Xander - Hi all, and welcome to UO Celebrity Chat
Xander - this is a new program similar in format to UOHOC
Xander - wherein we bring in all sorts of people, ranging from web site gurus, to pks, to roleplayers, to seers, etc.
Xander - to talk to you about UO
Xander - and answer whatever questions you may have
Xander - like the UOHOC, you just /msg your questions to the designated ops
Xander - but rather then me pasting them in here for our guest to answer
Xander - I will instead set voice to you when it is your turn
Xander - and you get to chat with our guest and ask your questions yourself
Xander - Today our guest is Lady Moi
Xander - LadyMOI, excuse me =)
* LadyMOI chuckles. *

Xander - LadyMOI, why don't you start by telling us a little about what you do.
LadyMOI - Thanks Xander.. sure.
LadyMOI - My title at Origin is Online Community Manager.
LadyMOI - Right now that centers on the Online Community for UO, but will eventually expand to oversee all future titles as well.
LadyMOI - Together with Calandryll, we try to get information to the UO population, and get information from the UO population for Origin
LadyMOI - We're particularly interested in building relationships with people who run fansites, who are leaders in teh community, people who are interested in teh betterment of UO.
LadyMOI - Our focus is to understand the UO players as well as possible, so that we can assist the direction of the game from the player perspective
LadyMOI - As well as to give the players insight into the game, into the other players, into the development.. etc.
LadyMOI - That's about it. :)
Xander - ok we'll begin with the questions
Xander - a quick reminder, LadyMOI is NOT on the dev team
LadyMOI - nod.
Xander - so asking her for those client change and when necromancy will be out won't be practical =)
LadyMOI - I have a pretty shallow knowledge of almost everything.. but it is shallow.
LadyMOI - I will, of course, be available for any questions you wish to persue via email.
LadyMOI - Cal or I can rummage up just about whatever you like.

ghyde - I am on an Australian mailing list trying to find out whether we can get an Australian server, and we are getting an in-game protest organised - would like to get her reaction to this planned event.
ghyde - er, sorry
ghyde - pasted that in ...
ghyde - hi
ghyde - But that's the gist of the question ...
LadyMOI - heh
LadyMOI - Allo ghyde
LadyMOI - So, the gist of the question is what's my reaction to a planned protest in order to get an Austrlian server?
ghyde - yes
LadyMOI - Well, I understand the passion that would prompt that choice, but I think it focuses on the wrong audience.
LadyMOI - Who will see an in-game protest?
LadyMOI - I've been talking a bit to a couple of people on that mailing list...
LadyMOI - about the whys and wherefors of the Australian server.
ghyde - Not sure, it depends on the time and location of course.
LadyMOI - This is one of those business choices that business people make...
ghyde - But why don't we see much about it ourselves? Because it's being discussed privately in email perhaps?
LadyMOI - And except for one of those folks, they're not likely to see such a protest.
LadyMOI - It's a difficult discussion to have, mostly because it's financial.
LadyMOI - But, the point to be aware of here is that Origin is 100% comitted to growing the server structure of UO
ghyde - That's good to hear.
LadyMOI - but we are concentrating on most aggressive markets right now.
LadyMOI - If we can turn Austrlia into one of those markets, we can hope to put hardware there.
ghyde - Although, the ping to most UO servers is horrible for most Australians. OSI must understand that, surely.
LadyMOI - Nod. It's all part of the equation.
LadyMOI - Thanks for the questions. :)

* Xander pokes Hythlodaeus *
Hythlodaeus - Ah, hello
Hythlodaeus - Do you work at all with the interest department in community development? Also...
Hythlodaeus - How do you feel about the end of multi-shard fiction and the sense of community it promoted?
LadyMOI - Great question, Hythlodaeus.
LadyMOI - :)
* Hythlodaeus smiles *
LadyMOI - So, first.. no .. I don't directly do interest at Origin.
LadyMOI - However, I have a really strong relationship with that department.
LadyMOI - I feel that multi-shard fiction, and the community that creates, is desperately needed in UO.
LadyMOI - It's definately missing.
LadyMOI - The good news is I think it's coming
Hythlodaeus - Yes, the best times I ever had in UO were during FoA quests
LadyMOI - I've been hearing about some of the plans for the new Seer/Elder program and I'm very excited about the possibilities
LadyMOI - Yes.. FoA showed us that it can work. But it also proved to be very resource demanding
LadyMOI - Part of the new plans for Seers/Elders accounts for that...
* Hythlodaeus is not aware of the plan *
LadyMOI - The details of the upgrades to the program will be revealed very soon.
LadyMOI - As well as an application process for a whole slew of new participants..
LadyMOI - but the gist of it is to empower the players to do more for themselves...
Hythlodaeus - I look forward to it, then. Thank you :)
LadyMOI - which will free up resources for shard-wide and multi-shard fiction.
LadyMOI - Thanks for the questions!

Soul_Harvester - ack
Soul_Harvester - sorry
LadyMOI - No need to be :)
LadyMOI - :)
Soul_Harvester - LadyMOI, has the fans you've spawned affected your job/life at OSI and in what ways?I
* LadyMOI cackles. *
Soul_Harvester - :)
LadyMOI - Sure it has affected me.
LadyMOI - That freakin' big smile I wear in those pictures is a direct result of the attention and love.
* LadyMOI grins WIDELY. *
Soul_Harvester - I mean, as in the way you treat/handle other players...?
Soul_Harvester - haha
LadyMOI - Hrm.. well lesse
LadyMOI - I have a pretty strict policy when it comes to dealing with players...
LadyMOI - it boils down to: Every single one of you deserves respect, attention, and a few moments of my time.
Soul_Harvester - Ah
Soul_Harvester - So...
LadyMOI - I get letters that are horribly spelled, grammatically incorrect, barely readible..
LadyMOI - but I give them the same attention as I do the eloquent ones.
Soul_Harvester - If a player were to expect some sort of "special" treatment due to the fact you are now "famous" you'd of course be the same...
LadyMOI - yah...
LadyMOI - in fact..
LadyMOI - when I hear that someone says they're a 'personal' friend of mine, I have to clarify...
LadyMOI - I am personal with everyone.. and everyone who writes to me receives the same attention
Soul_Harvester - heh
LadyMOI - Granted.. I am human.. I get kicks when people are nice to me..
Soul_Harvester - 1 more thing, if it's ok with you...? if not i'll run and hide
LadyMOI - but, when people are mean.. I expect most of the time it's because they're frustrated or upset, and only that because they care so much about UO.
LadyMOI - sure shoot
Soul_Harvester - Do you in any way look bad upon Player-Killing? rop'ing or not?
LadyMOI - Nope.
LadyMOI - Absolutely not.
Soul_Harvester - Thanks LadyMOI :)
LadyMOI - sure. :)
LadyMOI - Thanks to you too!

Adramelech - Hi LadyMOI
Adramelech - What is your opinon on the implimentation of harsh penalties for murdering?
LadyMOI - Hiyas Adramelech.. woo tough name
Adramelech - Do you feel that OSI is trying to eradicate murdering?
LadyMOI - So, are you talking about stat loss or not being able to insta-log out of houses? or just everything in general?
Adramelech - Im talking more on the lines of insta-log
LadyMOI - right..
Adramelech - i mean you said earlier that your focus is to understand the uo player...
LadyMOI - Okay.. so, the answer to eradicating murderers is no.
Adramelech - do you call not letting reds instantly logout ANYWHERE
Adramelech - ,even in the own players house "understanding the uo player"?
LadyMOI - UO was designed from the get go to be aplace where you can engage in PvP.
LadyMOI - All right.. let's address this one at a time..
Adramelech - okay
LadyMOI - First off, engaging in PvP is now and will continue to be a part of UO.
LadyMOI - That being said, there are a lot of ways people engage in PvP that takes advantage of aspects of the game that weren't intended for that.
Adramelech - Takes advantage how?
LadyMOI - Being able to attack people from the steps of your house and run inside and log off really quickly is an example.
LadyMOI - However, with insta-log in particular...
Adramelech - But those are isolated cases.
LadyMOI - I believe the initial idea was to make it such that aggressors couldn't insta-log...
LadyMOI - not blanket statement reds..
Adramelech - So your solution is to make a new patch
Adramelech - and not let ANY reds instalog?
LadyMOI - Cal and I are both collecting a LOT of commentary on this specific incident...
LadyMOI - situation rather.. and are presenting our findings to the team.
Adramelech - okay...
LadyMOI - While I'm not intending to make any promises regarding this, in that it will change...
Adramelech - one last question.
LadyMOI - This is one of those topics that is being closely examined.. by everyone here.
LadyMOI - :)
LadyMOI - Sure.
Adramelech - What kind of toothpaste do you use?
* LadyMOI cackles. *
LadyMOI - Aquafresh
LadyMOI - Thanks for the questions Adramelech. :)

Surastik - Allo' LadyMOI (tips hat)
LadyMOI - Allo allo allo Surastik :)
Surastik - My question: Seeing how you are the 'go between' from the players to the powers that be, do you find it difficult to be impartial to one side or the other, or was that why your position was created?
Surastik - btw aquafresh is muy bueno :)
LadyMOI - Do I find it difficult? Only sometimes.
* LadyMOI heehees. *
LadyMOI - But yes, that is one of the reasons my position was created.
LadyMOI - But another major one was to have more resources devoted to listening to the players.
LadyMOI - The dev team only has so much time.. they need to be working on the game.
LadyMOI - Cal steps in and takes the place.. and creates these cool reports based on the things you folks discuss.
Surastik - I guess my digging question is, are you a peacemaker between the oft busy and oft untouchable dev board and the Joe six pack
LadyMOI - Yes. Specifically, Calandryll is.
Surastik - And might I add then, a welcome addition, thanks for your time!
LadyMOI - Something that Cal and I have found recently is that even that isn't enough.
LadyMOI - Cal needs to be the conduit between the Dev Team, the Players, and the GM staff too. Cal's focus is external to the game...
LadyMOI - we're working towards beefing up his relationship with the GMs, too.. so he can get a really clear picture of what's happening and what you guys need.
Surastik - This is quite a good start IMHO
LadyMOI - Thanks for the question, Surastik. it was nice chatting with you!
LadyMOI - Thanks :)
* Surastik bows *

Creed - Do you pleasure yourself? And May I shave you bald and write I suck on your head?
* LadyMOI cackles roaringly. *
LadyMOI - Wooo! That keeps things exciting. ;)
* Rainman readies the ban button (keep it clean people) *

Methos - Hello
LadyMOI - Hiyas :)
LadyMOI - What's shakin?
Methos - Not to much
LadyMOI - heehee
Methos - my ping
Methos - :)
LadyMOI - Yessir?
Methos - anyway
LadyMOI - cackle
Methos - I was wondering
Methos - how is the companion program coming along
* LadyMOI raises an eyebrow. *
LadyMOI - Well, from what I understand.. it's a mighty big program.
LadyMOI - GM Bodi was just in my office today... he's apparently pretty busy right now.
Methos - I see, and also do you play UO in your off time or to much of it at work?
LadyMOI - I understand that they had a bit of a bump in the road over the weekend, but are putting together a most-mortem on it to prevent the early issues from continuing to plague the program.
LadyMOI - Durga, the gal in charge, is a smart cookie. I suspect it's going to get good really fast. :)
LadyMOI - Lesse, my UO time is very skinny these days.
Methos - I understand, you do a great job with us
LadyMOI - I spend about 60 hours a week working on UO in some capacity on another... well, make it 50.. with 10 to other things...
Methos - one more
Methos - question
LadyMOI - Sure. :)
Methos - I know most people here would like to ask
* LadyMOI blinks. *
Methos - Do not answer if you don't wish to
LadyMOI - 'yeeees?
LadyMOI - shoot :)
Methos - How old might you be?
LadyMOI - I'll be 26 in less than a week :)
LadyMOI - Thanks for the questions!
Methos - Well then I will send a birthday cardm thank you for the time
LadyMOI - thanks Methos!

slay[afk] - Hi Moi.
LadyMOI - Allo!
slay[afk] - Not sure if ya remember me from the NY luncheon or not, just got a question for ya :>
LadyMOI - You type pretty good for AFK
* LadyMOI winks. *
slay[afk] - Sorry couldn't change nick once in moderated channel.
* XenaDragon chuckles *
LadyMOI - Did you introduce yourself as Slay?
* LadyMOI grins. *
slay[afk] - Aye
LadyMOI - doh
* LadyMOI mutters. *
LadyMOI - heehee
slay[afk] - :O Well I'll get to the question..
* LadyMOI grins while blushing profusely. *
LadyMOI - k
slay[afk] - What did you think of the luncheon in general and all those uh, bright minds behind the characters coming together under one roof and interacting IRL ?
* LadyMOI giggles. *
LadyMOI - Honestly, I -love- luncheons.
* slay[afk] grins *
LadyMOI - You get to see people, almost still wearing their character a little bit... but mostly being themselves..its so cool
LadyMOI - Like take Ian for instance
LadyMOI - Remember when the guy was asking questions about PKilling.. the young kid?
slay[afk] - lol yes, Giver
LadyMOI - And Ian got all in his face about taking him on, one on one..
LadyMOI - So, Ian's HUGE.. 6'4" or so and built..
slay[afk] - That was quite funny.
LadyMOI - and Giver is a young skinny guy...
LadyMOI - but he was totally sticking up for himself... talking about taking each other on
LadyMOI - I think that's beautiful!
LadyMOI - Plus, I think people get a little more honest in person.. and i like to see that.
* slay[afk] chuckles *
LadyMOI - All in all, I really enjoyed my time in NY, and am looking forward to going to Seattle next.
LadyMOI - Thanks for the question, Slay. :)
slay[afk] - Great, thank you.

weazel - hi
LadyMOI - Allo weazel
weazel - whats your opinion on 3rd party servers
LadyMOI - Listen to ween at all?
* LadyMOI grins. *
LadyMOI - They're against the ToS.
LadyMOI - Anything else?
weazel - yes, but still there a nice break
weazel - more freedom
weazel - [Sephiroth] hehehe ask her why she emotes so much - he has to know
weazel - and one more gatorade or kool-aid
* LadyMOI is the EMOTICON genius!! *
LadyMOI - Gatorade.. grape flavor.
LadyMOI - Thanks, weazel. :)
weazel - okay

Cynic - Sup Moi?
Cynic - Got two questions for you...
LadyMOI - Allo Cynic..
LadyMOI - sure shoot!
* LadyMOI grits her teeth and prepares. *
Cynic - First, regarding a thread on Lum's board earlier in the week - how is what gets the attention of the Dev Team established? (The latest patch pretty much shows it isn't by what the community wants)
LadyMOI - Do you mean how does the dev team choose the next patch?
LadyMOI - choose what to implement?
* LadyMOI peers into Cynic, searching for the answer. *
* LadyMOI pokes Cynic. *
LadyMOI - Is that what you mean?
LadyMOI - Eh?
Cynic - Basically what was the huge need for all these newbie features that the Dev team decided to push back everything else that the established players were looking for?
LadyMOI - Ah ha!
LadyMOI - Okay...
LadyMOI - There are several influencing factors into 'the next patch'
LadyMOI - They include, but are not limited to, gm calls, hot topics on boards, emails, developer interest, future expectation, and executive interest
LadyMOI - Now, one of the things Origin wants to see is that UO is positioned to continue well into the future...
LadyMOI - However, one of the barring factors to getting new players into UO has been the incredibly large learning curve at the start...
Cynic - Again, what was the need for all these additional 'features', such as email, that most players already had - in a better format - outside the game?
LadyMOI - It was determined that if we could reduce that learning curve, we could substantially improve the future of UO
LadyMOI - Well, email was a bit of gravy..
LadyMOI - the underlying thing that email does is improves the global messaging in the game..
LadyMOI - specifically for support calls
LadyMOI - adding functionality to let players mail each other was trivial
LadyMOI - And, it will help prevent against some security issues currently associated with some messaging software.
LadyMOI - So.. how about the future eh?
Cynic - Okay, to wrap up the first question - will the dev team spend the next few months working on something of actual intrest to the rest of us?
LadyMOI - Yes indeedy... yes indeedy.. more details to follow.. but, the team is returning to a 3 week patch cycle starting today.
Cynic - Great! Alright - question two and then I'll let you go.
Cynic - Second, what is the possibility of getting a switch on all these newbie features as the lag since implementation has been INCREDIBLE!!!
LadyMOI - Each patch will include major fixes, and some small 'feel good' systems and features.. while larger, more elaborate systems and whatnot are developed.
LadyMOI - You mean to toggle them off?
Cynic - yes!!!
LadyMOI - I'm not sure what the possibility is. I'll bring it up with the dev team. IF you shoot me off an email, I can respond to you later. :)
Cynic - Will do! Haven't been able to play the game without losing connection since last week (and thats with a 118 ping!).
Cynic - Alright, thanks for your time.
LadyMOI - Thanks for the questions, Cynic..
LadyMOI - :)

Fizzle - Heya!
* Fizzle has just one easy question *
LadyMOI - Hiyas Fizzle!
LadyMOI - All right!
Fizzle - How did you get involved with OSI. Where did you hear about the position and the like?
* LadyMOI heehees. *
LadyMOI - Well, actually, I've created the Online Community department at Origin.
LadyMOI - Initially, I was writing a script for the demo version of Ascension.. for E3 in 98.
LadyMOI - I got to know Richard during that time.. Garriott.. and he was a big fan of something I did when I worked at Crack dot Com..
LadyMOI - called carlypoints...
LadyMOI - which was basically a bit of community driven silliness in teh 3d gaming community
LadyMOI - He liked it a lot.. and wanted me to do similar things here at Origin...
LadyMOI - after awhile of working with the Ascension group, Origin promoted me to being a manager and let me design and develop the OCR department.
LadyMOI - And I'm continuing to grow and define it even now.. :)
LadyMOI - Does that answer your q?
Fizzle> * for now, it will all be asked in the E-Mail. .thanks
* LadyMOI does a backflip. *
LadyMOI - Great! Thanks Fizzle.

Tate - Lo' there, LadyMOI. *smiles*
LadyMOI - Hiyas Tate.. having a nice evening?
Tate - Mm.. tired.. *snickers*
* LadyMOI hears ya there. :) *
Tate - Well, ill try to be as brief as possible, ive been known to be rather.. verbose..
* LadyMOI giggles. *
LadyMOI - I have a similar curse. :)
Tate - Ive been cogitating over a few've the other players points in their speaking times, and you know,
Tate - Going back to Weazel's thoughts over third-party emulation devices and Cynic's player-ideas..
* LadyMOI hrms... *
Tate - The primary desire to become a part of such is to have influence over the world in some profound way. Typically, when someone has an idea, the best they can do is relieve it on a message board,
LadyMOI - Yes?
Tate - Im sure there's someone from Origin who checks these message boards from time to time, but speaking as a professional game designer, there are those of us who think up completely detailed systems, proposals, and the like with absolutly no legitimate place to channel them,
* Rainman points to the UOSS Ideas Den *
Tate - The recent implementations in the game itself have been client-side, and mainly focused for the newly growing populous of Ultima,
Tate - Why not allow for a small committee (representing the people, of course) to select the more likely proposals,
Tate - ..and bring them into the world of the Test Server or such?
LadyMOI - Well I tell you...
LadyMOI - there's a good side and a bad side to that..
Tate - The amount of work being done from the coder standpoint is kind've embarassing, in the timeframe they do it in.. you know.
LadyMOI - on the one hand, that could really be effective and useful..
LadyMOI - on the other, who is the say that this committe can represent the entire populace very well? Or that they will in an unbiased fashion?
LadyMOI - Actually, what I'd like to see is Jury Duty
* LadyMOI grins. *
* Tate smirks. *
* Speed grimaces *
Tate - Been spending time in Yew, eh? *lol*
LadyMOI - I'd like to be able to invite small groups of 20 folks into a chat like this and just shoot the breeze on a regular basis
LadyMOI - randomly drawn from the players..
LadyMOI - and use that to try to learn more about people...
LadyMOI - However, not to totally shoot down your suggestion.. :)
Tate - Of course. *smiles*
Tate - Its just,
LadyMOI - if you'd like to write me an email detailing some of your thoughts, I'd be more than happy to comment on them with more than a form lettered response. :)
LadyMOI - [email protected]
Tate - I hate to say it, the work being done on the client/server (aside from the new encryption) could've been done by a minimal staff inside've two days since last patch.
* Rainman points LadyMOI to the UO in-game chat system *
LadyMOI - Calandryll is also open to mails such as these.. [email protected]
Tate - Alright, ill let that be, getting a little too detailed. ^-^
Tate - Two more short questions if you please.
* Tate smiles softly. *
LadyMOI - heh
LadyMOI - wooo, mud emote!
* LadyMOI points at Tate. *
Tate - Yes yes, oldstyle mud'der. ^-^
LadyMOI - nod
Tate - Anyways,
Tate - 1) Between all your interaction with the staff and players, does LadyMOI ever get to kick off her shoes and get some "My UO" time in?
LadyMOI - Heh.. not hardly enough, my friend. :)
LadyMOI - Thanks for the question :)
* Tate chuckles softly. *
LadyMOI - Take care and I look forward to hearing from you in email. :)
Tate - Alright, nix the second question then. ^-^

PastyWhite - Hi!
LadyMOI - Wooo, hiyas PastyWhite!
PastyWhite - I was wondering,
LadyMOI - Yes?
PastyWhite - Have you and OSI et all given any thought to the future of UO as it pertains to Online Addiction.
PastyWhite - Being that it is a new affliction and all.
LadyMOI - Do you mean Online Addiction as an illness?
PastyWhite - heh, well illness, marraige destroyer, whatever your choice of words is
LadyMOI - It's actually not all that new.. it's just becoming more obvious now that more people are online.
PastyWhite - aye
LadyMOI - When I started playing online games in 92, I was addicted. :)
LadyMOI - 16 hours a day, wouldn't eat.. it was crazy.
LadyMOI - heehee..
LadyMOI - However, to answer your question... we aren't planning to impose any time of time limits on playing or anything
LadyMOI - I think, as a matter of personal opinion, individuals should be responsible for themselves.
PastyWhite - how bout an ingame feature with reminders that you haven't called your mom in 3 weeks?
* LadyMOI heehees. *
LadyMOI - Well, we'll see :)
PastyWhite - Do you personally feel,
PastyWhite - that online addiction is a problem with mmorpg's
LadyMOI - Nope. It's as prevalent with chat rooms and simple web surfing.
LadyMOI - Well, thanks for the questions.. :)
PastyWhite - I thank you for your time

Xander - I'd like to thank you all for coming
Xander - And thank LadyMOI especially
Xander - this was a great UOCC =)
Xander - the logs will be posted later on the stratics website
LadyMOI - Thanks everyone! I enjoyed talking to you all!
Xander - our next UOCC will be in 2 weeks, and will feature the arch senior king counselor: Glamdring
Xander - hope to see you all then
* Surastik applauds wildly *
* Sephiroth bows to the emoteicon queen emperess person =P *
* Niobe prepares to beat Glam with a squid *
* LadyMOI curtseys. *

The chat was over, yet LadyMOI answered a few more, rather intersting questions;

Speed - maybe I'll see you in Seattle, LadyMOI :)
Methos - Come to DC sometime
LadyMOI - Cool! Can't wait! I've never been. :)

Mordain - LadyMOI would you answer one question?
LadyMOI - All right, I'm outta here... :)
LadyMOI - One then I must run :)
Mordain - hehe I can email it to you
LadyMOI - You preppin that q, Mordain?
Mordain - I was just curious what was being done to enhance the Roleplay
LadyMOI - Heh.. hrm. the elder/seer program is being enhanced to allow players to provide more RP interest in the games for themselves.
LadyMOI - More on that will come later..
LadyMOI - Watch the site :)
Rainman - timeframe MOI?
LadyMOI - 2 or so weeks for details, I'd say.
LadyMOI - maybe a month to 2 to being implementing
Mordain - Im an avid roleplayer on GL and those who know me (which are alot) love to get involved in the bigger picture of Roleplay and I strive to help build roleplay
Mordain - just curious what is being done to help it along hehe :)

Magicia_LV - Ladymoi any idea on an age limit
LadyMOI - Age limit of 18
LadyMOI - required for contracts.
* Hythlodaeus cheers! *

ghyde - LadyMOI, does anyone at OSI have an idea of how many Aussie players there actually are?
LadyMOI - Ghyde.. yes.
LadyMOI - Okay bye.