Professions: The Archer
Archer Templates, by Amidala
Contributed by: Lia Siannodel and Crispix

PvM Templates:

PvP Templates:

PVM Archer Templates
100 Archery br>100 Tactics
100 Animal Taming
80 Animal Lore
85 Veterinary
85 Anatomy
90 Healing
60 Magery
90 str / 40 int / 95 dex
- Plenty of Taming and Lore (pet control)
- Can't Gate without scrolls.
- 0 Resist (your Pet will usually take most of the damage).
100 Archery
100 Tactics
100 Musicianship
100 Provocation
90 Healing
85 Anatomy
75 Resist
50 Magery
100 str / 25 int / 100 dex
- 100% Provoke
- Enough Magery to recall without scrolls.
- Reduced Anatomy/Healing: can fail, will heal less hp, less offensive bonus
- Reduced Resist: still vulnerable to most spell-attacks
100 Archery
100 Tactics
85 Healing
80 Anatomy
100 Magery
85 Eval. Int.
75 Meditation
75 Resist
85 str / 60 int / 80 dex
- Healing and Magery (great healing)
- High Eval. Int. and Magery
- High Resist
- Meditation (restores mana while equipped with bow).
- Can't ressurect with bandages.
- 85 Eval. Int. doesn't give pure Mage damage
- Less Meditation then the Pure Mage.
- Less Dexterity than the average Archer.
- 0 Wrestling/spell interruption.
Light Warrior/Archer
100 Archery
100 Seconday Combat skill
100 Tactics
100 Healing
100 Anatomy
100 Resist
100 Magery
100 str / 25 in / 100 dex
- Ability to Melee.
- Healing and Anatomy NEVER fail and heal up to 80 hp/bandage.
- Very High Resist.
- With 100 extra skill points, GM Magery suggested.
- No Med or Eval to augment Magery.
100 Archery
100 Tactics
95 Anatomy
95 Healing
80 Resist
100 Fishing
100 Magery
30 Cartography
100 str / 25 int / 100 dex
- GM Magery: unlock level 1-2 treasure chests; 30 Cartography: decifier level 1 t-maps
- 0 Mining, must use extraneous documentation
Treasure Hunter/Archer
100 Archery
100 Tactics
100 Anatomy
100 Healing
100 Cartography
100 Lockpicking
50 Magery
50 Mining
100 str / 25 / 100 dex
- Healing/Anatomy never fail and heal up to 80 hp/bandage.
- Skilled enough to do level 1-5 Treasure Maps.
- Can Recall w/o Scrolls; Telekinesis to disarm traps on the Treasure Chests.
- 0 Resist
- Lacks high Mining/must know exact location of treasures

PVP Archer Templates
Pure Archer
100 Archery
100 Wrestling
100 Tactics
100 Healing
100 Anatomy
100 Resist
100 Magery
90 str / 45 in / 90 dex
- Wrestling reduces spell interruption/potion drinking Con's:
- No melee.
Faction Scout/Archer
100 Archery
100 Tactics
100 Healing
100 Anatomy
100 Resist
100 Detect Hidden
100 Remove Trap
90 str / 45 int / 90 dex
- Very high Healing and Resist to better keep yourself alive.
- Detect Hidden/Remove Trap: detectdisarm any traps in Enemy faction towns/bases.
- Detect Hidden: reveal hidden enemies.
- Must rely on the use of Recall Scrolls to travel.
Stealth Archer
100 Archery
100 Tactics
100 Healing
100 Anatomy
100 Resist
100 Hiding
100 Stealth
90 str / 45 int / 90 dex
Stealth/Hide line of Sight
- You'll have to rely on recall scrolls to get around most of the time.