously, there is a macro feature built into the UO Client.
GM_Rock - If you are using only this macro feature, then you should be ok.
GM_Rock - If you are using any other program, then you could possibly be at risk.
GM_Rock - The surest way that you can check this yourself, is to decide if you are using a macro program to
GM_Rock - do things that are not possible in the game.
GM_Rock - If you are macroing legally in a place that is causing a disturbance to other players,
GM_Rock - we will check to see if you are at the keyboard,
GM_Rock - if you are non-responsive, we'll remove you from the server.

Glamdring - *ElowynOfMoonglow* It has been posted that there are a lot of upcoming changes to the volunteer program and that the volunteer program is being finly tuned to be the best it can be.... What highlights of this improved volunteer program can players expect to see ?
IronWill - We plan on giving the volunteers (both counselors and seers) certain abilities that will enable both groups to do jobs much more effectively and also easier. This in addition to an overall increase in the volunteer numbers are things that we are really excited about.

Glamdring - *Eagawk* When is Tugsoft going to be supported by OSI in getting UOAssist approved.
Zippy - We are currently in discussions with Tug about UOA .....
Zippy - He has submited his program several times and each time it has been turned down ....
Zippy - We are currently working with him on 2 features of his program that I can not discuss ....
Zippy - due to NDA, but if these are fixed he will be approved.

Glamdring - *SpaceGhost-CTC* Is there any word as to when the counselor apps might be going up?
IronWill - The permanent counselor application that will be up early next week. Keep an eye out on as to when it happens. :)

Glamdring - *Lockheart* Question on boats, It was posted that boats on the same account or blocking access can and will be moved and or deleted. A friend and I had 2 boats against a mountain my friends boat was deleted. Do GM's check the account ownership on boats or is that post wrong?
GM_Rock - This is another often asked question, and it too is addressed in the GM Support document on the web site.
GM_Rock - The direct URL to this section is:
GM_Rock - To directly answer your question:
GM_Rock - Yes, we do check the account ownership of each boat.
GM_Rock - However, there may be other reasons to move/remove a boat besides simply multiple boats.
GM_Rock - It's hard to give you hard and fast examples, we have to make those calls on a case by case basis right now.
GM_Rock - However, we hardly ever actually have to move or delete boats these days.
GM_Rock - There are plans to make boats more workable for everyone, and hopefully this will ease this situation for all.

Glamdring - *RedFoot[-X-]* How many people do you guys ban in a week for using a 3rd party program?
Zippy - It is not as many as you would think ..... Most people get a warning if what they are doing ....
Zippy - is harmless, but when it causes problems for other players they are removed ....
Zippy - I would say the total warnings and bannings averages around 20 a night.
GM_Rock - To add a bit to this...
GM_Rock - We remove many many more players for harassing other players than any other single offense.
GM_Rock - Our GM's work really hard to try and remove players that are causing problems, and players that prove to be a constant source of these problems get banned.

Glamdring - *Milamber* Is it possible that the server downtimes will be rereviewed because some people in europe gain cheap call rates in the evening and early morning thus this severely impacts our playing time
Zippy - We are always looking for the best time to bring servers down ......
Zippy - this would be when the server is at it lowest usage .....
Zippy - we looked at the player usage for our Euro shards and this time is best for them......
Zippy - If you want to give your opinion on this please send a mesage to [email protected]

Glamdring - *SpaceGhost-CTC* Are there any requirements for being a counselor? Age, game time experience, etc.?
IronWill - There are now a few more restrictions about being a counselor. These will be posted along with the application early next week on

Glamdring - *Fool* Are there any plans to up the amount of counselor and seers on the european shards? On Drachenfels I think there are 3 (Maybe 4) Counselors and 1 seer, which I never see. Whenever I have a question it seems no counselors are on. Also There seem to be no quests on the european shards, any plans for these?
IronWill - We want to increase the amount of counselors on all shards, especially European shards. And as for the events on Drachenfels and Europa - keep an eye out as some will be popping up next week. :)

Glamdring - *Trevor* How should I handle crude player names or house titles? These often offend me to the point that I loose interest in playing but it's hard to avoid. Any suggestions? Thank you!
GM_Rock - If you encounter players with names that are not appropriate, you can page a GM to check this out.
GM_Rock - We'll find this player, evaluate the name, and make a decision based on the situation.
GM_Rock - We could possible decide to change the name, alter the existing name, or in some cases even insist that they delete this character.
GM_Rock - If you see a house sign that is offensive, we can change the sign, and notify the owner.
GM_Rock - If it is outside of GM hours, you can either page a counselor who can check this out,
GM_Rock - or email us at [email protected] with the player's exact name, and the shard that this happened on. We can track them down.

Glamdring - *{B0BBY}* why is it that gms will not assist in geting you back to a town when you are lost with out runes or regs?
GM_Rock - GM's are here to help players that are stuck in the game, this is true.... However, this
GM_Rock - seems to have different meaning to different people :)
GM_Rock - We are designed to get involved if you are stuck in the map and can not move AT ALL!!
GM_Rock - Basically, if the game is preventing you from moving when you otherwise should be free to move, we'll step in.
GM_Rock - We will move you to the nearest abailable spot from which you will be able to continue.

Glamdring - *Skylore* question: How much do GMs go out looking for players macroing, especially out of town in their houses? Or is it other players reporting them that draws the attention?
GM_Rock - As you might guess... GM's stay pretty busy.
GM_Rock - We don't really have time to go out looking for these people too much..... plus, if they
GM_Rock - are not breaking the rules, and are not causing a problem for other players, we really have no reason to interfere.
GM_Rock - If another player reports someone for whatever reason, we'll look into it.

Glamdring - *Wilde* Would it be possible to create shard-specific sections for the Town Cryer, so that players can follow individual plots more easily?
Zippy - This is in the plan, you should see this we hope within the next few weeks ....... but it could be a little longer.

Glamdring - *Bill_Alric* If you become Perma red do you take stat loss upon ressurection? I still have not seen this clearly posted anywhere.
GM_Rock - This is a major call generator for our Support Department.
GM_Rock - It is my understanding that you will still have stat loss even if you are perma-red
GM_Rock - if you have more than 4 murders on your "short" (8 hour) list
GM_Rock - These murders are always decaying, even though you may not go blue any more.
GM_Rock - Please do not page a GM to ask about your murder count... We can't tell you your count, and we don't know how long it may be until they decay. :)

Glamdring - There is a very good essay on murder counts posted at
GM_Rock - It is my understanding that in the near future you will have a method to define your status (stat loss/no stat loss) for yourself.
GM_Rock - BTW, If you have not checked out the excellent essay written by Rmageddon that is posted on
GM_Rock - stratics, you should go check it out.
GM_Rock - The URL is

Glamdring - *Ans* Whenever I page a GM about bad house or character names, they just basically say "tough" and walk away. What is being done about some of the GMs who seem to have the attitude that they are supreme and don't need to help us?
GM_Rock - I'll take this in two parts.
GM_Rock - If you page a GM about the house, or the name, they will check it out.
GM_Rock - however, you may not understand directly how this happens.
GM_Rock - If they don't come right there, then the location will be logged and checked out in a bit when it is more timely, etc.
GM_Rock - Also, we can find names of characters whether they are online or offline... so during a peak period, this may be delayed for a bit as well.
GM_Rock - For the second part, please understand that it is our top priority to provide the best service that is possible for you the customer.
GM_Rock - If you have an interaction with a GM that is not appropriate, you can submit a letter to [email protected] with as much information and detail about the situation as possible, and they will check it out.
GM_Rock - Every word and action of every GM is logged, so this department can check things out fully.
GM_Rock - However, please understand that GM's are quite busy, and may not be able to spend as much time to answer your questions as you (or they) would like.
GM_Rock - To help with this, we have counselors in the game to assist.
GM_Rock - Their help is GREATLY appreciated!
GM_Rock - We have a web page that we are really striving to make as informative as possible.
GM_Rock - We have a good email program through [email protected]
GM_Rock - and there are tons of resources available on the web to help you out as well.
GM_Rock - :)

Glamdring - *Bill_Alric* Can you become a GM without working for OSI directly? Say I am a counselor and want to step to the next level.
GM_Kal - We will be announcing many new things next week concerning the counselors, volunteers, compaions etc..
GM_Kal - We are very excited about the changes that are going to take place in this program
GM_Kal - stay tuned for more details about this
GM_Kal - :)

Glamdring - Okay all....that's it for tonight but I want to leave you with a suggestion that was made earlier
Glamdring - *Varl* just a comment to you and the other GMs: I think Fluffy should be the default name for all those who have offensive and questionable character names... ;)
Glamdring - I would like to thank the team for coming tonight
Glamdring - Zippy, Ironwill, Rock, Kal, Lint and fiasco
Glamdring - And thanks to everyone for coming tonight

GM_Rock - I'd like to announce to anyone who is interested....
GM_Rock - I just got a call from our dev team to let me know that the abyss is back up right now.
GM_Rock - Get in there, and check it out!

IronWill - Hey guys I just wanted to say a little something before everyone took off...
IronWill - Basically the other night some things were brought out of the counselor IRC room that I said which were most inappropriate, unprofessional, and to be honest uncharacteristic of me in general.
IronWill - I would like to post the apology that I did send around and I would like you to know that I am sincere in this apology.
IronWill - last night there were things said regarding Test Center that were possibly the most inappropriate things I have said in my tenure here as a Game Master on Ultima Online for Origin. There were some things that were said that basically unacceptable from anyone made by a team member of UO, especially one who works in a sort of public eye.
IronWill - Firstly I was basically unknowledgeable and naive about a certain segment of the population which is that which resides on Test Center. Being as it is a larger portion of the UO that I had thought, I belittled them unfairly and inappropriately
IronWill - I was also unaware of the large contribution that this team makes to UO in general. In my ignorance I made bland and asinine comments about them.
IronWill - Secondly I went out on a limb and spoke my mind about something that I should not even have an opinion about. Coming publicly and assaulting something with my thoughts is dead wrong, especially when that something is actually doing a damn good job.
IronWill - Finally I made other remarks about some coworkers that is truly unprofessional and unacceptable. For this I apologize publicly and hope that they understand that the things said in the heat of the moment.
IronWill - . I do not and up to last night have not vented - I chose the absolute wrong place and forum to do so and attacked people for basically no reason at all.
IronWill - I take full responsibility for what was said last night, and have learned a couple of valuable things along the way. For any of you that I have offended out there I offer my full and total apologies - such action is neither acceptable my OSI, the UO team, or even me personally
IronWill - . I am quite embarrassed with myself to be honest, but can only go from here and learn from experience.
IronWill - Thank you all for your time and deepest apologies,
IronWill - GM Iron Will