The Beginner’s Guide to Ultima Online

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- Currently at v. 2.2 -


This guide is intended for the beginning player of Ultima Online. While this is a great game, getting a new character started can be a slow process, and certain aspects of the game mechanics are obscure and not explained anywhere else that I know of. Basically, if it confused me when I started, it’s in here. This document also contains the tricks I’ve used to make my own characters operate as effectively as possible within the confines of the game.

The guide is also intended to be a paper document. It's generally better to play Ultima Online in full screen mode, and even if you aren't, the response times on the Web can be too slow for an online manual to be of much use. There are currently no plans to make this an on-line readable document, though I'm looking at making a Windows Help file for those of you who play UO in a window.

If you'd like to reach me, I can be contacted at [email protected].

Download The Guide

Update For The Reputation Patch
The reputation patch has been in for about a week, and after much putzing about with it I've updated the guide to reflect it. This mostly involved removing Notoriety (yay!) and fixing up a few related comments elsewhere. There's also more discussion of how to make money as a rank newbie, particularly if you don't want to blow your two starter skills on money-making.

Note that some browsers are getting a little too smart for their own good and will try to display this file instead of downloading it to your computer. If that happens, try right-clicking on the link and explicitly telling it what you want done.

RTF File (readable by most word processors and WordPad) (2.2, 120 KB)

An Excerpt From The Current Guide...

Why is this vendor saying "You can't buy that", even though the item I want has a price and everything?

Make sure you're talking to the right vendor. If two or more vendors are right next to one another, it's possible to look into one's pack while talking to another one. Move until the vendor you want to buy from is the only one right next to you, or refer to the vendor by his name instead of as "vendor".