Counseling CAN be rewarding!

.. UO Stratics - Counselor Blues ..

Posted by Assistant Senior Counselor Sassy on March 09, 2000 at 10:48:47 PM CST:

Application Accepted!!
Was I ever so thrilled. Went through the process of training, very excited to get my robe *wet*. Meet the players and FINALLY, be able to help in a way that was very different as an average player.

One day, I logged in, and a couple of my comrads from Catskills asked me if I had checked out guild one of late. My response was no, not yet, whats going on? They said to me to go check it out asap!

I did just that, and to my utter amazement, a player had tamed a pack llama, named it AGIFTFORSASSY!

I was ever so happy that this *contented player* showed his appreciation with this gift!

It goes to show, that if you go the extra mile for players, they are most happy!

Thanks for letting me share this with you all!

