How To Log In To MyUO
You must now be logged in in order to read the official MyUO Forums, with the exception of the New Player Haven board and this FAQ board.

This means that in order to read the main forums, you�ll need to be a UO account holder, and have signed up for a MyUO account. This helps us in two major ways � one, it gives us real numbers on how much visibility we get on information and assets that are posted to our boards. Two, we hope it encourages more people reading the boards to actually contribute � people who have very legitimate concerns or thoughts, but who may not have been driven before to actually register to post.

If you don't have an active MyUO account, you can create one here with your current UO username and password. (This is a secure site. If you feel uneasy about entering your UO information through a link, you can access this same page by using the navigation bar to the left on the Official Website, going to MyUO, and clicking on "Log In/Personalization" at the top right, then selecting "Create MyUO".) Tip: Try not to make your MyUO account name the same as your UO account name. It�s better for your security.

Once you have your MyUO account, you can create a board account here. (Note: You need to be logged into MyUO to create this message board account, but only the first time. Later, you�ll be able to log straight into the boards, without having to log into MyUO first.) Enter in the new message board username and password that you�d like. Try not to make this name the same as your UO account name, or your MyUO name, also for your security. It's important to keep in mind that every time you post, this is the name that will appear, and it can't be changed once it's created. So choose carefully, and check your spelling! Also, make sure to NOT create a message board name with an apostrophe ( ' ) as our message board script won�t recognize this symbol.

If you have problems logging in to the boards, the forgotten password option doesn't work, or you have other board-related difficulties, you can send an email to [email protected]