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Announcing The Catskills Inquirer |
We recieved this announcement:
Thank you Eve for having worked so hard to compile this information and print it for easy reference. Good luck to you and to the Alliance. |
Posted on Monday, January 31, 2000, 7:40 PM EST by Obsidion (Catskills) |
Ultima Online Midwest Player Meet in Indianapolis |
This was posted to the Community News Area. I've restated it here as I know of many players who just tend to look under the Catskills heading for thier news, and although this gathering is open to ALL UO players on every shard, it just happens to be organized by players on this one. Kinship Village - Catskills, in celebration of our 2 year anniversary as a player run town in Ultima Online is proud to host the Ultima Online Midwest Player Meet to be held March 18, 2000 in Indianapolis, Indiana. PLEASE NOTE: You DO NOT need to be a Kinship or Catskills player to come to this meet! You don't even need to live in the Midwest! We invite ALL UO players to attend from all corners of the world! Date: Saturday, March 18, 2000 Place: Jillian's Our party will be held in a private room located on the second floor. Cost: $35 per person Cost Includes: Reservation of private room which includes 2 private billiards tables. Buffet Style Food Served: $10 worth of video games on Jillian's Game Cards. Deadline: Checks must be received by March 8, 2000 if you plan to join us in the private room! NOTE: You are of course welcome to come to the club, but will not be able to join in the private room or partake of the food and game cards unless your payment gets here by March 8th, which is shortly before my deadline for head count with the club. There will only be enough food and cards for those who have confirmed their attendance by sending in their check. REFUNDS WILL ONLY BE GIVEN BEFORE THE DEADLINE OF MARCH 8, 2000! If you have already paid and find out that you are unable to attend, I will be glad to return your check or money order before March 8th. After that date, I will be committed to pay for your attendance. Questions: Please email your questions to me at [email protected] I will be checking this email address daily and will make sure that you get a fast response. Please find more information at http://kinship.village.stonegard.com This website includes all the addresses, directions, maps, players attending, etc. Teresa Hamilton A Player Luncheon is an excellent way to meet others that you've perhaps played UO for years with, but never had the chance to see in real life. As someone who has been involved in them, I can't recommend them enough.--Joshua Rowan, Stratics Community News Reporter. Although I have played UO for years I have not been to one yet, but this looks as if it may be my first as it is close to me. Please remember this is open to all UO players, so tell your friends on other shards as well. |
Posted on Monday, January 31, 2000, 7:33 PM EST by Obsidion (Catskills) |
The Invasion Continues |
This story was related to us about recent attacks:Thank you, Eve for your acount. |
Posted on Monday, January 31, 2000, 7:18 PM EST by Obsidion (Catskills) |
The Last Piece of Truth is Ours! |
Korin the Scribe sent word of this great turnout: Hail, |
Posted on Monday, January 31, 2000, 6:55 PM EST by Narga Saiyen (Chesapeake) |
News from the front lines... |
The escalating attacks on the major cities of Brittania and the new lands have grown more and more serious as reports are flooding in from all my contacts. I myself have been present at the recent attacks in Britian and was fortunate to survive the incursion.
These attacks come in response to the recent inefficiency of the Royal guard, who seem to be allowing these attacks to continue and making them unable to protect those who they are sworn to defend. No guard was present to comment, seeing as most were just unable to talk. Rumors have been flying as to the cause of these attacks. Many believe it is just a freak event: something to do with the moons or magical ley lines. Others see this as a conspiracy from Lord Brittish to sway public opinion towards him again. Others believe some wicked mastermind from the Followers of Armageddon is responsible. One growing rumor is the appearance of a Lich named Jou’nar, who is believed to be an ally to the FoA, as well as the Liche twins from that battle. Whatever the reason, the cities of Brittania now stand on the threshold of full-scale war. Whatever the outcome, the lands we know of will never be the same again. |
Posted on Monday, January 31, 2000, 3:22 PM EST by Red William (GreatLakes) |
Seer Narcissus Leaves Our Lands |
A couple of days ago I 'eard tale that Seer Narcissus (also known as Claudia) 'as left our lands. I know thar are many debates around the subject but that aint none of me business. I jest report events that take place. I met Narcissus on a few occasions and 'e seemed like a good enough bloke. G'luck to ye in the future mate, ye'll be missed. Yers in ale and tale |
Posted on Monday, January 31, 2000, 7:26 AM EST by Keeshi (Atlantic) |
The Mayor of Yew Retires! |
'ello thar all, Fer those of ye that aint 'eard the Mayor of Yew, Lord Rainbow King 'as left our realm. Whar 'e is goin or what 'is plans are none knows. The reasons fer 'is leavin are confusin to say the least, but I won't go into them 'ere. Now ye all know I aint none for politics or the like but I've met the bloke a few times and 'e seemed to be doin a 'ell of a job. After such a short term in office the Mayor 'as taken 'is own life in the very throne room of our Lord British. Twas a gruesome event to say the least, and was witnessed by many. RK if yer out thar know our blessin's go wit ye mate and we wish ye the best of luck in yer future. More then a few of us simpathize wit yer plight and the realm will indeed feel the loss of yer presence. As fer the town of Yew and what is to become of it thar 'as been no news, but I'm sure a new election will be takin place soon. More information on his leavin and the reasons be'ind it can be found 'ere: Mayor Retires Yers in ale and tale, |
Posted on Monday, January 31, 2000, 7:14 AM EST by Keeshi (Atlantic) |
War & Roses Tavern Hours update |
We received the following announcement:The War & Roses Tavern of Siege Perilous is happy to announce a new schedule, to accomodate the many night owls amongst our customer base. We will now be fully staffed during these hours: |
Posted on Monday, January 31, 2000, 5:03 AM EST by Maximillian Bold (SiegePerilous) |
Massive amounts of monsters on road from Britain to Trinsic! |
Another report of the growing monster trouble.......
I was traveling south from Britin on searching for a privare vendor who carried an item I required. I was suddenly under attack from all directions. Ratmen, Lizardmen, and a good number of Gazers. There must have been close to 200 monsters in the stretch between the Cities of Britin and Trinsic. Normally Ratmen, Lizardmen, or even Gazers are not much trouble for me even 2 or 3 at a time, but 10 of em chasing me gave me some concern. I was able to fight my way arround a bit, slaying a dozen or so Rat/Lizardmen and 2 gazers. I was at the end of my stamina and 2 hits of life remaining when I reached the safty of Britin. Once there I had my armour repaired, banked my loot, and morned the loss of my horse. I was bent on avenging my deciced mount. |
Posted on Monday, January 31, 2000, 4:47 AM EST by Joe Woodwright (Chesapeake) |
Grand Opening of The Bloody Keg Tavern |
This just in from Jeg!
Posted on Monday, January 31, 2000, 4:34 AM EST by Joe Woodwright (Chesapeake) |
Death & Terror through the eyes of a Trinsic youth |
The calm serene lyrics of swallows playing with glee in the Trinsic garden silenced as the army of darkness once again tried to take its throne. Trinsic, still tending its wounds from the legions attack yesterday suffered even more pain as they marched in. Killing villagers with no ounce of mercy, laughed and screamed thier war cries as the un-prepared citizens of Trinsic armed thereselves and readied thier magical regeants. The cloud of war stenched high of blood as the main battle grew from the front gate towards the main bank where the defenseless hid. The scream for help from the towns female folk was common. Most female folk either carrying thier children to safety, or standing on thier knees holding thier young loved one who recently died of battle. Has anyone think about what a woman feels when she lets her man to battle?. Throughout the dark battle, like a scene from the early crusades, a stroke of thought hit me. Where was Master Lich Jou'nor?. My blade nervously waiting for his skin, my magic in my heart pulseing warm for his sight. There was no sign of Master Lich Jou'nor in todays attack. Though, the casualties were still high. Thieves used thier hiding skills to hide behind or next to corpses of fallen ones. Have they not mercy for those who has fallen to protect the citizens, including that thief?. The sound of battle stopped. The final corpses of skeletons and liches still twitched freshly. I looked around with my battle dirty face, blood covered clothes. I found a bewilderd half-youth standing quietly by himself as If still gathering his senses. I took the time to comfort him and talk to him, I was sure he had more experiance with the battle by the looks of the bruises and cuts all over his body. The young man, who called himself GD Slayer had lots to say. I began to interview him in the tavern with bottles of ale open and basket filled of warm bread. This is what he said, and what I asked: Rage: Have you seen anything that has upset you personally?, aside the fact of the horrors that the Undead has giving us? GD Slayer: Oh yes, as there was trouble throughout Trinsic, I saw many dead bodies that were neglected of those who tried todefend the our town. I am upset at the guards who I have been friends of for not helping. Why would'nt they help us?. There was a lot os citizens who were yelling for the protection of guards, yet no one answered. Anyways, the numbers of the undead are growing more fierce day by day. The bodies of heros are starting to pile, this is incredibly inhumane. I tried to heal those who were in need, but the choas was so high, I lost myself acouple of times. I feared for myself for each time I lost myself I given up my defensive. I feel a strong wave of sarrow for those who have fallen in battle... Rage: Tis incredibly sad, I know what you mean to be neck high into chaos. In your opinion, How did the people work together to defend our Trinsic? GD Slayer:The people got together slowly, because the attack was a incredible surprise. We were doing pretty well, until I saw those who began to run away. Therefore those who tried to run away died... I guess died trieing. We were being over-thrown by the lich lords, then we had to pull back to our bank, where our towns young and female hid. Luckily, a tamer brought his pet wyrms and showed the liches no mercy. Even though the undead are becoming fierce, the number of them trieing to take over us has dropped. Rage: I think I noticed that, but thier fighting skills are becomming superiori. I had to retreat more this time. By the way, Did you lose something of your own? GD Slayer: Yes.. before the undead radied the city, We were lazily guarding the front bridge, me and other citizens who decided to take front watch. There was a young girl, a warrior, who I grew fond of being with sat with us. We drank our ale and ate our meals served by the guards. Then we were interupted whitht he undead surround our bridge that we had to watch!. One was needed to yell for warning at the main bank, but by then the surroundment was to strong. The others, including her, decided I had enough stamina to yell warning, They decided to bllock tem off and let me escape. At that moment, I knew they were going to pay with thier lifes. I didn't want to go, but they insisted.. I wanted to die with them. Time passed, and prretty much all citizens were suited for combat. I went up the bridge eagerly.. I found her body frist. Sliced and ripped, entrails peeking out. She was dead. A good number of time passed, and I knew the undead who surrounded us were playing with the corpses, I couldnt imagine what they had done to her... Rage:Thank you for your time, I see the sun is setting and the Inns are closing. Good-bye youth of Trinsic. The young man known as GD slayer left, still with the face of a bewilderd lunatic. I hope myself he will take care of himself, I will try to find him and pay for a passage to a resort town like Nujelm for him to live in. Why are we letting our youths defend us elders?. I have found myself growing fond of choas & death. Am I lowering to the level of scum?. I ask this to the people of Sosaria. May the gods forgive our sins and shine us luck and prosperity. **********Rages Note********** Dont be afraid to stop and give a few minutes of interview If you experianced something that should be shared with the world. I can now take pictures, and will be taking pictures of those who are around me. Once again, I look forward to hearing the rumors and rants of our Towns in Sosaria. No e-mail will be neglected ! |
Posted on Monday, January 31, 2000, 3:35 AM EST by Rage (Sonoma) |
Meeting for the diplomatic relations with the Ophidians |
We have found the following: For all those who wish to take part in diplomatic relations with the Ophidians, there will be a meeting tomorrow at 10 p.m. PST. In order to accommodate all people, the meeting will be held in the city of Oasis. Meet outside the castle at the time denoted above.Thanks. |
Posted on Monday, January 31, 2000, 2:48 AM EST by Rage (Sonoma) |
The vermin of our towns takes its place in society |
We have recieved the following concerning the growth of the rodent population around some cities:As the citizens of Sonoma await the next eminent attack, a new plague has befallen the surrounding areas. Hordes of vermin--rats, mongbats, birds, and even rabbits--have gathered about the city and outlying areas to annoy travelers. The numbers have at least doubled, if not tripled. Hunting season is in for the new playes, but the rest us are annoyed by the snapping of Mongbat jaws at our heels.Thanks for the update! |
Posted on Monday, January 31, 2000, 2:45 AM EST by Rage (Sonoma) |
The Council's Winery and Inn |
Stinger, the new Tavern Reviewer for Dracnenfels, recently visited The Council's Winery and Inn, north of Yew. You can find a link to her review on the left side menu of the Drachenfels News section of UOSS. |
Posted on Monday, January 31, 2000, 1:11 AM EST by Pfredd Mudd (Drachenfels) |
***IMANEWBIE does BRITANNIA*** - New Toon, New Look |
Tyron sent us the following: Never afraid of stepping into the controversy, this week ImaNewbie takes on the contentious issue of the changes to the escorting rules (with predictable results). Don't miss it! |
Posted on Sunday, January 30, 2000, 7:32 PM EST by Pfredd Mudd (CandidCoverage) |
Reminder of the Laughing Lich Tavern Grand Opening |
I saw this over on the Orcs of Kor Message Board and decided Bjorn would probably like it posted up here as well. This is just a reminder to everyone out there that was planning to attend the grand opening of the Laughing Lich Tavern. In case you missed the first post, this will summarize it. The event will begin at 8:00 pm PST on Saturday the 29th and is located in the center of the hedge maze outside of Skara Brae. We will meet on the grassy area by the tavern(the large, non-player house in the middle). A map through the hedge maze may be found at the City of the Damned web site, located at http://www.wolsi.com/~xeen/. Gates to the tavern will also be given from 8:00 - 8:15 pm PST at the Skara Brae bank. Between 8:00 and 8:30 pm PST, sign-ups will be held for the games. For this special Grand Opening event, all games will be free. Beginning at 8:30, the games shall begin in the secret laboratory. They shall go in this order. The Dark Arts Tourney(1st prize 100 of each reagent, 2nd prize 50 of each reagent), Demon Wrestling(1st prize set of GM shadow archer armor and 10 Greater Heal potions, 2nd prize 10 Greater Heal potions), and Roulette of the Damned(First prize box of semi-rare items). If you missed the rules from the last post, they will be restated at the event. Once the games have ended,(which is estimated to be around 9:30 pm PST, depending on how many people play) we shall travel into the tavern itself and partake in a great feast catered by the Gathered Spirits Tavern. Also, I would like to remind everyone, this is NOT only for the evil out there. The tavern shall be a "safe haven" within the City for everyone to gather. All are welcome to attend, and anyone who attempts a murder or thievery job shall be swiftly brought to death. On the same note, all who attack murderer's whom did not attack someone first shall meet the same fate. I also ask no guild wars to be fought on tavern grounds this night. Walk in Darkness,Check the first post about the opening, and you can find a map.(You may have to check in the archived sections) |
Posted on Sunday, January 30, 2000, 7:38 AM EST by Aiglos (Pacific) |
Azkarath's Arrival to the Land! |
I recieved this from Olog, Chaos Orc Shaman Azkarath's Arrival to the Land! |
Posted on Sunday, January 30, 2000, 7:21 AM EST by Aiglos (Pacific) |
Juo'Nar returns in Trinsic, Keeonean spotted in Yew |
Important information, and some clues as to the motivation behind the siege that afflicts our fair cities.
Today was held a City Council in Trinsic (TCoH). The main topic on the agenda was of course the recent and repetitive undead attacks against the City of paladins that culminated today with several waves of undead weakening the city defence. Each wave was successfully dispatched by Trinsic's brave paladins and the help of many warriors and mages of the Realm.Stunning revelations friend, and I thank you for the news. Should anyone come across more information, do not hesitate to share it with us. Until then, fare thee well and be wary. This is certain to be only the beginning. |
Posted on Sunday, January 30, 2000, 6:45 AM EST by Aleph Aeirs (Atlantic) |
New to "In Development" |
In addition to the Pet & House Trading issues mentioned in an earlier news report, the following was just added to In Development on the UO Website:
Invulnerable Shopkeepers |
Posted on Sunday, January 30, 2000, 6:33 AM EST by Joshua Rowan (GeneralNews) |
Summoners Update |
News from Eernst, of the Iclandic Floating Community: We prepared ourselves this night to hunt the Summoners once more, following the talk of their threat rearing its head once again. This time, Alexi was joined by another named Amianeh. They spoke of things such as “planes within planes” and of kidnapping one by the name of Trychton. Or rather, kidnapping his family, in exchange of knowledge he possesses. |
Posted on Sunday, January 30, 2000, 6:17 AM EST by Pfredd Mudd (Pacific) |
Magery and Fighting Contest Saturday |
Alexander Rahl sent us thee following: Greetings! |
Posted on Sunday, January 30, 2000, 6:11 AM EST by Pfredd Mudd (Pacific) |
Night of the Living Dead, part II |
Doric sent us the following: Once again, while cutting down some trees, I came upon the graveyard in Moonglow to find it overrun with the Undead. There were scattered pockets of valiant defenders attacking these vile creatures. I myself pulled my trusty axe from the tree I was chopping down and entered into the fray. |
Posted on Sunday, January 30, 2000, 6:07 AM EST by Pfredd Mudd (Pacific) |
Companions Wanted: Balhae, Formosa, Oceania |
The following was just posted to FYI on the UO Website:
Companions Wanted: Balhae, Formosa, Oceania |
Posted on Sunday, January 30, 2000, 5:57 AM EST by Joshua Rowan (GeneralNews) |
East Coast Connectivity |
The following was just posted to Shard Issues on the UO website:
East Coast Connectivity Issues |
Posted on Sunday, January 30, 2000, 5:54 AM EST by Joshua Rowan (GeneralNews) |
Oceania down for system maintence |
Due to the reporter problems with oceania, Origin have decided to take action. This from http://support.uo.com/s_issue.html
The Oceania shard is currently unavailable due to connectivity issues. Our teams are working with our hosting partner to resolve this problem as quickly as possible. We estimate that the shard will be available again within one hour. If this time estimate proves to be inaccurate, we will update you with more information as soon as possible. We apologize for this interruption, and thank you for your patience. Then an update:
We are still looking into the connectivity issues with our Oceania server. Our Network team is working with our hosting partner to resolve this issue as soon as possible. Our original time estimate has not proven to be accurate, but we will keep you posted as more information becomes available. Thank you for your patience. This is a good thing! OSI are fixing problems with oceania! Please respect this, they are doing their best to resolve this situation. |
Posted on Sunday, January 30, 2000, 5:31 AM EST by Arturius (Oceania) |
UO Celebrity Chat next Monday |
The next UO Celebrity Chat chat between the players and Counselor Coordinators, Kal El and Lady Nocturne, is scheduled for next Monday January 31, at 7 PM CT (5 PM PT, 8 PM ET). The chat will be available to you at #ultima-online on Stratics IRC, on the following networked servers:
IRCD Servers are provided by International Networks (suppliers of networking hardware and support). FRWS Servers are provided by Front Range Web Services (Web Hosting/Message Boards/IRC). |
Posted on Sunday, January 30, 2000, 5:23 AM EST by Xena Dragon (CommunityNews) |
Announcing the Paws Outpost "Night of the Muse" |
This was sent in by Cat and Geddon about an upcoming even this weekend at the Paws Tavern.
Thanks for the information. Kruton |
Posted on Sunday, January 30, 2000, 5:12 AM EST by Kruton (NapaValley) |
Secure House & Pet Trading |
The following two items were just added to In Development on the UO Website:
Secure House Trading |
Posted on Sunday, January 30, 2000, 4:57 AM EST by Joshua Rowan (GeneralNews) |
Villages of Cove and Akalabeth invaded!! |
The attacks continue, and Puck shares the latest with us in this report.
Hail fellow travelers! Well it seems not only the founding towns and cities of the realm are the focus of the recent mostrous attacks. Apparently even the villages and out lying settlements are being targeted by the evil scourge that have beset the land in recent weeks.I thank you for this report Puck. |
Posted on Sunday, January 30, 2000, 4:51 AM EST by Aleph Aeirs (Atlantic) |
Marrach Lir Call to Arms! |
We were sent this: Most of you probably do not know me, but you must trust me, as I am the only representative of Lir currently capable of getting word out. Recently the castle became infested with poisonous creatures of every kind, far too many for any one man to exterminate. Equally strange was the lack of attempts from the inhabitants to rout the creatures. I managed to slip inside undetected, and found the majority of those inside under some kind of paralysis. What has caused it, I can not say, but those few left free are not enough to turn aside the creatures as well. |
Posted on Sunday, January 30, 2000, 2:28 AM EST by Azazel (Chesapeake) |
Protest! |
Abaris is planning a protest. Here are the details: Hail friends, |
Posted on Sunday, January 30, 2000, 1:40 AM EST by Pfredd Mudd (Drachenfels) |
PvP Tournament |
Here:As both propietier of the Dragon Tear Café and Vice-mayor of the town of Corwyn, I'd like to invite everyone to come participate in our first PvP tournament held at the Café. We hope to make this a league play, considering if there is enough interest or not into it. Julianna, one of the wonderful barkeeps at the tavern, will be holding the event. Here is a description of it in her own words: |
Posted on Sunday, January 30, 2000, 1:16 AM EST by Azazel (Chesapeake) |
Reminder of Korin and Althaia's Wedding. |
This was sent to us:Hail, |
Posted on Sunday, January 30, 2000, 1:05 AM EST by Azazel (Chesapeake) |
The final quest for Truth! |
This was sent to us:Hail, |
Posted on Sunday, January 30, 2000, 1:03 AM EST by Azazel (Chesapeake) |
West Yew University Graduation |
West Yew University celebrates, and you are invited!
Hail All, This Friday, the 27th, at 9:00 P.M. EST West Yew University will be holding a graduation. All are welcome to attend. The ceremony will be at the small stage near the old schoolhouse, and a small party will be held afterwards.Thank you Dyluck Blade for sharing the news, and congratulations to the graduating class. |
Posted on Sunday, January 30, 2000, 12:55 AM EST by Aleph Aeirs (Atlantic) |
A Triad Of Events Strikes Atlantic |
Here are some more events from the City of Arx Draconis
There are 3 major events going on this week that all players are invited to attend. All take place on the island of Arx Draconis and are open to all players. To get to AD, if you dont already have a rune, checkout the website for locations to get or use a rune on the mainland. The three events are: |
Posted on Sunday, January 30, 2000, 12:26 AM EST by Aleph Aeirs (Atlantic) |
The Virtues in our Realm, a discussion |
Hail and Well Met: |
Posted on Saturday, January 29, 2000, 10:56 PM EST by Ce'Nedra Willow (Atlantic) |
Town Cryer: Update From Trinsic! |
This was just added to the Town Cryer: Drennon |
Posted on Saturday, January 29, 2000, 9:52 PM EST by Ce'Nedra Willow (QuestandEventNews) |
Town Cryer: The Dark Mistress |
This was recently added to the Town Cryer: Mighty Orbeus |
Posted on Saturday, January 29, 2000, 9:46 PM EST by Ce'Nedra Willow (QuestandEventNews) |
Knights defend Trinsic from army of Undead |
We received the following letter concerning a recent attack upon our Lord's City of Trinsic:I was coming into the fair city of Trinsic when I heard the first cries for help. The undead hoard where on the attack again. Once again, Trinsic was under siege. I ran into the town and pushed my way past a multitude of undead creatures. It was then that I heard the familiar cry "Ni! Ni! Ni!". I looked up to find my brother Xanthomas pounding a skeletal skull to dust with his mace. I responded to his shoot with one of my own.Thanks, Lael! |
Posted on Saturday, January 29, 2000, 8:09 PM EST by Maximillian Bold (SiegePerilous) |
A general warning: Orcs on the High Seas? |
We received the following note:Hail, fellow members of the Siege Perilous world. Sit back and listen to a tale of one fine day in the Lost Lands of Britannia. |
Posted on Saturday, January 29, 2000, 8:05 PM EST by Maximillian Bold (SiegePerilous) |
Legion of death shows no mercy to Trinsic |
Today, I have took part of the biggest raid of death in Trinsic than there has ever been. The legion, coming in the front gates by the dozens swept through the town, slaughtering innocents and young by the numbers. I saw the fate of a youth encountering 3 bone knights, after a brief skirmish they danced and drank the blood of the youth whom I dare not name in this artcle. The people at the front gate, on top of the bridge, the brave, the few brave who formed the beginning resistance who were first were served their death execution style by the Master Liche Juo'nor, including me who I tried to help, but managed to escape, feeling the shame of the people, soon corpses, I left behind. I can not begin to tell you of the casualties we suffered this day. The body count was very high, and the corpses of our people dug into trenches to avoid the sight and smell of thier wounds. The corpses of the undead stacked and stacked repeatedly until they began to form blockades throughout the city, each blockade leaking with rotten blood and entrails that resulted from the peoples' offensive. Should I feel pity for them?. Should I feel pity for the beauty of a girl in her youth who was executed, with her stomach pierced? Where did this evil come from? From what root did it grow? Who are we to kill those who were once us? May the gods bless us for each time we see a girl in her youth dead, dying or being eaten. I will not forget those who fought bravely to stop the offensive. Master Liche Juo'nor, who has won my respect for his sheer power and incredible intellegence, took down one by one of those who are in Chaos & Order, and ones who are in famed guilds, those who brought alont thier pet Wyrms and Daemons, pets to dying or dead in a short five secound skirmish. Should we feel pity for our pets who defend our lifes with theirs?. God give us strength. Master Liche Juo'nor was close as our hair reaching our eyes to conquer our city. Me? I would pledge my life to Juo'nor if he conquered us, but frist I will try to defend my hometown. I rather serve those who are lower than scum than to continue seeing the death and destruction of Trinsic. The sun was lowering and the town cryer was yelling an eager, yet very early victory even those squads of what remained of the legion f death walked around the town, killing or destroying our stores and eating the corpses of our warriors, young and old. Mine and the wounds of many was great and leaked of our sweet blood. Healers were bringing out the dead. At the end, sorrow conquered our city. The mid-youth who fought along me was missing a limb, but smiled weakly as he knew he was one step closer to knighthood and knew we had gained victory. Why did he think of that when he was no longer any more useful than a beggar? Todays death raid was a seen out of our worst hidden nightmares. I give this warning to the people of Sosaria: Defend your town to the fullest, show them the honor of your pride and guild. Let us give them no mercy for underestimating our strength. But of course, Let us not forget the rest of the other cities that suffer the same. Do you feel you represent your town? I would like to discuss matters and facts of our towns through e-mail, Please dont hesitate to speak your mind!, I am always glad to hear the rumors and opinions of those who suffered in a battle or have gossip to exchange! |
Posted on Saturday, January 29, 2000, 1:59 PM EST by Rage (Sonoma) |
Mysterious tome found during the quest to save Lady Yasmine |
We recieved the following from Sonoma Quest News: On a chilly tuesday eve last, a large party of adventurers met to aid yet again ibn an'Asifa and his tribe the al'Suq. The problem at hand was how to uncover what secrets ibn's late wife Yasmine, had taken with her to the grave.Thanks! |
Posted on Saturday, January 29, 2000, 1:20 PM EST by Rage (Sonoma) |
Delucia Under Attack! |
As promised, although a day late I admit, here is a report of the most recent attacks on Delucia from a lone warrior trapped with little hope of survival. Someone who wished to remain anonymous sent this message to me from Delucia.
Beware of future attacks. It seems that the evil will not be loosening its stranglehold on our beloved land any time soon. |
Posted on Saturday, January 29, 2000, 10:30 AM EST by Kruton (NapaValley) |
To the Healers of Britannia |
We received this notice:
Good luck, Dove. |
Posted on Saturday, January 29, 2000, 9:03 AM EST by Obsidion (Catskills) |
The Story of Lord Pythos |
Thank you to all who sent me information on this man and his story. I knew you'd come through for me!
The doors at the Tavern Lion's Den in Northwood opened and shut. The lights began to flicker....igniting the entire room, then suddently fizzling out to blackness. People's conversations stopped at the blink of an eye. The guests looked around confused and scared. "Anybody here?" Raven Gustare, guildmistress of the Rogues o' Britannia and Tavernkeep examined the Lion's Den. Nobody. All watched the doors still moving and the lanterns flickering. One mentioned....,"I shouldn't have had that last ale."I was told the same story by another but would like to include a few of his comments I found interesting as well, I agree that Lord Pythos's life and the attacks that accompanied his recent attempts at contacting the living are not directly connected to the present attacks we are experiencing. However as to why after all this time the Lord and citizens of Stormguard would act on their unrest, there is this intersting comment: Indeed it seems like similar times in many ways, yet I hope that we will not fall as Stormguard did. Let us take this story as both a warning and an inspriration. |
Posted on Saturday, January 29, 2000, 8:57 AM EST by Obsidion (Catskills) |
A Little Bit of Everything Has a New Comic |
Azazel sent us the following: To view the new comic, make sure you go to the site. But whatever you do, DO NOT CLICK ON THIS LINK: |
Posted on Saturday, January 29, 2000, 8:39 AM EST by Pfredd Mudd (CandidCoverage) |
Indianapolis UO Player Meet |
The following was just sent to us from the Kinship Village:
Kinship Village - Catskills, in celebration of our 2 year anniversary as a player run town in Ultima Online is proud to host the Ultima Online Midwest Player Meet to be held March 18, 2000 in Indianapolis, Indiana. A Player Luncheon is an excellent way to meet others that you've perhaps played UO for years with, but never had the chance to see in real life. As someone who has been involved in them, I can't recommend them enough. |
Posted on Saturday, January 29, 2000, 8:34 AM EST by Joshua Rowan (CommunityNews) |
A Different Sort of Invasion on Delucia |
Do not fear, I know ye are bracing yerselves for more bad news of vicious attacks on our towns. But this is an invasion of a different kind. Read on...*giggles*
Thank you, Taron for this very interesting news. |
Posted on Saturday, January 29, 2000, 8:29 AM EST by Obsidion (Catskills) |
3rd Grand 'Ol Cock Fight and Gambling Ring |
I received this from Lance Goodthrust:
Title: The 3rd Grand Ol' Cock Fight and Gambling Ring.Sounds like fun! Thanks! |
Posted on Saturday, January 29, 2000, 8:27 AM EST by HellRazor (Baja) |
Oceania IP Addresses |
The following was just posted to FYI:
Oceania IP Addresses |
Posted on Saturday, January 29, 2000, 8:18 AM EST by Joshua Rowan (CommunityNews) |
Oceania Shard Opens |
The following was just posted to "What's New" on the Ultima Online website:
Posted on Saturday, January 29, 2000, 8:16 AM EST by Joshua Rowan (CommunityNews) |
The Blind Leading the Blind and other Nunsense--The Caravan |
When I heard the Healer's Caravan had arrived Kinship Sunday in safety, I smiled with relief, but when I found out how it was done, I laughed with surprise. Any who have ever met Dove, the Healer of Yew, would tell you as I that she is kind, considerate, peaceloving, and wise. But I did not know till stories of the caravan reached me how wily she is as well. I was just coming out of the abbey Sunday eve when I bumped into the Reverand Mother Sarah just returning from Kinship. She assured me the caravan had arrived safe, then told me this story:
The Nun had a confusing day of it it had seemed so I was curious to find out what had happened and why she said she was carrying logs. Here are some excerpts from Dove's tale that should help in understanding:
![]() A story indeed this turned out to be. I wish all well and I hope that your efforts will not be needed, but I fear that will not be the case. Special thanks to Rodar of the Brotherhood of Wayrest and Sinafae, Druidess of Britain for their fine artwork. |
Posted on Saturday, January 29, 2000, 8:14 AM EST by Obsidion (Catskills) |
Open Wedding Invitation |
This announcement came from Tiberius:
I will be marrying my RL Girlfriend Aurora this Sunday night at 10pm EST at the Magicia Podium. The colors for the crowd will be Dullcopper Armor (or similar color clothing ) and a black accessory. All are welcome to join in watching this event, and if you could post this I would be very grateful, thank you :)Thanks and congrats! |
Posted on Saturday, January 29, 2000, 8:14 AM EST by HellRazor (Baja) |
Town Cryer: Crisis in Britannia! |
The following non-shard specific story was just posted to the Town Cryer:
Drennon |
Posted on Saturday, January 29, 2000, 7:55 AM EST by Joshua Rowan (QuestandEventNews) |
Galen Solstarre Returns & the Tournament |
Finally, after a long wait, Dragar will meet him doom soon. With some new news coming from the Mayor of PaxLair, Winfield, we hear of Galen's return and a tournamet to see whom will wield the Mace of Sky Fire to defeat Dragar.
Posted on Saturday, January 29, 2000, 5:55 AM EST by Narga Saiyen (Chesapeake) |
A thought about the Master Liche Juo'nars past |
We have recieved the following: My name is Garot Tongarth, and I am one of the eldest of warriors in the land. I remember the dark Lord Juo'nar, and how he tried to destroy the city of Trinsic in his first attack with a legion of Orcs and Lizard men. Unfourtunately nobody at the time realized his plan to spread the darker evils across the land. But he was not alone and was backed by some of Brittannias high ranking officials. I also remember the dark plate armor he once wore as a symbol of his evil. I do wonder who or what would have the power to make him an undead agent of evil. More important is why. This is unfortunate for the Paladins Guild in Trinsic as well as the city itself for the attacks will not stop until he is destroyed forgood. It is also known by some that Juo'nar was an affiliate of the Followers of Armageddon and shared the desires of Lich Lathiari and his sister Lich Kyrina. Was it an FOA member that reanimated his body? Was not FOA destroyed by Lord British? Only time will tell.Thanks!, very intresting. |
Posted on Saturday, January 29, 2000, 3:59 AM EST by Rage (Sonoma) |
Strange happenings in Dungeon Deciet |
We have recieved the following: I am writing you in regards to some rather odd occurences that I was witness to in Deciet lastnight. I entered the dungeon around 12:00am (cst) and was immediately hit with an eary sence. As I walked down the hallway slowly sipping my black potions, I got a glimpse of two dark creatures standing in the corner of one of the rooms. Of course, as my warrior nature states, I attacked first and asked questions later. However, upon departing both creatures to their long sleep, one simple fact hit me with much haste.Thanks!, very weird indeed. |
Posted on Saturday, January 29, 2000, 3:57 AM EST by Rage (Sonoma) |
Brimstone speaks on Guild Advertisement |
Brimstone sat down, took a pen in his hand, and wrote this interesting article: "The Squeaky Guild Gets the Grease"Okay, before every guildmaster starts sending in their guild advertisements disguised as news; We normally do not post guild advertisements on the news pages, we have a Guild Forum especially for that. In this particular case the submission had several interesting bits that most guildleaders would be interested to hear, therefor you are now reading it here. Thank you Brimstone, for writing up all these tips and tricks. I am sure you've helped several guilds with it already. But why do I get the feeling that you tricked me into posting an ad for your guild on the news anyway ? * chuckles *If you haven't figured out how to successfully market your clan/guild/order yet, then you need to read this article. If you are famous, gaining new members each month, and aren't worried about your guilds future - then you can skip this one. When it comes to advertising/marketing your 'guild', you must be energetic, creative, and aggressive - always looking for a way to get YOUR GUILD NAME and URL onto a high-traffic site. Period. Once you are in the limelight, the magic will begin. There are a few things that must be done to attract attention to yourself, your guild, your members, your stories, (you get the picture), etc. 1.) You must have something WORTH sharing with the community, 2.) You need to be creative and detailed with whatever it is you are sharing, 3.) You should make sure that you provide all the necessary information, 4.) If possible, you should make sure that your 'news article' is cleanly written, spell checked and perhaps "HTML READY". I have learned from MANY news sites that the reporters LOVE IT when someone submits articles/news that already contains the correct HTML coding. They will love you, and they will usually post your news without a hitch.Something Worth Sharing:News sites aren't usually interested in the fact that your guild is, "Now Recruiting!" or "Open for business!!" - who cares. News sites want to know about events - both guild and game related, creativity involving the game - such as your tales of adventure or something wonderful that is worth sharing with the rest of the community. Also, news sites are very interested in your discoveries - such as new spells, game systems, artifacts, hidden levels and so on. If you can use this to 'structure' your news in a way that it appeals to any of those categories, you are almost in business. You see, if your guild is planning a nice event, you can either advertise on your guild page and attract a small audience (usually your own members/allies), or you can think big and have it appear on a news site, attracting hundreds (possibly thousands) of people. If your guild has created a guide, resource, program, map, spell listing, or some other 'useful' information that the community should see, that is also a GREAT way to indirectly advertise your guild and get THOUSANDS and thousands of visits (which will indirectly lead to people asking about membership into your guild/clan - trust me). The hardest part about recruiting and growing your guild is becoming "KNOWN" to the community. Once people become familiar with your name and web address, the rest is pretty much easier. Your guild's management team (officers, council, 'whatever') should be aggressively seeking new places and methods to get guild related news posted to the community. Like the title of this article says, "The Squeaky Guild Gets the Grease", meaning that if a guild is visible enough and creative enough, they will get the "members" and "fame".You Need to be Creative, Detailed & Provide All the InformationAs you draft your news article, keep in mind that you want to share this with several news sites for that game. You want the news to be clear, concise and very informative. If you have someone in your guild who is GOOD at writing, perhaps have him/her write up all your guild ads. If you have someone good at HTML, let them take that ad and make it LOOK nice for forums and news sites. Make sure your news items ALWAYS provide a link back to your guild's web site, contains an email address for a guild contact person, and always sign off with your guild's name written out (along with your guild's abbreviation). This will help with your visibility and the awareness that the community will have for your organization. If planning an event, make sure you share the vital information: Time, Date, Location, Reason for the event, Possible prizes to be given away, various events/games that will be held, etc. If your event is "ROLEPLAY ORIENTED", perhaps provide a mini-write-up for it, giving a taste of what it is all about. If you make it interesting enough and build the suspense, people WILL attend.Spell Check and HTML Ready!Once you write your news item and reread it to yourself a few times to make sure it is accurate, you should then SPELLCHECK your writing and add the HTML to it. I usually add the HTML elements AFTER I write the news/article. After the news is ready to go, I send a copy of it to myself via email, and then place that 'ad' in a folder called, "Guild Ads". That way, if the event is recurring, I will have a copy on file.Other Topics: Email Addresses for News Sites & Guild AdvertisingLet's say that you are playing Asheron's Call and everything you do as a guild revolves around that game. Your news will be for AC related sites, your guild advertising will be for AC players, etc. You should go out and find ALL of the PREMIUM news sites and keep a list of the email addresses used to submit news for each of them. Once you complete this task, email it to yourself (for a copy in your files) for future use. That way, when you have new news to announce, you won't have to VISIT each site to get the word out. (TIP: Send INDIVIDUAL EMAILS to each news site. I think that as a news site staff member, it is a turn-off to see the names of '5' other news agencies on the same message. I realize this takes a little more time, but it will be well worth it.) Throughout this article I focused on Guild Event/News Items, but didn't really mention anything about good, old fashioned "Guild Ads". I love well written guild ads, they are VERY IMPORTANT in the grand scheme of things. As with other news that you will be writing, make sure you write the ad first, spell check it, add the HTML, then mail a copy to yourself for your files. (TIP #1: Before going on your Guild Advertising Campaign and posting your newly written guild ad, make sure you first TEST IT on your own forum. You will save yourself some embarrassment should there be errors with your HTML. Once you SEE your ad looking good, go ahead and cut/paste it onto other forums.) (Tip #2: While visiting all of the "GUILD ORIENTED" forums, record the URL for those forums into an email message and send it to yourself - yep, for your files! In the future, it will save TONS OF TIME when you go to advertise again.) When advertising, please make sure you keep your guild ads to the 'Guild Forums'. If you don't, you will DEFINITELY upset the natives and your ad will lose it's effectiveness. Also, it is an embarrassment for your guild, trust me... I know firsthand. (The learning process can be SO difficult) The nice thing about Guild Forums is that they are less traveled and posted on. That means that your ads will persist for days, weeks, even months! People tend to visit guild forums to have a look... read a few posts, then move on. I posted ads about 7 months ago for our EQ faction and I am STILL receiving site visits from that ad! Amazing... it goes to show you that your ads DO work, if you stick to the rules. (Tip #3: Get tracking services right now for your site. I highly recommend "Extreme Tracking", a free service that monitors your site and records information about visitors. It is what I use to find out where people are learning about our guild, or who is talking about us (and posting our URL). I love sneaking up on a guild message board and replying to a post someone made about me or the guild I am involved in. It makes me feel... well... KEWL. For the URL to Extreme Tracking, visit: http://www.gamecore.net/brimstone and click on the "Resources" link.) In the end, it is all about being persistent and aggressive with your guild advertising. You must constantly be working on ways to get your NAME (guildname) onto a site that has a TON of traffic. If you aren't doing this, you will not grow as fast as you possibly can... nor will you attract some of the super-creative members of the gaming community. (Warning: Once your guild is in the spotlight a few times and people are aware of your existence, DO expect to have ANTI-SOCIAL players applying for your guild/clan. It happens. Like leeches, they hop from one host to another looking out for themselves and nobody else. Avoid them like the plague and someday they will grow up and be QUALITY members of a guild.)Closing StatementIf you would like to reprint this article, or any other article from this site, you are more than welcome to do so. If you have any questions, please send them to me - I would love to hear from you and perhaps post your replies to my guild's web site, or onto this site. My email address is: [email protected]. I appreciate your time and interest in this article.Brimstone, Co-founder, Lost Order of Akalabeth |
Posted on Friday, January 28, 2000, 2:49 PM EST by Xena Dragon (CommunityNews) |
The Wedding of Red William and Liara Jalice |
The Wedding of Red William and Liara Jalice
As soon as we kissed, Gunther stepped behind us and called out. Suddenly a giant Gold Dragon appeared before us! It was the Dragon…the Gold one! The Audience about was stunned and shocked, and I was just as shocked to hear the dragon speak to us all:
And as the Gold one Departed, I heard her speak to lady Kelann, "When the tempest comes... seek me for the storm." As soon as the Gold dragon began to depart, I heard a clunking sound behind me and I turned in time to spot a purple potion, ready to explode! Liara and I had little time to react as the bombs started to explode, sending everyone into a panic! I tried to reach for Liara but we were cut off from the crowd as the next volley of bombs threw me to the tables. Before I could grab hold of a bandage, I heard Sabbathius yell "I BAN THEE" and the explosions stopped. I received several healing spells, but I was still barely alive. Liara seemed to escape unscathed and only Knessa, Liara’s Bridesmaid, and I, managed to take the brunt of the attack. It was later discovered the man was named Habib Korishon, and that he was quickly executed outside. And with that, the wedding reception pretty much went downhill, as the scared vistiors seemed to decide that it was safer going home then stay for the party. Doesn’t matter to me or Liara…just means we can go to our honeymoon faster. *Wink* |
Posted on Friday, January 28, 2000, 10:52 AM EST by Red William (GreatLakes) |
The Wind Colloquium to hold hearing |
We have found the following: tonight at 7pm PST, the Wind Colloquium, headed by Lord Xandrick, will be meeting to hold a hearing requested by the local historian Ceridwen. Ceridwen beleives that a threat exists to the city of Wind. His claims, based on the information contained within the Tome of Valykere, are that some yet unknown force is gathering power against the ancient city. Cerdiwen believes that some clue to his beliefs exists within a sacred book, one protected by the mages of the Colloquium, "The Prophecies of the Ancient". He seeks a hearing, and the permission of the Colloquium to gain access to this text, so that this mystery might be uncovered.Thanks. |
Posted on Friday, January 28, 2000, 7:53 AM EST by Rage (Sonoma) |
Gargoyle menace spreads to Yew |
It seems the danger unleashed at Clown Town is spreading . . .
See the profile below for more information on Clown Town. Thanks for writing, Wazza. |
Posted on Friday, January 28, 2000, 7:02 AM EST by Palmer Eldritch (Europa) |
The mages are revolting |
Bodies litter Britain bank . . . reminds me of the good old days. But rather than 30 corpses of the same person (named Thiefman), these were a number of different mages fighting for their right to pre-cast: I can confirm the rumours are true, having seen pictorial evidence from those fine people at UOGuilds. Thanks all. |
Posted on Friday, January 28, 2000, 6:56 AM EST by Palmer Eldritch (Europa) |
Escaped Brigands Going on Rampage |
This came in from Wind Weaver:
Rumor has it that many years ago, there was a group known as "The Brigands" that Lord British sent to jail. Why did he send them to jail, you ask? Because they were disturbing the peace of Britannia.Thanks! |
Posted on Friday, January 28, 2000, 6:31 AM EST by HellRazor (Baja) |
Party in Magincia Thursday January 27th |
I received this from Kvarno Goldeneye:
Dear people, His Majesty Emperor Azalin is holding a party this coming Thursday at 6:30 pm to 7:30 pm PST. It will be held at the Parliament building in Magincia. There will be free food, drinks, and even a 5000gp lottery. Please come and bring a friend or just come and make some new ones.Thanks! |
Posted on Friday, January 28, 2000, 6:26 AM EST by HellRazor (Baja) |
Dawn Library & Center for the Arts Pre-Opening Giveaway |
This came from Arakthor:
Hail all!Thanks! |
Posted on Friday, January 28, 2000, 6:23 AM EST by HellRazor (Baja) |
The Search for the Corex |
Found this over at the Lumaria Message Board:
Ai have been doing my best to find out anything worth knowing about this artefact. Unfortunately I have not been extremely successful. Ai have found 4 sources, the first is from a quote in an essay on arcanic theory that ai dug up in the lyceaum. 'The corexa's source is held within the skull' Nowhere else was that word mentioned in that piece of text.Thanks! |
Posted on Friday, January 28, 2000, 6:18 AM EST by HellRazor (Baja) |
Client Patch 1.26.4 to fix Memory Leak |
The following was just posted to the FYI section:
Posted on Friday, January 28, 2000, 5:54 AM EST by Joshua Rowan (GeneralNews) |
Account Management Issues |
The following was just posted to FYI on the Ultima Online website:
Posted on Friday, January 28, 2000, 5:45 AM EST by Joshua Rowan (GeneralNews) |
The dark past of Master Liche Juo'nar of Trinsic |
We have recieved the following: I have adventured in the Realms for a great while now. It has been my great honor to take part in many Quests and to have met many people who are now famous throughout Sosaria. So, I will tell you what I know of the vile Juo'nar. Forgive me, but this will need a history lesson for your understanding. |
Posted on Friday, January 28, 2000, 4:12 AM EST by Rage (Sonoma) |
The Death of lady Yasmine |
The quest to free Yasmine ended with her death at Cerin's hand. Even though Cerin sought to thwart our efforts in rescuing her, he was not successful in keeping her in silence. The Noble Lady Illien al' Asfiasta (think thats the right spelling.) together with a large band adventurers sought the counsel of Doria Romanov, the gyspy. Doria Romanov, led us in a seance to commune with the spirit of Yasmine.Thanks. |
Posted on Friday, January 28, 2000, 3:56 AM EST by Rage (Sonoma) |
Misterie seeks our aid! |
This just came in from Misterie of Paxlair.....
To all, |
Posted on Friday, January 28, 2000, 2:27 AM EST by Joe Woodwright (Chesapeake) |
Return of the Father |
The wind blew across the tower, it seemed like a quiet night, not that many people here. I was talking to Lana, our writing teacher, and Cid and Will where up there with me. Then over my shoulder I heard a voice I had not heard in a long while. "Grekken.." I haven't been called by that name since my childhood, I spun and there was Karnen, my father.Thankye, Oni, for recounting your tale for us. |
Posted on Friday, January 28, 2000, 1:51 AM EST by Ce'Nedra Willow (Atlantic) |
Establishment Review: Dragon Tooth Tavern |
Once again Keeshi was out and about and managed to review The Dragon Tooth Tavern. You can read all about it in our Establishment Review section. The Establishment Reviews are accessible from the Atlantic News menu bar. Enjoy! |
Posted on Friday, January 28, 2000, 1:38 AM EST by Ce'Nedra Willow (Atlantic) |
Establishment Review: Leiah's Rune Library |
For the many of you who have been requesting the accurate URL to Leiah's Rune Library page, I have finally been able to update that. You will find the new link on the Establishment Review for the rune library. |
Posted on Friday, January 28, 2000, 1:14 AM EST by Ce'Nedra Willow (Atlantic) |
Trinsic Attacked---Again |
Thank you greatly for such an in-depth report, friend. |
Posted on Thursday, January 27, 2000, 11:02 PM EST by GreyPawn (Atlantic) |
Tales of a Traveller Website |
I got this letter from Videric Gaveston, leader of the Trade Caravan:The tales of a Traveller Thanks for the information, Videric. Yer site looks really great! |
Posted on Thursday, January 27, 2000, 9:15 PM EST by Llemandrell (Europa) |
A Call To Arms |
A breathless messenger, run ragged from looking high and low for the reporter, finally gets a maid to let him into the room of the inn Obsidion was said to be in. Apologizing for his forewardness, he explains its import to its sender and hands the scroll to the woman he just woke up from bed. The Lady's face looks sternly up at him, but the sender's name was well known to her--and well respected. She read the scroll, and now seemingly fully awake, she nods to the messenger and maid and orders he be given breakfast. "Then tell the Mistress Eve you have finally found me. And assure her I will get this word out immediatly. May the Virtues guide us all." Citizens of Britannia,The reporter, having paid the scribes and messengers to carry Eve's words, crawls back into bed. Unable to sleep, she lay there cursing her previous day's explorations. If she had just been at home, or had checked her messages at the front desk of the inn...but tis no use. What is done is done. She just hoped her messengers would be fleet footed now to carry Eve's word to those who would be interested. |
Posted on Thursday, January 27, 2000, 8:30 PM EST by Obsidion (Catskills) |
IFC Recruiting Merchants & Entertainers |
Eernst, of the Icelandic Floating Community, is recruiting Merchants and Entertainers for their Valentines Snow Ball:Hail all! |
Posted on Thursday, January 27, 2000, 7:35 PM EST by Pfredd Mudd (Pacific) |
The Laughing Lich Tavern |
Bjorn sent us thee following announcement:
Posted on Thursday, January 27, 2000, 7:31 PM EST by Pfredd Mudd (Pacific) |
Rune Book Tips |
Consuela Sanchez sent us the following tips about Rune Books: Hello everyone!Thanks for the tips Consuela! |
Posted on Thursday, January 27, 2000, 7:26 PM EST by Pfredd Mudd (Pacific) |
Meeting in North Cape Village |
Grand Bishop Benedict sent us the following news: On the very nort tip of our mainland is a small village. For some time now the people here have been thinking about nameing this village and to be known in the rest of the world. |
Posted on Thursday, January 27, 2000, 7:15 PM EST by Pfredd Mudd (Drachenfels) |
Elder Vecknon's Great Teachings |
Garion of Chesapeake sent us the following: Dear Chessy Citizens, |
Posted on Thursday, January 27, 2000, 6:41 PM EST by Pfredd Mudd (Chesapeake) |
More Invasion Reports |
More reports regarding foul beasts overrunning our fair cities: *takes a moment from bandageing 'is many wounds and cleanin' 'is blade whilst sitting on the grassy banks of Vesper to pen a note* |
Posted on Thursday, January 27, 2000, 6:34 PM EST by Pfredd Mudd (Chesapeake) |
Tailor-made courses for the curious |
The Lycaeum Academy enjoyed it's grand re-opening recently, and now Yoldran, Mayor of Moonglow, sends news of the first course to be held there in some time.
Thank you Yoldran. |
Posted on Thursday, January 27, 2000, 2:48 PM EST by Palmer Eldritch (Europa) |
UOChesapeake Mystery Person Contest |
Marilla sent this to us:After a long delay, the UOChesapeake Mystery Person Contest has moved on now to it's fifth round. |
Posted on Thursday, January 27, 2000, 2:48 PM EST by Azazel (Chesapeake) |
New Weekly Poll: Pre-casting Changes, Good or Bad ? |
The results of last weeks poll indicate that people prefer a teleporter system in a house over all other mentioned means of moving between floors. Thank all who voted. This weeks poll is about pre-casting. Sage explained why he (and the rest of the dev. team no doubt) thought pre-casting needed a fix. Let's see how the players feel about it in the current poll on pre-casting. |
Posted on Thursday, January 27, 2000, 2:47 PM EST by Xena Dragon (GeneralNews) |
Master liche Jou'Nor lead death raid Trinsic!! |
I have never seen such power in the world of Sosaria, Jou'Nor had me below 20hp in 1 secound. (Not joking)That is almost impossible. Mighty members of Chaos & Order dropped thier selfish ways to try and put a end to this true tyrant. He ran into town, telelporting each spot just to show off his power, yelling and screaming taunts at the citizens of Trinsic. Giving words of support to his army of death. His appreance was ghostly. The look of his face will turn your heart into deep depression and despair in a secound. But his fighting methods are superior to any guildmember or clansmen in Sosaria. He commanded powerful hordes of Lich Lords, Bone Knights, Skele-Magis and others. This was an incredble attack Trinsic has set its eyes upon. We must not tolarate anyone who under-estimate the citizens of Trinsic!. We must fight and defend ourselves to the fullest, even if it turns us into savages, No Mercy!. Defend the honour of our town!, Defend the honour of your guild & clan! Defend your loved and care ones! Rage, Angel Knight of Trinsic. |
Posted on Thursday, January 27, 2000, 1:51 PM EST by Rage (Sonoma) |
Aussies say Farewell to arirang! |
This from Acidrain:The Farewell to Arirang for all the Australian playersleaving to go play Oceania went off with a bang tonight.Organised by [DS]'s Hobo and helped run by Acidrain, Arturius,Adrenalin and Brak of [DS]. Also here are some pictures from the night: Overall it was a good night, I do admit we lost (koreans out numbered us :() but it was good fun, and it brought Australian UO players closer together. P.S No newbies we harmed in the making of this event, and we never looted any dead bodies (we all died anyway!). And we only attacked people who could replace what was lost very easily. |
Posted on Thursday, January 27, 2000, 12:30 PM EST by Arturius (Oceania) |
Annoncement about oceania connectivity problems |
This just in from EA:Greetings Future Travelers to Oceania: It appears it maybe an individual ISP problem. Many people have asked what I ping to oceania.owo.com, I get a 120ms average, so I guess I am one of the luckey ones. |
Posted on Thursday, January 27, 2000, 11:32 AM EST by Arturius (Oceania) |
Council of Honesty to Hold Meeting; Seeks New Members |
I received the following from Erekose Majere, concerning the next meeting of the Council of Honesty...
Posted on Thursday, January 27, 2000, 11:27 AM EST by Beans Baxter (LakeSuperior) |
Red NPC Mages at the Hidden Valley? Is It Possible??? |
I apologize for not posting this important report sooner, but I am new to stratics and also very new to the html code. This took place last Friday evening at a time that is usually at a low point for evil activity.
Now that I have a feel for writing up reports, expect to see a detailed report tomorrow of what happened in Delucia this morning. Oh you didn’t know Delucia was attacked? Well, find out all about it tomorrow. |
Posted on Thursday, January 27, 2000, 10:13 AM EST by Kruton (NapaValley) |
Introducing the Newest Napa Valley Reporter... |
Thanks for your time, |
Posted on Thursday, January 27, 2000, 9:33 AM EST by Kruton (NapaValley) |
Spiritwood Tavern Meet Market |
Another great event at the Spritwood Tavern.The next Spiritwood Tavern Meet Market will be on saturday the 29th of January. As tradition has it, this one will also start at 21.00 cet (8pm gmt).Thank you for the news Fenris! |
Posted on Thursday, January 27, 2000, 8:31 AM EST by Aleph Aeirs (Europa) |
Oceania Opening Date Announced. |
This is also in Genral news, and was posted on the Whats New section of uo.com:Oceania Opening Date Announced Also, it is now possible to ping Oceania at oceania.owo.com. Hopefully some of the problems with pings have been resolved. |
Posted on Thursday, January 27, 2000, 8:25 AM EST by Australis Dragon (Oceania) |
UB Cock Fight Rescheduled |
I was handed this scroll a short time ago. Greetings foul dwellers of the light and esteemed colleagues of the Darkness... It is I, the Dark General Navrip Freemech with news once again.I thank you for this update Dark One. |
Posted on Thursday, January 27, 2000, 8:25 AM EST by Aleph Aeirs (Atlantic) |
The Wedding of Trent and Crysta |
I received this scroll a short time ago. When two people find one another and feel that they are soul mates, it is at that time when they know that they have found the one they wish to spend the rest of their life with. So, on this day, the 28th of Jan., we, Trent and Crysta, wish for all of you to join us as we say our vows at 8:00 p.m. eastern at the Lycaeum in Moonglow. There will be a Reception following the ceremony, in the building that has a fountain in it. There will be a table in the middle of EDU, which is SouthWest of Britain, with a rune on it that you may gate or recall off of. If you cannot recall or find a gate to the ceremony, please go to the Public Library in Britain and up to the second floor, there is a red moon gate that will also take you to the ceremony. We hope to see you all there to help us share in this wonderful occasion.Congratulations friends! |
Posted on Thursday, January 27, 2000, 8:15 AM EST by Aleph Aeirs (Atlantic) |
A powerful master-lich attack in Trinsic |
Past days ago there was a attack of undead monsters in Trinsic once again, yet this time it was diffrent. It was lead by a unique green lich with a name I forgot, I was there, and it killed me three secounds tops. People tried to corner it and gang it but by then why would be dead. |
Posted on Thursday, January 27, 2000, 8:06 AM EST by Rage (Sonoma) |
Quest For Yasmine Takes a Tragic Turn |
We have found the following:Warriors from all walks of life gathered in Papua yesterday in preparation of the freeing of Yasmine from her frozen state. As words of power were spoken and weapons were put to arms, Ilien opened a gate from The Just Inn to the cold lands of Glacia, to the very place the statue of a beautiful woman stood. We arrived and gathered around the foot of the statue. The perimeter was checked for signs of Cerin al'Eceri or is armies and when the all seems safe, Ilien began a prayer to "The Creator". As she spoke she sprinkled small amounts of Elixir onto the ice, asking for the Creators aid in freeing poor Yasmine. As Ilein continued, pillars of flame began to rise up from the feet of Yasmine, encompassing her form, melting the ice to flesh. And then it was done, before us stood Yasmine, and with her the hope of the al'Suq. Ibn ran to her side and caught her as she fell into his arms. How long he had waited to hold her, and as they stood there it was as if the rest of the world disappeared. Suddenly the fears of the missing "Seed of the Creator" subsided, the feelings of anger and betrayal at Cerin.. gone. She was alive again, and ibn could do nothing but hold her. It was then decided that the party should escort the weak woman to a fire to warm herself.Thanks |
Posted on Thursday, January 27, 2000, 8:00 AM EST by Rage (Sonoma) |
Doria Romanov's Psychic reading |
We have found the following:Many people of our land are deeply troubled about the recent attacks by monsters on the towns of Yew, Trinsic, Vesper, and Cove. Concerned citizens have asked the famed psychic, Doria Romanov, to gaze into her crystal ball to see if she can find out more about these attacks. On Tuesday, January 25, at 8:30 PM (PST) Doria will hold a meeting in her tent in Skara Brae. Her tent is just northwest of the Skara bank. Doria will gaze into her crystal ball and give a psychic reading on the subject of the recent monster invasions on the four cities. Following the psychic reading, there will be a general discussion about the attacks, where folks present at the meeting will be invited to tell their own tales of their experiences with these monsters, or to share their theories about why monsters are trying to take over these particular towns.Thanks. |
Posted on Thursday, January 27, 2000, 7:56 AM EST by Rage (Sonoma) |
Sonoma Mercantile Association Page |
We have recieved the following:The Sonoma Mercantile Association is proud to announce the launching of it's new website, although not totally finished we would like to invite you to come check it out, and see what benefits we have to offer for tradepersons of all sorts on Sonoma.Thanks |
Posted on Thursday, January 27, 2000, 7:47 AM EST by Rage (Sonoma) |
No protection in the land of Delucia |
We have recieve the following:The guards all but rolled out the red carpet for the latest ophidian attack on Delucia. The ugly monsters were once gain cruising the streets like first-time home buyers looking for deals and peeking through windows. Though the residents and adventurer-guests in Delucia handled this attack much better than the last, I am afraid there seems to be no reason to assume the attacks will stop anytime soon. Though I must say, there is a pattern. The Ophidians are attacking at exactly the time when few are in town (2 p.m. EST). If this continues, Delucia may be lost for good!Thanks. Tis horrible. |
Posted on Thursday, January 27, 2000, 7:43 AM EST by Rage (Sonoma) |
Oceania Opening Date Announced |
The following was just posted to What's New:Oceania Opening Date Announced |
Posted on Thursday, January 27, 2000, 5:01 AM EST by Joshua Rowan (CommunityNews) |
Comments from the Team - Volunteer Relations |
The following was just posted to the Volunteer Relations section of Comments from the Team:So, what's new? Glad you asked. |
Posted on Thursday, January 27, 2000, 4:22 AM EST by Joshua Rowan (GeneralNews) |
Putting a smile on the face of Sosaria |
Within Sosaria exist a number of places which are well worth exploring. One of these is Clown Town, a thriving community located west of dungeon Shame at around 12º 34' north, 82º 37 west. I was privileged to be given a tour:
I know of many interesting places in Sosaria. Yet I am sure there are even more out there. If you run a tavern, town or institution which runs events or is open to all members of our community, do write and let us know. We cannot promise to respond immediately, but I or another writer may well be keen to take a look and pen a report when we are able. |
Posted on Thursday, January 27, 2000, 3:42 AM EST by Palmer Eldritch (Europa) |
In Concept - Removing Insta-Rez |
This was just added to In Concept:Instant-Resurrection Removal |
Posted on Thursday, January 27, 2000, 12:20 AM EST by Joshua Rowan (GeneralNews) |
Emergency HC Session to be Held Wednesday |
In response to the Gelidum's request for a special session for the peace talks, the High Council of Britannia has issued the following announcement...
Posted on Wednesday, January 26, 2000, 3:52 PM EST by Beans Baxter (LakeSuperior) |
Festival of Virtue Book Drive |
The following concerns the second Fesitval of Virtue Book Drive...
Posted on Wednesday, January 26, 2000, 3:49 PM EST by Beans Baxter (LakeSuperior) |
Matrox MGA G200 users pay attention to this... |
Yragore sends us the following tip:I have found that with the Matrox MGA G200 chipset the game's graphics display is choppy. If you do not want to activate the use565=on mode (that can cause some graphics problems) you can DEACTIVATE the "cache device bitmap" option in the advanced options of your G200. Then if you set the desktop color to 32bit the game is perfect, without graphics corruption and without mouse problems at all!. Finally I can see these damn light effects correctly :)Thanks for the tip! |
Posted on Wednesday, January 26, 2000, 2:49 PM EST by Xena Dragon (CommunityNews) |
Official Oceania Chat |
Oceania now has it's own live chat channel. Come and be with fellow Ultima Online playing aussies and discuss tactics and ideas for oceania! Server: aussie.sydney.oz.org Port: 6667 Chat Channel: #uo Also please obey the chat channel rules, moderators can be very harsh. |
Posted on Wednesday, January 26, 2000, 1:05 PM EST by Arturius (Oceania) |
Unter Brae Cock Fighting League |
*snickers* Thankye, Navrip, for this news. |
Posted on Wednesday, January 26, 2000, 12:00 PM EST by GreyPawn (Atlantic) |
To those who have tried pinging Oceania... |
Oceania has recently been installed, and set up to test ping times, although there has been some obvious routing problems when oceania.owo.com is attepted to be pinged. You may experince pings in the 200-300 area, even 500 in some extreme cases. But don't be alarmed, this is just because of routing problems which WILL be fixed when Oceania comes up as a full working uo shard. But if there is a serious problem in this area expect to hear an official annoncement soon. |
Posted on Wednesday, January 26, 2000, 11:22 AM EST by Arturius (Oceania) |
The Mysterious Late Lord Pythos |
There are many gravestones in the land, located among many cemetaries and crypts. It is unusual however to find one out by itself, especially in the middle of the desert. But there is a large and lonely monument in the middle of the desert of Britannia, and more odd still is that no one seems to know anything about it. News of the grave first reached me on the morn of the 20th of January from a Staff Sgt. Carlos, one of the Outriders, of the Black Rose Society. Here is what he sent me:
News of an undead attack in the desert was indeed odd, but I was more intrigued by the monument and the man it commemorated. I got up early that morn, packed some food and water into my backpack, mounted my horse and set off for the Shrine. The trip was smooth, and upon arriving at the shrine I dismounted my horse and walked out the narrow spit of land that the shrine sits on. Dropping to one knee and bowing my head, I offered a silent prayer to honor the shrine and the visit. When I straighted up I saw a wall of stone across the water on the other side of the oasis's pond. Gathering my horse I rode around the pond to take a closer look.
I spent most of the rest of the afternoon interviewing various people in Yew about the most recent attack that had occured during my morning's ride. At the end of each interview I asked if they knew anything of a Lord Pythos. Each person however was as unknowing as I concerning the man or his marker. Feeling overworked and underfed I walked back towards home to sit down to some hot ginseng tea and muffins. Just as I stepped up to my porch I saw a carrier pigeon homing in on me. I opened its note and sent a reply agreeing to meet the two members of the Militia of Yew in the abbey. I grabbed some smoked fish in lieu of relaxing to my tea and walked back to the abbey. I greeted Paul Atreides, Militia Captian, who I already knew, and he introduced me to Guardsman Dash, one of his men. Dash had several interesting thoughts and theories on the recent attacks and we shared and compared ideas for a little while. More out of habit than with hope of success, I asked them if they had ever heard of Lord Pythos when we had finished talking of the attacks. I was already tucking away my journal when I realised they were answering yes. Glad to have found a lead at last, I listened intently, but it took me a bit to grasp it. I was told Lord Pythos had visited Northwood, and the citizens had tried to communicate with his spirit. I asked,"You mean they talked to his ghost?" "More or less," Paul replied. He told me a bit more of the story as he had heard it, but explained he had not been there. I would have to go to Northwood itself to get the full story. I decided to wait until evening to go because I was tired, and when the evening arrived, I decided to recall there, because my horse was tired. *smiles* Leaving my horse on ground level I went up the stairs of the Winterfell Tower to the library. I heard many voices in the next room and was informed a trial was about to begin. I decided it would make for an interesting diversion and attended the trial. While the judge was in recess before the verdict I had time to ask some questions. Apparently, Lord Pythos had visited Northwood within the previous fortnight. The citizens had attempted to converse with his spirit, which remained invisible to their eyes. They asked yes or no questions into the air, and the spirit replied via signals on a lantern. He also spelled words out onto the ground using piles of gold that appeared out of thin air. Whenever anyone touched the gold however, the ground came alive with undead who attacked those present. He visited on at least two seperate occasions, and had left behind two tattered and badly worn journals, which were housed in the Winterfell's library. This is a copy of the texts. I took special note of the section describing attacks by creatures not from the surrounding land. I, and for that matter most of Britannia, know that feeling well. Watching mummies in Trinsic, imps in Yew, and ice trolls in Vesper seems an adequate parralel.And the second book... I have so far found no information on this Stoneguard Keep, nor of the men once inhabiting and defending it. In fact, the journals seem merely to raise more questions as opposed to answering any. All I can infer is that Lord Pythos was a powerful man, in charge of or owning this Stoneguard Keep and Estate. And that he seemed to have lost all that, mayhap in an attack that also took his life. But I'm not only unsure of where Stoneguard was, but of when it was. Was this a recent fall, coming to its fate due to the same attacks our cities were experiencing? Or was this much earlier, and this sudden information and grave's appearance at this desperate hour mere coincidence? There is more information yet to be learned about this man, and about his spirit's visit in Northwood. I have yet to find out what questions were asked of him, and what was learned during those sessions. I decided to go ahead and print what I do have in hopes that others may contact me with further information. If you know anything about Lord Pythos, and why he has a such a large monument so prominently displayed so near a shrine, do write to me. I suppose now that he is dead and apprently at rest it is not a matter of great hurry, but it seems a shame that this man rest in a grave of such granduer, with writing of such bare simplicity, and so many seem to not know who he was. |
Posted on Wednesday, January 26, 2000, 11:14 AM EST by Obsidion (Catskills) |
Attacks continue in Yew and Britain |
Two reports on the troubles in our realm.
Yew was again invaded by monsters. The raiders were the Mongbats who are common to this part of the land, but with them were orcish raiders who came in small companies of orc lords commanding small squads of orcs. Among them, there were Imps who live in the Lost Lands that have found their way to Brittania. The magical Imp creatures did not do much to overwhelm the defenders of Yew, but fighting was tricky as Mongbats and Orc traveld in almost orgenised squads, with the Imps bringing the warth of arcane powers upon the fighters. The fighting was heavyer in the center of the town, where the companies of orcs strived to reach. The townsfolk fought bravely, and their strength was re-inforced by the presentce of soldiers from the Man At Arms and The Naval Garrison. It was not long before the raiders fell to the still strong defences of Yew. There were but a few losses to the defenders, and that was in the initial stages of the invasion, when some of the townsfolk were unprepared. But the presentce of Imps, as from from the Lost Lands, heralds even harder challanges. Many warriors believe that we have not seen nothing yet!And yet again in Britain: Britian Has been attacked!I thank both Nathan Quill and J.Miller. With disturbing accounts such as these, are any of our fair towns truly safe? We shall endeavor to keep you informed friends, until then, fare thee well! |
Posted on Wednesday, January 26, 2000, 8:10 AM EST by Aleph Aeirs (Europa) |
What is Behind the Troll Attack? |
We received this scroll a short time ago. An alluring power behind the troll attack? First of all I must say that if anything in the following story is incorrect and that ye know about the truth, then pray tell us all, so that we will not continue in darkness.A riveting tale, I thank you for this submission! |
Posted on Wednesday, January 26, 2000, 8:01 AM EST by Aleph Aeirs (Europa) |
Tales of Evil and Virtue |
A recounting of past experience and an important reminder from Dragon. Read on my friends...Hail my fellow brothers and sister,A moving story, and an important question. I thank for you the time spent creating this inspirational piece. |
Posted on Wednesday, January 26, 2000, 7:55 AM EST by Aleph Aeirs (Europa) |
The final ritual to help Lady Birmingham |
The last ritual will be performed at Monday January 24th 8:30pm PST at the Shrine of Spirituality. Please come and lend your support as Sir Mordane performs the final ritual to remove the spells cast on Lady Birmingham's body by the evil archmage Balart.Thanks |
Posted on Wednesday, January 26, 2000, 7:46 AM EST by Rage (Sonoma) |
UO2 - New "Comments from the Team" |
The following was just posted to the Comments from the Team section of the Ultima Online 2 website:January 24, 2000 |
Posted on Wednesday, January 26, 2000, 6:55 AM EST by Joshua Rowan (CommunityNews) |
UO2 - 4 new questions on the FAQ |
The following was just posted to FAQ section of the Ultima Online 2 website:Will UO2 take advantage of a shard based system? |
Posted on Wednesday, January 26, 2000, 6:52 AM EST by Joshua Rowan (CommunityNews) |
Fulfillment of Tatiana's Prophecy--Attacks on Kinship |
This is the tale that reached our ears:
Aye, I've a feeling more will follow of the prophecy. May all fare well in these days. |
Posted on Wednesday, January 26, 2000, 6:46 AM EST by Obsidion (Catskills) |
The Defense of Delucia |
This report was found in the Keepers of Anthems Guild Chronicles:
I know many of us feel as Taron--we all await our time for vengeance. |
Posted on Wednesday, January 26, 2000, 6:33 AM EST by Obsidion (Catskills) |
Comments from the Team - Sage |
Today's "Comments from the Team" update, this one written by Sage from the UO Live Development Team:Comments from the Team Updated |
Posted on Wednesday, January 26, 2000, 6:27 AM EST by Joshua Rowan (GeneralNews) |
Simultaneous Attacks on Brittania's Cities |
I received this report from Rodgar of some of the latest town attacks:
Thank you again, Rodgar. |
Posted on Wednesday, January 26, 2000, 6:14 AM EST by Obsidion (Catskills) |
Unter Brae Fight Night Recap |
Unter Brae Fight Club #2 |
Posted on Wednesday, January 26, 2000, 5:35 AM EST by Ce'Nedra Willow (Atlantic) |
Establishment Review: Caina |
Well I finally got around to posting our most recent Establishment review. Keeshi found the time to take at look at Atlantic's premiere evil city, Caina. You can read his review by choosing Caina from the list on the Atlantic News menu bar. I hope you enjoy! |
Posted on Wednesday, January 26, 2000, 5:27 AM EST by Ce'Nedra Willow (Atlantic) |
Update on Green Gryphon's Staffed Hours! |
Simon just sent this little update in.I am happy to announce the addition of two days to the staff schedual at The Green Gryphon!Thankyou Simon! |
Posted on Wednesday, January 26, 2000, 3:54 AM EST by Aiglos (Pacific) |
Account Maintenance Downtime |
The following was just posted to Common Issues on the Ultima Online website:Account Management Downtime |
Posted on Wednesday, January 26, 2000, 2:30 AM EST by Joshua Rowan (GeneralNews) |
GSS Keep to Hold Grand 1-Year Anniversary Event |
GSS, the worlds most popular and conveniently located "bag-o-plenty" mall, will be holding its One YearAnniversary this weekend, and you are invited to attend the celebrations...
GSS has always held lavish events, and this one looks to be the grandest! To find the GSS Keep, just walk NW from the Britain moongate. The Keep is safely located on a farm. |
Posted on Wednesday, January 26, 2000, 12:55 AM EST by Beans Baxter (LakeSuperior) |
Word from Calandryll regarding change to Escorting |
The following was posted to the CoB Dev Board by Calandryll:The timer will be almost exactly 15 minutes now, rather than the 15-25 mintues previously. |
Posted on Wednesday, January 26, 2000, 12:22 AM EST by Ima Supa (GeneralNews) |
The Latest Invasion Reports |
More reports on our fair cities being overrun by foul beasts... I'd been feeling a little run down all morning and finally decided what I needed was a good deal of exercise. I filled myself up with some of my uncle’s Icelandic Fish and retrieved my armor. Bur I was disappointed to note it was in a state of disrepair. I asked my uncle, who is knowledgeable in the lore of arms and armor, what pieces needed the most attention. He also looked at my magical long sword, noting it too greatly needed repair. So I packed all my things and set off to Britain in hopes of finding a blacksmith.I wish to thank everyone who sent in reports. Hopefully they will assist in the effort to determine the source of all the attacks. |
Posted on Tuesday, January 25, 2000, 8:23 PM EST by Pfredd Mudd (Pacific) |
IFC Storytelling and Sketch Competitions |
Earnst, of the ICF, sent us the following:Icelandic Floating Community Storytelling Competition! Will begin at 8:30pm PST, January 27th. |
Posted on Tuesday, January 25, 2000, 8:04 PM EST by Pfredd Mudd (Pacific) |
A Kidnapping |
Kalodair sent us the following: A member of our guild named Mydnite disappeared a while ago and now it seems as though she has been kidnapped. Two messengers came to our guild house to demand a ransom. They claimed they were sent to deliver the ransom note to our guildmaster. We don't know where they are keeping her right now, but it is presumed they are using a locked room in a house or maybe a boat to hold her. I don't know about the room, because ghosts can walk through doors, but If you're dead or alive on a boat, there's no way of getting off if you're in the middle of the ocean and there's somebody on board with a key. |
Posted on Tuesday, January 25, 2000, 7:49 PM EST by Pfredd Mudd (Pacific) |
Another Piece of Truth is Found |
Tempest of Skye, one of the Celestial Knights of the City of Haven sent this in to us:Hail, |
Posted on Tuesday, January 25, 2000, 6:42 PM EST by Narga Saiyen (Chesapeake) |
New PaxLair Web Site and Mayor's Journal Service! |
This was received from Mayor Winfield of Paxlair.....PaxLair has created a new City web site, still under development, to service you better. It is still being populated withinformation, but many services are already available to you, such as a comprehensive directory including towns on Chesapeake, list of community attractions in PaxLair, and a start on biographies. ![]() Here is a picture of the new Paxlair site. |
Posted on Tuesday, January 25, 2000, 6:30 PM EST by Joe Woodwright (Chesapeake) |
Gypsy to give psychic reading on monster attacks |
We have found the following:Many people of our land are deeply troubled about the recent attacks by monsters on the towns of Yew, Trinsic, Vesper, and Cove. Concerned citizens have asked the famed psychic, Doria Romanov, to gaze into her crystal ball to see if she can find out more about these attacks.Thanks. |
Posted on Tuesday, January 25, 2000, 1:50 PM EST by Rage (Sonoma) |
The Brigands Return for more Victims in Wintermoor |
Thankye, Xanthar, for this update. |
Posted on Tuesday, January 25, 2000, 1:39 PM EST by GreyPawn (Atlantic) |
Rivendell Crowns New Town Night Champion |
The results are in! Rivendell, the great city north of Skara Brae, has announced the latest Town Night Champion...
Congratulations Fin Orcsbane! Town Nights are becoming a regular staple in our Realm. Keep your eyes peeled to our humble paper for the next Town Night, sponsored by the wonderful city of Rivendell! |
Posted on Tuesday, January 25, 2000, 1:29 PM EST by Beans Baxter (LakeSuperior) |
The Passing of a Good Friend |
We received the following concerning a real tragedy from Flyboy...
To the friends and family of Isuldur/Aragon, our thoughts and prayers are with you. |
Posted on Tuesday, January 25, 2000, 12:57 PM EST by Beans Baxter (LakeSuperior) |
A call to Virtue: The Gold one appears! |
As a result of the appearance of the Gold Dragon, Dragon’s bay has become an establishment of Virtue for the majority of Brittania. The Beliefs of the Order of the Gold dragon is that the Gold one is a being who represents the purest aspects of the Eight virtues, established by our King, Lord Brittish, so long ago. With the Great Dragon appearing, the absolute law of virtue is now set in stone for everyone to see. This appearance comes in the midst of frequent monster attacks that have plagued Dragon’s bay for some time. The Understanding of these recent attacks are the result of the powers of Chaos seeking to destroy the growing mass of good in the area, which will most likely expand to all of Brittania. With this, the Order of the Gold dragon welcomes Everyone who seeks or wishes to study the ways of virtue are welcomed to come to Dragon’s bay and seek out the Gold one to learn of Virtues from the representative of those ideals. The Gold one is neither a mortal nor a God, but only the embodiment of Virtue, and not to be worshipped as many believed. While in Dragon’s Bay, check out the Temple of Virtues, where the Gold one will be residing. The OGD Tower, now open to the public and ready to be used for conventions and parties. And what visit to Dragon’s bay can be complete without stopping by at the Golden Dragon Tavern, where you can visit the new Café on the second level, where we hope to start hosting dart tournaments, chess contests and casino nights. Come to Dragon’s bay, the finest town in Brittania! Paid for by the Dragon’s bay tourism council |
Posted on Tuesday, January 25, 2000, 12:43 PM EST by Red William (GreatLakes) |
Open House to be Held by Prof. Clio Temesa |
The following was received from Professor Clio Temesa of the Lycaeum...
I have oft the pleasure of spending time with Prof. Temesa, and have found her vast knowledge and intelligence to be quite a wonderful asset for all my needs in Britainnia. And her wonderful personality certainly makes school, which oft I fell asleep in as a child, quite a wonderful asset. If ye are the type who wishes to learn more about our lands and history, I strongly urge ye to visit the Lycaeum on Tuesday... 'twill truely be time well spent! |
Posted on Tuesday, January 25, 2000, 12:42 PM EST by Beans Baxter (LakeSuperior) |
Revenge of Drink Yourself Silly |
I received this from JL:It has been over 2 months since the last Drink Yourself Silly at the Dead Dove Tavern and we had so much fun that it is time for an encore performance.Thanks! |
Posted on Tuesday, January 25, 2000, 7:06 AM EST by HellRazor (Baja) |
Scammer Alert |
A friendly reminder to all UO players who are very eager to place a house in the news lands. There are people out there who contact you via ICQ claiming to be OSI staff. To *prove* they are OSI staff they will give you their email address something@uo.com (yeah right!). The current scam is to send you a pre-release of the update that will allow you to place a house in the new lands (wherever that may be). Ofcourse this so called pre-release is nothing less then a password stealer or a trojan backdoor that will leave your PC wide open for attacks. So, once again, do not accept files coming from the internet from people that you do not know. I can't make it any clearer than that. Just be careful out there. |
Posted on Tuesday, January 25, 2000, 6:46 AM EST by Xena Dragon (CommunityNews) |
Previous ex-Mayor of Valendor Responds |
Sam Woodchopper, who was Mayor of Valendor before Srdolch, sends us this report:Srdolch the merchant prince who was elected mayor of Valendor by the people of Drachenfels at December 5th stepped down from office after a controversial affair this weekend. This affair made the Emerald Knights (EK) and the Drachenfels Mage Tower (DMT) reconsider their position within the community of Valendor. It is yet unkown how these two parties will react upon this news. |
Posted on Tuesday, January 25, 2000, 6:30 AM EST by Xena Dragon (Drachenfels) |
Millenium Man Contest Finals |
This arrived from Brianna Roies:Well, ladies and gents, the ballots are in and the results are hot off the press! The remaining five finalists are here and are ready to be announced, and without further ado, here are the five lucky people!Thanks! |
Posted on Tuesday, January 25, 2000, 5:25 AM EST by HellRazor (Baja) |
Valendor Mayor Srdolch Resigns |
A pigeon flew this in a moment ago:Hail all people of Valendor and Drachenfels, |
Posted on Tuesday, January 25, 2000, 4:51 AM EST by Xena Dragon (Drachenfels) |
SOS - Save Our Siege! |
Adrick of BattleVortex sends us the followingThe players of Siege Perilous have made a petition to help voice their concerns about the various issues on the Siege Perilous Shard. |
Posted on Tuesday, January 25, 2000, 4:38 AM EST by Xena Dragon (SiegePerilous) |
Realm of Blackcomb Attacked by Unknown Force |
Once again the Realm of Blackcomb has felt the hand of an unseen force. Sending forth armies of orcs, orc lords & orc mages accompanied by ettins an unseen enemy has struck at Blackcomb. As before however Blackcomb proved more than able to deal with the horde that descended upon our fair town. |
Posted on Tuesday, January 25, 2000, 4:10 AM EST by Xena Dragon (NapaValley) |
Judicators, Zealots and Phoenixes; oh my! |
This detailed battle report landed on my desk:Hi, I have been reading stratics for almost as long as I have been playing Ultima. I have found myself getting involved in the recent quests, (I started around the time of the blue dragon and the 4 gargoyles) but I am new to these. I have been reading the news on events and today I took part in the chaos this afternoon and I wanted to to help out and send in a message. I would like to get more involved with the Role-playing factor of Ultima in the future. So anyway.... |
Posted on Tuesday, January 25, 2000, 3:55 AM EST by Xena Dragon (NapaValley) |
The Dragar Quest: Tying Things Together |
A special thanks goes out to UOChesapeake for their wonderful Quest section and searchable archives of stories. They have greatly helped this reporter do his job. Prologue Part One: The Past When all the seals were collected, everyone ventured back to the Daemon Temple on the Isle of Fire. Kristos performed a ritual which opened a gate to the tomb of Rothar. Hoping for the best, the worst ended up happening. Dragons and hell hounds started appearing out of no where, and many men fell to the ground. Instead of shedding light on his past, Kristos had opened a gate of pure evil, for out of the gate popped Dragar. Dragar immediately thanked everyone for freeing him, but then swore death to all of this world. Ages ago, Dragar and his dragons swarmed the land. Kristos and Dragar knew each other, but Kristos had only a vague memory of how. Long ago Dragar had tried to gain ancient mystical pieces of Ice Armour. This ice armour would give anyone who wears it absolute power. The catch was, you needed to have the entire set of the armour to exploit it's full potential. Rothar was a person from Dragar's time, who tried to stop Dragar, and prevent him from getting the ice armour. Dragar had gone to Rothar's tomb in search of more pieces, but became imprisoned instead. Until now. The race was on, Kristos told everyone that Dragar was going to continue his long delayed quest and acquire all the pieces of Ice Armour. Kristos said that Dragar must not be allowed to acquire the entire set of ice armour, or he'd be invincible. Word of Dragar's attacks spread quickly, and he was gaining pieces of the armour at an exceedingly fast rate. It seemed as if there would be no stopping Dragar. After many many battles, and a long time span, Dragar almost had the entire set of ice armour. Lacking the helm, a search was started, and many people sought the helm, to get it before Dragar did. Then something happened which changed that. The following was written by Emmeril Cimber of Skara Brae. "Lord Captain Arkon and a squad of guards began their search for Aaron, a man convicted of killing his business partner. Aaron was shortly found and after a long search of his jewellery shop, evidence was located which cleared his name. This evidence came in the form of two books. The first book was a tome of notes taken on the ice armour and the exact location of each piece. The second book was the journal of Tasha, the late businessman's widow, who killed her husband Brett, was a jewel smuggler, and was in league with Dragar! Though the page in the first book which revealed the location of the ice helm had been torn asunder from the rest of the book, Tasha's journal not only revealed the location of the ice helm, but the exact date and time of Dragar's attack."So the helm was found in a shop's display case inside at Nujel'm. When it came time for Dragar's known attack, almost eighty defenders showed up to stop him. Hundreds of dragons laid siege to Nujel'm, which were probably just a diversion in the first place. The City was torn to chaos as each and every warrior ran from two or three dragons. There was much confusion and even more death. Aside from it all, the entire battle was for naught; Dragar obtained the ice helm, and now had the complete set of armour. A few days later Dragar was sighted at the Village of Humility. The Village of Humility was having their grand opening of the Wyvern's Lair Tavern. "None may oppose me. Now that I have the armour, what need have I of such beasts? Soon I will be ready. Not even Skorr and his kind can defeat me now. The essence of the dragons will serve me well..." Dragar said.Right then and there Dragar admitted to defying the dragons which had helped him up to then. He denied Skorr, and claimed the essence of the dragons to be his! Surly, now that he had the full set of ice armour, the power had gone to his head. This is where an Astronomer named Galen Solstarre who lived in Moonglow, comes into the plot line. Galen was keeping track of a meteorite he thought would hit our planet. The meteorite did, and Galen believed he could use it to forge a weapon of destruction which could be used against Dragar. Galen kept to himself after this, as his research made him a very busy man. Shortly there after, The Town Crier published a story which told of a woodsman who had happened upon three dragon corpses. Each of the corpses had big gashing wounds in their sides. Upon closer examination the wounds contained a sort of speckled glowing metallic colour in them. It was evident that this was residue from Dragar's ice sword, he had killed the dragons. In fact, later on it was found that Dragar had battled many dragons, and succeeded in imprisoning Skorr. Part Two: The Present I am sending you this letter because my research is complete at last! My studies have revealed an obscure alchemical process, which may allow me to smelt the meteorite into ingots. Unfortunately, I am missing several components that will be needed to test this theory. Please ask any that would be willing to aid me in this matter to meet me at the Telescope in Moonglow at 10:00 pm CST on Saturday eve (10-16-99).I had the pleasure of taking an active role in this quest about this time. I met up with Galen on the 16th, along with some others. Galen wasn't completely ready for us though, he still needed a few items before he could continue his work. He told us three vials of Dragon's blood were needed, and that we'd have to find them for him. Aren't there just times you wish there was a shop which sold whatever you wanted? Because Skorr had had such an involvement in this quest before, we decided he would be the perfect person to obtain the blood from. Skorr had been just recently rescued, so he was nimble and weak when we found him at his cave. "Giving out my blood is not something I'd consider. But sense it is to defeat Dragar, then I will consider it now. But I must ask for something [more] in return. *smirks* Perhaps gold in exchange for my blood? I'll sell one vial [each] for 1000 gold." Skorr told us.Everyone gladly contributed to buying the blood from Skorr. Three vials were given to Galen, so he could continue his work. The blood wasn't the only thing Galen needed, among a long list he also asked for volcanic ash, and other stuff. It was a long adventure, but we did manage to get everything he wanted. Galen told us, "I have all I need to smelt the ore, but I am not a skilled enough smith. Please spread the word, and ask all smiths who would help to craft a war mace. Come to my house this wednesday, I will ask the one that has made the finest war mace to forge the mace from the ore of the meteorite."When Wednesday rolled around, quite a few people were gathered at Galen's house. Galen put all the maces in a bag and chose the one of the best quality. Mits III, of The Killing Fields guild was chosen by Galen, and Mits was to be the smith to craft the war mace out of the meteorite metal. Galen invited us back into his laboratory, where he kept the meteor's ingots. They were a shinny red colour, strong and durable, I'd truly not seen such a sight before. Mits crafted the mace and gladly handed it over to Galen. Now the would-be-weapon of Dragar's defeat was made, and Galen thanked all who came. The weapon was deemed he name Mace of Fire. We enter a long void right now. Nor Galen or Dragar are herd from for a long time, until now. Galen had disappeared, and many considered him dead. Not very many people knew what happened, and only now the clues start to surface. Ten Bones a Shadow of Britain witnessed an event at Galen's house. Dragar had apparently found out about the Mace of Fire and attacked Galen's house. The entire area was besieged with undead creatures, and Dragar's diabolical laughs. It was unknown if Galen died, or if Dragar succeeded in obtaining the Mace of Fire. Around this time several player run towns were being attacked. Not by Dragar, but by another creature. A lich lord with a human name of Ardian lead an army of spiders and attacked PaxLair and the Falconer's Inn, a popular tavern near the City of Yew. "Bring me Y'thras! *seems to notice the mortals* Why are you not all dead?" Ardian said.No one knew this Ardian or where he came from. What this had a connection to baffled even the brightest reporters (points to self). I myself put out a call for help, asking for anyone with information on Ardian to come forward. Leighlu, Grandmaster Smith-Guardians of Knighted Souls (GKS), contacted me with vital information. The following is an excerpt from an article I wrote. It contains the information acquired from Leighlu. "I learned that a good while ago a mage from Vesper, whose name is unknown, lead a raid for the book Ardian speaks about. The raid was to the tomb of Ardian located in the Vesper Graveyard, about three weeks ago. Legions of undead and Ardian himself were fought to allow the mage to retrieve the text. Who this mage is, and what he plans for the book is unknown. This is, however, all we know. It is important that more of this information on the raid of Ardian's tomb is found."When I wrote that article I was still at a loss, I couldn't connect these raids by Ardian to anything, until now. Glenn Wintord sent in the contents of a piece of paper he had found. The paper's contents explained what had happened to Galen! The following is an excerpt from the paper Glenn found. "Galen was not entirely certain what had happened. He should have known better than to step through the experimental gate he was working on, but when Dragar and his minions attacked his lab in the middle of the procedure, it was his only means of escape. At least it seemed like a good idea at the time, he thought to himself with a laugh. He had managed to escape with the Mace of Skyfire, but he was now trapped in a prison of his own creation. He was safe in his home of Moonglow, but he had no real physical form. No one could see or hear him, and he could not interact with the world around him. "When Dragar had attacked Galen's house, Galen had tried to save the Mace of Skyfire by escaping through an experimental gate he made. Now Galen was trapped between worlds, and was at a loss. Even though Dragar didn't have the mace, there was no obvious was anyone could get to it, and Galen was lost! This was also in the paper Glenn found. "In a forgotten room, deep within the mountains, there is a momentary flash of light. A solitary figure emerges to stand before a blood stained altar.Deliverance at long last! It now appears Y'thras is some sort of enemy of Dragar's! The lich lord Ardian must be a servant of some sort to Y'thras, whoever Y'thras is. In any case, Ardian has the power to create and command huge hoards of spiders, and he himself is very powerful. If Ardian can be reasoned with, he could prove to be a great ally against Dragar. Epilogue Just today Dragar attacked the town of PaxLair. Ice Fiends, Elementals, Globs (Blobs?), all sorts of Shortly after the battle Galen's deformed spirit appeared in front of everyone! Galen was partly invisible, and very hard to see. As he could not talk, it was hard to communicate with him. Nevertheless, Galen conveyed a message to us via a book which stated he needed us to be at his house at 9:00PM EST this Wednesday. Surely Galen has a plan for us to help him, and obtain the Mace of Fire so Dragar can be defeated! Links: Pictures: |
Posted on Tuesday, January 25, 2000, 3:11 AM EST by Azazel (Chesapeake) |
Unknown Spring Near Vesper |
![]() |
Posted on Tuesday, January 25, 2000, 2:20 AM EST by Narga Saiyen (Chesapeake) |
Lord Ser Brightblade and Lady Scout Finch to Wed |
*You see a beautifully embossed scroll*
Posted on Tuesday, January 25, 2000, 2:19 AM EST by Obsidion (Catskills) |
Healer's Caravan to Set Out Sunday at Three |
We received this notice:
Thank you, Dove |
Posted on Tuesday, January 25, 2000, 2:16 AM EST by Obsidion (Catskills) |
Rune Library expands with Treasure Map Runes |
Olray sends us the following announcement:Hear ye! Hear ye! |
Posted on Tuesday, January 25, 2000, 1:34 AM EST by Xena Dragon (Drachenfels) |
Orcs Disrupt Mage Academy Opening |
Thankye, Fangorn, for this update. |
Posted on Tuesday, January 25, 2000, 12:59 AM EST by GreyPawn (Atlantic) |
Sonoma Courts in need of Marshal's |
We have found the following:ATTENTION CITIZENS OF BRITIANNIA:Thanks, May the strong & Wise govern us. |
Posted on Tuesday, January 25, 2000, 12:44 AM EST by Rage (Sonoma) |
Vote for Counselor of the Month |
We received this from Senior Counselor Channa:Greetings Friends!! |
Posted on Monday, January 24, 2000, 7:40 PM EST by Xena Dragon (Drachenfels) |
Meeting in North Cape Village. |
The Church of Hysteresis is inviting people living far North of Vesper.On the very nort tip of our mainland is a small village. For some time now the people here have been thinking about nameing this village and to be known in the rest of the world.To find North Cape Village just take the North bridge out of Vesper and keep walking straight North until you hit water. From there walk to the right (North-East). A detailed map of the area can be found on the website mentioned above. |
Posted on Monday, January 24, 2000, 7:33 PM EST by Xena Dragon (Drachenfels) |
Galdrog of Roleplaying 101 says Farewell |
Hello role playing fans, this is Galdrog reporting here to you for the last time. Due to unfortunate circumstances, I can no longer maintain Role Playing 101 for you any longer. But I do have good news, The site will be passed on to Xena Dragon. I've been visiting the stratics site for a long time, and I know that Xena is well worthy of maintenance for this site. So with a heavy heart I turn over this wealth of role playing information over to Xena. I also want to thank everyone that has ever e-mailed me over the years, and all the friends I've met online, especially Elawyn of Yew, Ilina, and all of the Heartkin of Chesapeake. I also want to thank all of those who contributed to the site, since most of the content came from other role players.And thank *you* Galdrog for providing us with the basics (and more) on Role Playing for many many months. I am sure you've helped lots of players take their first steps on the role playing path, including me :) |
Posted on Monday, January 24, 2000, 7:16 PM EST by Xena Dragon (GeneralNews) |
Galen needs your help! |
This was sent in by Tryton of HavenHail and well met everyone, |
Posted on Monday, January 24, 2000, 2:30 PM EST by Joe Woodwright (Chesapeake) |
Ghostly raid of terror in Trinsic |
Today, as simplicity living rested in the limestone village of Trinsic, the peaceful work day was ended by the horror-filled screams of spectres and ghouls of varios kind. As strong-willed clansmen talked heavily of past experiances stop suddenly to find one of thier guild mates dead or dieing, and eager young men filled thier bank boxs of the days workings died and lost almost instantly everything they worked from the sweat of thier eyebrows.Rage, Angel Knight of Trinsic |
Posted on Monday, January 24, 2000, 9:50 AM EST by Rage (Sonoma) |
Trinsic Council of Honor Meeting! |
Exciting things are happening in Trinsic folks! Come be a part of it! |
Posted on Monday, January 24, 2000, 8:27 AM EST by Ce'Nedra Willow (Atlantic) |
Strange Spirit Visits the Serpent Cross Tavern |
It was a normal night, or at least started that way at the Serpents Cross Tavern. Luke Avaloneous and myself sat down to a game of chess. We were alone at the time of the appearance. A spirit flittered about saying something we could not understand. I tried to remember the speaking's of the spirits for I have not used it in many moons. I sent a pigeon out to Kail, Lieutenant of the Yew militia to aid me. When he arrived we spoke with the ghost. Both our skills in speaking with spirits were rusty, so Luke went and retrieved some communication crystals. |
Posted on Monday, January 24, 2000, 8:22 AM EST by Ce'Nedra Willow (Atlantic) |
A missive to the people of Britannia. |
We have found the following:This is a proclaimation to the Courts of Sonoma...Thanks. |
Posted on Monday, January 24, 2000, 8:18 AM EST by Rage (Sonoma) |
Large Undead Attacks Continue in Trinsic |
This afternoon January 20. 2000 I was sit on the deck of my boat Swaping war stories with my old friend sammy. When my younger brother Nodwick came running up to the boat screaming about how monsters were attacking Vesper. Sammy said he would go to Vesper and in an instant he was gone. I struggled into my armor, grabed my rune book, retrieved a quarter-staff from my armory, and leaped onto my steed Cloverfax and recalled to Trinsic. Ack, I'd hit the wrong rune I was in Trinsic not Vesper. I decided to check the city anyways. I was patroling around didn't see anything until I aproached the city barracks when I saw a group of undead: 2 Liches, 2 Mummies, 2 Bone Knights, 2 Bone Mages,and 2 Specters. They looked liked they were looting the barracks and warriors guild when I approached they stoped and looked at me and began to approach me. I decided to casualy withdraw and I fell back till I saw an archer. Together we attacked the hoard. The archer quickly fell to a Mummy and a Bone Knight. I realized my quarter-staff wasn't to work. I fell back to the nearest bank and retrieved HelmsCrusher my silver war mace and returned to the battle. The undead quickly fell to my mace. I spoke to some other warriors and they said that this attack had been the largest yet.Thankye, GreyHunter, for this announcement. |
Posted on Monday, January 24, 2000, 8:07 AM EST by Ce'Nedra Willow (Atlantic) |
Ring of Merchants announces Akalabethian Ironworks Opening |
The Ring of Merchants, a unit of the Lost Order of Akalabeth is proud to announce the opening of The Akalabethian Ironworks, a fully functional, player run smithy. Located two clearings south of the Yew Moongate, the Ironworks is unique in that the 9 GM smiths that work there are on duty at appointed times, ready to serve the needs of the UO community. Visit us from 8-10, Monday through Friday (additional hours, including those for overseas customers are also available. See one of the staff for these additional times) for personalized smithing services. The Ironworks features:Goodluck, Broog, with your opening. |
Posted on Monday, January 24, 2000, 7:56 AM EST by Ce'Nedra Willow (Atlantic) |
Reminder of Wedding tomorrow! |
We have recieved the following:Roslind and ParityError will be wed in Nujelm Palace tomorrow (January 23) at 7:30 AM. Everyone is invited! Gifts not required but are appreciated! :) If thou art inclined to bring a gift but aren't sure what to bring, a list of things we like is on our homepage at the following address:Thanks. May your love never end. |
Posted on Monday, January 24, 2000, 7:54 AM EST by Rage (Sonoma) |
Fashion show cancelled! |
We have found the following:After the initial excitement wore off, we realized how much work it entailed. Jessica did alot of the planning and designing herself. She worked tirelessly to get it all together and stored much of the work at her own house. We had a low response from Tailors on the shard to be represented but to Ralph Lauren, Little Rose, Victoria's Secret and Riven who did respond, we thank you!! For the rest of you, we'll try to pick a better time, perhaps this summer to do just a Bridal Show? We also got no response from our search for Seer help regarding some special needs and after Jessica left ILS (we wish her well!), we just couldn't come up with anyone with enough energy or committment to coordinate the whole thing.Thanks, Tis sad. |
Posted on Monday, January 24, 2000, 12:48 AM EST by Rage (Sonoma) |
Announcing New Head of the Court of Sonoma |
We have recieved the following:Hail one and all,Thanks, Congrats |
Posted on Monday, January 24, 2000, 12:44 AM EST by Rage (Sonoma) |
Test Center in use by OSI Quality Assurance |
At the moment Test Center is not available to the public because it is being used to do extensive testing regarding the current patch. Once all tests are done TC will be opened up for all TC players again. The current plan is to have that happen next monday. |
Posted on Sunday, January 23, 2000, 7:12 PM EST by Xena Dragon (TestCenter) |
Vote for Counselor of the Month! |
We got this from Senior Counselor Channa:Greetings Friends!! Thanks for the letter, Channa. So, you all go vote for the Counselor who has helped you through your times as a new player or simply given you hints and good advice., ye hear!*Smiles* Have fun! Yours truly, |
Posted on Sunday, January 23, 2000, 3:38 PM EST by Llemandrell (Europa) |
...and thus does it begin anew |
Time: The Second Festival of the Damned During the festivities, unnoticed by all those present, a strange being slunk throughout the many shadows of the Crypts situated next to the Endless Graveyards. The Lich Lord Thanatos had promised a display of necromancy and this had gained the attentions of the pale, bald woman and her ilk. Amianeh had thrown off her customary ceremonial green robe in favour of a garb more ideally suited for stealth. Hidden though she was, Amianeh never let the Lich Lord escape her sight, and, upon the appointed hour, she prepared herself, knowing that timing was crucial. She watched carefully as Thanatos prepared the summons of the undead, stealthily creeping nearer and nearer yet. She knew the opening would last but a mere fraction of time and collected her wits in preparation. She was surprised nonetheless when the event occurred, so that she threw caution to the wind, and stepped quickly to occupy the space where the undead was materializing. She and her ilk had predicted that as the undead creature appeared, anything occupying the same space would be thrust back into the plane from whence the skeletal being was being summoned from. They had guessed correctly, and Amianeh found herself suddenly ousted from this plane into...
Time: Now Amianeh smiled as she steadily closed the gap to the ruins. It had been a few days journey, but thankfully, uneventful. Though she was aware of her sisters whereabouts and progress thanks to her peoples innate ability to view into the myriad planes, she strongly doubted they were aware of her progress. For the planes she had travelled to could only be viewed from the plane of the dead. A plane within planes, would wonders never cease. She found her sister within the ruins, peering intently into the planes. "It is good to see you again, Alexi." Alexi tured and smiled. Taking Amianeh`s hand into her own, she said, "And it is good to see you as well, for our numbers grow smaller by the week. The Draikir are becoming uncannily fruitful in their hunts. Ariana and Gorrel`s daughter Adielle have both been slain." "I am aware." Nodded Amianeh, "Though I spied you were able to complete Des Suxitticon Corpirai." A malicious smile crossed Alexi`s lips. "Aye, after a few failed attempts, I was able to successfully complete it twice. The cursed mortals were easily fooled into thinking they were fighting for their precious virtues, their sense of nobility easily manipulated. But what of your task sister? I was unable to spy thee across the planes." "With good reason," explained Amianeh, "the plane we sought is a plane within planes. I barely noticed from the plane of the dead myself. Inexplicably, our essence is drawn into this nether upon its arrival in the plane of the dead. I suppose that is why I was able to spy it at all. It drew me. As such, I have found a way to traverse in and out of this nether," Alexi interupted, "So is it possible? Can..." "Yes. It is all possible. There is a tale I have heard upon my return which tells of a man, and of the way to the nether, where our ancestors are banished. There are items which would need be acquired, and the man, an old scribe named Trychton who lives in Moonglow, would be able to direct us. We must find him before the others discover our plans, and "persuade" him to aid us. I trust he has family." Amianeh smirked. "Then all that is needed," Alexi concluded, "is to find this man. The humans will not so easily be fooled into helping us again. They have discovered much of our past, through a text left behind by Gorrel Vitniah." Amianeh smiled at Alexi, "In my quest to return to this plane, I discovered a way to bring fragments of our people to this realm, if only ever so briefly. I believe we could employ them as pawns until we have all that is needed." "And when we have all we require, then we can finally reach our objectives." Shouted Alexi, "The return of all our fallen to this plane. Immortality! Come, then, sister, let us perform Des Suxitticon Corpirai, so that you need not fear death." Alexi drew Amianeh into an adjoining room, and spoke to her sister, facing a shackled male form in the farthest corner. "Amianeh, meet your forever anchor to this plane. Iddenson." |
Posted on Sunday, January 23, 2000, 3:35 PM EST by Pfredd Mudd (Pacific) |
Imps test the defenders of Yew |
Citizens of Yew rallied to defend their town from another mysterious assault:Thank you Nathan. |
Posted on Sunday, January 23, 2000, 3:35 PM EST by Palmer Eldritch (Europa) |
Counselors Needed: Oceania, Arirang, Formosa, Balhae |
The following was just posted to FYI on the UO website:Counselors Needed: Oceania, Arirang, Formosa, Balhae |
Posted on Sunday, January 23, 2000, 3:15 PM EST by Joshua Rowan (GeneralNews) |
Another new quill for Stratics |
Hail to thee. My name is Palmer Eldritch and I am the latest reporter recruited to this fine newspaper. I hope to be able to bring you up to date news on the latest happenings in Sosaria, features on the towns, taverns and institutions many of you work so hard to make a success, and the odd interview or two with interesting members of our community. It is a pleasure to be here and I am looking forward to working with such a dedicated team. Most of all I look forward to meeting you and learning about your activities, and of course reading the reports which I hope you will all feel free to send in to us. For now, have fun and fare thee well. |
Posted on Sunday, January 23, 2000, 3:11 PM EST by Palmer Eldritch (Europa) |
Orcish Disease Spreading Quickly! |
A Orcish Shaman sent this warning: To All Orcs and Humans:Please keep in mind the Shaman is still an orc, so his english isn't perfect. If you must know, there was a digging done a while ago to search for the Orcs past. In the digging various things were pulled up, and it was found that Orcs did in fact live in PaxLair a long time ago, but they were killed off by a disease. Apparently this very old disease never actually left, and no cure was made. Now that the digging was done, the disease has returned. Two people have already fallen victim to the could-be-epidemic, an orc and human. Lets hope the Shaman can find a cure soon.. |
Posted on Sunday, January 23, 2000, 1:11 PM EST by Azazel (Chesapeake) |
UOSS Chessy to Hold Establishment Extravaganza! |
For the most accurate, and important information on all the Events for Players Events visit http://www.erols.com/enter/EFP/. UOSS Chesapeake Establishment Extravaganza - Got a Tavern, Shop or something of the like? Then this is for you! Being held by UOSS, and sponsored by Events for Players. Location: UOSS Chesapeake Shard Center [Map] Date: January 22, 2000 Time: 8:00PM EST
For more information go to the EFP Web Site.. |
Posted on Sunday, January 23, 2000, 9:22 AM EST by Azazel (Chesapeake) |
Guess What, Monsters Attacked the Towns. |
Here's some stuff we got somewhere from someone at sometime or something:Dear Chessy Citizens, |
Posted on Sunday, January 23, 2000, 9:21 AM EST by Azazel (Chesapeake) |
Publish Update |
This was just posted to FYI:
Posted on Sunday, January 23, 2000, 8:21 AM EST by Joshua Rowan (GeneralNews) |
Live Team Comments - Volunteer Relations |
The following was just posted to the Volunteer Relations section of Live Team Comments:From the Desk of Bodi Darhma |
Posted on Sunday, January 23, 2000, 8:11 AM EST by Joshua Rowan (GeneralNews) |
1st Annual ImaNewbie Trivia Contest - Win REAL Prizes! |
This just in from the folks at ImaNewbie.com:Hail and Well Met!Well what are you waiting for? Get over to www.imanewbie.com and put in your entry! |
Posted on Sunday, January 23, 2000, 7:54 AM EST by Joshua Rowan (CandidCoverage) |
Looking for Tales of True Love |
The following was just updated to FYI on the Ultima Online website:Looking for Tales of True Love |
Posted on Sunday, January 23, 2000, 7:46 AM EST by Joshua Rowan (GeneralNews) |
House Item Decay Issues |
The following two items were just posted to FYI on the UO website:House Item Decay Issues |
Posted on Sunday, January 23, 2000, 7:44 AM EST by Joshua Rowan (GeneralNews) |
UO Client Update |
The following two items were just posted to FYI on the UO website:UO Client Update |
Posted on Sunday, January 23, 2000, 7:38 AM EST by Joshua Rowan (GeneralNews) |
ILS Fashion Show to come! |
We have found the following:Saturday 1/22/00, 7pm pst Britain's Kings Men TheatreThanksm May new trends be set in Sosaria! |
Posted on Sunday, January 23, 2000, 6:42 AM EST by Rage (Sonoma) |
Delucia under chaos |
We have recieved the following:It was horrifying! Tucked away in a quiet corner of Delucia, I was practicing my harp and composing new lyrics as usual. Imagine my surpass when 5 Ophidians come strolling by and start attacking the villagers. Delucia is known for danger, but an Ophidian army attacking? Many dies while others fled the city, and the fighting went on for half an hour. I had time to run to Vesper for help, but they too had suffered an attack of Ogres! I arrived just in time for the final kill. Deciding to let the gods decide my fate, I returned at full run to Delucia, fighting all the way with my bow, until I reached the gates.Thanks |
Posted on Sunday, January 23, 2000, 6:34 AM EST by Rage (Sonoma) |
Massacre in the city of Vesper |
We have recieved the following:Good Morrow,Thanks |
Posted on Sunday, January 23, 2000, 6:31 AM EST by Rage (Sonoma) |
Update on UO Disney World Luncheon |
An update from Angel Storm on the upcoming UO Players Luncheon at Disney World:Thanks to Angel Storm for coordinating such a great player event! |
Posted on Sunday, January 23, 2000, 5:19 AM EST by Joshua Rowan (CommunityNews) |
And may the Virtues protect us |
Violence and terror stalk our homes, as the cities which have known peace for many years are subjected to further vicious assaults. Adventurers have sent in a number of reports: This in from Vesper:
"I followed the direction that the trail of innocent ghosts was coming from" . . . an assault on the capital:
"With weapons in their hands and terror in their eyes" . . . Papua under siege: Thank you all for writing. |
Posted on Sunday, January 23, 2000, 4:33 AM EST by Palmer Eldritch (Europa) |
Plotline, Quest, and Event Questions |
The following was just posted to FYI on the Ultima Online website:Plotline, Quest, and Event Questions |
Posted on Sunday, January 23, 2000, 4:23 AM EST by Joshua Rowan (GeneralNews) |
A bloody building spied near Vesper |
Among the trees and flowers of a Britannian forest, one adventurer discovered a frightening dwelling place:Interesting. I shall heed your advice, Choppa, and walk elsewhere. |
Posted on Sunday, January 23, 2000, 4:04 AM EST by Palmer Eldritch (Europa) |
Counselors Wanted for Oceania |
I found this on the Australasian Ultima Online Shard Appeal site, or AUOSA for short. We are currently recruiting counselors for the new shard, enabling us to have a full support crew by the time the shard goes live on February 1st. Thus, I would like to extend an invitation to you all to apply to be a counselor. |
Posted on Sunday, January 23, 2000, 2:27 AM EST by Xena Dragon (Oceania) |
Log of yesterdays UO HoC chat posted |
The complete log of the Forty-sixth UOHoC Open House chat has been posted, and is available from the UO House of Commons website. |
Posted on Sunday, January 23, 2000, 2:08 AM EST by Xena Dragon (CommunityNews) |
New Monsters, New Tactics--The Growth of Town Attacks |
I spent the day yesterday tracking down leads on various stories, trying to forget the town attacks for one day. But my desire for a holiday was not shared by the attackers nor, lucklily, by our many defenders. I had just recalled into Vesper to pick up some feed for my horse. When the fog cleared and I fully settled into the magical transition of being there, I was shocked to see the corpse of a Frost Troll on the ground in front of the bank. Although mildly releived I had arrived late enough to see only the corpse--I was not wearing my armor--I was still surprised to see a beast not native to the surrounding area. I hailed a man just preparing to go through a gate and was lucky enough to meet Rodgar who has written to me before of the attacks. He informed me this was not the first attack attended by Frost Trolls and told me of other things too. He promised to send me a more detailed report by scroll that eve, and that he did. This is what he sent to me: Thanks again, Rodgar, for your words. I would like to add to this by saying in interviews I conducted in Yew there was mention of new creatures there as well. The last few days have seen what was bare mongbat attacks become added to by forces of fierce orcs, headless, gazers, and the last word was of Imps. The Imps are especially notable as they, like the mummies and frost trolls, are not native to these areas. Again we warn you, be wary. If you are a warrior of any kind, repair your armor, fill your quiver, supply your reagent bag, whatever is necessary to remain in top condition--you are needed. If you are a noncombatant, do not feel left out. We need the miner's iron, the tailor's fine leather, the fisherman's food, the fletcher's swift arrows, and the like to remain ready. But please when you are out on your business keep your eyes open. These are dangerous times for us all. Be strong, be smart, be wary, be safe. |
Posted on Saturday, January 22, 2000, 8:42 PM EST by Obsidion (Catskills) |
UBB Smith Contest Saturday | ||||||||||||||
Romulad II sent us the following:9th UBB Smith Contest Scheduled for: Saturday 22th of January 2000, at 13pm EST | ||||||||||||||
Posted on Saturday, January 22, 2000, 6:11 PM EST by Pfredd Mudd (Drachenfels) |
New Shard Reporter at your service |
Greetings Allow me to introduce myself, I am Llemandrell, one of the newest additions to the UOSS Team. I am looking forward to work on UOSS and bring fresh Ultima Online news directly to a browser near you! Yours truly, |
Posted on Saturday, January 22, 2000, 5:52 PM EST by Llemandrell (Europa) |
Town Cryer: Strange Occurrences Across the Realm.... |
This was recently added to the Town Cryer, take a look if you have not before:Strange Occurrences Across the Realm; Guards Remain Unresponsive |
Posted on Saturday, January 22, 2000, 2:52 PM EST by Ce'Nedra Willow (QuestandEventNews) |
Town Cryer: Lord Nicolus Activities (two articles) |
These were already mentioned here before, but just for any of you that might have missed the, these were added to the Town Cryer around the winter holidays time:Lord Nicolus Travels the Realm Bearing GiftsIt was quickly followed by this: Lord Nicolus Kidnapped but Valiantly Rescued! |
Posted on Saturday, January 22, 2000, 2:41 PM EST by Ce'Nedra Willow (QuestandEventNews) |
Free House Add-ons, Armor, etc. at Arx Draconis |
Yes you heard right, its all free at theThankye, Dragons of LLTS, for this report. |
Posted on Saturday, January 22, 2000, 1:39 PM EST by GreyPawn (Atlantic) |
Wedding Reminder |
The wedding of Red William and Liara Jalice just seems to be getting bigger and Bigger! In order to accommodate more and more people who are planning on attending, the ceremony will now be placed at the OGD Tower on Sunday January 23 at 7pm CST. Events will include:
Posted on Saturday, January 22, 2000, 1:16 PM EST by Red William (GreatLakes) |
Opening of the Mage Tower Academy |
Exciting news from the Atlantic Mage Tower.The time has come for the Atlantic Mage Tower to open the latest addition of the Mage Tower complex: the Mage Tower Academy [MTA].I thank you for this news Fanghorn, and best of luck in this new endeavor! |
Posted on Saturday, January 22, 2000, 1:16 PM EST by Aleph Aeirs (Atlantic) |
Ocllo under new ownership? |
Here is some interesting news........[Tessa walks through the Ocllo crowds slowly, enjoying the way people stand aside as she passes. She hears their whispers about her being a noted thief and a woman with a wicked tongue, and smiles to herself. "Let them believe what they will," she thinks. "Those who know me know of my kindness and concern for the important things in this world." Tessa steps up to the Ocllo bank, remembering when men in blue robes used to frequent that building, before society found its way to the land of her ancestors. The examines the venerable old door to the building and produces a nail the length of a grown man's arm, and pulls a smith's hammer out of her pack. In one swift motion, she hammers a piece of parchment to the door, written in calligraphy and illuminated in the way of royal decrees.] |
Posted on Saturday, January 22, 2000, 1:10 PM EST by Joe Woodwright (Chesapeake) |
Introducing the Temple of Eternal Night |
The Dark General extends an invitation...Greetings foul followers of the light and brethren of the true path of Darkness...This should prove to be a very interesting evening. I..thank you for this news, Dark One. |
Posted on Saturday, January 22, 2000, 1:05 PM EST by Aleph Aeirs (Atlantic) |
RUM Grand Opening Friday Eve |
Worker and The Lady Silk are pleased to announce that in celebration of our in game engagement, we are opening two new vendor shops on Sonoma under the Royal United Merchants banner. The grand openings will be Friday night 7p.m. PST at our Yew shop (63.53N - 40.25W, it is in guard zone) and 8 PST at our Vesper shop (91.19N - 106.44E). We hope you can all attend. We will be giving out door prizes that include: a full set of GM valorite plate, a full set of ranger armour, two full sets of GM plate, two full sets of golden archer armour, two reg wreathes of 100 each of each reagent, and two sacks of gold of 10K each. You will be given a key as you enter the shop, and a chance to try to unlock our prize boxes :) In each box there will be a book stating a prize and a password... if you're the lucky winner present the book to worker or me and we will gate you to the bank for your prize :) Until then, feel free to check out our stores before the grand opening , not all vendors will be stocked before the opening, but some will. In association with Majim and Nici, we will be offering regeants, scrolls, scroll books, rune books, potions, magic weapons, GM tinkered and GM smithed items and GM deadly poisoned GM weapons. It is our goal to have our vendors regularly and consistently stocked to meet your needs.Thanks, may all attend! |
Posted on Saturday, January 22, 2000, 10:11 AM EST by Rage (Sonoma) |
Escort Changes [updated 1/21] |
The following was just added to Testing for the Next Update:Escort ChangesIf you wish to contact Origin regarding this change, you may do so by e-mailing them at [email protected]. In addition, Calandryll had this to add regarding the upcoming changes: Escorting was, in its current form, a very easy way to make gold with little to no risk at all. It is something we have been discussing for quite some time now. After the recent publish on Pacific, we noticed that the spawn of NPC escorts increased dramatically. Although there is a cap on the number of total escorts that can be in the world at any given time, they would be replaced incredibly quickly. So much so, that one could easily make 100k gold or more in an hour. NOTE: UO Stratics has no say over what changes are made to Ultima Online, so please do not send your comments regarding changes to us. |
Posted on Saturday, January 22, 2000, 7:35 AM EST by Joshua Rowan (GeneralNews) |
Alexander's Soul Appears at the YMCA |
We have found the following:The Soul of Alexander did re-appear to the YMCA this 'eve. He spoke o' how he could nae attend last Sunday, for his Master was keepin' a close eye on 'im. He spoke o' the Lord of Souls, or so he called him, and how he was very powerful. He spoke of how It had plans to enter Britannia, and take it over. He spoke of a Manuscript that he had discovered information about, the Manuscript of the Soulstone, which provided it's location an' directions to use it against the Lord of Souls. Alexander spoke earlier about how the Soulstone was the only means to destory the Lord, before he destroyed us. He said he would find out more information, and deliver it to a group this Sunday. January 23rd at 8:00 PM PST, The YMCA. He told us that many should come, for this is the first step in the right direction to vanquish The Lord of Souls, before he reaches our realm.....Thanks. |
Posted on Saturday, January 22, 2000, 6:53 AM EST by Rage (Sonoma) |
Terror in Delucia |
We have recieved the following:Last night, I witnessed something that today, i still cant understand. I know that the guards have not been responding as usual, but what I saw shocked me to no end. In Delucia,, which is known for danger of course, a band of orcs tried to over run the city. I had just got back from a hunting trip up north when I ran to the bank and I saw it,,, a guard just watching warriors battle the orcs. A friend, and brother of mine, was in yew when the war broke out there. The same thing happened,, nothing.Thanks. |
Posted on Saturday, January 22, 2000, 6:46 AM EST by Rage (Sonoma) |
Another Publish Update |
The following was just posted to FYI on the Ultima Online website:
Posted on Saturday, January 22, 2000, 6:21 AM EST by Joshua Rowan (GeneralNews) |
Gelidum Request Special Session of HC for Peace Talks |
The following was received from a messenger of the Gelidum race...
'Tis the humble opinion of this reporter that the events regarding the ceasation of the war and the upcoming peace talks between both the Gelidum and Britannia are a welcome and glorious moment in both of our Histories. Both the High Council of Britannia and the Gelidum should be applauded for their steps in the right direction, and those few who see fit to make unnecessary and unvirtuous demands towards a nation who only seeks peace under their new leadership should be denounced, especially if their activities endanger the welfare of innocent citizens of both realms. |
Posted on Saturday, January 22, 2000, 6:17 AM EST by Beans Baxter (LakeSuperior) |
Crafting Discussion Meeting this Saturday |
A reminder from Korin the Scribe: Just wanted to remind everyone that the bi-monthly Crafting Discussion Meeting will be held this Saturday the 22nd of January at 8:00pm EST. It will be held at the Councelor's Guildhall in Britain. |
Posted on Saturday, January 22, 2000, 5:41 AM EST by Pfredd Mudd (Chesapeake) |
Patches, Publishes, and Mini-Updates...Oh My! |
The following was just posted to the Online Community Relations section of Team Comments:Patches, Publishes, and Mini-updates…Oh my! |
Posted on Saturday, January 22, 2000, 5:39 AM EST by Joshua Rowan (GeneralNews) |
The Wedding of Korin and Althaia |
Great news from Korin thee Scribe: Hail! |
Posted on Saturday, January 22, 2000, 5:38 AM EST by Pfredd Mudd (Chesapeake) |
The Quest for Truth Continues! |
Korin the Scribe sent us the following: Hail, |
Posted on Saturday, January 22, 2000, 5:34 AM EST by Pfredd Mudd (Chesapeake) |
Oceania Shard - Official Announcement |
The following was just posted to What's New on the UO website Announcing Oceania |
Posted on Saturday, January 22, 2000, 5:33 AM EST by Joshua Rowan (CommunityNews) |
Barkeep Grok abducted!!!! Award offered fer 'is return! |
Ahoy thar mates One of them thar pigeons jest dropped this missive off to me, thought ye might like to 'ave a look fer yerselves. Not unlike the recent town attacks in our beloved Brittainia, the City of Wintermoor has also been under attack. The Brigands have returned with allies! Grok the Barkeep is missing and the Mayor of Wintermoor has offered a reward for the person (or group) who finds him. Thankee Xanthar fer the news Yers in Ale and Tale, |
Posted on Saturday, January 22, 2000, 1:45 AM EST by Keeshi (Atlantic) |
A Warning about carrying trapped chests |
A player sent this into us to give a heads up to all players that carry around trapped chests since the last Client Patch:The toil of resetting my numerous spell icons and backpacks everytime I restarted the client was an annoyance at best. Often it was a lethal one if it resulted from a client crash or lost connection."Umm, Mr Ogre Lord could you stop beating me into a pulp and mabye go talk to jOeYPkD00d over there?" |
Posted on Friday, January 21, 2000, 11:45 PM EST by Joshua Rowan (GeneralNews) |
Attacks Begin on Britian! |
I had heard recent reports of large masses of Lizardmen and Ratmen moving along the road from Trinsic towards Britian, but my cynical mind, or perhaps my hopeful heart, had written them off as mere paranoia. But the reports in the last few hours have become more clear, and then Rodgar of Wayrest, who has written to me before of the town attacks, again writes and with on-the-scene artist renderings as well. Here is what he sent to me by messenger this morn:
Thank you for rushing this information to us. I must agree with you that I fear more Lizardmen may be on the way. It looks as if our most desperate hour may soon be upon us, good luck to all. |
Posted on Friday, January 21, 2000, 10:35 PM EST by Obsidion (Catskills) |
Announcing the Opening of the Weary Ranger Tavern |
We received this announcement:
![]() Thank you, Elanor. |
Posted on Friday, January 21, 2000, 10:12 PM EST by Obsidion (Catskills) |
The Realm to Hold Grand Opening Festivities for New City |
We received this announcement:
Thank you, Swinney, and good luck! |
Posted on Friday, January 21, 2000, 9:40 PM EST by Obsidion (Catskills) |
Detailed Study of Rare Items |
Markee Dragon presents his first findings from a detailed study of Rare ItemsMarkee Dragon has been working long and hard over the past few weeks identifying rare items in the game. Studying the art of acquiring the items and finding their value on the open market. The price guide is available for viewing by everyone at http://www.graphicsmasters.com/uo/ |
Posted on Friday, January 21, 2000, 3:34 PM EST by Joshua Rowan (CommunityNews) |
Auction in Dragons Landing this Thursday |
Dragons Landing will be holding an auction of interesting items this Thursday evening at 8pm PST. This is open to all, whether selling or buying. If you have items you'd like to sell at auction, then please go to http://members.home.com/bcdragon/voa/ and leave a message with the item(s) you want to sell, and a way to contact you before the auction. Please nothing under 1000gp value. Items so far confirmed are: vanquishing halberd, x-bows, power katana and other magic weapons, sets of valorite and other colored armor, full greater heal and cure kegs, sets of treasure maps and SOS's, shield of invulnerability, items of magic reflect and MORE. |
Posted on Friday, January 21, 2000, 3:09 PM EST by Xena Dragon (NapaValley) |
Strange Ghost seen in West Britain |
I found this in the mail:A holy ghost, armed with an executioner's axe, called only "Angel of Death", appeared to those present at the western bank of Brit. I quickly contacted the land of the dead, only to ask a simple question to be denied a response, being told I was an "Ignorant child". As this contact diminished, my companion, Sir WhiteZombie sought a more permanent contact. He was told that this Angel was the taker of souls, the taker of lives, and such, and his realm was growing empty, too empty. He was told that no-one listened, and people were too quick to ask. I, during this time, was completely ignorant as to what was being said, and grew eager, and curious. This passion consumed me, and I threw myself at a guard, and was quickly dispatched. This Angel told me nothing but things to daunt my approaches. |
Posted on Friday, January 21, 2000, 2:55 PM EST by Xena Dragon (NapaValley) |
Bei Umfrage 26.000 gp zu gewinnen |
That's German for "You can win 26.000 gold". Visit the website mentioned below and help a student with his study of the virtual community that exists in and around Britannia. For people who can read German only...Zur Zeit wird eine ethnologische Umfrage zu Ultima Online durchgeführt. Das Ziel ist, Sitten, Gebräuche und soziale Strukturen in Britania zu erforschen. Jeder abgegebene Fragebogen nimmt an einer Verlosung von 26.000 gp teil, die von www.ultimatreasure.com gesponsert wurden. Nähere Informationen und Fragebögen gibt es auf www.multiuser.de.Danke sehr :) |
Posted on Friday, January 21, 2000, 2:46 PM EST by Xena Dragon (Drachenfels) |
The Four Winds Tavern has new hours! |
The hours have changed at the Four Winds Tavern. Staff will be present on Saturdays, 9:00 p.m. to midnight, est. Please visit the webpage for current updates. |
Posted on Friday, January 21, 2000, 1:09 PM EST by Joe Woodwright (Chesapeake) |
Publish Delay |
This was just posted to FYI:Publish Delay |
Posted on Friday, January 21, 2000, 11:07 AM EST by Joshua Rowan (GeneralNews) |
The Deluge in Delucia |
I was handed this scroll a short time ago. Over the past week, due to the troubles, my horse Trotski and I have taken to traveling between the cities of Britannia, looking for partly for adventure but mostly for trouble. On this particular eve we completed our rounds rather early and decided to head for Delucia. Walking in to the sewers of Britain I cast the spell of recall, heading for the bank. (As an aside, I have often wondered how Trotski manages to traverse the ether without need for rune nor reagent... whilst I have questioned him on this matter at some length he is not forthcoming with the information).It appears the new lands are not immune to the ever increasing assaults on our fair cities. I thank Bentham for the news, and bid thee all safe travels. |
Posted on Friday, January 21, 2000, 9:19 AM EST by Aleph Aeirs (Europa) |
Quest To Free Yasmine Takes Tragic Turn.. |
We have recieved the following:Warriors from all walks of life gathered in Papua yesterday in preparation of the freeing of Yasmine from her frozen state. As words of power were spoken and weapons were put to arms, Ilien opened a gate from The Just Inn to the cold lands of Glacia, to the very place the statue of a beautiful woman stood. We arrived and gathered around the foot of the statue. The perimeter was checked for signs of Cerin al'Eceri or his armies and when the all seems safe, Ilien began a prayer to "The Creator".Thanks. Tis sad. |
Posted on Friday, January 21, 2000, 8:53 AM EST by Rage (Sonoma) |
More Monster Attacks |
This was sent to us:Hail Citizens of Britannia, |
Posted on Friday, January 21, 2000, 8:27 AM EST by Azazel (Chesapeake) |
Stealing Change - In Testing (updated 1/20) |
The following as just added to In Testing for Next Update under Various Issues:
Calandryll went on to clarify this change with the following: You cannot steal from blues, reds, grays, guild members, or guilds you are at war with unless you are in the thieves guild. In other words, you cannot steal from players at all unless you are in the thieves guild. |
Posted on Friday, January 21, 2000, 7:29 AM EST by Joshua Rowan (GeneralNews) |
Arcodia Hosting Scavenger Hunt |
I was sent this by Redlowwinski:
Its a good way to learn the area, and to get a sense of direction (its easy to get lost amongst the Yew trees! :). Expect to see more events coming out of Arcodia soon including horse races, handfastings, tournaments, and auctions. -Redlowwinski, Seneshal of Arcodia |
Posted on Friday, January 21, 2000, 7:03 AM EST by Rasesar Wej (GreatLakes) |
Meeting at Kazola's |
I was sent this by Redlowwinski:
Posted on Friday, January 21, 2000, 7:00 AM EST by Rasesar Wej (GreatLakes) |
More FCB Treasures to be Auctioned Sunday Night |
I was sent this by a representative from the FCB:
The next auction will be Sunday January 22. We be accepting items from the public (no commission—this is a free public service) on Sunday between 7:00 p.m to 8:00 p.m. EST at FCB headquarters ( 47o 11s 58o 8e). A rune to FCB can be found at Wanda’s Wondrous Wares—a shop right behind RD’s tower. Also, runes will be handed out at the British Main bank beginning at 7:30 p.m. The auction begins at 8:00 p.m. Of course, since we are the fishing guild, free fishsteaks for all!!!! |
Posted on Friday, January 21, 2000, 6:55 AM EST by Rasesar Wej (GreatLakes) |
Icelandic Floating Community Mining Competition! | ||||||||||
This just in from EarnstIcelandic Floating Community Mining Competition!Thankyou Earnst | ||||||||||
Posted on Friday, January 21, 2000, 6:38 AM EST by Aiglos (Pacific) |
UO House of Commons chat scheduled for this Thursday |
The next UO House of Commons Open House chat between the players and creators of UO is scheduled for next Thursday January 20, at 7 PM CT (5 PM PT, 8 PM ET). The chat will be available to you at #uohoc on Stratics IRC, on the following networked servers:
Like we did with previous chats we have set up a webpage where players can post questions in advance. Others can vote on these questions and we'll soon see which questions are most popular. During the chat we may then try to have some of these answered. Just keep in mind that only a small amount of questions will be taken from the website. Also the list will be wiped once the chat is over to make room for fresh questions for the next chat. If you want to post a question or just vote on one, please have a look at http://uodr.stratics.com/cgi-bin/uohoc/hoc_post.cgi for the current list. If you are new to IRC, please visit Stratics IRC for an online tutorial and instructions for connecting to our IRC server. If you wish to use your browser to join the conference you can use our Java IRC client. IRCD Servers are provided by International Networks (suppliers of networking hardware and support). FRWS Servers are provided by Front Range Web Services (Web Hosting/Message Boards/IRC). |
Posted on Friday, January 21, 2000, 3:36 AM EST by Xena Dragon (CommunityNews) |
Get rid of those surplus characters ! |
Remember the end of the "Clean up Britannia" campaign ? All players traded in their carefully gathered loot, treasure and less prescious items for holiday tickets. As a result of that the time needed for backups was dramatically reduced, resulting in a shorter down-time for the shards. But then, all of a sudden, shard down-times increased again at the end of last year. Atticus McCloud may have figured out why and even comes with a solution.Just a reminder to all of the many holiday traders. OSI has stated in the past that character data makes up a large amount of the backup time. So in order to continue with the season, and keeping other people in mind as you play, please delete those characters on other shards that you used to match holiday tickets. This will continue to keep all our backup times normal.I can only say it makes perfect sense to me. So please, after you traded tickets, delete those unwanted characters. Thanks. |
Posted on Friday, January 21, 2000, 2:23 AM EST by Xena Dragon (GeneralNews) |
[Dark Tale] The Missing Guest! |
The air outside the tower was fresh and clean, the birds were singing sweetly and the sun had never shone as brightly as it did this day. It was truly a beautiful day for a wedding. The ceremony went off without a hitch and now Lord Aleph Aiers and Lady Azrielle were man and wife. The young couple would share many happy times together in the years ahead for this was undoubtedly a 'happily ever after' fairytale ending. Even now the guests celebrated the union of the newlyweds inside Fitzowen Hall. The singing and merry making could be heard for miles. Then from outside, a child’s laughter turns suddenly to screams of terror. The guests run to the tower walls to see what has transpired only to be struck immobilized in fear at the sight below. Dragons! Dragons everywhere surrounding the tower exits on all sides. What could this mean? |
Posted on Friday, January 21, 2000, 12:47 AM EST by Ce'Nedra Willow (Atlantic) |
Two Accounts of Assaults in Vesper |
Posted on Friday, January 21, 2000, 12:23 AM EST by GreyPawn (Atlantic) |
Setting up unique skill charts (updated 1/20) |
With Jalek's new client finally going in yesterday, players are now able to customize their skill charts much more than before. Below are just a few tips to help make life a little easier in tracking your characters:
Posted on Thursday, January 20, 2000, 11:48 PM EST by Joshua Rowan (GeneralNews) |
***IMANEWBIE does BRITANNIA - New 'Toon and LOT'S more! |
Posted on Thursday, January 20, 2000, 11:32 PM EST by Joshua Rowan (CandidCoverage) |
New Out of Character Comic Strip |
Another great comic strip for the land of Britannia:After nearly a month long hiatus, there's a bunch of news stuff over at OOC comics... |
Posted on Thursday, January 20, 2000, 11:31 PM EST by Joshua Rowan (CandidCoverage) |
Map Library News |
News from the Drachenfels Map Library: Today was a momentous day in the short history of what has become knows simply as "The Library". Lord Ancoron and friends stepped into the Library tonight, little knowing that a great surprise was about to befall him. |
Posted on Thursday, January 20, 2000, 7:12 PM EST by Pfredd Mudd (Drachenfels) |
Results of the 1st IFC Snowball Fight |
Earnst, of the Icelandic Floating Community, sent us the following: On Saturday, January 15th, the IFC held their first Snowball Fight for an enthusiastic group of supporters. The masses gathered, warmed up their throwing arms, and readied for fun and excitement. After a brief recap of the rules, and stern warnings all around, spectators and participants both prepared themselves for a war of Icelandic proportions. |
Posted on Thursday, January 20, 2000, 7:04 PM EST by Pfredd Mudd (Pacific) |
Invasion Reports |
As most people know, our lands seem to have been overrun by foul creatures of all types. The following are various reports we have received lately: Hail and good travels,Thanks to all the folks who sent in reports. Keep them coming! |
Posted on Thursday, January 20, 2000, 6:59 PM EST by Pfredd Mudd (Chesapeake) |
Invasion Reports |
As most people know, our lands seem to have been overrun by foul creatures of all types. The following are various reports we have received lately: Yesterday on my lunch break I was at the Moonglow bank when I heard someonce screaming VESPER IS BEING INVADED BY TROLLS. I immediately recalled and found myself in the midst of several trolls. I have no idea of story lines or plotlines so forgive me. But it did not appear on stratics. The shard was Pacific. What I can say is that I was one of the first people on the scene and there were several pockets of trolls that we battled. Luckily most of us were gm's. I only saw 2 ghosts and it took maybe 20 minutes for us to clear the town out. All in all I would say there was 25 of us and at least a 100 trolls.Thanks to all the folks who sent in reports. Keep them coming! |
Posted on Thursday, January 20, 2000, 6:56 PM EST by Pfredd Mudd (Pacific) |
Gathered Spirits' Update on Regular Services |
JuffaArchui recently surfaced to give us the following report: While the Gathered Spirits Community has not run any large events or public quests over the festive season (due mainly to the difficult time of year and holes in our administration), this message has been put together to inform the Britannian public of the ongoing services and projects which the Gathered Spirits continues to offer. |
Posted on Thursday, January 20, 2000, 6:18 PM EST by Pfredd Mudd (Pacific) |
Cincinnati UO Players Luncheon |
SW Ohio, No. Kentucky, & SE Indiana UO Player’s LuncheonAs someone who has been to a player luncheon, I can't recommend them enough. If you live in the area, I would definitely sign up!!! |
Posted on Thursday, January 20, 2000, 3:19 PM EST by Joshua Rowan (CommunityNews) |
HC to meet next Monday |
21st Assembly of the 4th High Council Date: Monday January 24th, 2000 Agenda:
* -- time permitting, depending on thenegotiations |