The Golden Forge
Great Lakes, Felucca
Owned and decorated by Jonn Goldenforge
Located 135�1'N, 81�37'E
Jonn's penchant for all things golden is well known by many, so it is no surprise that his favorite forge is fully adorned with rich golden hues throughout. His collection of golden items, both common and more rare,has been growing over the years, with many pieces on display here at theforge. In fact, he located the forge here for the excellent gold mining to be had in the area, and is still well-pleased with the mines. While the master of the house is not always at home, visitors are always welcome. Feel free to stop by and enjoy the good mining, browse theshop's offerings, or just say hello! Farewell, wherever you may fare!

The second floor is the living area of the forge, including a reading and relaxation nook, a comfortable bedroom where the fire burnsyear-round, and a private balcony, perfect for enjoying the beauty of the Felucca mountainside without sacrificing one's safety. At night, the forge is well-lit from within, providing ample light for smith-a-holicsor late-night partiers. If it gets too bright, all of the lanterns and candles may be blown out, leaving only the flickering light of the fireplace and glowing embers of the forge to cast shadows upon the walls.

The first floor of the forge is a workspace and shoppe, complete with a full-sized forge, anvils, ingots-a-plenty and other needs of the house. Ernest the vendor is open for business around the clock, selling wares to passers-by, while Frasier the Blacksmith greets visitors who come into the forge to work, shop or simply pass the time.