Sonoma, Trammel
Owned and decorated by Lady Rune T'Kasumi
Located 94�13'N 42�49'E, between the Compassion Shrine and the dungeon Wrong
I'm glad that most of you love 'Lucinity' and I would like to thank all for their support and also apologize to those who take the trouble to visit her. It hurt to take 'Lucinity' down for me but I do want a tower so badly in Trammel. I want to build 'Lucinity' again but the prices of marble patios now are terrible =\ Anyway, I do hope that you'll like 'Imperium' as much as I do :)

This is the area Rune lives with her UO fiance. (I wanted a waterfall garden initially but my friends are already complaining that they crash too much...well that is their current gripe still) Rune loves ponds/fountains/waterfalls so she has a pond to rear some koi. She also loves gardening and felt that fresh veggies are always welcomed though birds are not :). She has a well constructed for water to water her plants (had to 'borrow' your idea Wynterhart"

The stairway area is just a display area. The small conclave is the guildstone area. The goblet in front of the guildstone represents 'brotherhood' As long as you're in the guild you treat one another like brothers and sisters. The scale represents 'justice' and the harp represents 'harmony' The room inside are shared between 2 of my friends. Its pretty obvious that the guy friend is a messy warrior who doesn't wipe his boots before stepping into his room and the other half belongs to a girlfriend who is a mage.

This is basically the work area. The alchemist, Bip has a small room all to himself to work on his potions and experimenting new ones which most often then not a failure *decides not to mention the damage it does sometimes* Inside, Jubilee can work on her tailoring and carpentry and blacksmithy.

Basically this is the area to laze in front of the fireplace and entertain guests or just sit down to have a chat with friends. Books and scrolls can be obtained from the library for easy reading or research. Rune also have a small store area to keep the veggies harvested from her garden near the stairway.

Eeekkk!!! You're not supposed to catch Rune bathing :P Anyway this is her little 'love shack' with a small bathroom :)