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April 2001

The Felucca issue continues.
>>> Felucca Facet News <<<

Wow! I'm impressed by the volume of responses we have received on this issue. I've read everything that was submitted. And while I do not agree with some of your ideas, each has it's own merits.

But this is exactly what I sought to prove it the first place. That this IS an issue that OSI needs to address. And there are MANY players, with different play styles, that agree with me.

So we leave the ball in OSI's court now. In the end it's up to them to initiate something. We've proven that it is a legitimate issue with players. Now I personally would like to see some of these new resources in action. How about you?

I'll keep you all posted on any new developments.

Joe Woodwright

Posted on Monday, April 30, 2001, 10:59 PM EDT by Joe Woodwright (Chesapeake)

A wedding invitation for you.
>>> Trammel Facet News <<<Submitted by Mirror, Chesapeake Shard

I would like to announce that all of brittania is invited to the wedding of Mirror and Kissandra being held on May 12th at 9pm eastern at the Nu'jelm palace in Trammel. Gates will be available to the Wedding between 8:30 and 8:50 from the cities of Britain and Moonglow provided by members of the wedding party. Please join us as two souls are made into one, and we begin our new journey.

Posted on Monday, April 30, 2001, 10:42 PM EDT by Joe Woodwright (Chesapeake)

Chesapeake Academy held it's Grand Opening.
>>> Trammel Facet News <<<The classes taught here are VERY useful. To both old and new players!

Chesapeake Academy held its grand opening atop the tower of Mythendale (Trammel) Sunday night. A goodly number attended from the ranks of both veterans and those new to the land. An introductory speech was made by the Lady Tellute where she welcomed guests, outlined the school's purpose, and introduced instructors. Following this were questions, conversation and prize giveaways. A combat demonstration was then held in the form of an exciting and spirited dragon baiting on the green in front of the tower.

Attendees waded through the always present fog which seems to surround such events. However most in attendance took it with their normal good grace and used the opportunity to catch up with old friends, and meet new ones.

Chesapeake Academy is a cooperative effort among many of the players on the shard. Classes are forming up now and are open to young and old alike. Further information can be found at the Academy website. We hope to see you all there as we share the excitement of the evening and carry it forth on Chesapeake.


Chesapeake UO Academy -

Posted on Monday, April 30, 2001, 10:40 PM EDT by Joe Woodwright (Chesapeake)

Mystic Mead Tavern Dart Competition
>>> Trammel Facet News <<<Trekonn sent in this news about the Mystic Mead Tavern Greetings!

I would like to announce that The Mystic Tavern had another fine weekend of dart competition. We had many contestants on both Friday and Saturday. Malice threw a great round on Friday night...going into his third dart he was already at 70! He then appeared to be distracted by the cheers from the crowd and would miss the board entirely! Trying to regain his composure, he focused again and threw a 5 pointer. After those two attempts, the crowd lost interest and focused back on their brew.

Malice realized the relief of pressure and focused one last time, he casually let the dart fly and nailed a 20! This fine score of 95 would hold through the remainder of Friday night and Saturday as well. The OMK proudly presented him with a check for 13,200 GP.

On Sunday evening we had the drawing for the weekly participants. Filbert would win the SOS bottle and fish net. I would to thank again, the OMK Crown Division for donating such a fine prize. This weeks prize for participants will be a GM full plate dull copper suit, a 5,000 GP coupon at the OMK Marketplace, and 5,000 GP to gamble at Terdeus Hall. Good luck to all!

Thank thee,
The Hierophant
Oracle of the Mystic Knight

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Posted on Monday, April 30, 2001, 8:13 PM EDT by Cymidei Fier (Baja)

Al'Cedra - Clues from the Masters of the Word
>>> Trammel Facet News <<<

Al'Cedra - Clues from the Masters of the Word

I received a couple of clues from the Masters of the Word regarding the current Al'Cedra quest. As ye might know Allayn Dawnsinger lost one of his most famous ballads in the Trammel lands.. The lines of the ballad were scattered to the four winds and rumours have it, that in Britain, there are 7 lines to find, in Buccaneers Den 6 lines, in Jhelom 6 lines in Magincia 4 lines, in Moonglow 6 lines, in Skara 4 lines as well, and 7 in Trinsic. There are 40 lines to be found it seems which have to be put in right order ... so good luck ye riddlers.

Thanks to Shakarel fer this information.

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Posted on Monday, April 30, 2001, 6:04 PM EDT by Pad O'Lion (Europa)

Zoomable map of Ilshanar released
In the past we presented you with zoomable maps of Britannia and the Lost Lands. Thanks to Ultima TR we are now able to present to you the zoomable map of Ilshenar. An added feature to this zoomable map is the fact that you can see the full URL to the exact coordinates you picked on the map at the bottom of the page. This should come in handy if you are for instance posting on our forums and want to point people to a particular spot on the map. you can simply copy the full URL from the page and include that link in your post.


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Posted on Monday, April 30, 2001, 5:54 PM EDT by Xena Dragon (GeneralNews)

Trammel Yew Council Meeting Results
>>> Trammel Facet News <<<The new Yew Council met recently, and provided the following account of their meeting.
Tonight the council met to get basic things such as the Grand Council representative and Senior Councillor out of the way and the election of the fifth councilmember. Here are the results.

It was decided, unanimously that Stephen Wymgard should be the Senior Councillor, thus as of now, has said powers, responsibilities and such.

It was also decided unanimously that I, Gorion will be the Yew representative to the Grand Council.

The upcoming election for the fifth seat will involve the same requirements to be nominated for the last one. These being the following.
  • You must be a citizen of Yew
  • You cannot be part of an organization that is currently banned.
  • You must have the signatures of five fellow citizens who wish to endorse ye.
The books with your endorsements must be handed to a council member, preferable the senior councilman, by Thurday at 10pm EDT.

The elections will be held next saturday and sunday between the hours of 7 and 10pm EDT.

Note that this election is Only for the fifth seat on the council, no others.

After these were out of the way, we had questions/concerns from the citizens.

Swiftwind was concerned that the current council was illegal due to there being no election, even though all the councillors had run unopposed. He believed there must be an election no matter what. Sometime in the next day or so, Stephen will be working with Jas to write up a document to clear this up and hopefully address it. This will be posted publicly.

Unfortunatly, he also became frustrated with the council when we tried to get to move on from the subject, after being on it for a half hour and threw a purple potion on the table where the councillors were sitting at. Since no justice has been appointed, we could not hold him for trial, and simply stripped him of citizenship and asked the jailer to leave him in a cell for the night to cool off.

After this, Ache addressed the council and asked if people may still sign up for citizenship. People may sign up for citizenship at any time with the senior councillor, and she was sworn in at that time in fact.

Finally, the agenda for the next meeting:

In the next meeting, we would like representatives of the Militia council to come and we may disscuss formally organizing the Militia. Also, any unbanned military organization that wishes to have members of their organization on the Militia, thus a representative on the Militia council please come to the meeting so we may hear you out on joining it.

Many other matters discussing the Militia will occur at that meeting.

The current date for the next meeting is unknown, we will announce it once a time agreed on by all can be found.

I would like to note I wont be doing these announcements regularly, only when Stephen is too tired after the meeting to do so, such as tonight. Hopefully this will give a good outline of how the reports should be made to the people of Yew.

Yew Councilmember

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Posted on Monday, April 30, 2001, 5:10 PM EDT by Elisa Montclaire (Catskills)

New Trammel Yew Council
>>> Trammel Facet News <<<The city of Yew has announced its new council; as there were fewer candidates than positions, the four persons who ran were granted power.
Citizens of Yew,

As you know, elections were scheduled to begin at this time. However, only three people matched the requirements for candidacy, showing the support of five other citizens.

These people are:
  • Gorion
  • Stephen Wyngarde
  • Selayna Silverleaf
  • Tobias Xaranthal
Due to lack of contest, these people are hereby granted four of the five available council seats of Yew. This qualifies for the minimum number of required to legally run a council in Yew, therefore legal power is hereby granted to this new council. This action is taken, rather than extending the time for canidacy, in order to avoid people who would take the one remaining seat simply out of powerlust or to spite the other canidates. Those who are upset with this decision should have taken the past week to announce their candidacy, rather than standing around the Abbey complaining.

Power is given to this new council under the following restrictions:

  • Once a period of a month has passed, OR a group of 40 citizens (around 20%) comes together with a signed petition, a vote of confidence in the new government will be held.
  • The one remaining council seat should be filled within two weeks, which I suggest be done via a second election.
Other than these two restrictions, the new council has all the old power of the former council.

I also suggest to these new council members that the militia council idea be reevaluated due to lack of interest, but that is just my personal suggestion.

Relevant documents regarding Yew and Yew law shall be passed to a member of the council, as well as the money remaining from Dove's donation.

As of this posting, all special legal powers given to the four previous members of the council, Durillion, Azderak, Jas Lightstryder, Ranthir Venivrai are null and void.

All questions and concerns regarding this announcement should be directed toward the new council.

Thank you all for allowing me to serve your city, and I hope that this new council can you serve even better than I was able to.

Jas Lightstryder
Former Senior Councillor of Yew
Notably, Selayna Silverleaf was part of the Yew Council deposed by force some time ago.

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Posted on Monday, April 30, 2001, 4:55 PM EDT by Elisa Montclaire (Catskills)

***ImaNewbie does Britannia!***New Toon!
New Imanewbie! *Runs to look*
This week ImaNewbie investigates the effect that being able to customize vendor costumes has had on shopping in Britannia. Check it out!

Added Saturday, April 28th, 2001:
- Episode #139: Shop 'Till You're Dropped

ImaNewbie does Britannia


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Posted on Monday, April 30, 2001, 2:49 PM EDT by Pelle Svanslos (CandidCoverage)

Thoth-Ammon's UO Comics Episode 9
This was just dropped onto my in-box.
Hail my friends!

I have a new UO comic on the site, its about when the AI gets a little out of hand.


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Posted on Monday, April 30, 2001, 2:46 PM EDT by Pelle Svanslos (CandidCoverage)

Lord Rymus's death to be examined
The Investigation of Lord Rymus’ Murder (Thursday, 6 PM pacific)

‘Twas not long ago the mutilated and decomposing body of the Mage Lord, Lord Rymus, was discovered in shambles. Only earlier an eve’s week ago, the controversy surrounding the Daemon’s Scry and the Dark Tower had enveloped the once-quiet city of Moonglow. The Guild of Arcane Arts, confined by the Encyclopedia Magicka, had sponsored the Daemon’s Scry, and in ignorance of Lord Rymus’ objections, had granted the sorcerous extension of their prided guild. Enraged, Lord Rymus had promised to present to the Lyceaeum his investigation of the Daemon’s Scry practice, but instead was left butchered outside city gates; his report, vanished without a trace.

Upon investigation, the Moonglow Guard has been left with no further leads toward the absolving of the murder. Just last eve, the Mage Lord’s quarters were searched to no avail; the crime seen only littered with gore and bloated remains. It has been deemed that until the scene can be properly cleansed of blood and gore, and until the forensic evaluators have finished examining the body, no further investigation for clues shall commence.

In consequence, a new investigation team has been constructed. Lord Reikan, sorcerer of the Daemon’s Scry, and resident of the renown Dark Tower, has volunteered his servitude in the leading attempt to fortify the investigation. He has requested that in reputable hope to redeem any suspicion of the Daemon’s Scry involvement in the Moonglow murder, that he be able to lead the investigation, and uncover the brigand, or brigands, at hand.

Therefore, this Thursday, on the hour of six, Lord Reikan shall be meeting the populace in order to once more search the Moonglow murder scene, and perhaps, follow any leads that may muster hopes for solving this mystery. May Lord Rymus rest in peace.

Moonglow Town Crier

(This Thursday, May 3, at 6 PM pacific (9 PM Eastern) Reikan shall be meeting all those who wish to participate in the investigation at the Dark Tower. Gates will be supplied from Wispwood.)

Posted on Monday, April 30, 2001, 3:43 AM EDT by Dr. Mega (SiegePerilous)

Confrontation in Fairhaven
>>> Trammel Facet News <<<Nethin sent in new information about the brutal murders that occured recently in Yew.
A Fairhaven patrol was dispatched this evening with orders to range east of the village looking for clues regarding the recent murders. The patrol route included a sweep of the local crypts, which have long been the source of various undead creatures.

The leader of the mission, Fizban, an elder of Fairhaven, led his troops inside where they began searching for clues. Before long, they discovered a passage which led up to a large stone mausoleum infested with undead. The villagers managed to fight their way through, and on the top level they had quite a surprise. A woman, Aria, was there, and behind her was an abomination. It looked somewhat in appearance like a cross between a man and a decaying lich. It's parts looked as though they had been hastily assembled, and its patchwork skin was decaying and pus-ridden. The villagers demanded an explanation from the woman, but she was not very forthcoming. She ranted and raved about her "creation" and how it was better than any of her previous attempts. She admitted to killing the farmers, saying she needed the parts to complete her pet.

Her bragging was mingled with screaming threats to the villagers to leave her abode, on pain of death. The determined patrol would not depart though, and so she ordered her pets, demons, elementals, and even the lumbering lich-man to dispose of the trespassers. A fierce fight ensued, with the villagers pitted against elementals of magic and wailing undead whose howls can take the courage from even the heartiest warrior. The battle raged all over the complex, and one man was slain when an earth elemental snuck up behind him and twisted his neck.
The villagers fought back, though, and eventually the woman and her creatures were slain. The lich attempted to escape, but its magic appeared to fail it when its mistress was slain, and it was hacked to pieces.

The body of the woman Aria was dragged back to Fairhaven where she was revived. She claimed not to remember her crimes, or even her name, but the villagers demanded blood as vengeance for their slain comrade and the murdered farmers. The woman was in no condition to discuss her crimes though, and so she is now in the custody of the village council pending a full investigation. The only clue recovered regarding this mysterious incident, besides the woman herself, was a dusty journal found in a chest in her stronghold. The journal was stained with water and blood though, and was mostly unreadable.

Fairhaven Village

Thankye Nethin for reporting these developments!

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Posted on Monday, April 30, 2001, 3:11 AM EDT by Cymidei Fier (Baja)

You're Invited: God'sGiftToWomen to Wed Lady Zela Lynn
>>> Trammel Facet News <<<We received the following...
At 10PM EST, on Thursday, 3rd May, a wedding between Lord God'sGiftToWomen and the Lady Zela Lynn will take place in the Trammel Star Room of the Lake Superior shard. Any who wish to attend are welcome. For those with no magery skill, moongates will be provided from Vesper bank (Trammel), starting at 9:30PM EST. The last gate will be offered roughly ten minutes before the ceremony begins.

The wedding party requests that pets, mounts, and small children be left at home, as space in the Star Room is rather small, and pets gone wild can cause unnecessary disruption of the ceremony.

Chairs will be provided for the elderly and disabled, but feel free to bring your own chair in case our supply dwindles.

Wedding gifts are appreciated, but not necessary.

After the ceremony, gates will be provided to the reception area (an as-yet undecided "safe" location in Trammel).

Don your finest clothes, bring a date, and come see the paradise, as you share the joy of our wedding day. We hope to see you there!

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Posted on Monday, April 30, 2001, 1:34 AM EDT by Beans Baxter (LakeSuperior)

Tel'Ruid Beltane Festival this Monday - Wednesday
>>> Trammel Facet News <<<We received the following...
The Village of Tel'Ruid presents the Beltane Festival
 [ Monday ]  [ Tuesday ]  [ Wednesday ]
Tel'Ruid [The Elven village near Yew] will be hosting a Festival in honor of Beltane this week beginning Monday and lasting through Wednesday. Beltane is a festival of Rebirth, a celebration of the re-awakening of the earth, the opening of the flowers, the rebirth of all that has 'died' throughout the Winter's cold rule. Come and help us celebrate this time of fertility and creation. Events of all types will be held on Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday of this week. Please come on by and offer your blessing to this special celebration. Those wishing to locate the current action should visit the Tel'Ruid Rune Library & Temple, where they will be gated to the current event location. Tel'Ruid would like to warn all possible attendees that Baal'morda and his undead minions have been attacking Tel'Ruid continuously since the Ritual of Sundering successfully destroyed his control over various victims in the community. While this is a very real time of "Rebirth" and celebration for those who have been freed from the Affliction, we must nonetheless ask that all attending please be prepared for combat while inside the township proper. We hope to see you all soon! Citizens of Tel'Ruid

Monday's Schedule, April 30th
 [ Monday ]  [ Tuesday ]  [ Wednesday ]

7:00 to 8:30 pm Tarot Readings - Tel'Ruid Rune Library & Temple [map] Have your cards read by one of our resident mystics. Wondering what your future holds? Wonder no more, as they will reveal the hidden secrets of tomorrow to the curious. Come and see for yourself! Host: Nalynn

8:00 to 9:00 pm Net Fishing Expedition - South Ostar Tower [map] Net fishing expedition leaving from the Ostar tower, with at least a dozen nets. Whatever the catch is will be gambled away after the expedition. Prizes: Spoils from the Sea! Host: Shaelin

9:30 to 10:00 pm Dart Throwing Contest - Silver Arrow Tavern [map] Each contestant will throw 3 darts, with the top 8 contestants advancing to the semi-finals. From there, the contestants will compete in a single elimination tournament for victory. Prizes: 1st - 25k gold & a dagger of troll slaughter; 2nd - 15k gold; 3rd - 10k gold Host: Felix

10:30 to 11:00 pm Horse Race - Yew Race Track [map] Your standard horse race at the Track behind the Yew Abbey. Please, bring a normal horse. No ethereals, warhorses, ostards, llamas, etc. will be allowed. Prizes: 1st - 35k gold & Valorite Archer Set; 2nd - 20k gold & Dyed Leather Set; 3rd - 10k gold & Dyed Leather Set Host: Melyanna

11:00 to 11:30 pm Pet Race - Yew Race Track [map] Farm animal race and chase! Test your farming skills! This is a pet race of only chickens, sheep, pigs, goats, and cows at the Track behind Empath Abbey. Entrants will lead, prod or herd their chosen pet through the obstacle filled corral, with hopes of being the first to bring the cows (or chosen pet) back home! Prizes: 1st - 25k gold; 2nd - 15k gold; 3rd - 10k gold; Bonus for best Farming Attire - 5k gold! Host: TirNaNo'g by Appointment Fidlanna Fortune Telling - Theirna-na-Oge Tower [map] Have your future read out through Fidlanna, the Faerie Lots, an ancient Irish method of divination using wooden runes marked with celtic symbols. Readings will be performed by appointment in Theirna-na-Oge, the Faerie Tower. For appoinments, please contact: Host: TirNaNo'g

Tuesday's Schedule, May 1st
 [ Monday ]  [ Tuesday ]  [ Wednesday ]

8:00 to 9:00 pm Tarot Readings - Tel'Ruid Rune Library & Temple [map] Have your cards read by one of our resident mystics. Wondering what your future holds? Wonder no more, as they will reveal the hidden secrets of tomorrow to the curious. Come and see for yourself! Host: Joylah

8:30 to 9:30 pm Riddle Quest - Silver Arrow Tavern [map] Consider yourself witty? Have a talent for riddles? Then this is the event for you! Contestants are advised to bring their brains, their luck, and a bit of patience for a wild Riddle Quest throughout Yew, Tel'Ruid, and the surrounding forests. Prizes: 1st - 25k gold; 2nd - 15k gold; 3rd - 10k gold Host: Talanithus

9:30 to 10:30 pm Archery Contest - Yew Training Tower [map] The contest is single elimination after the qualifying round, and the targets will be archery buttes, so only accuracy counts. GM Bows crafted by the Elven Bowyer Nalynn will be provided for the contestants. No magical bows will be allowed, the contest is based purely on skill. Any contestant found using a magical bow of any kind will be eliminated from the contest. Prizes: 1st - 50k gold; 2nd - 35k gold; 3rd - 15k gold Host: Glorfindle

11:00 to 11:30 pm Fidlanna Fortune Telling - Theirna-na-Oge Tower [map] Have your future read out through Fidlanna, the Faerie Lots, an ancient Irish method of divination using wooden runes marked with celtic symbols. Readings will be performed on a walk in basis in Theirna-na-Oge, the Faerie Tower, after 11 CDT each night of the festival, and earlier by appointment. For appoinments, please contact: Host: TirNaNo'g


Wednesday's Schedule, May 2nd  
Monday ]  [ Tuesday ]  [ Wednesday ]

8:00 to 9:00 pm Tarot Readings - Tel'Ruid Rune Library & Temple [map] Have your cards read by one of our resident mystics. Wondering what your future holds? Wonder no more, as they will reveal the hidden secrets of tomorrow to the curious. Come and see for yourself! Host: Joylah

8:30 to 9:15 pm An Elven Version of Rumpelstiltzkin (a play) - Theirna-na-Oge Tower [map] Magic, Maidens in distress, Elven Princes and more! Come and see this charming rendition of the classic fairy tale of Rumpelstiltzkin. The performance will be done in common for our non-Elven guests. Host: Talanithus

9:30 to 10:30 pm Scavenger Hunt - Silver Arrow Tavern [map] Are you ready to test your travelling skills? This contest will take the participants across the lands as they attempt to collect the most items from a specific list within the alloted time. Prizes: 1st - 25k gold; 2nd - 15k gold; 3rd - 10k gold Host: Coriadae

11:00 to 11:30 pm Fidlanna Fortune Telling - Theirna-na-Oge Tower [map] Have your future read out through Fidlanna, the Faerie Lots, an ancient Irish method of divination using wooden runes marked with celtic symbols. Readings will be performed on a walk in basis in Theirna-na-Oge, the Faerie Tower, after 11 CDT each night of the festival, and earlier by appointment. For appoinments, please contact: Host: TirNaNo'g

Map to Tel'Ruid
Click on map for close up of the TelRuid Township
Click on the map for a close up of Tel'Ruid - Trammel
[Yew Training Tower] [Yew Race Track]

Guilds of Tel'Ruid Tel'Mithrim The Arcane Order Guardians of Yew Tuatha de Dannan Sisterhood of the Ivory Maiden For further information contact Coriadae.

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Posted on Monday, April 30, 2001, 1:30 AM EDT by Beans Baxter (LakeSuperior)

The Retired Mercenaries' Home of Britannia
>>> Trammel Facet News <<<Talbot Quillfeather handed me the following tale of our land's heroes, and of the rest home in West Britain where several of them live out their days. The home has been mentioned here once before, as Lars, who recently helped fend off an invasion of undead in the Britain graveyard, lives there.
In my years of travels across Britannia, both before and after the wondrous spell was cast by Nystul I’ve come across many a hardened man and woman scarred at the hands of some helacious foe in battle. Everywhere across both facets of our divided realm are heroes, men and women of renown have fought and died to protect the ideals of the Virtues and those too weak to defend themselves from the onslaught of oppression and inescapable darkness.

From the valiant spearmen of Vesper who held the bridge against the encroaching troll army, to the weary archers perched atop the walls of Trinsic firing arrow after arrow into the undead horde surrounding the city, we have been blessed in living in a time ripe with heroism. Can it not be said that even in our darkest hour, as Minax herself assailed the once mighty Feluccan cities of Trinsic, Skara Brae, and Vesper that those valiant men and women who stood side by side should not hold a precious place in the histories that will be written about these most trying of times?

Even now the battle still rages in war torn Felucca, ground once green and fertile has become choked with the bodies of the dead and seeded with blood and a never ending river of tears from those unfortunates who could not…or would not escape into the safety of Trammel. Hero, after hero has fallen prey to the sharp poisoned blades of Shadowlord assassins or had their skulls shattered from within from a crafty Mage’s mind blast. It is a battlefield where good sadly, does not triumph over evil and more ground is lost each day to chaos and anarchy as the divided factions struggle over the remnants of a once mighty and united Britannia.

Not all heroes have had their beginnings in a honorable struggle against evil, some find themselves suddenly in the midst of it and faced with the difficult choice of making a stand for what is “right” instead of what is right for themselves. One such latent hero is a man named Uriel Blyte whom I happened upon while engaging in my second favorite pastime, perched upon a bar stool in the Cat’s Lair Tavern.

I had met Uriel once when both he and I were much younger and quicker men, I the ever intrepid scribe had stumbled into the path of a haughty merchant and his caravan on the road between Britain and Vesper and subsequently into a misunderstanding involving a small missing quantity of gold coins that unfortunately had somehow found themselves nestled deep in my boots. In those days a man in my predicament could be assured that his transgressions would be repaid with either a dirk to the guts or a gradual dismembering at the hands of some mage’s summoned companion and so it was that I sat trembling my hands and legs trussed neatly and quite uncomfortably in rough rope, scared out of my wits as the very large fellow guarding me dug into his nose for a fresh missile to flick in my direction. And then he appeared almost magically, a tall willowy man with a long auburn beard and hair dressed in an immaculate green robe. Chuckling he clapped his oafish companion on the shoulder and with a gesture dismissed the burly warrior to another, hopefully more hygienic task.

“What’s your name, boy?” he asked.

Stammering I spit out the reply, “Uhm..erm.. Talbot Quillfeather Sire.”

“Talbot eh?…. well m’lord Quillfeather, have you had quite enough of stealing things from good folks like my employer? Or shall I have Ivan string you up alongside the road as a lesson to other scamps who may elect to follow in your foot steps?”

Taken aback I nodded my head vigorously reawakening the dull headache I had earned from my chance collision with a young woman’s fist as I was apprehended.

“Oh, you do want to be strung up then…ahhh very well, Ivan! Bring some rope…hrm about six arms lengths should do.”

“No! Wait Sir, I meant that I’ve learned my lesson…I’ll not steal again…honest, please Sir I’ve a poor mother at home who’s expecting me…I’m her only son Sir..” At this point, I began to blubber and any further attempt at communication turned to great sobs and to my irritation and surprise a good deal of laughter from the man in front of me and several unseen faces to either side. Managing to pry my eyes open I glanced around hoping for a sympathetic face that was ready to leap to my aid before my neck became a few feet longer than it was intended to be.

What I saw to my surprise was a motley group of dirty, grinning people obviously amused by my tearful performance. To my left a tall, I easily identified the tall striking woman whose fist I had become intimately acquainted with on my capture. To my right a nervous looking fellow ensconced in a voluminous robe whose sleeves barely concealed the Vesper Thieves Guild tattoos on his arm sat atop a keg of ale cackling his delight at my discomfort. Behind me laughing in huge whooping belly laughs was the large burly warrior who had treated me to an amazing display of projectile prowess. And of course looking very amused and pleased with himself my questioner stood in front of my bound dangling feet.

“You’’re not going to kill me?”

“Don’t be silly boy, we’re mercenaries not murderers of children. I think you’ve learned your lesson but by Justice if we catch you at it again I’ll let Ivan back there twist your arms off.” Smiling he produced a large, glimmering dagger and slit my bonds freeing me, rubbing my wrists I glanced once more around the group.

“Th..thankyou Sir…uhm…who..whom are these other people?” I managed to stutter.

“Ah…well, Ivan you’ve met and the lovely lady is known as Celestiana the Huntress…don’t let the title scare you boy; it's how her folk name themselves, and the fellow eyeing your boots is Lars, and I my young friend am Uriel Blyte now if you’ve no other questions I suggest you get out of here and home before that mother of yours elects to send the guard after you.”

Quick to comply I leaped to my feet and took off, straight into the thick leather apron of a blacksmith, “Watch where you’re going boy I’ve got work to do for these ungrateful pigs.”

“Sorry Blacksmith Sir…”

“The name’s Luke Sledge child, remember that you’ll see it carved on everything soon…now, get out of here before Uriel decides to change his mind.”

And with those words chasing after me I scampered out of the camp and back onto the virtuous track of my life. Since then, I’ve grown bigger and I would argue much smarter, now I know that there’s an honest living to be made with words instead of nimble thieving fingers. And so it would seem that the band of mercenaries that I encountered long ago have also grown and changed, aged in their craft and lucky enough to stumble once more into my path here in Britain.

My conversation with Uriel stretched into the night, he told me of the horrors that he and his band had seen in the battlegrounds of Felucca, of the atrocities that others had committed in the name of their faction. It saddened me to see this man who treated me with compassion moved to tears as he described how the mighty Ivan had hired on in a doomed attempt to cleanse Hythloth of its demonic presence only to be so grievously injured that he now spent the bulk of his days staring emptily into the fire his once powerful body unable to heft a sword or don his cherished armor. The tales that Uriel whispered to me over his goblet spoke of a group of friends too weary to lift their blades again, of eyes that had seen too much in the way of war and had not the heart behind them any longer to take up the shield and spell book and go off in search of glory.

The hours flitted away well into the night, and I…slightly less drunk than my companion provided the shoulder to lean on as we wandered through the streets of Britannia towards the River’s Gate Bridge and what Uriel told me was his new home, “The Retired Mercenaries of Britannia.” When at last, after many a stumble and pause to contemplate the contents of our stomachs we came to the medium sized wooden building I clasped Uriel’s hand and looked deeply into his eyes, “Thank you Uriel…I don’t know if you remember me as a boy, but you once spared my life.”

Filled with tears the old man looked at me, “It is a shame my good Talbot that I took so many others, only to be cast aside into worthless retirement…in some wretched convalescent home shacked up with people that spend more time talking about the aches in their bones from old wounds than they do about reasons to remain living….ah Talbot, there is so much to be said but…we will wait for another time. Now let me be boy, I need to sleep I’ve a busy day tomorrow, the youngsters will be here plying us with questions about mythic treasures and dragon gold and I’ll need all my strength for the patience that comes with being venerated.”

He turned then and entered the doorway of the retirement hold, pausing briefly to loving caress the mounted orc helmet that served as both signpost and grisly reminder of past battles, “Now get home Talbot, Ivan still likes to twist the arms off of people and I’m sure I asked her Celestiana would bat you around a bit…”, chuckling to himself he stepped inside, “thought I’d forgotten did you, hope you’ve been keeping your fingers in your own pockets.” And with that he was gone, the light lanterns slowly went off one by one leaving only myself and a lone town crier on the street outside.

Should you wish to find the Retired Mercenaries of Britannia seek out the rest home south east of the River’s Gate Bridge. The town crier outside and the orc helmet affixed to the doorway easily identify the building should you happen upon it. But sometimes when the wind is just right you can follow the voices telling of the glories and tragedies of battle, of the heroism and evil of humankind and maybe…if you listen hard enough you’ll catch your own inspiration for adventure.

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Posted on Sunday, April 29, 2001, 11:36 PM EDT by Elisa Montclaire (Catskills)

More news on the Felucca thing.
From the desk of Wren Augustus, Army of Thieves:

After a lengthy conversation with Angel Storm we determined we have the same priorities:

* Increasing player base in Felucca
* Having fun

Where we disagree is on the methodology of doing so. We have come to a conclusion:

* Combine both tactics.

Angel Storm will continue to have player events, orientations etc to Felucca for Trammel players. *If* we raid them we will do our *best* to observe the following guideline:

* A raid shall not be continuous for more than 30 minutes.

As you know most of our raids only last 20 anyhow, so this isn't a big deal and will allow both of us to accomplish our goals.

This will not affect our gameplay much at all.

Via this agreement, Angel Storm and I put aside our differences and agree to co-exist ... if not peacefully, at least with mutual respect.

Wren Augustus

It's good to see the various parties working together toward the common goal. I should also note that Alice Cooper of J-D (a famous PK on our shard for you non-Chesapeake players) also attended the FDC meeting last night. He expressed his concern over the lack of support and the death/dying of Felucca. So it's not just the RPers that are concerned. Hear that o ye gods at OSI?

Joe Woodwright

Posted on Sunday, April 29, 2001, 8:19 PM EDT by Joe Woodwright (Chesapeake)

Al'Cedra - News from the Lost Ballad
>>> Trammel Facet News <<<

I received this from Shakarel, Master of the Word regarding the current Al'Cedra quest:

You might have heard 'bout the tragic loss of Allayn Dawnsinger! Due to a vengeful lady as he said, his ballad was scattered with the four winds. Mighty Al Cedra heard that and assured the poor bard, that she will aid him to find the lost lines again and commanded her children to help! And so the Masters of the Word heard the command of the mighty Dragon and aided her in the search for the lost ballad of Allayn Dawnsinger. They searched for Phrases and found some at the Shrines of Honesty, Spirituality, Valor, Honor and Sacrifice and passed them to other Adventureres who were in the Search as well. Many Hours the Search lasted and they helped everyone to complete their task. 

They were told to reassemble the 40 lines of the ballad in order to find clues and then, when this was finished, to seek out Jayde's Spirit on the first of May, wherever the clues given, will take them to.

The Masters will await the noble adventurers on the first and Al'Cedra will test their wits with her well known riddles to see, if anyone is worthy amongst the people of Britania to be honoured with the Title "Master of the Word"

Signed by the Masters of the Word:
Oona Moonstone, Dogei Matur, Malakai Hawk, Mic Carasreik, Sir Osian, Misha Adone, Loke, Mischief, Wolfsbane and Shakarel

Thank ye Shakarel and good luck fer the aspiring masters of the word!

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Posted on Sunday, April 29, 2001, 7:55 PM EDT by Pad O'Lion (Europa)

New poll up at UO Chesapeake.
>>> Felucca Facet News <<<Just wanted to make everyone aware that there is a new poll up at UO Chesapeake. This poll is connected to the article I wrote earlier this morning on the issues facing player towns in Felucca. Head on over and check it out if you want to.

There are also several other articles there connected to this issue. This IS important guys. You can find UO Chesapeake at

You'll find the link to the poll in the upper right hand corner of the page.

Posted on Sunday, April 29, 2001, 7:45 PM EDT by Joe Woodwright (Chesapeake)

Aaron Ravenheart Delivers Message to Darkhen Irae
>>> Felucca Facet News <<<

A few days ago, as some of ye might have heard, Jacob the druid again visited Deepwater. This time he asked fer a volunteer to deliver a message to Darkhen Irae himself! A many brave warriors stepped forth offering their service to the druid. Unable to choose he asked the volunteers to write down their names into a book. When that was done, a name was chosen randomly. Aaron Ravenheart, Eques of the Custodes Fati was the one who finally was chosen to deliver the message.

While Aaron prepared fer this dangerous task a communication crystal was set up on the ground, while Aaron took the broadcast crystal with him, so that the gathered people could listen to his conversation with Darkhen. When Aaron was ready Jacob told him to tell Darkhen to meet him on Monday evening, the 30th day of April at the Jhelom Fighting Pit, where he, Jacob will come alone. Of course we will nay let him go on his own, but no need to tell Darkhen about that fact.

As soon as Aaron left through a gate provided by the druid, the assembled crowd nervously gathered around the crystal. It did nay take long when we heard Aarons voice talking to us from the magic crystal: "Just in case I don't make it...Galadriel, my heart belongs to you...forever.", he said to his young wife who was waiting here with us, grief written on her face. Aaron then hid the broadcasting crystal in a nearby chest in Darkhen's lair, when suddenly a dark voice echoed through to us: "Who are you who DARE to enter my place?", "I..ii.. I am Aaron Ravenheart.", Aaron replied. "I am here on behalf of Deepwater and Spiritwood and I..i i have a message from Jacob for ye." Without doubt this was Darkhen Irae, Aaron was speaking to, and apparently Darkhen was nay alone, as it sounded as if he was commanding some creatures to stay still. "From who?", the dark voice inquired. "From Jacob ... He...told me to relay this message to you. He..he told me he will be waiting for you... alone ... Monday eve.. at half past nine ... He will meet ye alone in the Jhelom Duelling pit.", Aaron continued, while Darkhen continued to summon daemons from the depths of hell itself. "How.. do I know you tell the truth?", Darhen inquired. "And HOW did you get in here??". "I was send here. Why should I lie?", Aaron replied. Again Darkhen commanded his pets around him. "Can you give me one reason why I should let you live?", the dark voice asked. "uhm ... I have a beatifull wife..and i hope to see my children grow up someday.", then evil laughter  and the voice continuing: "All the more reason you should die! One less brat to trouble the world. All attack!".

No need to mention, that we stood there .. frozen, nay believing the words, that echoed from the crystal, some warriors yelling fer a portal to aid Aaron, although Jacob hesitated ... yet.

Only when Jacob was sure, that Darkhen had left he opened a portal fer the eager warriors ... and through they stormed. Fortunately Aaron was nay dead, but severely wounded taken home to Spiritwood

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Posted on Sunday, April 29, 2001, 7:42 PM EDT by Pad O'Lion (Europa)

Purple Potion Tossing Tarts Massacre Merchants!
Lag reports on another threat in the City of Honor:
In an unusual turn of events recently, three females were seen in Trinsic the other day. Evidently disgruntled with the political upheaval that’s occurring in the City of Honor, the trio assaulted various merchants in a suicidal frenzy. With calls of “An end to high interest rates!” and “Stop oppression, NOW!” the women, who were later identified as Violet, Lilac, and Plum, lobbed fiery death upon the bankers and provisioners of Trinsic.

Guards responded quickly and the immediate threat was ended, but the quickly forgiving local healers unwittingly aided in the further deaths of innocents. The rampage continued for hours it seemed until General Nero of Tenebrae responded with his troops. The terrifying triplets were hauled off to jail where they spent the remainder of the eve in the drunk tank. Not to be so easily quieted, the women struck a naked protest in their cell and screamed long into the night.

Was this an isolated incident or will these wild women return with further chaos? Do they work alone or will others pick up their cause and follow suit? Until we know further, it is recommended that all citizens and visitors of Trinsic be on the look out for semi clothed women with pigtails and a determined look upon their faces.

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Posted on Sunday, April 29, 2001, 5:18 PM EDT by Nadia (GreatLakes)

Chesapeake Academy Grand Opening!
>>> Trammel Facet News <<<This found scribbled in a book:
Chesapeake Academy Grand Opening!

Sunday, April 29, 8:00 PM EST Mythndale Tavern Roof, just east of the Britan moongate. Gates will be provided from Moonglow and Britain beginning at 7:45 pm until 8:00 pm.

This event marks the grand opening of the shard-wide Chesapeake Academy. The Academy is an organization dedicated to enhancing everyone's lives and experiences on every facet of the Chesapeake shard. The Academy is staffed by veteran warriors, mages, merchants, tradesmen and members of almost every profession. Classes are held at every experience level from beginning magery to advanced player versus player combat, from creating a merchant to running vendor, from basic survival skills to Surviving and Thriving in Felucca. Classes will also include history and lore of UO and the worlds of Ultima as well as tours of the various sites and communities within the Chesapeake Shard.

Please come to Mythndale and share the excitement of this new endeavor with us. There will be food and drink a plenty, plus door prizes for all!. One lucky (young) player will walk away with a check for 5,000 gold while a others will receive GM made weapons and coloured leather armor.

There will also be class demonstrations, one of which should prove quite dramatic!

This will be a great opportunity to learn more about the academy and ask the teachers questions about their classes. It is also a great chance to sign up for those same classes.

If you have any questions about this event or about the Academy itself, please email us at
Posted on Sunday, April 29, 2001, 4:19 PM EDT by Reed (Chesapeake)

Event at Gunga's Tavern: The Search for Spock!
>>> Trammel Facet News <<<Read this at the Tavern:
A thief named Spock has stolen a rare mug from my tavern. It was given to me by Exedore of Arden who was the owner of the Falconers Inn in Felucca. This mug is very important to me and must be returned. I'm offering a reward of 50,000 gps and a virtue weapon. Spock is hiding out somewhere in Trammel. During the week my guild will try to narrow down where he could be hiding out. He may be in a dungeon, in a town or anywhere. Next Sunday April 29, 2001 I want all interested in finding Spock and receiving the reward to meet at my Tavern at 8:00 PM EST. Hopefully I will have some clues by then to narrow down the search. Spock must be found, he is a scoundrel but he fears confrontation. If confronted the dirty rat may just drop the mug and run to save his life. My Tavern is located in Trammel about a 20 second run southeast from the East Britain Bank. Its right up the coast and its the first Villa you will come to. Coords: 5o 37' N 34o 14 ' E. I need your help! Thievery will not be tolerated !! The Search For Spock Begins !!!

Gunga Din
Posted on Sunday, April 29, 2001, 4:13 PM EDT by Reed (Chesapeake)

Gwydion of O$D Speaks on Trinsic
>>> Trammel Facet News <<<
Twilight was creeping over the eastern walls of the city of Trinsic as Gwydion of the Order of the Silver Dragons entered the Trinsic Meeting Hall, heading for the alcove that was recently dubbed the “war-room” by those executing the city’s defense. Handling the door with care, he swung it shut behind him, and lit a hanging torch on the wall. His eyes slowly grew accustomed to the room, and as they did so he thought he could barely make out a figure in the shadows of a dark corner of the room. But in an instant the figure was blinked away, and so he attributed it to his active imagination. Taking a seat behind the desk he had been using for the last month as an office of planning for the defense of the city, he dipped his quill pen into the bottle of ink, and began to write. Once again the feeling that he was not alone began to creep over him, but looking around again at the empty room he shrugged it off, and continued his letter:
General Nero

Upon receiving this message, know that my thoughts are with you in your ever-pressing endeavor to free the old lands from the evil of Minax. We too continue to battle all that we feel to be unjust, as designated by our Gods long ago. With respect to your belief that the Town of Pheonix Rising has the best of intentions for Trinsic, we still see the current invasion as a threat, and have made our voices heard to back that vision. But it is not the current invasion of Trinsic that is cause to write this letter to you. I write because I must ask a favor of the crown, even if I disagree with its rule.

As clearly shown at the meeting we had with you last evening, there are still many prejudices that run rampant in the land of Sosaria. Orcs, humans, elves, Drow, dwarves, they all continue to feed on the fears and the biases that have plagued our world for millennia. Many have questioned our "alliance" with the Drow, as I had no doubt many would. But they have shown us valor, honor, and sacrifice for a city, which they believe they have a part in. Yet there are those who still chastise them. There are still those who call them murderers and brigands. This is not the case. I would trust my friends Lord Caleb and Elthanas of Bregan D'Aerthe with my life, and I have many times.

The battle being waged in Trinsic now is not one against evil. For if it was, the Town of Pheonix Rising would have risen against the Cult of the Black Dragon as well. It is now public knowledge that after the death of their emperor, Admorel Twilight, the members of the Cult decided to engage themselves in a holy war against the city. The battle in Trinsic is now one of survival for the Drow, who so boldly gave their lives to protect the city during the first invasion of B-D, and who continue to give their lives to protect the city at all costs.

To me this is not Balance. I know we disagree on some of the finer points of what Balance truly is, but it is the belief of those who follow the Gods of Virtue that temperance and tolerance are also principles of Balance. Harmony, as you mentioned is integral to Balance, and yet I see no harmony in the streets of Trinsic, or in the way in which TPR intends to exterminate all Drow present in the city. They are citizens of Trinsic, and if we truly are under the rule of His Majesty, then the Drow should be given their chance at peace.

This night I will travel alone on a pilgrimage. I seek the total understanding of the Balance and the neutrality our Gods speak of. I seek to unite my brothers and sisters, the remaining 8 Children of Virtue who have not yet come forward. The scholars of the land, and the wisdom of the ones who have directed me so far have pointed me to the recently discovered lands of Ilshenar. It is there that I will travel, first to the walled city of Mistas where it is believed that the first of the 9 tomes of the Children of Virtue can be found. My journey will then take me far north to Terort Skitas, the Temple of Knowledge, where 7 of the books are said to still be intact. Finally, the 9th book is believed to be stored in Reg Volon, an ancient spiritual home in the center of Termir Ilshen.

I tell you this in hopes that when I return, I will be all that you desire to see in one who promotes Balance. In my stead I ask that you watch over Trinsic and those who battle there even now. Take care that TPR is not allowed to exterminate the Drow, it’s genocide, and you know it to be wrong. I ask that you keep watch over Calista and the armies of O$D, that they not be driven into battle until I return. I ask this because I trust you as well. If it is within the King’s grace to forgive me, and within your own, please grant me this request. Chaos abounds in Trinsic. Be the sword of Order, and bring Balance. Restore Honor. You are right. Trinsic is and always will be the city of Honor. You said you wished that our next meeting be on good terms. Let us meet half way then, General, and make this attempt to heal the land.

Prophet of the One

Sealing the letter, Gwydion stood and carefully laid it in his pack. Then, before walking out the door into the spring night, he doused the flame of the torch on the wall. The door sailed shut quietly behind him. The shadow in the dark corner of the room began to inch it's way across the floor, spreading like a stain toward the crack beneath the door. Without a sound it quickly slipped beneath the crack and followed the sound of booted footsteps ringing across the Meeting Hall pavement...
Posted on Sunday, April 29, 2001, 4:02 PM EDT by Nadia (GreatLakes)

Darkhen Irae Meets a Vampire

News from a Vampire:

I was walking through the graveyard in britain collecting hearts, When a man
appeared by the name of Darkhen Irae. He started to speak to me and he asked
if I could go elsewhere with him, I asked where? And he said Either his lab
at the bottom of Hythloth or his other abode. I chose his other abode. He
first gated me and my slave Lacrima to the shrine of honour and then we
uttered a word and we were inside his house with a huge black deamon. We
went into what you could call a bedroom and I saw there some very old and
gracious artifacts, Which I am not sure I should say the name of. We
mentioned things about the Dread Alliance I am running and of a meeting
which should take place soon I know when and were and I am spreading the
word to others of my kind. He said something about his sweetheart or darling

Ewood Hesbun, Vampire Lord, Order of the Blood God

Oooh, mysterious.

Posted on Sunday, April 29, 2001, 3:57 PM EDT by Marshall Drakan (Europa)

Player Versus Player Tourney

A note from Slimmerd:

Want to fight for your guilds honour? Want to have name yourself the
champion of your guild? Want to be a winner?
Here is your change. The European Guilds Champion Player versus Player

Guilds are asked to select the best PvPers in their ranks. These will be the
Guilds Champion. They will fight other guilds champions in the Guilds
Champion PvP Tournament. For more details go to:

Slimmerd, starter of Europa Events Team and members of FSH


Posted on Sunday, April 29, 2001, 3:53 PM EDT by Marshall Drakan (Europa)

Morning Star Treasure Hunt
>>> Trammel Facet News <<<

A note from Shia:

Calling all the citizens of the land. How well do you know your land? How
well do you think you know it?

After many months of peace in our little town, we awoke the other morn to
find our treasure had been stolen. Such a tragedy! Well after much bemusing
we discovered this annonymous message:

"I have news of your treasure. Fear not, for all is not lost, as on the 12th
month of May at 9pm of the GMT (British time) clock,  I shall once again be
in your town. For a modest sum of 2k I shall tell you my secret which will
lead you to retrieving this treasure"

We need some budding detectives to help us find our lost treasure. All we
know is, it was stolen from our treasury at Morning Star Town. For 2k entry
fee we will give you the first clue which will then send you on a race
around the land to try and find it.

The first person to solve all the clues and find the treasure wins 80% of
the total entry fee, or 30K  Plus goodies :)
whichever is the greater.

The race is suitable for single people or teams. It wont be in any dungeons,
strictly land based, but I cant guarantee you wont meet a monster or several

More info will be on our website. Just go to the forum, and look at the
events board.

Lady Shia (Morning Star Town, Trammel)

ICQ 11720576


Posted on Sunday, April 29, 2001, 3:51 PM EDT by Marshall Drakan (Europa)

Trinsic, City of Honor? Neutrality? or just Trouble?
>>> Trammel Facet News <<<
Hail to you, Britannia!

The BAC has met in emergency session, and has decided that a regent is indeed neccessary. Fortunately for us, Vail was able to attend the meeting and address the committee with his point of view. Among other concerns, he did clear up a few loose issues.

  1. 1. Vail has retired, but remains active mayor of Trinsic until the election is complete.
  2. 2. Vail assured us that he would operate an election in a timely fashion.
With his intentions announced, Vail became the perfect candidate for Regent. The measure to make Vail regent of Trinsic passed without opposition.

The neccessity of a Regent is something that has been unclear to some as of late. There are those that maintain that Vail is not mayor, they claim that he is a criminal and cannot hold office, or they maintain that he resigned, and therefore shouldnt be mayor anymore. The regenthood makes this point moot, as even if Vail were not mayor, he would still be regent and still have authority to hold the election. Vail's Regenthood elapses when the next mayor is chosen by election.

Vail also asked me to point out that there can be no election without mayoral candidates, and thus far, nobody has shown an interest. If you wish to be considered for the election, visit To see if you are eligable to become mayor, take a look at the Trinsic charter available on the site. Thank you for your time, Britannia.

Marquis Alazraham

After Raven McAllister resigned, she appointed Vail her successor as Mayor of the Trinsic Town Council. Vail dissolved the existing state of the Council and declared independence from Lord British's rule, standing behind his then guild, O$D, the Order of the Silver Dragons, champions of neutrality and opposition to Loyalist adherence to British rule.

When it became evident that the Bregan D'Aerthe [BDA] had allied in this movement with the Order of the Silver Dragons, the Town of Phoenix Rising declared war upon the Drow of BDA, both sides fighting for their own definition of freedom on the streets of Trinsic. The Drow to make the city neutral, the forces of Phoenix Rising to free the citizenry from the Drow. Upon the eve when the fighting first erupted, Mayor Vail quickly attempted to prevent the bloodshed, but with little success. The fighting continued through the week and yet persists throughout the weekend, the Southwestern bank of Trinsic clearly the heart of the battlefield. While both sides seem to take temporary victories, little progress has been made toward decisive outcome.

Debate over whether Trinsic should remain in his Majesty's possession or apart from it rages on. Whether the election of a new Mayor or a victory on the battlefield will satisfy both sides in the debate remainds doubtful.

Posted on Sunday, April 29, 2001, 3:47 PM EDT by Nadia (GreatLakes)

I was killed by a giant serpent !!
>>> Trammel Facet News <<<
'Twas a quiet evening in the fair city of Delucia. I was going about my usual business, getting ready to turn in when the town crier exclaimed that snakes were coming from the northwest. Snakes I thought, hmmm not much of a challenge, I shall give them a taste of cold steel. I equipped my trusty war axe and headed off towards that direction. They were not hard to find. After a matter of moments snakes galore could be seen. At first the Giant Serpents were many and the major occupant at Delucia but soon more fearsome creatures started to aid their scaly cousins. Soon many Lava Serpents appeared to join the fight... I myself fell victim to one of these vile creatures.

I quickly healed and returned to the scene. After I managed to gather my goods I headed off once again towards battle. There were many a warrior and mages about, even a few tamers with their giant beasts helping. I, being not as experienced as many that were there, was only able to fell around 5 giant serpents before they were quickly decreasing in number. Soon Giant Ice Serpents appeared and once again I foolish fell at the feet of the vile creatures. I healed and decided to help others in the heat of battle rather than start my own. The ice serpents soon subsided and all was quiet in town again.

Many casualties had fallen at the hands of the enemies, but in the end we succeeded. I fear though this is not the end of our troubles, hopefully their kin the mighty ophidians will not come about, because with them only trouble will come, especially since they are constantly at war with the spider kindred. I pray for the best, for now I must turn in.

-Green Machine, Delucia

Serpent attacks being on the rise, gardener/botanist and archer extraordinaire Evie Vandergellen noted that a similar attack within the past week followed the serpentine invasion of Delucia, that night on the fair isle of Moonglow. Witnesses on the scene purport that the young gardener was offering romantic favors to passing gentlemen in return for information on the attacks or suspicious individuals. If this information holds true, then these attacks must indeed be dire.
Posted on Sunday, April 29, 2001, 3:24 PM EDT by Nadia (GreatLakes)

GOF Spring Festival Follow-up
>>> Trammel Facet News <<<
The Guild of Friends (GOF) Spring Fest was a huge success. GOF would like to thank everyone that came and enjoyed themselves; we would also like to honor the winners of our events. The archery event was won by Munky of the guild Alliance. He won the last 2 rounds on his last shots. Also, Lord Jamba of GOF won the taming event and Lord Metallica was the winner of our drunken maze run. I hear he's still hung over. Last but not least is our new Ms. Skara Brae, Cattie Brie of the Brat Pak. We will look for her in the Ms. Great Lakes pageant in the months to come.

Congrats to all our winners and to those who came out to make it a weekend to remember! Thank you!

Steve, Grand Duke of GOF

Posted on Sunday, April 29, 2001, 3:02 PM EDT by Nadia (GreatLakes)

O India, Where Art Thou?
Basil kicked around some stones as he strolled along the bank of the Ru. His ostard chirped at him from behind him; looking back he was ready to smack the stupid lizard bird, but a muddy piece of paper caught his eye. Getting on his knees Basil dug the rest of the roll of papers out of the mud. His hands shook as he read writing that could only have been written by one person..
I find myself in shock, wondering if this is just a nightmare and that I'll wake up any time now and have a laugh at such an impossible dream. But this is a nightmare that has gone on a very long time. I'm not sure where we are, north and east of the City of the Dead, I think. We don't stay still very long, only really stopping when I need to rest or eat. He still hasn't said what's going on, he just looks at me, his eyes glowing green, staring. A couple of times I've overheard him talking to himself. He mentions Tefia, whom I believe to be the dead wife of Abanath from when they set out to establish the town of Ral'clur. He says it's time to move, I already feel like a walking dead, we rest so little.

If someone reads this, know that Laraclin is searching for a twin crystal to the one I locked in the bank.

I don't know why he wants it, only that I'm to help him find it. I will stall as best I can in hopes that someone will find these pages and stop him before he reaches his goal. I am not familiar with the lay of the land here in the lost lands and have not been able to make any maps. I only know that we are going east. I pray that these pages are found by someone. I pray that the war that started in Magincia has stopped. I pray for us all if Larcalin isn't stopped.

~India West

This is what he had been searching days for. He stuffed them in his pocket and hopped on his ostard riding full throttle back to Delucia. This is where he needed to start, having an idea where she was would allow him to be able to track her with the dream sickle.
Posted on Sunday, April 29, 2001, 2:57 PM EDT by Nadia (GreatLakes)

Historical Society Temporarily Closed
>>> Trammel Facet News <<<From Balgair and The Historical Society:
The main branch of the Library will be closed in Felucia for the next 2 weeks for some remodleing.

We are sorry for the inconvience but remember that our second branch will still be open in Tramell at the Town of Kivork, on the second floor. So stop on by and enjoy your self and the wonderful Town of Kivork as well, or visit the Kivork website for more information and directions on how to get there.

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Posted on Sunday, April 29, 2001, 9:18 AM EDT by Pfredd Mudd (Pacific)

Al'Cedra and the lost Ballad of Allayn Dawnsinger

Yesterday evening, the Spiritwood Tavern hosted a poetry night, organized by the famous bard Aeribian IV. Bards and storytellers from throughout the lands gathered to entertain the people this evening. People were just enjoying another poem by Xeron Sunstaff, when a tall man with fiery red hair entered the tavern. 

When Xeron was finished he stepped forth and introduced himself as Allayn Dawnsinger, bard and poet. Of course people asked if he would honor 'em with as poem of his. Allayn though, looking sadly said: "Well... I wished to compete this eve, but.. my finest ballad, a most tragic one.. has been lost, the lines scattered to the four winds. A great grey dragon.. has said that she will aid me in finding the pieces. And that I was to let others know the hunt begins tomorrow night." I then asked him fer the name of this mysterious dragon, but Allayn explained, that he does nay know it, although people were quite sure, that this dragon only could be Al'Cedra, the ancient Trammel Dragon. "And.. those who find what I seek, will have a chance to enter... to enter..", Allayn continued, looking fer the right word. "..Lair?", Aranlindale inquired, "THAT is it!", the bard replied, "Aye.. some sort of riddle contest. I will put my plight on all the town cryers tomorrow night. Tis.. a mysterious and sad ballad. It was shredded by a vengeful lady and scattered to the winds of trammel." "So the task will be to find?", one of the guests asked. "Aye, and to reassemble.. and with it.. to find the key to the dragon's lair."

So brave adventurers, listen to the Towncriers intensely on this very evening (~9pm CET), Sunday, the 29th day of April shall be the start for another of Al'Cedra's famous riddle contests.

Pad O'Lion

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Posted on Sunday, April 29, 2001, 8:51 AM EDT by Pad O'Lion (Europa)

Spiritwood Tavern Lottery
>>> Felucca Facet News <<<

This Sunday, April 29th, the Spiritwood Tavern will host another Lottery. It will start at 9pm cet (8pm gmt). The grand prize is 100.000 gold pieces!

You can buy keys from the vendor outside the Tavern, but you need to register the keys with Aranlindale, by telling him your number(s) by choosing a number consisting of three digits and each digit ranging from 1 to 3. The keys cost 1000 gold pieces each. One person cannot buy more than two however. Perhaps that number will be the lucky number... Please try to buy one before Sunday. Good luck everyone!

You can find the Spiritwood Tavern if you follow these directions: If you start at the Skara Brae docks right outside town, go east. Take the second road to your right (south) (at a crossroads). Keep going south until the road turns eastwards. Keep following it and you will end up in Spiritwood. From the end of the road, go a little to the northeast and you'll see two large brick houses. The eastern one is the Spiritwood Tavern. The sextant coordinates are: 65S 27W and we are on Felluca. If there are questions, please go to the #spiritwood IRC channel on the server or mail me at

I hope to see you all there!

Aranlindale, Spiritwood Tavern Barkeeper

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Posted on Sunday, April 29, 2001, 8:50 AM EDT by Pad O'Lion (Europa)

Creator of UO Tools says Goodbye
Douglas Portz, Creator of UORudder, UOTamer and UOHomeOwner, sends us his farewell.
The time has come for me to say good bye to the last of my involvement with Ultima Online. While I have not played the game in the last 6 months I have continued to be a part of the community and continue to offer programs that would help others enjoy their time in the UO world.

I am making a big move in real life that will take me away from looking after my utilities and provide those who use them with immediate support. With literally thousands of users out there I have decided to take steps to ensure the programs live on. As of May 1st, Xena of UO Stratics will be taking control (and ownership) of these programs and will continue to expand and support the programs.

Xena was one of the reasons I wrote these program. It was her programs that sparked my interest in also providing utilities to the UO community. I know I leave these programs and all you faithful users in good hands.

My own site will be going offline shortly as I begin my move, and at that time so will my email. In the meantime they are still operational.

For those who have registered UORudder, I will continue to support you as long as I have access to my email, and once again after I am up and running on the other side of the country.

I thank you all for your support over the last years and hope that these programs truly made your UO experiences a more pleasant one.

So to you all, I wish you safe travels.

Douglas Portz
Creator of UORudder, UOTamer, UOHomeOwner

From now on you can find the tools in my corner of this web site. Thank you Doug for the tools you have created and the faith you have in me regarding the future of these tools.

Safe travels !

Posted on Sunday, April 29, 2001, 6:27 AM EDT by Xena Dragon (CommunityNews)

Seeking OSI's help to revive Felucca.
>>> Felucca Facet News <<<Here's something that I hope everyone reads.

Last eve I attended a meeting of the FDC (Felucca Development Council) in the player city of Haven. The goal of this organization is to return activity (events, quests, and social interaction) to Felucca.

Well things did not go as planned. In fact we had barely started the meeting when a group came in and interrupted things. And then when we decided to move the event to another location. Well they followed and continued their actions. Thus none of the topics we wished to discuss were ever put forth.

What follows is a post made by another person that also attended the event. After it I will discuss the general feeling of Felucca Rpers. And submit a few ideas to all of you as well. Please read the whole article as this concerns all UO players.

*begin post*

Yes, being a thief is a viable occupation.

Yes, being a thief is "legal".

Yes, visiting the player establishments and thieving is acceptable.

Now that all of that is out of the way...

This evening the members of the FDC (Feluccan Development Council) held their first meeting in the player town of Haven. It is our goal to work together (the player towns of Felucca) to bring more activity to our empty lands. However, one of the very reasons that Felucca is empty reared it's ugly head and disrupted and ended the meeting of the FDC.

Enter the guild At, Army of Thieves. As of 11:42 pm, 202 members. This guild has been a thorn in the side of the player establishments of our shard for months now. The cities of Corwyn, Haven and PaxLair have had enough and are crying out to OSI to give us provisions to deal with this issue.

The meeting of the FDC began at 9pm EST, At arrived at approximately 9:30. We dealt with them for nearly 15min before rounding everyone up and relocating to PaxLair. As any counselor would tell you, change locations if a player is bothering you (nevermind if you are standing in your own home). However, At followed us to PaxLair where the harassment continued until 11:30pm. This is plain and simple targeted harassment as they followed us to our new location and continued their behavior for a minimum of 2 HOURS.

Many will say that we should just kill them. We do... over and over and over ad nauseum every time they come to our towns. They don't leave because they were killed. They continue for hours on end nearly every time they come to one of these towns. Many of us are taking murder counts in the process.

Many player towns and establishments, including the cities of Haven, Corwyn and PaxLair, are finding themselves in a very tough position, one that requires us to pick and choose who we defend our citizens and visitors from. The ban limits on our buildings are forcing us to choose whether we ban 50 of 202 thieves or 50 murderers... or some combination of both. All of these players are interrupting our events and destroying participation in our cities. Events are constantly being destroyed by the actions of a few guilds and players. This should not be tolerated.

We are not requesting that OSI take action against the Army of Thieves. We are simply asking that we are given the tools to help ourselves and protect the play-style that WE want to participate in. We ask that ban lists on public buildings be upgraded to an unlimited count and that all thieves become gray upon snooping and attackable to all around them.

Try as we might, we (the players) can not re-establish the player base on Felucca without provisions by OSI to protect our visitors. Those of us left on Felucca have been fighting for a year to save over 3 years of work (under circumstances never to be seen again), we need your help. Lifting the ban limits and going back to making snooping an aggressive action is only a first step. There have been many discussions and ideas for town stones, make this a priority.

OSI, we have done all we can to help ourselves...we NEED you to step in and give us tools and help give the player base a reason (or incentive) to come to Felucca and take the risks involved with that trip.

Lastly, we beg you not to take the easy route and place the Trammel rule set on Felucca. If we wanted those rules we would have moved by now.

*end post*

That article was written by AngelStorm. And I'd like to thank her for letting me cut and paste it from UOC. Now on to my own take on the situation.

I've been pretty heavily involved in the RPing community here on Chesapeake. So I have a pretty good take on how things stand. There has been a general feeling, in what is left of the RPing community in Felucca, since the opening of Trammel. And that is basically that OSI doesn't care. Kinda like, "Here's Trammel. All problems fixed. k thx bye.". And these communities that have given so much to UO (and freed OSI from having to devote a lot of resources to events and quests mind you!) feel like they have been left for dead. I mean honestly. Most of these great communities have gone away. Or been FORCED to move to Trammel to survive. As a Rper myself I honestly cannot blame the other players for wanting a safe place to roleplay. Without fear of PKing and wanton harassment of events by those lacking social skills. But at the same time it's simply not fair to those that have worked so hard making UO just that little bit more enjoyable for others.

What makes it even worse is the total lack of attention this problem has been given. I mean look, before Trammel, OSI was constantly harping on it's communities in what is now Felucca (we've seen the Golden Brew community on several times). On how much they add to the gaming experience. What I want to know is where is OSI now? And the sad part is that it would be pretty easy to "lend a hand" to these struggling communities. All we need are the TOOLS that we were constantly promised before the release of Trammel.

And as most of you know there were several tools that were discussed, at one time or another. Let me take some time here and give you my thoughts on some of these tools.

1. The Townstone - this is by far the tool that would have the single best chance of reviving the Felucca player towns. I see them as behaving much like Faction town stones do now.

How I think it could work: Each player town would need the support of a Seer or IGM (much like blessings used to be) to place a townstone. This would keep the number of stones low. And help reduce any kind of exploiting.

The chief ability of a townstone would be allowing the towns to hire guards. These guards should be along the lines of those in use in faction towns now (not the 1 hit wonders in Britannia cities). As these stones would be similar in nature there should not be all that much of a "development" issue. And as there would be a fee for these guards it would make a great gold sink.

This would also fit in RPing wise as Lord British would have a vested interest in establishing some "garrisons" around the land in his bid to reclaim it from evil. Also perhaps the ability to choose which liege you wish to serve (Minax, Shadowlords, Etc.) would allow evil RPing towns a way to declare their fealty. This would also establish connections between the towns and the various factions. As they could enter negotiations with player towns in an effort to sway them to their side.

And since the guards would be similar to those in faction towns it would still be possible "overwhelm" the garrison with a large, or skilled, enough force. Thus allowing the PKs to still mount raids. All be it more risky ones. We aren't looking for Trammel rules here. Just something to help even the playing field a little.

The area of initial guard coverage should be small. Say 2 screens or so. But perhaps allow that to be expanded a little for a higher price (adding to the gold sink). But place a maximum on it. Say 5 screens or so. This will allow large towns to cover themselves and at the same time still allow PKs to move about the land. The guards should be aggressive to reds as well as opposing faction members. And perhaps insta-kill any pets (dragons) that go aggressive to them (the guards that is). This would stop tamers from coming in and harvesting the town guards. Which I could see many grief tamers doing just to drive up cost for the towns.

This whole system would allow far more flexibility for the towns. As since someone, or some guild, wishing to cause grief would never know exactly how many guards a town might have on a given day. And thus would allow the player towns to hold events OUTSIDE of buildings for a change.

There are of course some issues with this setup that would have to be worked out. But from where I'm sitting this idea has always been pretty solid. And with faction stones in place it should make it easier than before to implement.

There are a few other changes that I think would help a LOT.

1. Raising the number of people you can ban in a PUBLIC house. Perhaps even making it unlimited (although that might become a database issue then). Most player establishments reach their ban list limit of 50 VERY quickly. This causes a lot of problems as it forces the owner to consistently trade one bad player banning for another.

2. Make snooping flag a thief as criminal when they snoop any blue (like it used to be). This would allow establishments to defend themselves without taking murder counts. As we all know most thieves do not mind dying at all (they expect it). And they like it even better when they can give you a count while doing it.

3. Try to include the well established player towns in official fiction. With ALL new players now starting in Trammel it is very hard for Felucca communities to attract new blood. By giving communities a role in the fight to reclaim Felucca from evil. You'll be encouraging more people to seek these places out.

These are just a few tidbits of the ideas and comments people have made over the past few years. I honestly think that with all the new resources that OSI has been harping about adding to UO now. That it should not be to difficult for them to atleast look into doing something for the player communities of Felucca. That have, by just being there, done so much for UO in the past. Thank you for your time my friends.

Joe Woodwright
UOSS Chesapeake Shard Reporter
Felucca RPer

Posted on Sunday, April 29, 2001, 6:14 AM EDT by Joe Woodwright (Chesapeake)

May Day Festival At The Golden Mage Tower
>>> Trammel Facet News <<<This announcement was sent in by Petrus,
May Day Festival

Come celebrate the changing of the seasons!

May 5th, 2001

2pm PST - The Golden Mage Tower Dart Throwing Contest

3pm PST - The Golden Mage Tower Magic Encyclopedia Contest

4pm PST - The Golden Brew Panty Raid II

6pm PST - The Golden Globe Theatre Spring Swing Dance

Please visit for full details and directions.

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Posted on Sunday, April 29, 2001, 1:15 AM EDT by Cymidei Fier (Baja)

The Final Chapter Don and Fritzy Part V
>>> Felucca Facet News <<<This interview was written by Durham Stargazer of UO Journal

Fritzy: Widowmaker killed me today!!

Don Calo: (laughs) I always think its funny when Fritzy dies.

Fritzy: hehe

Don Calo: We like to see what people type after they kill her, very interesting comments, I may add!!

Fritzy: hehehe

Don Calo: We laughing at the comments

Fritzy: ok so I love talking smack when I kill people. By the way that day we killed you we were going for you no matter what even if it meant losing one of us.

Don Calo: hehehe

Fritzy: hehehe

Durham Stargazer: I felt the heat that day (smiles)

Fritzy: Once we get worked up

Don Calo: She means once we get everyone worked up

Fritzy: Its easy to kill you guys

Don Calo: The situation becomes chaotic.

Don Calo: lol

Fritzy: hehe

Don Calo: and no one really knows what's going on we like doing that kind of stuff some groups are more immune to that like LoD. They usually stick together which is a very good tactic.

Fritzy: It's only two of us and anytime you see us we are coming to get you.

Don Calo: lol

Durham Stargazer: Well I will be sure to call for friends!! (Smiles)

Fritzy: (smiles)

Don Calo: hehehe

Durham Stargazer: Well its has been pleasure, thank you very much for giving the time for an interview, I had many requests to interview you and I am very glad that I did.

Don Calo: Thank you

Fritzy: Thanks

Don Calo: Kal Ort Por - Recall

Fritzy: Nice to meet you too.

Durham Stargazer: Fare thee well. Since I did this interview several things have happened. Fritzy and Don have moved to CoM and joined the good side of the fight. Not that has changed their ways they still hunt by themselves in Britain. Fritzy and Don have also ranked in the top twenty of players across all shards for weeks now Don Calo has been for months. They hunt me unmercifully and even have killed me once or twice. Oh and one last thing that I forgot to mention. They are brother and sister.

Thankye, Durham Stargazer

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Posted on Sunday, April 29, 2001, 1:10 AM EDT by Cymidei Fier (Baja)

Your invited to a wedding.
>>> Trammel Facet News <<<Ah the thoughts of sweet, um. *coughs*

You have been cordially invited to the wedding of Steven Valorstone and Mystique LaAmor. Join us in this day of heavenly bliss on the eve of May 5th, at 7:00pm EST in the night sky at the Palace of Nujelm. If you need a gate to the palace, from 6:30 to 6:50, I will be providing gates from the Minoc Bank in Trammel. The reception will be after the wedding at Mythndale Tavern. Hope to see you there on our blessed eve.

Steven Valorstone & Mystique LaArmor

You can find the "official" announcement here.

Posted on Saturday, April 28, 2001, 11:12 PM EDT by Joe Woodwright (Chesapeake)

Rogues Blamed for Divorce Rate?
>>> Trammel Facet News <<<Wow, these AT guys are into EVERYTHING! Better lock up your daughters paw!

BRITAIN, TRAMMEL: The annual census results hath inspired our King to declare a State of Emergency regarding a huge increase in the separation and divorce rate among the members of our previously happily married citizenry.

Royal guards, detectives, sages and spiritual leaders hath been called upon to uncover the cause of what our Liege Lord hath decreed an "epidemic" of failed marriages. The Royal Committee on Marriage and Family hath delivered its official verdict: rogues from the Badlands are responsible for marital discord!

The results of intelligence reports gathered at the Moongates were carefully documented. It hath been discovered that rogues with Ocllo features have been coming through the gates, skulking around residences and taverns listening for arguments among men and women, and later enticing the womenfolk of the dueling dyads to abandon their low-key lives and experience romance and adventure in more dangerous places.

Investigators hath found magical roses with the following note attached lain on the dressing tables of women all over the realm:

Pretty Lady:

Don't you deserve
A life of romance
Where men treat you well?
Well ... give it a chance

Come to a Gate
in Felucca Land
and look for a thief
with the [At] Brand

We promise you that
you never shall bore
with naughty outings
and riches galore

So leave that poor sot
with his wine and cheese
And join the fun here
We'll be sure to please!

-- The Handsome Man

Investigators believe "The Handsome Man" is an alias for a sorcerer rogue named Gus. Any information about his whereabouts should be submitted to detectives in Britain so that he can be apprehended.

Army of Thieves

Posted on Saturday, April 28, 2001, 11:02 PM EDT by Joe Woodwright (Chesapeake)

Chesapeake Academy Grand Opening!
>>> Trammel Facet News <<<Want to learn something? Well check this out......

The Chesapeake Academy Grand Opening!

When: Sunday, April 29 at 8:00 PM EST.

Where: On the Mythndale Tavern Roof, just east of the Britan moongate. Gates will be provided from Moonglow and Britain beginning at 7:45 pm until 8:00 pm.

This event marks the grand opening of the shard-wide Chesapeake Academy. The Academy is an organization dedicated to enhancing everyone's lives and experiences on every facet of the Chesapeake shard. The Academy is staffed by veteran warriors, mages, merchants, tradesmen and members of almost every profession. Classes are held at every experience level from beginning magery to advanced player versus player combat, from creating a merchant to running vendor, from basic survival skills to Surviving and Thriving in Felucca. Classes will also include history and lore of UO and the worlds of Ultima as well as tours of the various sites and communities within the Chesapeake Shard.

Please come to Mythndale and share the excitement of this new endeavor with us. There will be food and drink a plenty, plus door prizes for all!. One lucky (young) player will walk away with a check for 5,000 gold while a others will receive GM made weapons and coloured leather armor.

There will also be class demonstrations, one of which should prove quite dramatic!

This will be a great opportunity to learn more about the academy and ask the teachers questions about their classes. It is also a great chance to sign up for those same classes.

If you have any questions about this event or about the Academy itself, please email us at:

Posted on Saturday, April 28, 2001, 10:56 PM EDT by Joe Woodwright (Chesapeake)

Treasure Fever Hits Brit West Bank
>>> Trammel Facet News <<< 
Yesterday in Britain West Bank, Lord Tyler Durden hosted a spontaneous player run treasure hunt. The pants-free but generous Lord Durden hid over 1.5 million in gold and 5 thousand of each reagent in various locations around Britain. He then gave the eager treasure hunters clues that sent them scattering to all four corners of the town in search of the loot.

"Oh my gosh," exlaimed one lucky winner of 150K, "At last I can buy a house!"  The day's big winner was Angel, who walked away with over 500K in prizes.  Good Job Angel!

The event was not guild related. Mr. Durden says he just got a wild hair and felt like giving. He plans to do it again in the future, so keep a eye out for a pantsless man with a generous gleam in his eye!

And also keep an eye out for me, your newest Stratics reporter, Pluffina. I'll be prowling around Sonoma for all the news that's fit to print - and hoping to be slipped the really juicy unprintable stuff under the table. *wink wink nudge nudge*

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Posted on Saturday, April 28, 2001, 5:56 PM EDT by Pluffina (Sonoma)

53rd Assembly of the 5th High Council Monday
>>> Trammel Facet News <<<We received the following...
53rd Assembly of the 5th High Council

Date: Monday, April 30th, 2001
Time: 10 PM EST/9 PM CST
Location: Magincia Parliament Building


  • Announcement from Lord Dagda Redgranite.
  • Administrative announcement from Lord Arlanni.
  • Additional Items to be announced at the meeting.

The High Council of Britannia

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Posted on Saturday, April 28, 2001, 3:57 PM EDT by Beans Baxter (LakeSuperior)

United Women of Sosaria to Hold First Male Slave Auction
>>> Felucca Facet News <<<Here's one for the ladies out there...
The United Women of Sosaria proudly present : The First Male Slave Auction !

Need a real man to repair all your battered armor? How about a strong set of hands to chop wood? Want company when adventuring through the dungeons? Thinking about improving your PvP skills?

On May 5, 2001 the United Women of Sosaria will auction off a boat load of skilled and handsome men to the ladies across the land! In exchange for freedom, these former prisoners are willing to put their skills and expertise to use at your command. Come to Rivendell and take a gander with your own hands and eyes - purchasing one of these men could change your life forever!

More details regarding with exciting event can be found on!

Breeze & Goldie
United Women of Sosaria (UWS)

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Posted on Saturday, April 28, 2001, 3:54 PM EDT by Beans Baxter (LakeSuperior)

Poetry Recitals at the Spiritwood Tavern - Tonight!
>>> Felucca Facet News <<<

I received this from Aeribian of the town of Spiritwood:

Tonight, at the famed Spiritwood Tavern, we shall be holding poetry recitals from people across the lands. There will be food and drink served and poems to be heard.

Any more poets will be welcomed. Come and spread your fame and show off your ability.

The recitals shall begin at 9pm BST (10pm CET).

We wish ye a jolly good time!

Aeribian IV
Empressario of Spiritwood
(94549416 for questions)

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Posted on Saturday, April 28, 2001, 12:50 PM EDT by Pad O'Lion (Europa)

Update On Veteran Rewards Testing
This quick note was posted by Melantus on the official Discussion Board:
The information I have so far is that Vet Rewards will be on an external test server early next week. I'm sorry it's been delayed longer then I originally said.

Online Community Coordinator
Ultima Online

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Posted on Saturday, April 28, 2001, 10:57 AM EDT by Joshua Rowan (GeneralNews)

Runesabre Attending Disney Gathering!
This quick note just came into us from AngelStorm about the Runesabre's attendance at the Disney Gathering:
We are happy to announce that Runesabre is confirmed to be joining us in Disney.

We will shortly be announcing the details for the Friday Happy Hour.

Please visit the luncheon site ( to register today.

Posted on Saturday, April 28, 2001, 10:36 AM EDT by Joshua Rowan (CommunityNews)

ORKs Claim Sacred Stone Back
>>> Felucca Facet News <<<We received the following report from Hendrix, who kindly translated it from the orkish original for us :
The remnants of Stormeye`s pirate fleet have been vanquished after a bloody battle with the Uruk Hai ork clan [ORK].

The clan was visited in their mountain fort by Nuktogh the troll , who inhabits the bridge between Britain and Trinsic . Nuktogh told the assembled orcs that the last of Stormeye`s pirates were holed out in Hoppers Bog and that their leader , Keir was thought to have Nuktogh`s " Shiny Rock " .

The orcs quickly got a Warband ready to march, led by the towering figure of Traak'nok, their Warboss. These orcs had been searching for their friend`s "Shiny" for six months and were keen to grasp this opportunity to finally recover it. Being careful to avoid the human towns the orcs made their way to Hoppers Bog and readied themselves for whatever lay there in wait for them.

After sometime hacking and slashing their way through the swamp and its denizens , their tracker Vulith picked up the trail of "hummies ". Traak`nok. not known for his tactical subtlety, led the orcs into the pirate camp in a head on assault. The pirates were taken off-guard and the orcs made quick work of dispatching them. However soon the main pirate force arrived, led by Keir himself who was a fearsome opponent. Chaos ensued as cutlass clattered against axe and bodies and body parts littered the swamp. Just when it seemed the orcs were gaining the upper hand, Keir cried out "Arise me ship mates, arise from yer graves !". Slowly skeletal knights started rising out from the swamp and attacked the orcs in large numbers. Eventually these undead fiends were defeated and Keir himself fell, crushed by Traak`noks mighty war-axe.

The orcs were jubilant to find the Shiny Rock on his body and cries of "Blud for the Bludgod !" and "Hoowaah Uruk-Hai !" rang out across the bog. The orcs joy was tempered however with sadness as they had suffered heavy losses in the battle . The way home was not without incident either as the orcs were set upon by a large force of humans, seemingly intent on avenging the deaths of some of their kind who had been foolish enough to enter the orcs mountain hideout .

Bedraggled and exhausted the orcs clan finally made it back home and presented Nuktogh with his lost prize, much to the delight of the huge troll.

A funeral pyre burned brightly from the top of the Mountains above Wrong that night. The miners in Minoc looked across the Bay and wondered what foul creatures were abound in the Northern Wilds. A place far too dangerous for a lonley miner to travel. Glug the orc clan's smith stared back across the Bay, the glow from the funeral pyre reflecting the hatred in his eyes. Once again humanity had killed some of his clan, his friends. And he was going to make them pay.

Report from Glug, of Uruk Hai Orc Clan [ORK] .
Translated into Brittanian by Henny.

Thanks for this report, and thanks to Jafar McFinnan for the picture.
Posted on Saturday, April 28, 2001, 2:58 AM EDT by Bel d'Ajoor (Drachenfels)

There Are Two Facets Upon Which The Soul Can Reside
Two days ago the Honourable Paladin Perial Eclipston made a call to arms across all of Brittania.  Last night all of Brittania answered his call.

It is said, dear reader, that the worst fate that could befall the gentle seaside village of Cove is the odd Orc invasion and a fortnight when the fish just can not be coaxed on to the hooks of village fishers. Aye, I wish that yesterday I could say that Cove lay safe from the dangers of the dark worlds, but this is not the case. No, sadly this is not the case.

Sol was making his last gallant showing upon the fading horizon as the young Anistas sat upon the docks idly fishing for her family's supper and writing in her diary about the son of the miller, Jacob.  She had of late taken a wee bit of fancy, one could say springtime spirit towards the boy with the sandy hair and shy smile.  However courting and romantic courtesy is neither here nor there when souls of the innocent are in jeopardy.  So enthralled by thoughts of Jacob was the young Anistas, that she did not note the shift in the winds or the darkening skies.  Feeling a slight hunger pang, she dipped her line into the providing sea - hoping that sooner, rather than later, supper would find its way onto her meagerly baited hook.

A thought of the miller's boy had ended as she noticed not the shifting winds, blackening skies or choppy seas.  The hellish vortex rising mere yards in front of her also escaped  immediate attention.  From the core of the vortex spun to land directly in front of her - the dark, demonic SoulFlame, vile soul and servant of brimstone.  He grabbed the girl and  whisked her quickly into the vortex, and with that into the great unknown.

Nearly an hour had passed since the girl's disappearance when her mother, the Kind Kandara, seeing that the girl was overdue, scurried down the docks desperately searching for her child.  Seeing only the girl's rod, lunchpack and dustings of sulphurous ash - she suspected the worst.  She knew her daughter had not carelessly tumbled into the tumultuous sea, but had rather met a more sinister fate.  It was mere moments before Cove's Town Elder - the sage Deacon Blue heard the cries of Kandara and had summoned assistance from Voce Arcana - the Council of Light Mages.

The powers of good travel upon swift feet and within moments the Grand Dame Pluffina and Voce Arcana's greatest paladin, Perial Eclipston were both calming the frenzied Kandara and searching for clues upon the scorched Covian dock.  With a grave, yet determined face, Eclipston set forth to call upon the good citizens of Brittania to take up arms and join he and the Grand Dame Pluffina in search of the girl for he, despite the Council being behind him, could not do it on their own.

As they heard the trumpet call, warrior upon warrior, mage upon mage, beastmaster and bard alike gathered at the ashen dock, assembling for what could be their last battle.   While the old fisher Bryant could not deny the powerful assembly in front of him - he did have a few words to share on the disappearance of the girl "no *hic* I ain't seen her go, but good riddance to her - annoying little snip".

Undaunted by the cynicism of the drunkard, Grand Dame Pluffina led the party towards the home of Anistas with the hopes of securing a personal item of the girl's so that together they could perform the sacred ritual of Spiritual Cohesion, linking her soul to that of Anistas.  The hysterical Kandara calmed sufficiently to provide Pluffina with the girl's school cloak.

Cloak in hand, Pluffina assembled the party about a toadstool and lay about her each of the arcane sacraments.  Gathering the party closer to her, she uttered the sacrosanct:

 "Il avec la voix antique que je chante la chanson de l'âme. C'est avec la sagesse des âges que je recherche les avions éthérés l'enfant Anistas. Sage guidez-moi dans ma recherche."

From the well of her trance, she pronounced Anistas, while in close proximity at the Orc Fort, to be in grave danger in the clutches of the Evil Soulflame.  Perial Eclipston lead the warrior's charge and the rescue party thundered forward on foot, mare and horseback to the fortress of orcs. It was no long before the soil was soaked with blood as orcs and indentured ettins fell to the blessed blades of the noble fighters as they made their way through the axe wielding throngs towards the littered dock where the young Anistas stood bound and strapped high upon the masthead of "The Charon", the gravely baptized ship of Soulflame.

Lady Fukuda was the first to reach the young girl and she tried desperately to free her from her magical bindings, however her efforts fell to wasted mana.  Soulflame had cast a forcefield around the ship and rather than fight the warriors, he chose instead to taunt them with his sinister chiding.  It was only when every warrior gathered standing in the blood of the fallen orcs did Soulflame cast The Charon off - destination unknown.  A boatful pursued The Charon only to reach it, attempt to board the demon vessel and see Soulflame open a gate into the void and step through with the frightened Anistas.

Time had come to gather again the forces.  Grand Dame Pluffina realized her worst fear had come to pass - Anistas was no longer upon the facet.  She had been whisked out of Trammel and into Fellucca!  Pluffina was quick to act and while her spiritual cohesion to the soul of Anistas had weakened across the facets, she knew to take the party to her Fellucca laboratory in East Moonglow to speak to the great spirits in search of further guidance.  The spirits spoke not in direct terms as the ethereal are wont to do, but in riddling verse.

I'm beautiful but without thought, a warning traveler, Touch me not. in age, like you, I sink and slow, remembering with a mellow glow -- What Am I?

 "Fire!" shouted the Lady Knight Jessy.

An evil mage would reside no where other than amongst others of his vile ilk.  In a dungeon tower heady with horror and the scent of sulphur the party traveled only to find that they were too late - Soulflame was gone, as was the girl.  A singed notebook remained and was handed to Perial Eclipston by the dark mage's manservant.  The sole entry in the book read "I tire of service to my dark lord, and can continue no further - for him I have collected in the girl Anistas, my last soul".

What did this mean?  Where was Soulflame?  Moreso where was the fishergirl?

Together the party closely gathered, reread the entry and determined that the lord of Soulflame could be no other than the Balron Collector Of Souls, a demon with pitch coursing through his veins and tormented souls feeding his black reign.

Nightmare mounts were summoned and dragons released as the party entered the bowels of the Terrathan Keep.  Soon Avengers, screaming Matriarchs and obedient drones swarmed upon them lashing out, defending the lair of their master.

Dear reader, you should by know by now that forces of light shall always prevail over darkness.  However, it was not without a hellshaking fight did the rescue party proceed as they slashed through Terrathans and past Ophidians into the dank realm of the Collector of Souls. Aye, twas a grave situation.  Anistas stood bound in the corner obviously awaiting the dread harvesting of her innocent soul.  Summoning her last bit of strength she shouted to the warriors "It is only with the death of the Collector of Souls may I be freed!"

Upon the uttering of her last word did the very lair rumble up around the warriors as the Collector of Souls rose from a heavy darkness.  The rescuers charged and brave souls fell at his feet, among them the good Paladin Perial.  Seeing the leader of the charge fall to the demon only strengthened their resolve to rescue the soul enslaved girl.

It was not long with blade a'glintin and fierce spells uttered before the remaining warriors brought down the demon with a thunderous roar and freed the trembling Anistas.  A gentle soul offered her some food, and another her cloak as they worked together to heal the young girl, body and soul.

Just as she had been whisked off by the evil Soulflame was she whisked off by the powers of light down the corridors of the keep.  Her journey home would not be as swift as the party had initially intended for they soon found themselves trapped. Pinned in the corridors of the keep by the Slayer, a minion of the Collector of Souls and an angry, rearing nightmare.  What could the party do but form a fire line and fight their way through the opposing darkness of the mare and the hellish blows of the Balron servant.  And fight they did. And heal one another they did. And work together, unified for goodness and light they did with a ferocity greater than that of the darkness attempting to overwhelm them.  They fought, each one of them with noble fury until they were able to gate the great facet divide, their young ward in safe tow to her home.

A Victory!

Or was it?

When Anistas was returned to her home, she arrived to find the walls barren of life save for one man standing there. A man of diminutive size, red hair and smarmy smile. When she cried out asking where her mother was, he replied in brief "We Efreet are always in search of servants to do our bidding and your mother promised anything in order to see you home safe - you are home safe, and I have another servant" Having said that, the evil Efreet Kern disappeared in a blast of flame. Flames that could not even be quashed by the tears of a young girl.

Dear reader, the disappearance of Kandara at the hands the Efreet Kern ends the first quest written and performed by the Sonoma Players Association and proves that there are two facets upon which the soul can reside: that of darkness and that of light... If you would like to learn more of roleplaying upon our fine shard, or wish to participate in the next SPA quest, please do not hesitate to contact Vladimir Taltos for further details.

As for me, do permit me the grace of an introduction, I am none but the young Anistas, newest raconteur upon the Stratics team. While I continue to walk the lands in search of my mother, and the evil Kern who enslaved her, I shall be honoured to be of service to you in imparting tale and lore throughout my journeys.

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Posted on Friday, April 27, 2001, 10:24 PM EDT by Anistas (Sonoma)

Interview: Sir Chili Cheese
Here's the interview, you've all been waiting for!  Without commercial interruption, we bring you now the interview with Sir Chili Cheese!  Finder of the correct "Where's Here?!" in just twenty-nine minutes.

McCoy: So tell me how long have you played UO?
Sir Chili Cheese: Well My friend in School handed me a CD
Sir Chili Cheese: and said, "Hey this is some beta game, do you want it"
Sir Chili Cheese: So since then
Sir Chili Cheese: I got in about the mid way of Beta
McCoy: So ye have played since beta
Sir Chili Cheese: yeah
McCoy: You obviously like it, no?
Sir Chili Cheese: Nope
Sir Chili Cheese: This is a new account
Sir Chili Cheese: My original Account was banned in 99
McCoy: *rubs chin*
McCoy: Banned?
Sir Chili Cheese: yes
McCoy: What happened?
Sir Chili Cheese: Among other things, I made a GM smith named "poop"
Sir Chili Cheese: That was the official reasoning to why I was banned
McCoy: Because of the name?
Sir Chili Cheese: but I think it had to do with my 60+ marks
Sir Chili Cheese: Aye
McCoy: So what do you think of the dividing of the lands thus dividing the player base?
Sir Chili Cheese: I believe that it is a Shame
McCoy: Do go on...
Sir Chili Cheese: Simply because people want to live in a "dream world" devoid of trouble doers
Sir Chili Cheese: Dose not mean that it should happen
McCoy: Agreed..
Sir Chili Cheese: I believe that Tram was made to increase revenues for EA
Sir Chili Cheese: so that people who were fed up with getting poked wouldn't leave
McCoy: So tell me now the do have a safe haven, do you think they should ease up on some
McCoy: of the restrictions in felucca?
Sir Chili Cheese: Such as?
McCoy: Murderer's
McCoy: looting?
McCoy: thieving..
McCoy: etc.
Sir Chili Cheese: I think that they should leave Harassment restrictions and what not on
Sir Chili Cheese: but I believe that they should allow all people to play how they wish to play
McCoy: *takes down some notes*
McCoy: How long have you been on this account?
Sir Chili Cheese: The reason I won this Interview was because I Use that spot to thief
Sir Chili Cheese: weapons from warriors who fight near and at that spot
Sir Chili Cheese: On this account for 3 months now
McCoy: So the spot we picked was it to easy?
Sir Chili Cheese: I don't think so
McCoy: They will get harder as we do more...
Sir Chili Cheese: I do think that it was too easy in the monster department
Sir Chili Cheese: have people take a pic in the ancient dragon spawn room
McCoy: So what can you tell me about the shoes that teach taste identification?
Sir Chili Cheese: Hahaha
Sir Chili Cheese: Well The shoes have GM hiding, and Stealth
Sir Chili Cheese: so they are very hard to find
Sir Chili Cheese: but mainly they hang out around the Fdd or DDD guild houses
McCoy: hmmm...
Sir Chili Cheese: Truthfully
Sir Chili Cheese: they started as a ruse Ani and I played on people
Sir Chili Cheese: when Sonoma was down and we went to Asuka to hang out
McCoy: If there were anything you could change in Sosoria, what would you change?
Sir Chili Cheese: Hmm
Sir Chili Cheese: I would say that the monsters are not fast enough
Sir Chili Cheese: To prove a real challenge something should be able to keep up with you
Sir Chili Cheese: All of the toughest monsters in this realm can be walked away from
Sir Chili Cheese: That, and there is no Shrine to me
McCoy: Is there anything else you would like to say to the fellow citizens of our lands?
Sir Chili Cheese: Don't Drink and Tame, and Vote Libertarian
McCoy: *laughs*
McCoy: Ok...I thank you for coming
Sir Chili Cheese: Not a problem
Sir Chili Cheese: Thank you very much for this offer

Well, if you've learned anything from this interview, its to not name you characters after bodily functions.  This is "Bones" McCoy reporting, have a good evening.

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Posted on Friday, April 27, 2001, 9:52 PM EDT by Bones McCoy (Sonoma)

Belan the Looter - New Episodes!
Belan goes through servers like I go through underwear. Okay, maybe she goes through servers less often because a fresh pair of tidy whities is what keeps me going.

Anyway, there are two new episodes for your perusal! 'If the loot won't come to Belan, bring Belan to the loot..' & 'Role reversal'

Check it out...only if you like to laugh.

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Posted on Friday, April 27, 2001, 8:47 PM EDT by Pelle Svanslos (CandidCoverage)

New at Napa Valley Stratics
Dear Friends,

I have finally gotten around to adding the first two player run establishments for Trammel on our fair shard of Napa Valley. They have been around since the opening of this facet & are leaders (as far as I know) in the community.

Please hit the links off to the left and check them out. :)

Also, I know many of you out there are scratching your heads and wondering: "How can I get my establishment up there too!" Well, we have been busy doing tavern reviews, but to get a permanent place in the pantheon of Stratics Napa Valley I suggest longevity and lots of events!

So, I look forward to new and exciting player run events in the near future & seeing all of what you can do!

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Posted on Friday, April 27, 2001, 8:42 PM EDT by Pelle Svanslos (NapaValley)

Comments from the Team: Canyon
Today's Comments from the Team comes to us from Canyon of Player Relations:
Comments from Canyon

When I was asked to make a post for the Comments from the Team, I felt that it would be a good opportunity to introduce myself and discuss how customer service is addressed from a training perspective. I’m known as Canyon, and I am currently in charge of training for the Player Relations group. One of the questions people ask me at player gatherings is how I ended up with Origin. I graduated from a small liberal arts school in San Antonio a few years ago, but my degree in Political Science isn’t really put to use when teaching someone how to deal with problem players. My minor in Sociology helps a bit, as does my teaching and customer service background.

My first experience with an EA game was Wing Commander 3. I then went back and played all the Wing Commanders, and Privateer 1 and 2. Oddly enough, I never played any of the Ultima games. That changed when Ultima Online came out. I had to wait several weeks to get a copy, since it was always sold out in the stores. My first week of the game was tough (I was one of the newbies that got killed by a deer), but I made some friends who showed me the ropes, and I was hooked. I found my niche as a roleplayer, and quickly became a part of the UO community.

I got my break in the industry as a volunteer, and I eventually became a Game Master in September of 1999. I have worked as a Game Master, Senior Game Master, and I am currently responsible for training in the Player Relations department. When new hires join the team, I work with them for several weeks, introducing them to the game and the responsibilities they will have as Game Masters.

It has been a challenge to create a training division for Player Relations, but it has also been very rewarding. All new hires get consistent training that teaches them the latest policies and issues. We also have ongoing training for GMs when issues change, or when we add new features to the game. Training is a priority because we recognize that the Game Masters need to have the tools and knowledge to provide great customer service. We also conduct testing so we can see how well GMs understand the issues that they have to deal with in game.

We recognize that providing great customer service is essential for us to remain competitive. We have all worked very hard to improve the level of service that we offer, and we have made great strides in both the quality and quantity of service we offer to players.

When I go to a restaurant and receive bad service or food, I don’t go back. And if I am really displeased with the service, I’m going to warn everyone I know about it. Not only will the restaurant lose my business, but the restaurant will most likely lose the business of my friends and family. The positive side of this is that when I have a good experience as a customer, I’ll go back and also recommend it to my friends. I understand that our customers do the same thing with Ultima Online, and we want to keep our customers happy with the service that they receive.

I understand that players will not always be happy with the outcome of the call, but I want to make sure that the GMs are doing their best to give the customers great service. There will be times when GMs have to tell the player “no,” but this should always be done in a polite way that educates the customer on why we need to follow a certain standard of conduct. It’s my job to make sure the GMs understand what this standard is, and the best way to apply it in customer interactions. Regardless of the outcome of the situation, we want the customer to feel they dealt with someone who was polite and professional who was knowledgeable about the situation.

Player Relations
Ultima Online

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Posted on Friday, April 27, 2001, 7:44 PM EDT by Joshua Rowan (GeneralNews)

The Results of the Mystic Mead Dart Tournament
>>> Trammel Facet News <<<This letter was received from Trekonn,

I am pleased to announce the Mystic Mead Tavern had another successful dart tournament over the weekend. Friday night ended with Durin Stonecrow the high scorer with 90 points, a fine score indeed. On Saturday, Bjorn's Brew flowed freely and many were to drunk to throw straight. Alas, Maganamus III would arrive and top the high score by one point! The high score of 91 points would stand to earn him a check for 13,600 GP!

On Sunday evening, we had the week's prize drawing for all who participated over the weekend. Fire Ninja walked away with a brand new shadow suit and a coupon for 5,000 GP good at the OMK Marketplace next door to the tavern.

Congratulations to you both! This week's prize drawing for participants will be another fish net and SOS bottle, back by popular demand. Remember, all you have to do is throw once to be eligible for the drawing on Sunday. The tavern high score still stands at 110 points by Razagal. Beat this score and recieve an additional 5000 GP! I hope to see you all there over this coming weekend.

Thank thee,
The Hierophant
The Mystic Mead

Thanks Trekonn for the news!

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Posted on Friday, April 27, 2001, 5:32 PM EDT by Cymidei Fier (Baja)

Lake Superior is Looking for a Few Good Pens!!!
Are your shoes worn thin from traveling from town to town? Your voice hoarse and sore from speaking with citizens across Britannia? Have a knack for putting pen to paper and writing an excellent story? Then mayhaps UOSS' Lake Superior News Page is the place where you can not only show off your talent but help bring the community together with interesting, exciting stories and news items about the Lake Superior Shard and her citizens.

UOSS is currently looking for active, talented citizens of Lake Superior to add to our crack team of top-notch Ultima Online reporters. As a volunteer you are required to:

  • Be a talented writer
  • Be an active, knowledgeable member of the Lake Superior community
  • Be willing to attend events and quests, interview VIPs, report news of interest to the community
  • Be able to dedicate a minimum of six hours per week to writing and/or posting news items
  • Have a familiarity with basic HTML
  • Be pro-active
Does the above describe you? Then what are you waiting for??? Apply... right now... do not hesitate! Simply fill out this brief questionnaire and fire off an email to with "LS Application" as the subject.
  1. Real name
  2. Contact email address
  3. ICQ number (if applicable)
  4. Character name (this must be the name of the character you will be using as your potential shard reporter)
  5. Rate your HTML knowledge from 1-10, where 1 is poor and 10 is phenomenal
  6. Answer this: Why do you wish to be a shard reporter for UOSS?
  7. Include a brief writing sample, no more than 500 words (pictures are not welcomed and no attachments)
  8. Any questions???
Applications are due no later than midnight May 5, 2001. There will be no exceptions!!!

Good luck to all applicants!

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Posted on Friday, April 27, 2001, 4:48 PM EDT by Beans Baxter (LakeSuperior)

Annual Yew Wine Festival
>>> Trammel Facet News <<<This in from Lord and Lady Grim.

Yew Town Council and Mayor Rabulkian take great pleasure in announcing the
Annual Yew Wine Festival. Harking back over four hundred years to the day
when the people of Yew celebrated the overthrow of the wicked Duke of
Blackwind, the Festival has returned this year to inspire the people of Yew
to again look forward to a new beginning. All the people of Britannia are
invited to join in the festivities this Sunday, 29 April, at 3 pm, EDT.
There will be:

3pm. Pig Races at the Court of Truth. Participants are given a pig. Pigs
are lined in a row 1/2 screen from their owners. The first pig to make the
run from the Court of Truth to the Winery is the victor. A modest entry fee
of 500gp and win you the First Prize of 10,000gp.

3:30pm BTF/WYU horse wash in front of the Winery. For a fee of 100gp your
pet will be washed, groomed and a vet will check your pet. GM Tamers will be
available also to answer any pet questions you may have.

4pm This year our fair Mayor will crown a King and Queen of the Grape
Festival. Voting will take place from 3-4 pm outside the Winery. Prizes
will be a rare fireworks wand and purple robes for the new monarchs.

4:30pm Wine drinking contest. The person who can drink the most glasses of
wine in one minute will receive a rare bottle of pink champagne. No entry
fee required!

5pm Yew BBQ in the Winery. For 100gp you will receive a plate of BBQ ribs,
corn, potatoes and salad

5:30pm The Urban Knights will sponsor a boxing match. Find out who the
toughest man (or woman) wrestler in the entire realm really is.

6pm The Lost Order of Akalabeth will be sponsoring a regatta. All ships
captains and aspiring sailors can try their hand at beating Neptune and
their friends in a race around the bay.

6:30pm A Prize Raffle. An elegant and semi rare angel statue valued at
100,000 gold pieces (donated by Auren Therion of Britain) will be raffled
off to one lucky winner. Tickets for the raffle will be on sale at the
winery from 3pm - 6:30pm at a cost of 10,000 gold pieces each with all
proceeds going to the Town of Yew.

In addition to the other festivities, there will also be a dance (of sorts)
and plenty of opportunities for everyone to talk and mingle. Treat yourself
to a rebirth of old friendships and new community. Come and join the Town
of Yew in celebration of it's glorious past and bright future.

Yours in Service,

Lord and Lady Grim (BTF/WYU)
Event Coordinators
Town of Yew

Thank ye for this announcement.

Posted on Friday, April 27, 2001, 3:04 PM EDT by Azalin (Atlantic)

Reminder About PC Security
Melantus sent us the following important reminder about your PC security:
As I have said before and will say again, do not accept files from others. Not even what might appear to be a picture. It's possible that these files could contain trojan infection programs. How can a picture contain an infection? Well, most of the Windows PC's running do not "show file extensions". In fact, I bet your set right now is configured to not show file extensions. To check and see if it is, open up your "My Computer". Look at the C drive. Look in a folder with files in it. Do you see the file extensions on the files, or do you just see the name of the file? An example would be seeing config instead of config.sys .

When you accept files from others, such as pictures, the other person might send it to you as "picture.jpg", but since you cannot see file extensions, you dont notice that it's not a Jpg file, it's an Exe file. The Exe is hidden. Even if you save it to your hard drive and look at it, you wont see the Exe extension.

How can you correct Windows to show file extensions?
Open up My Computer, and click on the View menu option at the top. Click on Folder options, and then the View tab. Uncheck the "hide file extensions" box and apply that. Make sure you are at the bottom folder level of your C drive, when you first double click on the C drive to see whats on it. Never accept files from others without fully scanning the file first, and without removing the "hide file extension" setting.

Online Community Coordinator
Ultima Online

Great advice. Thanks Mel!

NOTE: Thanks to Jim for pointing out that in Windows ME the "Folders Options" is located under "Tools", not under "View".

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Posted on Friday, April 27, 2001, 12:02 PM EDT by Joshua Rowan (GeneralNews)

UO3D Patch 62 Slightly Delayed
While I think the plan was to have Patch 62 for UO3D out by today, it looks like it is going to be delayed at least until early next week (though Leilo isn't clear). Here's what she posted about it on the official boards:
QA encountered some bugs while testing version 62 on Wednesday and Thursday. We've integrated the necessary fixes, but we feel it's prudent to allow them enough time to fully test the update again.

We apologize for the delay, but think you'll find the improvements in version 62 worthwhile. :)


Once we find out the details of what Patch 62 will have as well as when it will be patched, we'll let you all know ASAP.

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Posted on Friday, April 27, 2001, 11:53 AM EDT by Joshua Rowan (GeneralNews)

Worship Pravus the Wrong Way
>>> Felucca Facet News <<<Ug Hummies!

The Clan of Wrong, represented by Altus, sent the following invitation:

This Saturday the 28th of April, at 7:00 central, everyone is invited to attend the 1st annual Hail Pravus celebration. It shall be an evening dedicated to the Clan of Wrong and our god, Pravus.

Pravus is now ready to walk the world of mortals (after his 1000 years captivity under the mountain of Mayhem near the dungeon Wrong) and is ready to wreak havoc and destruction. To celebrate, we will be holding an event to end all events!!!

Your evening shall be filled with every delicious sin known to man, and will be capped off with a PVP tourney to end all PVP tourneys. Come one, come all, participate or just observe; the choice is yours. Even if you do not celebrate our god Pravus' coming, come to the gala anyway, you might just change your mind.

Our Coords are 118 44 N 57 30 E just east over the mountains from the dungeon Wrong at a marble patio house.

It is rare that an event comes along that promises to entertain all of my grim fantasies.

Praise Minax!

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Posted on Friday, April 27, 2001, 5:20 AM EDT by Ithunk (LegendsAOL)

June 2001 Indianapolis Player Meet
Great to see so many Player Gatherings this year! This one comes to us from the folks at the Kinship Village regarding gathering in Indianapolis:
June 2001 Indianapolis Player Meet

Kinship Village on Catskills, in celebration of our 3 year anniversary (March 2001), is sponsoring a player meet in Indianapolis, Indiana on June 23rd, 2001. We welcome not only Catskills and Kinship Village players, but all players from all shards to enjoy this event.

Our player meet last year was very well attended and a smashing success. We expect this year's event to be even better.

DATE: Saturday, June 23, 2001
TIME: 3pm - 5pm CST (4pm - 6pm EST) - In the private room.
5pm - ??? CST - Games and socializing in the club.
LOCATION: Jillian's Billiards Room in Indianapolis, Indiana
FEE: $35 per person
DEADLINE: Your fee and intent to join us must be received by June 15, 2001. I have to give the club my final head count at that time.

*Time Zones: Indiana does not participate in Daylight Savings Time, so we match up with those in the Central time zone this time of year.


Event Details

Jillian's is an incredible entertainment and dining concept featuring all kinds of things to do. Jillian's includes 2 great restaurants, over 100 virtual reality style video games, a classic billiards lounge, an over the top bowling experience, the latest electronic simulation attractions, dancing, live music and the best sports and media viewing anywhere.

Minors (under 21) are welcome at the club until 9pm. The dress is casual, but neat (i.e. no sweats or dirty/worn clothing).

The first two hours of our meet will be held in the Billiards room (on the second floor) which includes 2 large pool tables. Snack foods will be served during this time. Both alcoholic and non-alcoholic drinks are available (cash bar).

Your fee covers the following food selections (buffet style):

  • Jillian's Signature Tortilla Chips with Secret Salsa
  • Fresh Vegetable Landscape with Dill Dip
  • Chicken Tenders with Sauces
  • Assorted Gourmet Pizza Slices
Your fee also covers 1 game card per person worth $10 of video games in Jillian's "Amazing Games Room" and our two hour rental of the Billiards Room.

I will have more information on possible door prizes and OSI participation as the event draws closer.


Please find all the details on the Kinship Village website at: or send email to for more information.

Teresa Hamilton aka Ari ni'Dalaigh and Mishca
Kinship Village, Catskills

Posted on Friday, April 27, 2001, 1:37 AM EDT by Joshua Rowan (CommunityNews)

Craftsmaker's Delight: Tailoring Showcase!
Thanks to Kitiara for sharing the following with us:
Craftsmaker's Delight: Tailoring Showcase!

The UO Merchant Alliance is proud to present to you the first installment of our Craftsmaker's Showcases: UOMA's Tailoring Showcase! This is the first in a series of additions we are making to our Merchant Resources section, designed to serve as a repository of information and inspiration for UO's various merchantry-related skills and crafts.

The Tailoring Showcase features various contributions from some of UO's elite craftsmakers. First, Lord Versace of Pacific's Playboy Mansion spills a fountain of knowledge in two tailoring guides: Versace's Color Secrets: Book One, and The Ideal Cut: Book Two. These great essays feature tips on everything from color and cloth selection to costume and outfit creation! Also included in the Tailoring Showcase is a gallery of outfits designed by Amanda Rose and Grandmaster Tailor Vera Wang of Atlantic's Water Tower, inspired by the great Lord Versace.

Find the Tailoring Showcase at the UOMA web site in the Merchant Resources section, or by following this link:

Stay tuned for UOMA's upcoming Craftsmaker's Showcases!

UO Merchant Alliance

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Posted on Friday, April 27, 2001, 1:20 AM EDT by Joshua Rowan (CommunityNews)

Tavern of the Ninth Virtue Opens in Virtue Village
>>> Felucca Facet News <<<We received the following from Virtue Village, on the facet of Felucca.
The Grand Opening of The Inn of the Ninth Virtue in The Virtue Village

  • Location: The Inn of The Ninth Virtue
  • Facet: Felucca
  • Shard: Catskills
  • Sextant Coordinates: 90o 5'N 143o 38'E
  • Starting Date: 18 May 2001 7:00PM EST
  • Ending Date: 19 May 2001 12:00AM EST
  • Frequency: 1 Time Only
  • Sponsor: Virtue Village
Hear ye! Hear ye!! Announcing the opening of the Inn of the Ninth Virtue. To celebrate this grand occasion we will be holding a variety of contest of various skills and prowess(details to follow). We will have door prizes that will include items such as Grandmaster Armors of all varieties, Kegs of Grandmaster Potions, and weapons of Power and Vanquishing. At the end of each evening there will be a drawing for even bigger prizes. We will also have vendors selling all manner of items, such as all kinds of GM craftable items, magic weapons and armor, and perhaps a few items of varying rarity. For directions on how to reach the inn you may contact me at or visit

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Posted on Thursday, April 26, 2001, 10:54 PM EDT by Elisa Montclaire (Catskills)

Player Meeting in Indianapolis
On a rare out of character note, I'm pleased to post news of an upcoming player meeting in Indianapolis.
June 2001 Indianapolis Player Meet

Kinship Village on Catskills, in celebration of our 3 year anniversary (March 2001), is sponsoring a player meet in Indianapolis, Indiana on June 23rd, 2001. We welcome not only Catskills and Kinship Village players, but all players from all shards to enjoy this event.

Our player meet last year was very well attended and a smashing success. We expect this year's event to be even better.

  • DATE: Saturday, June 23, 2001
  • TIME: 3pm - 5pm CST (4pm - 6pm EST) - In the private room.
  • 5pm - ??? CST - Games and socializing in the club.
  • LOCATION: Jillian's Billiards Room in Indianapolis, Indiana
  • FEE: $35 per person
  • DEADLINE: Your fee and intent to join us must be received by June 15, 2001. I have to give the club my final head count at that time.
*Time Zones: Indiana does not participate in Daylight Savings Time, so we match up with those in the Central time zone this time of year.

Event Details

Jillian's is an incredible entertainment and dining concept featuring all kinds of things to do. Jillian's includes 2 great restaurants, over 100 virtual reality style video games, a classic billiards lounge, an over the top bowling experience, the latest electronic simulation attractions, dancing, live music and the best sports and media viewing anywhere.

Minors (under 21) are welcome at the club until 9pm. The dress is casual, but neat (i.e. no sweats or dirty/worn clothing).

The first two hours of our meet will be held in the Billiards room (on the second floor) which includes 2 large pool tables. Snack foods will be served during this time. Both alcoholic and non-alcoholic drinks are available (cash bar).

Your fee covers the following food selections (buffet style):
  • Jillian's Signature Tortilla Chips with Secret Salsa
  • Fresh Vegetable Landscape with Dill Dip
  • Chicken Tenders with Sauces
  • Assorted Gourmet Pizza Slices
Your fee also covers 1 game card per person worth $10 of video games in Jillian's "Amazing Games Room" and our two hour rental of the Billiards Room.

I will have more information on possible door prizes and OSI participation as the event draws closer.

Please find all the details on the Kinship Village website at: or send email to for more information.

Teresa Hamilton aka Ari ni'Dalaigh and Mishca
Kinship Village

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Posted on Thursday, April 26, 2001, 10:42 PM EDT by Elisa Montclaire (Catskills)

Reminder: KOA Casino and Resort Grand Opening
>>> Felucca Facet News <<<We received the following...
Alliance Village Casino and Resort Grand Opening

Date: Monday April 30th
Time: 7:30pm CST
Place: KoA Village, Felluca Lake Superior Shard Sextant Corrdinates: 140o 40' S, 28o 20' E

We at KoA (Knights of the Alliance) are proud to announce the Grand Opening extravaganza of our Casino in the Alliance Village. During our grand opening extravaganza we will be having all the games we have up and running except for Real Life rules Craps. And since this is a Grand Opening we will be having a few special events planned for your viewing and betting pleasure.

The First Event slated for this wonderful night will be what we call Rage in the Cage. Two Dragons enter a ring and battle to the death.

We have also come up with a few special games of chance that are not offered on a regular basis. The first of which will be The Summoning, where you make a bet and try to summon a chicken within 5 tries.

All the rules and information about our casino can be found at, and while you are at our village for this extravaganza feel free to look around our village for any shopping needs you might have. Or take a look at our ruin library for all the places you may be missing for your collection.

We at KoA hope to see you at the Grand Opening and welcome you into our community for a night of fun. Good luck to you and come see us agian.

KoA Web Page:

Johnathan Swifts
(KoA Warrior, Casino Pit Boss)

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Posted on Thursday, April 26, 2001, 10:02 PM EDT by Beans Baxter (LakeSuperior)

Another New Reporter!
Hail Good People of Sonoma! I am another new Sonoma Reporter that will be roaming the land in search of news. If you see me in-game say hello and maybe we can chat over a mug of ale. I am really happy to be serving the community of Sonoma and hope to be posting some *real* news soon. Hope to see you all soon!
Posted on Thursday, April 26, 2001, 10:00 PM EDT by Newton III (Sonoma)

Rivendell Town Night Saturday
>>> Felucca Facet News <<<We received the following...
Greetings from Rivendell (Felluca),

The Council would like to thank all participants and spectators for last Sat.'s town night. As usual it was a great success. Four pairs competed valiantly for the title. Last week’s champions were Milabar and Setzer taking the 20k 1st prize, with Dravec and Bad Ad taking the 2nd 10k prize.

This week (Sat. Apr. 28th), mages throughout the land will take to the arena in hopes of claiming victory. Everyone is invited to attend, whether participating or observing the fun. Please refrain from faction fighting, griefing, and other behavior that interferes with others enjoyment of this Shard wide event.

The following rules will apply for the tourney:

  1. The Ref. is the final ruling in the ring. What he says is final.
  2. There will be no looting.
  3. No mounts are allowed in the ring.
  4. Potions of any kind are allowed. (There is no limit on potions)
  5. NO casting energy vortex, blade sprit, or any area spell.
  6. Summoning is allowed.
  7. There will be a 7-minute time limit. If there is no winner after 7 minutes the ref. and his judge will decide the winner.
  8. No magic armor, weapons, clothing, or jewelry is allowed.
  • Fight to death or yield
  • Resurrection services will be provided
  • Please bring enough regs and potions for up to 5 rounds.
There will be a $2k entry fee for all participating mages due at the time of registration. First place will get 20k plus 200 each reagent, and 2nd place will get 10k plus 100 each reagent.

Registration will begin 30 minutes prior to the start (7:00pm CST) inside the Rivendell Tavern. With the growing number of participants, we request that registrants arrive as early as possible so that the competition gets underway promptly. (Please note: No more contestants will be taken after the contestants are in the arena.) We will take only up to 16 entrants.

We look forward to seeing old friends and welcoming new ones to Rivendell. Thank you for your support!

Rivendell Town Council Map

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Posted on Thursday, April 26, 2001, 9:54 PM EDT by Beans Baxter (LakeSuperior)

KOA Golden Knights #66 -- No Holds Barred"
>>> Felucca Facet News <<<We received the following...
KoA Golden Knights #66 - "No Holds Barred"
- hosted by Rikus, Ancient Sage of KoA

DATE: Friday, April 27, 2001 @ 8 PM CST
TIME: Registration takes place from 7:30 - 8:00 PM CST. The event begins @ 8:15 PM CST.
WHERE: The event takes place in the Alliance Village. The coordinates are 136*24'S 27*12'E

ENTRY FEE: 750g per person


  • Winner receives 10k check
  • 2nd place 5k check

This will be a 1 vs 1 battle with Four (4) Rules.


  • No looting.
  • No tamed pets except for mounts.
  • No fighting mounts of any form.
  • No help from outside the ring.
  • (There will be a 5 min. time limit to each match)


  • No faction fighting in the village during the Golden Knights event.
  • Please do not equip bows around the ring. Spells or potions may hit you that will cause you to attack back.
  • Please try to stable or feed your mount prior to the event. Wild mounts are a problem.
  • No casting, sparring, or fighting right around the ring. If you wish to do this go to another location in the village.
  • No spectators in the arena after the event begins.
  • The Golden Knights event is a Seer sponsored event for Lake Superior. Grief players are at times removed and/or jailed, banned, etc. The consequences for disruption are solely the decision of the representatives of Origin Systems.
  • Have a great time! Cheering for your friends is encouraged!

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Posted on Thursday, April 26, 2001, 9:48 PM EDT by Beans Baxter (LakeSuperior)

More Tidbits about the Hero Titles
A couple more tidbits about the Hero Titles, these from FierY iCe:
Getting an initial title requires much more effort than keeping it. Maintaining a title should be very easy. Although the higher title you get, the more effort it will take to maintain it.

There is also much more that hasn't been discovered yet. Let's just say pay attention to the spawn... :)

-FierY iCe
Programming: Ultima Online

For more information make sure to check out our Reputation "Hero" Titles Section!

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Posted on Thursday, April 26, 2001, 9:04 PM EDT by Joshua Rowan (GeneralNews)

Spotlight: "Springtime Festival"
This week's Spotlight on the official site comes to us from Ursula of The Golden Brew, Baja. The focus for this week was on contests in Britannia. Given the recent East...errr I mean Springtime Festival, what better time than to have a contest for everyone to enjoy? And that's exactly what the folks at The Golden Brew did. Here's the intro to how their day began:
"I started my morning with great anticipation of the day's events. As I entered the Brew I could smell that my chef, Inga Bjurnfude, had risen early to prepare for the feast. I had been up late decorating the night before and looked at my handiwork. I laughed as my old friend, Washburn, entered the pub for breakfast and shaded his eyes from my newly painted pastel tables and chairs.

"My day was full of dashing back and forth from Moonglow, Skara Brae and the Brew making sure I had all the ingredients ready for Inga, and also making sure I was stocked up on plenty of liquid refreshments. I prepared the bags for the egg hunt, counted pies for the pie contest and collected the checks from the bank so I'd be ready for the contest winners. All day long visitors stopped by, anxious to find out more about the evening's festivities. I could tell by the steady stream of newcomers that this was going to be a very busy night for us.

She tells a great story about the day, so I hope you all take the time to Go Read It and check out the screenshots. Enjoy!
Posted on Thursday, April 26, 2001, 7:24 PM EDT by Joshua Rowan (GeneralNews)

Witch Burning Turns into a Bloodbath
>>> Felucca Facet News <<<

I received this report from George, a ranger from the north:

It had been a sunny day all day long. There were rumours all over the land concerning the burning of the evil witch "Lynn". She had been charged of witchcraft and conspiring against our king. This was promising to become a glorious day. Still… I was worried. A strange feeling of something dangerous is the air.

Unfortunately… My feelings were correct. Allow me to explain.

It had been a dangerous day for a lonely ranger like myself. Skeletons, zombies and many other terrible creatures of the night were camping outside the citadel of the Guardsmen Militia.

As the sun was setting, and the first civilians were gathering around the citadel to witness the burning of the evil witch, I felt the temperature dropping. A cold fog crawled from the trees and surrounded the citadel. The militia instantly knew that something was wrong on this, so far, sunny day. It was hard to miss the sudden creepy atmosphere. Uncertain of what to do, and looking at the grim faces the battle hardened guardsmen I decided that the wise thing to do was find a bush and hide under it. And time would tell, this was the smart thing to do.

After the fog had gotten so thick that I could hardly see the citadel walls, a terrible haul ascended from the woods. An army of undead was marching up to the citadel in a fury unlike ever displayed before in such an army. In the midst of these hordes I also spotted a terrifying black creature walking besides another one of those damned witches. Kal'Rakh, the lover of Lynn. I could not make out the look on his face, but I did see a chilly blue aura Attack at the gate! around Kal'Rakh, as though he was using immense mystical powers to control something. 

A horn sounded from the woods and the undead rampaged forward. The sounds of a terrible battle sounded through the night. Many brave men fell at the feet of the hordes.

The guardsmen stood tall, with admirable valour and seemed to have the upper hand, were it not for the black monster. I could make it out as a black mummy with awesome powers. It was slaying people all around it, like a whirlwind of death.
Just when it seemed that all was lost, because of the awesome power of the mummy, I noticed Kal'Rakh collapse between the undead hordes, and with that, the mummy disappeared. It seems that no one man, or woman is able to control the powers needed to control a monster as strong as that.

But just as the guardsmen were getting ready to celebrate their victory over the diminished undead, shouts came from the woods. A large band of the dreaded Crimson Rogues began their assault upon the weakened defences of the citadel.
It seemed to me that the rogues had been waiting between the trees behind the undead hordes, waiting for their chance. It seemed that their chance had come. They ran up to the citadel with poisoned weapons and cut their way through to Lynn's cell.Lynn's Cell

Someone told me later that the rogues came just in time, for the witch that is. She was going to be burned minutes later.

Anyhow, the rogues escorted Lynn outside the citadel, while holding of the guardsmen off. The weakened witch was then gated away. I managed to sneak through the gate and quickly hid under a window of the rogue headquarters. Thanks to my years as a ranger and refined hunting techniques I was not detected.

"Parhaps ... you all would be willing to help us out in the future?" I could not make everything out, but Lynn and Kal'Rakh seemed to be thanking the rogues for their assistance and were discussing the payment that was obviously promised to the rogues. After this… payment, the necromancers were gated away to meet with some prisoners the rogues took. As the gate was summoned inside the house, I was unable to sneak after them to see what happened… but the icy look on Lynn's face did not foretell any good news for the captured guardsmen. The pour souls.

As I was running back through the woods, some time later, to assist any possible wounded at the citadel, I noticed the guardsmen already back on their feet. They were just about to embark on a mission to recover the lost necromancer, and to punish the rogues for assisting them.

I decided not to follow the guardsmen on this crusade, for I did not know if I would be able to withstand any more bloodshed on this day. Because, by the looks of the faces of the guardsmen, blood was going to be shed, and the captured guardsmen were going to be avenged.

But now, I must run off to by wife. She must be worried sick because I did not come home last night. I need to go… I need to go forget the horrors I have seen.

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Posted on Thursday, April 26, 2001, 7:19 PM EDT by Pad O'Lion (Europa)

Summer Faire?
Dear Friends,

The idea of a summer faire in Napa Valley to showcase various player run establishments is under way. The tenative plan is that sometime next month we will have a day that consists of two sessions each lasting a couple of hours that contains 4 events within each.

Of these 4 events all will be unique. ie: No two groups will have scavenger hunts or mini-PvP tourneys. And 1 of the 4 events will be held at a player run tavern for a steady supply of food and ale for people to chew the fat.

Nothing is set in stone yet. This is just a call for anyone who might be interested in hosting one of these events to contact the parties, myself included, in charge.

As of now it looks like we have firm commitments from these groups:
  • Mith
  • Stormhaven
  • Liberalis &
  • Stratics Event Center
If you wish to be a part of this please contact me at:, leave word on the Stratics Napa Valley Forums or at the Napa Valley Roleplayers Group.

Thanks a lot. :)

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Posted on Thursday, April 26, 2001, 6:10 PM EDT by Pelle Svanslos (NapaValley)

CvB Weekly Tourny!
>>> Felucca Facet News <<<Since the last post was particular long with rules and so forth I thought this should merit it's own post as not to get lost in the shuffle.
Tournament Rules

Once a week there will be a Tournament held at the CvB Tower. All are welcome to attend the Tournament.

Each week a new prize will be given that will not be announced until the beginning of the tournament.

Anyone who attends the Tournament must abide by the Tower Rules.
    1. No magical Items.
    2. No Pre-poisoned Weapons.
    3. No Tamed Animals and no Mounts.
    4. All fights will be 1v1.
    5. All players attending will be treated with respect.
    6. There will be no Stealing/Pking/noto, if this occurs you will be permanently banned from the tower.
If you would wish to attend, simply arrive at the CvB Tower located north of Cove City around 7:30 PST on Saturdays. The tournaments will begin promptly at 8:00 PST.

If you have any questions regarding the events please either post them at or contact any CvB member you may see in game.

Posted on Thursday, April 26, 2001, 4:15 PM EDT by Pelle Svanslos (NapaValley)

CvB Dueling Ladder Begins!
>>> Felucca Facet News <<<I think this is a really great idea and urge you all to check it out.
On 4-27-01 at 8 PST the CvB Dueling Ladder will begin.

For anyone that doesn't know what a dueling ladder is it is similar to a tournament except that you will get a chance to move up in ranking each time you win. When you lose you will most likely move down in ranking. The ladder is an excellent way to improve your PvP skills. All rules are meant to simulate a battlefield rather than a dueling arena.

Rules and details are as follows:
    1. You can bring any weapon or item you wish to a duel.

    2. No tamed beasts except if they are only used as mounts

    3. All duels will be conducted at the CvB tower.

    4. No looting

    5. You can challenge as many people as you wish per day, but you can only challenge a single individual once per day.

    6. A referee must attend the fight so that there is a third party involved.

    7. The winner must post the his/her win on this board for documentation. (See link below)

    8. You may not challenge anyone that is more than 4 steps down on the ladder but you can challenge anyone that is above you on the ladder.

    9. When you chose to fight 3 on 3 and then decide to change partners then you will lose your place on the ladder and start at the of the ladder once again.

    10. The winner (highest on the Ladder) each month will get to choose two weapons (6 in total for the 3 on 3)out of chest of magical weapons that I have fished up. Keep in mind that the weapons will change month to month.

    11. In case of a tie the way the winner will be determined is by 1st total points, 2nd by wins to losses percentage, and in case there is still a tie then by a sudden death match.

    12. Point System
    Ranks # of points
    • 1st 0-9pts
    • 2nd 10-19pts
    • 3rd 20-39pts
    • 4th 40-59pts
    • 5th 60-89pts
    • 6th 90-129pts
    • 7th 130-179pts

    beating someone ranked:
    • 3 ranks below you earns you 1 pt
    • 2 ranks below you earns you 2 pts
    • 1 rank below you earns you 3 pts
    • even with you earns you 4 pts
    • 1 rank above you earns you 5 pts
    • 2 ranks above you earns you 6 pts
    • 3 ranks above you earns you 8 pts
    • 4 ranks above you earns you 10 pts
    • 5 ranks above you earns you 12 pts
    • 6 ranks above you earns you 15 pts

    Losing to someone ranked:
    • 3 ranks below you reduces you by 20 pts
    • 2 ranks below you reduces you by 15 pts
    • 1 rank below you reduces you by 12 pts
    • even with you reduces you by 8 pts
    • 1 rank above you reduces you by pts
    • 2 ranks above you reduces you by 6 pts
    • 3 ranks above you reduces you by 5 pts
    • 4 ranks above you reduces you by 4 pts
    • 5 ranks above you reduces you by 3 pts
    • 6 ranks above you reduces you by 2 pts

    * If you don't fight for 2 weeks you will lose 10 pts so please keep an eye on any challenges posted on the board.

    If you wish to contact us please go here:

    CvB Tower location:

    Exit the gates of Cove and then head north along the coast the first large tower you will encounter is the CvB tower which will be the location of all duels :)


Posted on Thursday, April 26, 2001, 4:09 PM EDT by Pelle Svanslos (NapaValley)

Grim Fight Nights
>>> Felucca Facet News <<<
Grimoire Fight Night 1 vs. 1 Gladiator Fight, Friday, April 27th, 2001, at (9 PM PST, 10 PM MST, 11 PM Central, Midnight EST)
Event coordinated by Josh, and sponcered by Fiona
Here are the rules:

Here are the rules:
· The Grimoire staff will scatter weapons, armor, potions, and bandages on the arena floor. Contestants will start the battle naked and will arm themselves with what they can pick up.
· No magic items, clothing, or jewelry. No magic armor and weapons are allowed, so please come naked and leave your valuables at home or in the bank. Grimoire staff will not hold items for contestants so PLEASE leave your items at home or in the bank. Gates will be
provided to town when the event is over.

· All contestants are subject to snooping by Grimoire Staff to ensure everyone is participating fairly.
· The Event Coordinator's decision on all matches is final and will not be disputed during the event.
· Anyone that disrupts the flow of the event for any reason will be banned until after the event.
· Grimoire staff reserves the right to cancel an event for any reason at any time during the course of the event.
· Any contestants who are perma-banned for any reason will forfeit their match.
· If you leave the arena and you fail to return before the event/match begins, you forfeit your match.
· In the event that a contestant loses connection during the event, the Event Coordinator will make a decision as to the possibility of a rematch. That decision stands and may not be disputed. Any disputes
will be handled after the event.
· A connection loss during combat events where the roof is sealed off, will result in an automatic forfeit
· The Event Coordinator reserves the right to adjust these rules at any time without notice.
· To avoid confusion, registration will start at 8:30 PM PST, and end at 9:00 PM PST. NO LATE ENTRIES. Tournament will start at 9:10 PM.

We must have a minimum of 4 people to start this event!

Their website can be found here: Grimoire
Posted on Thursday, April 26, 2001, 3:26 PM EDT by Pelle Svanslos (NapaValley)

The Grand Opening of the Frenzied Mongbat Casino
>>> Trammel Facet News <<<This announcement was just received from Xavier and Sampson.
Please join us for our Grand Opening on Tuesday, May 1st at 7:00 CST. There will be many games and prizes for those that attend. Door prizes will be handed out, and we will also have a raffle. The raffle tickets will be 2k each, and prizes will include a Glacial Staff and a Snowglobe among many other items and a grand prize gold amount at 9:00 CST.

Along with all this, our dealers will be maintaining three other gambling games throughout the opening, from 7:00 to 9:00 CST. If you need a rune to the Casino you can ICQ Sampson @ 112455386 orPlease join us for our Grand Opening on Tuesday, May 1st at 7:00 CST. There will be many games and prizes for those that attend. Door prizes will be handed out, and we will also have a raffle. The raffle tickets will be 2k each, and prizes will include a Glacial Staff and a Snowglobe among many other items and a grand prize gold amount at 9:00 CST. Along with all this, our dealers will be maintaining three other gambling games throughout the opening, from 7:00 to 9:00 CST. If you need a rune to the Casino you can ICQ Sampson @ 112455386 or Xavier Arcanus @ 85756751.

So come join us and play Xavier's Magic 24, 'Round the World, Lucky 7's...bring checks if you need to we will have money on hand to cash and make change and will also have vendors on site acting as Cashiers with checks on them so you don't have to go back to the bank.

Thankye Xavier and Sampson

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Posted on Thursday, April 26, 2001, 2:22 PM EDT by Cymidei Fier (Baja)

Moonglow Elects New Vice Mayor
>>> Felucca Facet News <<<News from Moonglow:

Hear ye, hear ye!
On saturday, april 28th, the Moonglow City Council will hold its weekly meeting.
It will start at 19:00 CET (6pm BST, 5pm GMT) at the Moonglow Councillor's Guild in Felucca.
In this meeting the Council will elect a vice mayor. Every Moonglow citizen can candidate and
should prepare a short speech to tell his/her intentions, if interested in this.
All people are invited to join the discussion - all Moonglow citizens can vote on decisions
as well as electing the vice mayor.
More information about the council can be found on
-- Lord British's towncrier in Moonglow

Hope ye get a better catch than that Gathis!

Posted on Thursday, April 26, 2001, 1:57 PM EDT by Marshall Drakan (Europa)

New Twinkle Town Rune Library
>>> Trammel Facet News <<<A note from Twinkle Town:

Hello all, Twinkle town is proud to host its new rune pubblic library, where
you will be able to find more then 450 runes for every location on Trammell.
But to make your job esier, and to avoid you to waste your time we also made
a webpage where you will be able to find which runes we have in stock, by a
search engine.
So please feel free to use it freely, and many thanks to Lord Il Timido for
all the time he spent building and upgrading the library and the
website,thanks also to the Lords of change guild for all their precious
Rune library page:
Twinkle Town website:

Morutar - Twinkle Town Mayor


Posted on Thursday, April 26, 2001, 1:55 PM EDT by Marshall Drakan (Europa)

Testing for Next Update / Publish Update
The following was just added to Testing for Next Update:
Problems with the facial hair change display window have been fixed in the following manner:
  • Selecting "none" for either beard or hair will no longer remove both together but rather the one that was selected.
  • When a change is selected via the beard page, the following window display will re-open to the correct page (the beard page).

Problems with the thief disguise kit window have been fixed. Players will no longer be able to attempt to make a selection from the disguise kit option window while carrying a Faction sigil. the option was never applied while carrying the sigil, but was giving a "not permitted" message once the window selection was made.

Problems with players being eligible yet unable to join Factions has been fixed.
Certain accounts had characters join the Faction system during it's early release. During this early existance of the Faction system, some players deleted their characters that were in Factions. Problems that existed within the system would prevent this account from re-joining Factions with another character even though technically no Faction character existed on that account any longer.

Faction Election changes

Faction elections have been re-written to correct several problems. Elections will proceed in the following manners:

  • Normal Election cycles will be 9 days. They will consist of 3 sub-cycles termed “election pending”, “campaigning”, and “open voting”. Each of these election cycles can last from one to five days.

  • Election Pending
    • The election pending phase lasts five days, and during this phase players cannot run for office or vote for candidates.

  • Campaigning
    • This phase lasts 1 day, and is the phase where players choose to run for office.
    • Players must be of Faction rank 6 or higher to run for office. Up to ten candidate slots are filled on a first come, first served basis.
    • Players that quit Factions before this phase ends are removed from the election list immediately.
    • If there are no candidates on the list at the end of this phase, the Campaigning phase repeats for an additional day.
    • If there is only one candidate, the voting phase is skipped and that one candidate wins by default.

  • Voting phase
    • This phase lasts 3 days.
    • All members of the Faction can cast one vote for one candidate on the list.
    • Each candidate’s name and current vote total are displayed to every Faction member.
    • If there are ties in the voting, the candidate first on the list wins.
And this was added to FYI to go along with that:
Publish Update

We will be publishing the changes listed in Testing for Next Update to all shards to be active following their next scheduled maintenance period.The changes will be added to Latest Game Updates once the publish is active on all shards.

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Posted on Thursday, April 26, 2001, 12:08 PM EDT by Joshua Rowan (GeneralNews)

Seeking Tales of Bravery
The following was just posted to FYI:
Ever heard the saying "More brawn than brains"? What about "Fortune favors the brave"? Well, whichever of these you feel applies to you, we want to hear of your foolhardy stunts. Whether you faced down a dragon armed with only a dagger, or confronted a Lich Lord while waving about a piece of cooked fishsteak, this is your opportunity to tell your tale of supreme bravery (or utter stupidity, whichever you feel applies).

Send an e-mail to by Friday, May 4th. Please be sure your story falls between 500-1000 words, and include "Bravery" in your subject line. Please provide a name and phone number for verification of the story. Submissions to "uo-profiles" become the property of OSI and may be used for special events, promotions, and/or advertising. All submissions must be made by the original author and are subject to verification.

Posted on Thursday, April 26, 2001, 12:00 PM EDT by Joshua Rowan (GeneralNews)

Counselor of the Month
>>> Trammel Facet News <<<
Hail Citizens of Great Lakes!

Tomorrow Evening (Thursday) at 9:00pm EST There will be a Counselor of the month party on Great Lakes at the main Britain guild Hall in the land of Trammel. This party is held in honor of all Counselors and Especially those that Made Counselor of the month for March!

Those that made Counselor of the month are, Counselor Lady Elph, Counselor Lord Solarius, And Counselor Lord Rannulf, Give them a big Cheer and come down to the party to Celebrate with us!!

Lead Counselor Lady Destiny
Central Region - LS, GL, SP
Ultima Online
Posted on Thursday, April 26, 2001, 2:38 AM EDT by Cheebatoke (GreatLakes) Reviews Third Dawn
Another review of Third Dawn, this one coming to us from Here's their intro:
The everlasting multiplayer online roleplaying game, known as Ultima Online, continues to grow even today. With the release of the new expansion Third Dawn, players are now playing in an enhanced 3D client, and are travelling through the new world of Ilshenar.

There are plenty of exciting new features included in Third Dawn, such as new creatures, an outstanding particle system, various new sound effects and improved music, improved expandability, and last but not least, the exciting fulfilled world of Ilshenar.

Some great screenshots, including one of a Serpentine Dragon, to check out as well. So make sure to check out their Review of Third Dawn to read all about it.
Posted on Wednesday, April 25, 2001, 11:11 PM EDT by Joshua Rowan (CommunityNews)

Ultima Online Celebrity Chat Log posted
The complete log of the Twenty-fourth UO Celebrity chat with Den Dragon, founder of Stratics, has been posted, and is available from the House of Commons web site.

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Posted on Wednesday, April 25, 2001, 7:56 PM EDT by Xena Dragon (CommunityNews)

Shard Hardware to be Upgraded
This was posted to FYI on :
European Hardware Upgrades - Apr 25 2001

We have scheduled hardware upgrades for the Europa and Drachenfels shards for the upcoming week. The new equipment will begin setup and testing in our new server location on Monday, April 30th, and the shards are scheduled to be relocated to this equipment effective Wednesday, May 2nd.

Additionally, we are scheduling an extended maintenance for both shards on Monday, May 7th, during which we will be adding additional storage hardware to the shards. The shard relocation and extended maintenance schedules will be confirmed at least 24-hours in advance.

Woohoo ! That's an announcement many of us were waiting for !

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Posted on Wednesday, April 25, 2001, 7:48 PM EDT by Bel d'Ajoor (Drachenfels)

Europe Gets a Facelift!
The following was just posted to FYI:
European Hardware Upgrades

We have scheduled hardware upgrades for the Europa and Drachenfels shards for the upcoming week. The new equipment will begin setup and testing in our new server location on Monday, April 30th, and the shards are scheduled to be relocated to this equipment effective Wednesday, May 2nd. Additionally, we are scheduling an extended maintenance for both shards on Monday, May 7th, during which we will be adding additional storage hardware to the shards. The shard relocation and extended maintenance schedules will be confirmed at least 24-hours in advance.

Congrats to our European players on Europa and Drachenfels!

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Posted on Wednesday, April 25, 2001, 7:20 PM EDT by Joshua Rowan (GeneralNews)

Comments from the Team: Leilo
Another new Comments from the Team, this time from Leilo:

I’d like to take the time today to talk about the various ways we communicate information from Ultima Online, and why we communicate in the ways we do. There are three major ways we handle communications: Site Announcements, Message Board posts, and Comments from the Team.

Site Announcements
Our most ‘official’ method of communication is through the various announcements we post to the UO site. These range from game updates, to service announcements, to shard announcements, to policy changes. OCR works with the various teams within the company to sort out information for these announcements and come up with as concise as possible an explanation of the information you need to know. While sometimes the announcements are templates (explaining why every time you see a client patch announcement, they always read the same way), most of the time we write up announcements from scratch to address the current issue. The announcements are then approved by producers, managers, and those directly involved to be sure we’ve covered the appropriate information, and then are published to the website, sent to a list of fansite operators, and if extremely important, published to the login server message. While this method helps us be absolutely certain that the correct information is being posted, it also requires a bit of a time lag - explaining why situations arise from time to time where you may be aware of an issue before we’ve posted on it.

Message Board Posts
From time to time, you’ll see ‘red names’ posting on the message boards with questions, comments, or suggestions. These UO staff members have gone through a training program to help them answer your questions and concerns in the most effective way to help you. Message board posts are generally written ‘on-the-fly’, and because of that, the atmosphere of our message boards is relatively casual. As a rule, we try never to make important announcements only on our boards, but because of casual conversation, occasionally items may slip through. If this does happen, we’ll always try to clarify as quickly as possible.

Comments from the Team
The Comments from the Team section of the website was designed to provide you with a closer look at the people who contribute to UO from all of the various service areas. We keep the editing to a minimum, and the topics open - if one team member wants to write a bio, another talk about his experiences as a player, a third theorize on game design, or a fourth share a story of her trip to Tibet, that is their decision. (Though we’d likely talk her out of the Tibet stories.) Much like an editorial in your local paper, the Comments from the Team are the thoughts and ideas of the people behind-the-scenes, and as such are probably the least ‘official’ news we’ll ever publish. Does that mean they won’t have substance? Of course not. It does mean that much like all of you are a huge, diverse community with different ideas and goals and thoughts, so are the people writing these comments - and in this section, you may not always find us informational, useful, or even interesting… but you will always find the ‘real’ us - or at least the PG-rated versions.

In closing, I also want to take a moment to welcome Cynthe to the Ultima Online Community team. Many of you know Cynthe from the hours she invested in supporting the UWOO community, and she’s rolled up her sleeves and jumped right in to UO. Cynthe will be handling the major content editing and writing duties for this site as well as keeping our website content up-to-date, helping organize new site additions, and much more. Cynthe and Melantus will continue to be the core of our UO Community Relations team, and I think you’ll find they have some exciting and useful plans for the future of UO Community Relations.

Susan “Leilo” Kath
Manager, Community Services

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Posted on Wednesday, April 25, 2001, 7:18 PM EDT by Joshua Rowan (GeneralNews)

Sage comments on Reputation "Hero" Titles
In reference to a question on an e-mail group asking if the titles could be earned in the old lands and on how some were under the impression that the system were broken, Sage (Lead Designer) made the following comments:
Let me clear up some things here.

No. You can not earn the hero titles anywhere but Ilshenar. Most of the system is in place. There are some "surprises" that are not in right now. This would allow people to get to the highest tier of the title system. We hope to get the "surprises" in soon. I can't say when for sure.

I am sorry that many of you might have believed the system was broken. It is not. In fact, there is a lot more to be discovered about it. So, the fact that it is "unfinished" doesn't mean that most of it can't be enjoyed. So please, enjoy. And thanks go to Daniel Buckler, or fieryIce for the tremendous amount of effort put into that system. Such systems are always a team effort, but fieryIce clearly kicked much ass.

Want to find out more about these titles? Then make sure to head on over to our Reputation Titles Section now!

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Posted on Wednesday, April 25, 2001, 6:57 PM EDT by Joshua Rowan (GeneralNews)

Impy's Selling a Skull Candle Tonight
>>> Trammel Facet News <<<I found this scroll on my steps as I retuned home this afternoon...

From the Isle of Ice… 

This week’s auction at Impy’s Artic Faire will be very exciting, up for bids we have an extremely rare SKULL CANDLE.  Auction starts at 9pm by the Eastern Sky on Wednesday.  We here at the Faire would like to invite all of the lands to attend this week’s auction.  Rope, bone armor and various Valentine gifts, along with many magical weapons and armor round out this week’s auction. 

Remember to check for a complete list of all of this week’s auction items and directions to where we are located on Ice Isle. 

Impy has asked that you please stable your pets before the auction as he is allergic to wet fur.  Runes to Riches and the Mystery Chest games will also be played this week following the auction, so please stick around and take a chance with lady luck.  

Impy’s Artic Faire Staff

It seems the folks out at Impy's have quite a supplier for rare and unusual items.

~Barth VanDorn

Posted on Wednesday, April 25, 2001, 6:03 PM EDT by Barth VanDorn (GreatLakes)

New Japanese Shard Mizuho
Taken from OSI's news
Origin is pleased to announce the public test opening of Mizuho, our newest Japanese shard, on April 26th (CDT). The shard will open for three days for testing purposes as we monitor the shard for any unforeseen problems. Once it has been determined that the shard is operating optimally, Mizuho will be wiped on April 29th, to be re-opened officially on April 30th. Mizuho is the 9th Southeast Asian Ultima Online shard and our 23rd shard worldwide.

The name Mizuho dates from ancient times, when Japan was called "Land of Mizuho". Mizuho stands for beautiful water, and Japan has been long famous for its rich rice harvest. The shard name was chosen from submissions to the official UO Japanese website and voted on by UO players via the website.

As per our localized shard policy, Mizuho will be available only to Japanese players for a short period of time. This will allow local players time to establish a solid foundation and community base on the shard. After this period, we will open Mizuho to the worldwide community of Ultima Online players, allowing the shard to develop the cross-culture diversity found on other UO shards.
Posted on Wednesday, April 25, 2001, 5:27 PM EDT by Xena Dragon (AsianShards)

Trinsic Meeting Report
>>> Trammel Facet News <<<A note from Mentazm:

Monday 24th April saw the first meeting of the Trinsic Resident and Friends

The group met in the Meeting Hall at Trinsic at 8pm (GMT). A good turnout
appeared, around 30 people turning up at some point between 8pm and 10pm.

Unfortunately I was nae prepared as I usually am, and never wrote down all
those that attended, but I did gather many a pigeon number. Sydark was in
attendance, and has kindly volunteered himself as the Association's
secretary, so next week we shall have full attendee listings, minutes, etc.

The points that were discussed last night were: -

1) Establishing a Cross-Town residents charter. (several attendees were not
from Trinsic, but abide in towns such as Britain and Moonglow)
2) The setting up of a 'Citizens In Need' fund...
3) Several ideas were put forward to raise funds - Holding a Jousing
contest, Holding a Fashion Show, and having a picnic. Each attendee would
pay a small token fee, and this would be used to put towards the CIN Fund.
4) Policing of the CIN fund was discussed, but nothing solid was put into
5) It was decided to hold the meetings on a weekly basis in the Trinsic
Meeting Hall, 8pm GMT each week.

Another point of note was that we need a wide cross-representation of
Britannia Citizens to attend the meetings - citizens new and old, male and
females, black and white, Feluccian's and Trammelians.

If you would like to attend to discuss these matters, build some community
spirit, and make some new friends then the next meeting will be held in the
Trinsic Meeting Hall (x1895,y2719) on Monday 30th of April at 20:00 GMT.

Mentazm (Trainee, The Silver Army)

Thank ye, sounds like a good start!

Posted on Wednesday, April 25, 2001, 5:27 PM EDT by Marshall Drakan (Europa)

Announcing Mizuho Shard (Japan)
The following was just posted to What's New:
Announcing Mizuho Shard

Origin is pleased to announce the public test opening of Mizuho, our newest Japanese shard, on April 26th (CDT). The shard will open for three days for testing purposes as we monitor the shard for any unforeseen problems. Once it has been determined that the shard is operating optimally, Mizuho will be wiped on April 29th, to be re-opened officially on April 30th. Mizuho is the 9th Southeast Asian Ultima Online shard and our 23rd shard worldwide.

The name Mizuho dates from ancient times, when Japan was called "Land of Mizuho". Mizuho stands for beautiful water, and Japan has been long famous for its rich rice harvest. The shard name was chosen from submissions to the official UO Japanese website and voted on by UO players via the website.

As per our localized shard policy, Mizuho will be available only to Japanese players for a short period of time. This will allow local players time to establish a solid foundation and community base on the shard. After this period, we will open Mizuho to the worldwide community of Ultima Online players, allowing the shard to develop the cross-culture diversity found on other UO shards.

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Posted on Wednesday, April 25, 2001, 4:58 PM EDT by Joshua Rowan (GeneralNews)

The Adventures of Adam Ant - episode #82
This was just dropped onto my in-box! Another excellent tale.
Hail dark friends,

The Undead Lords that dwell in the far reaches of Dungeon Shame, are resting a bit easier now that the Guardians have taken to patrolling her caves. For it be these same Undead Lords we Guardians are sworn to protect.

Come and read my latest tale of adventure and learn the ways of the Guardian.

But beware, all who enter these dungeons in search of fame and fortune risk their very lives for a handful of gold.

These are not some tales of fancy, but the true Adventures of Adam Ant.

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Posted on Wednesday, April 25, 2001, 4:47 PM EDT by Pelle Svanslos (CandidCoverage)

"O" Tavern Opening Announced
>>> Trammel Facet News <<<Ug Hummies!

Next to fighting, there are few things that I like more than drinking and eating. Thus, I was overjoyed to receive the following announcement from Omnicron:

The day of the grand opening for the Big O Tavern has been set! It will be held all day on Sunday, April 29. You can find the Big O Tavern at 115o 29'N 31o 46'E. We will be making runes for everyone who needs one.

There will free repairs for your weaponss and armor done by Lord A Fallen Angel. There might be a valorite or verite armor set raffled off (pretty sure of it, although I'm not 100% sure - most likely though). I will raffle off a boat (how about that). There will be lots of drinkin and eating. We will have an animal summoning contest to see who can summon the most animals in one minute - the grand prize will be 5k. A possible pub crawl will follow, assuming any of us can move after the eating and drinking. I am still talkin to other people about getting rares and stuff to give away.

This event is brought to you by Omnicron and Lord A Fallen Angel and associates.

Generally, any trip I make to the pub eventually involves a lot of crawling. Sounds like fun.

Praise Minax!

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Posted on Wednesday, April 25, 2001, 2:55 PM EDT by Ithunk (LegendsAOL)

The search for Tauron!
>>> Trammel Facet News <<<Hail Citizens of Britannia!

At the Coalition of Might gathering held this week, Decimus informed us that there had been two exremely powerful items created in the land: a pair of stones, each harnessing the power of the light from the sun and moon. These stones are rumored to be very powerful types of "weapons" and it is said that if the darkness of Minax were to completely overtake the land of Britannia, the sunstone could keep light in the darkness.

After hearing this bit of interesting news, we were met with more unsettling news. Beorn had gone looking for the missing Lord Sage Tauron to learn more about the missing stones. This seemed to be a very unlikely coincidence that the stones and Tauron would go missing. Beorn went looking at the Hedge Maze southwest of Britain, but was stopped by the foul creatures there. Since then, Beorn has not been seen either. It was decided that it was best to send in the Coalition of Might.

Upon arriving, we were met by a lone orc acting as a sentry. After quickly dispatching the orc, Coalitioners were met with a few medium-sized parties of orcs of all shapes and sizes. After a few bouts with some orc parties, Ettins and hellhounds began to join the battle, swinging and smashing at the brave warriors. For a few moments, the chaos died down, but was sparked to life again when deamons entered the fray, casting and clawing at the Coalitioners that surrounded them.

After what seemed hours of smashing at foul beasts left and right, I set my hammer down to heal a neighboring warrior, who had bitten off a little more than he could chew. After applying the bandages, I hefted my war hammer high above my head to finish off an Orcish Lord that was stumbling to strike at me, but was cought off-guard by what I saw on a small stone building to the east: an Ice Fiend, surrounded by several Coalitioners who had happened to wander to the roof. With a new threat to deal with, warriors quickly dispatched their opponents and rushed to the top of the tower to assist in defeating the large ice deamon. Ready to head back down to the freshly cleansed battlefield, we began to descend the stairs when we were met by Sage Tauron. Still shaken up from his ordeal with being pinned down in the Hedge Maze, he was eager to get back to Trinsic and rest. Upon arriving in Trinsic, Sauron informed us that he was extremely grateful for our bravery in his rescue. After giving us a breif story on his "captivity", he admitted that he was very tired and in need of rest for the following days were sure to be taxing.

What happened to the stones? What happened to Beorn? Will the Coalition be able to retrieve the stones? Find out at the next Coalition of Might gathering, held every Tuesday at 7 PM PST (9 PM CST).

Your Coalition Reporter,

Snake of Moonglow

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Posted on Wednesday, April 25, 2001, 2:10 PM EDT by Snake (NapaValley)

Atlantic Backup System
The following was just posted to FYI on the website:

Atlantic Backup System The distributed backup system will be re-enabled on the Atlantic shard after its regularly scheduled maintenance on Wednesday, April 25th CDT. We will continue to monitor the shard closely for any unexpected issues.

Posted on Wednesday, April 25, 2001, 1:51 PM EDT by Azalin (Atlantic)

Report of the Merchants of Yew Market
>>> Trammel Facet News <<<

We received this report from Gerrick, High Merchant of the Merchants of Yew:

On the Saturday the 21st, the Merchants of Yew were happy to host the first market for Yew.

All had gathered round the Merchant District, and especially the Merchant Tower where most visit to buy goods of fine quality. Many tables had been placed, and a massive and impressing clock had been erected at the center to show the time to passing folk.

The market did very well to the economy of Yew and to the Merchants as the profits had been estimated to around 90.000 gold coins of Lord British. Many independent merchants had also paid a visit to the Merchant District. They had sold their goods they wished to sell and were glad they had maken a fine sum of money and showed interest in the growing community of Yew.

Unfortunately the events were not held, as there were some delays with operating the market and many had to supervise that no smuggling or black trading was made. The Merchants do hope however in the near future all these events to be held, ensuring satisfaction to both the one's who have held them and to the one who is eager to participate.

When the day was coming to an end, tired but happy, the common folk of Yew and visitors decided to leave and the merchants had collected their stands. Should there had not been the usual feeling of danger after the setting of the sun, the market was sure to continue till the next day lasting all night long!

Seeing that many had answered the call, the Merchants of Yew may hold another market in the near future.
and do hope to see even more people than the last time!

High Merchant of the Merchants of Yew

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Posted on Wednesday, April 25, 2001, 1:18 PM EDT by Pad O'Lion (Europa)

Knights of Sosaria Holding Story Telling Contest
>>> Trammel Facet News <<<This in from IronRose.

Hail Citizens! Do you know a tale that needs to be told? Now's your chance! The Knights of Sosaria are hosting a story contest this Saturday, April 28th at 7 PM eastern. It will be held on the roof of the KOS tower, next door to the Elysium Rune Library castle, on the plain north of Trinsic (Trammel). Gates will be set up from Empath Abbey starting at 6:40.

Come tell a story, or just relax and listen to the exotic tales. A good time will be had by all. Prizes are 20,000 gold for first place, 15,000 gold for second place, and 10,000 gold for third place. If you bring a book with your story, we'll be glad to place it in our library for all to read.

Good luck to all. We'll see you there!

Guardswoman, KOS
Herald of Honor

Thank ye IronRose for this news. Evil luck to all of the participants.

Posted on Wednesday, April 25, 2001, 12:57 PM EDT by Azalin (Atlantic)

The Baja Chef's Faire
>>> Trammel Facet News <<<This news was received from Moff Tarkin,
The Baja Chef's Faire

When: 10am PST (17:00 GMT) Saturday April 28, 2001 (See also this Time Zone Converter for help with time zones.)

Where: The Darkmor Tavern in Heaven's Forge, Trammel, Baja Shard. The tavern is located in at 106°57N, 50°54E (It's a large tower, directly south of the entrance to dungeon Wrong.) Gates will be opened from Darkmor Tavern to inside the Britain West bank every few minutes starting at 9:45am.

Who: The Chef's Faire is organized by the Britannian Society of Chefs [BSC], hosted by Dread Lady Sy Snootles, Grandmaster Chef.

Why: The Chef's Faire is a cross shard event hosted bi-monthly on a shard by shard Basis. It's purpose is to highlight the Cooking skill and to generally just have fun. There's always plenty of free food and drink for everyone, so be sure to stop by!

What: Aside from copious amounts of snacks and beverages, there will be over 100k gold in prizes! The featured events are:

The Poison Drink-Off Thirsty? Be ready to lose fame and earn some cash. The first one to die wins. Contestants will be paired off for individual rounds. (I'll be resurrecting the contestants myself after each round, so no worries there.) First place receives a 25k check, second place receives a 10k check. You must have a minimum of 50 strength to qualify for this contest. Contestants may only die from the poison provided. Any other attempts to commit suicide or lemming one's self will result in disqualification.

The Chef's Scavenger Hunt Retrieve a small collection of common items, themed on food and Cooking. There will be several different rounds, 10k will be awarded to the winner of each round. (Without giving too much away, an example would be: "I want breakfast. First one to bring me bacon, eggs, and a muffin wins!")

Funniest Pet Name Contest Has your trusty steed "Orc Bait" been craving attention? Did you name your ostard "an elder chicken"? Well, this contest is for you. Contestants and their riders will be judged by a panel of Chefs; First place wins 10k and second place wins 5k.
Thankye Moff Tarkin!

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Posted on Wednesday, April 25, 2001, 12:37 PM EDT by Cymidei Fier (Baja)

Day of Golden Dreams
Thanks to Markee Dragon for sending in the following regarding "Day of Golden Drams", a Tale of Ultima Online:

Days of Golden Dreams

Shahrressa who is an avid player on Atlantic is also an amazing fantasy writer. She has really outdone herself this time with an amazing story of Ultima Online that is 36 chapters long! Here is a tidbit that will leave you wanting more.

"The horseman drove his cart to the deep, rectangular hole that had been carefully prepared. The soft earth rose up in a mound beside it. Gies, the town Priest, stepped lightly from his seat atop the cart. With his book in hand, he padded softly to the front of the grave. 

He gestured with his hands, comforting signs of faith, and began to speak. 

"Beloved," he began in a soft basso, "it is time to lay our Brother, Sven Silversteen, to rest...." 

His voice carried on in prayer for Sven, who had been killed the day previous in an accident while setting up the tents for Harvestide. Just three months ago, Shahrressa had happily been a guest at his wedding. Dobrynya had looked so happy as a fresh, blushing bride, dressed in white linen with her hair braided down to her waist. Shahrressa turned her eyes to the young widow. Dobrynya wore the same linen gown, now dyed a black obsidian... even her bridal veil, she wore, dyed. But her hair had been shorn in the manner of widows. Shahrressa knew Dobrynya's braid lay in the hands of her dead husband, within his coffin of oak. "

This in depth tale of Ultima Online can be found at . Everyone is welcome to read it online or download it in Acrobat format.

Markee Dragon

Posted on Wednesday, April 25, 2001, 10:57 AM EDT by Joshua Rowan (CandidCoverage)

Wolf of The Syndicate Reviews UO3D
Wolf of The Syndicate let us know that he just put up his Review of UO Third Dawn. It is geared toward the players who may still be thinking about upgrading, but haven't quite made the leap of faith yet. It includes several screenshots and a review on several different aspects of the game like Graphics, Gameplay, and Stability. Here's a quick snippet:
Graphics - I wouldn’t say “Wow!!” but they are pretty good. I’d rate them about even with Diablo 2. The shadows are crisp, the models are crisp, the only problem I can see is in the texturing. While some animations need a little work, others are perfect, for example, spell casting. No more of that pushing animation, you now wave your arms about, and particles fly every which way. Even the 2d aspects of the game (house walls, all the items, and trees) have had updates as well and blend in well with the new 3d look.
Make sure to check out the Entire Review to find out more!
Posted on Wednesday, April 25, 2001, 10:46 AM EDT by Joshua Rowan (CommunityNews)

Thoth-Ammon's UO Comics
Looks like we have another great new UO Comic site for everyone to enjoy. This one is called Thoth-Ammon's UO Comics. It already has eight strips for you to read including:
  • UO sports
  • Beggers
  • Dev team looks at factions
  • Necromancy?
  • Scoundrel School Vol 1 Establishing rapport
  • Scoundrel School Vol 2 The Ore Bug
  • Scoundrel School Vol 3 Persuasion
  • The Nerf Wagon
Although he uses a fairly basis layout (all the easier for loading) the strips themselves are very well done and worth reading. He also mentions that he'll be updating the site with a brand new comic every Friday at Noon Pacific Time, so make sure to check it out on a regular basis!

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Posted on Wednesday, April 25, 2001, 10:23 AM EDT by Joshua Rowan (CandidCoverage)

Grimoire Fight Night Results
>>> Felucca Facet News <<<Hail and well met,
This just in via carrier pigeon:

Hi there gang!

Last night at Grimoire, the wonderful Josh hosted a 2 vs 2 with some really great prizes for the winners. HUGE thanks to ScAtMaN for donating two placed small Felucca towers for the first place winners! Also, many thanks to Fiona Pentell for providing generous cash prizes!

Here are the results:

  • 1st place: Hollywood & Wretched
  • 2nd place: Ugg the Fist & Chasey Lane
  • 3rd place: Lost and Tyrany

We had a great time and I hope you did to. Many thanks to the very devoted Grimoire Staff! Thank you LeeLu, Liberation, Jade, CaveRunnerXXX, and Mishra! Thanks to Lucan for covering the event with the Adam Cam for the folks who could not make it to Grim in person. Last but not least, HUGE thanks to Josh for running another great event.

Thanks everyone and we'll see you next week!
Baby-Grimoire Staff

Your humble servant
Raeven Aurora

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Posted on Wednesday, April 25, 2001, 3:47 AM EDT by Raeven Aurora (NapaValley)

Facets Of Being, A Quest
It is known in life that there are two facets upon which the soul can reside: that of darkness and that of light...

With that in mind, let me draw thy attention to the quest in concept coming up here...  This Thursday at 7pm PST, the Sonoma Players Association would like to extend an invitation out to those of ye who would like to participate in the rescuing of young Anistas *insert bellowing screams and sobbing pleas for help here* from the evil mage, Guldan Blackmaw... *insert hisses, boos and tossed cephalopods here*

All who are gallant defenders against the dark ichor of evil (this is your cue) upon this fair land are requested to gather upon the Cove docks (Trammel) at 7pm Pacific (evil waits for no one).  This is the first in what hopes to be a continual production of quests for ye, the adventurer, to participate in and to help bring about a stronger role playing community...

Please bear in mind that if there are any mistakes, flaws, accidents, horse ride-by energy boltings, miscues, haphazards, random acts of God, workings of chance, advances by lady luck, defects, imperfections, weaknesses, pitfalls, errors, misunderstandings, blunders, malapropisms, faux pas, missteps, oversights, undersights, stage frights, shoes too tight, the package didn’t get mailed overnight, deaths, dismemberments, cuts, bruises, hacks, slashes, or plain ole simple oops'es...  That this is the first time running and the Sonoma Players Association, SPA for short, is in its infancy and will continue to evolve to better facilitate a final product to be presented to ye, the adventurer, so that we may stop sitting about, twiddling our thumbs once we’ve GM'ed our characters seven times...

Look for Perial the Paladin and his squire, Prophet by the Cove docks and remember to have fun and participate...  The performances will only get better as they go along, especially with thy help...

If ye are interesting in joining SPA, please let one of the Players know after the production and theyll get you into the mix...

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Posted on Wednesday, April 25, 2001, 2:34 AM EDT by Vladimir Taltos (Sonoma)

Moonglow Town Crier Reports
The Moonglow Town Crier reports: "Reputed evil sorcerer applies guild affiliation with the Guild of Arcane Arts; Mage Lord found butchered"
Earlier this week tis known that Zxar Mau dan, an evil mage of ill repute, had submitted branch registry for "The Daemon s Scry" under the harboring flag of the Guild of Arcane Arts. Upon investigation by the Encyclopedia Magicka, the Guild of Arcane Art s, despite its findings of dark magical practice, had granted Zxar Mau dan s request; declaring "The Daemon s Scry" a legitimate and honest practice of the arcane arts, as well as a valuable asset in the Encyclopedia s acquisition of ancient magical tomes.

In related news Lord Rymus, Mage Lord of the Master s of Illusion, was found severely mutilated; murdered in a ritualistic fashion just outside of Moonglow gates. Scattered amongst a pentacle drawn in blood, Lord Rymus severed corpse was discovered by the Moonglow Guard upon the investigation of his disappearance. Lord Rymus was adamant on the controversial issue of "The Daemon s Scry," claiming their practice evil and vile; a disgrace to the mages of Moonglow and a threat to the virtue of Honesty. Lord Rymus had been scheduled to appear before the Council of Moonglow shortly before his death; promising his own submittance of a report linking "The Daemon s Scry" to multiple murders and mal-practice of the arcane arts within the diabolically renown Dark Tower. His report was never found, and the Daemon s Scry was approved by the Guild of Arcane Arts.

More investigations are to ensue; however, any citizens with information of this heinous crime, or the location of Lord Rymus report, are encouraged to assist in the solving of this mystery.

The Town Crier of Moonglow

Posted on Wednesday, April 25, 2001, 2:32 AM EDT by Xena Dragon (SiegePerilous)

Registration Open for Disney Player Event
Thanks to AngelStorm for sending us in the following regarding the Disney Player Gathering:
Registration Open for Disney Player Event

All details for the 3rd Annual UO-Florida Player Event (June 23, 2001) have now been finalized and registration has been opened. 

Cost for the luncheon is $50 per person and includes entrance to Disney's River Country. Lunch will be catered by Disney this year and includes grilled hamburgers, hotdogs and BBQ chicken. 

There will be drawings throughout the day for numerous door prizes donated from varying sponsors (including OSI). If you would like to promote your web site with t-shirts or other novelties (or if you would like to donate door prizes in general), please email me.

We will also be holding a happy hour with the OSI representative(s) on Friday evening (Jun 22nd). Details are forth coming on how to participate in that portion of the event.

Attendance is open to all players from all shards and we expect more than 100 people to attend this year's gathering. We hope to count you as one of them!

UO-Disney Luncheon Site

Posted on Wednesday, April 25, 2001, 1:42 AM EDT by Joshua Rowan (CommunityNews)

Atlantic Backup System
The following was just posted to FYI on the website:
Atlantic Backup System The distributed backup system will be re-enabled on the Atlantic shard after its regularly scheduled maintenance on Wednesday, April 25th CDT. We will continue to monitor the shard closely for any unexpected issues.

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Posted on Wednesday, April 25, 2001, 1:14 AM EDT by Joshua Rowan (GeneralNews)

The Staff of Law
The afternoon had a thick haze which hung like spider webs through the autumm afternoon. Ratiker was in a mood. He had just brought a powerful artifact into Sosaria, but there were no plans from the Cult to use it yet. Well Rat hated waiting. It was time show the citizens of some virtuous towne the ways of B-D, so he flipped open his rune book and picked the one towne who deserved the influence of the Cult of the Black Dragon the most.

Opening a gate to the towne of The Phoenix Rising, Ratiker had found the perfect victims for his first test of the Staff of Law. As before, he was behind the main fort, but this time he slipped up the road to the mountain just behind the city. Moving over a cliff which over looked the city he raised the staff towards the sky and repeated the words of power to invoke his spell.

Thunder rolled through the swamplands to the south, the sun was blocked out as the winds began to drive livestock into a frenzy. Raticker began to laugh uncontrollably as he pulled more and more energy through the staff. He would bring a Winter down upon this town, the likes of which no one had ever seen before!

Lightning struck, rain poured, thunder rumbled through the unsuspecting towne. The citizens ran for cover as more and more rain fell from the sky. Raticker was mad with power, pure energy swam through his body, as the last of his will was being pushed through the staff, something happened....


"What"? cried Raticker. "Who are you? Noooooo"!

Raticker fell......

Posted on Wednesday, April 25, 2001, 12:29 AM EDT by Nadia (GreatLakes)

The Delucian Government Needs YOU!
Due to an error in date and time, members to be considered for the Delucia Town council were not availiable. Therefore, to correct this error, Senators and Council members for the city of Delucia will be selected This Friday April 27th, at 5pm PST at the Paladin's keep in Delucia.
The following positions are availiable to be filled:

Council members

  • Treasurer: Will be in charge of managing finances and economic situations within the city. Merchants, trade, and the treasury of the city will be their responsibility.
  • Foreign Minister: The Foreign Minister will be in charge of dealing with relations with other guilds and player run cities. He or she will assign ambassadors and report events about other cities.
Among these, four senator positions will be sought after as well. Each member of the Delucia Town council are to abide by the following:
  1. Each Senator and council member must commit to at least 5 hours a week to duties in and around Delucia.
  2. All senators and council members should attend regular meetings to discuss plans and proposals for the city.
  3. Player vs. Player Combat (PvP) will always be a possibility. Government officials should expect to war with enemy guilds in the future.
  4. Council members will be added to the DTC guild stone (no exceptions). This is optional for senators.
  5. Council member and senator positions will have a three-month term, and will be reelected by popular vote.
Posted on Wednesday, April 25, 2001, 12:25 AM EDT by Nadia (GreatLakes)

This is the Place
Hey there fellow Britannians!  It seems that we've already gotten a winner!  Congradulations goes out to Sir Chili Cheese for being the first to find and send in a scribeshot showing the place where the liches spawn at the following coordinates:

20o 2' N - 39o 26' W in Felucca  - You did see the skulls, right?

Sir Chili Cheese has chosen to take the interview and will be enjoying the calming pleasure of speaking with me during this exciting event in his life.  The interview is pending and please be a good sport about it by congradulating Sir Chili Cheese for answering in only Twenty-Nine minutes.

A serious thanks goes out to those of you who did submit an entree in the contest.  Better luck to those of you in the next one.

This is "Bones" McCoy reporting, good night.

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Posted on Wednesday, April 25, 2001, 12:13 AM EDT by Bones McCoy (Sonoma)

More on Unelak and Rivendell
>>> Felucca Facet News <<<More news concerning the attacks on Rivendell.

Ahh, this eve was grand.

Sunday eve I was sitting in the Hungry Halfling Tavern sipping mine ale, and
mine mare seemed to be disturbed, I mounted her as I heard the sound of a
moongate opening and begin to smell a smell that would be wretched to most.
I then heard liches, *smiles* lots of them. A few many of them wandered out
of the gate and began attacking the people walking around Rivendell. I just
stood back and smiled as they attacked, and smiled even more wence I saw Lord
Julius the necromancer wander through the gate. He ran into the tavern and
began raining down fire and told me to find the child and bring it to him. I
went and wandered around as a quite few many more creatures came through the
gate. The Orcs arrived and said they would aid Julius and began attacking
the citizens. Julius was attacked heavily but him being the necromancer he
is, did not fall. He fought off many while asking for the child warning that
the town would burn if it was not delievered to him. A many more creatures
and some evil mages showed up to make the attack heavier wence the child was
not given to Julius. He then disappeared and not long after the battle was
over. The smell of blood from the citizens was strong, and enjoyable, but
Julius did not get what he came for. Him and Lord Tremain want the child at
the Imperators command,
and they should have him. They will not stop
till they have him, so I am sure there is more to come.

The Evil Dragoon
Forgotten Necromancer Lord

Thank ye Dragoon.

Posted on Tuesday, April 24, 2001, 8:53 PM EDT by Azalin (Atlantic)

Unelak Attacks Rivendell
>>> Felucca Facet News <<<This news from Sub Zero.

Last eve Unelak and his army of minions attacked Rivendell, leaving the city in a state of utter chaos. A pair of gates formed out of nowhere and out poured bone magi, skeletal knights, and other evil creatures seem to have arose from beneath our feet. Some warriors rushed to assist in the fight against this evil deity and his army of undead, while others tried to talk some reason to him. Efforts to dissuade Unelak proved futile, for he was hellbent on destroying Rivendell. Not long after his arrival, bodies were strewn throughout the town. Many people were able to put their differences aside for this horrid night and band together for the common good. Unelak also brought along some of his fellow necromancers, Lord Tremain and Lord Julius, who were draped in purple and donned wizard hats and black staves. A woman named Aleria also arrived in Rivendell, but she was nay looking to cause more destruction. Aleria called herself an elementalist, and fought with the arcane powers as well as mace weapons. Aleria and I also scuffled after I was caught helping myself to one of her weapons... Even I ended up running from such powers. With that said, I don't think that we have seen the last of Unelak, his fellow necromancers, and his army of undead.

Thank ye Sub Zero.

-Sub Zero

Posted on Tuesday, April 24, 2001, 8:49 PM EDT by Azalin (Atlantic)

Reminder: Trammel Events this Weekend
>>> Trammel Facet News <<<This week:
  • The Britannian Order of Woodcrafters and the Fishing Council of Britannia will be hosting a market at the Vesper Bank on Friday at 8:00 PM EDT.
    The Britannia Order of Woodcrafters and the Fisherman's Guild on Britannia will be having a joint market at the Vesper Bank on 4/27 (this Friday) at 7:00 PM CST. We are planning on a large turn out of carpenters and fisherman to sell a number of goods ranging from house additions to magical weapons. We look forward to seeing you there!

    Fleet Captain
    Fisherman's Guild of Britannia [FCB]
  • The Valor Knights will be hosting the Gladiator Games at Valor Castle Arena on Saturday at 11:00 PM EDT.
    The Gladiator Games on the Catskills Shard Competition Begins Saturday Evening 11:00 PM EDT on April 28th, 2001

    About The Games

    Competition Entry Fee is 25,000 Gold pieces per person payable by check at time of registration. This is an all out blood bath tournament with only the sole survivor claiming a victory. To the victor will go half of the total entry fee receipts claimed at registration. These games are open to everyone who plays on the Catskills Shard.

    How This Is Possible In Trammel

    In order to enter the competition, you must be added to The Gladiator Games guild stone. This allows several benefits to the competing players. First, this competition will take place in Trammel avoiding any would be spoilers or looters from interfering with our fun. Second, this will prohibit participants from receiving murder counts from players that lack good sportsmanship. If you already belong in a guild, you must temporarily resign from your guild to be added to our stone. We encourage you to join in our fun and proudly display your guild colors during battle. In addition, we will gladly register your guild letters in your title during the games. Our guild is only active during tournaments and will remove all players after the events have ended.

    Rules of Engagement

    Sorry, no animals allowed, not even horses. Everything And Anything Is Legal. With that in mind please remember : Looting the fallen is legal. The use of poison weapons is legal. Magic armor and weapons are legal. If you own it, you can use it, but remember that you can lose it.

    We are not responsible for any weapons, wares, or armor looted.
    Absolutely no resurrection in the arena.

    Anyone caught resurrecting a fallen will be disqualified, any fallen seen in deathrobes within the arena will be subject to killing. Players will remain dead until the tournament is over while within the playing arena. If a player needs to be resurrected then they will be prohibited from re-entering the arena until the tournament is completed. Expect to lose your property if you die.

    Is Team Play Allowed?

    Whatever it takes to win. Fight solo or in a team. In the end there is only one prize being handed to only one individual victor, so don't count on team play for very long.

    Only one winner allowed.

    The Battle Arena

    This Tournament will be held at Valor Castle, home of the Valor Knights
    Coordinates : 72o 4'N , 129o 52'E
    Once the games begin the inner doors to the castle will be locked, anyone leaving the castle will be refused re-entry and be immediately disqualified.

    How To Register

    You must register to compete.
    The Gladiator Games guild stone is located at the Mage Realm Tower ( Small Tower ).
    Coordinates : 64o 57'N , 0o 29'W
    Registration Will Begin Promptly at 9pm till 10:45pm the day of the event Fee : 25,000 Gold Pieces Per Person / Checks Only Accepted Gates Will Be Provided to Valor Castle Arena ( formerly Olympus Castle ). The Tournament Begins at 11pm April 28th, 2001 by the EST at Valor Castle. Coordinates : 72o 4'N , 129o 52'E ( South East of Vesper on the tip of the Peninsula )

    Gates will be provided to the castle roof for spectators to watch This event is being hosted by the Valor Knights. Any questions please contact the Valor Knights via message board.
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Posted on Tuesday, April 24, 2001, 4:05 PM EDT by Elisa Montclaire (Catskills)

Darkhen's Lair Discovered!
>>> Felucca Facet News <<<

Last night, while I was catching up with my work that left undone while I was away, I received a pigeon from Elv'eng of Deepwater, telling me, that Jacob the Druid had arrived in Deepwater. He also mentioned, that a strange hooded figure had given him a rusty key ... to what unlock, or who the stranger was, he did nay know. Of course I was curious, locked away the parchments and prepared for a quick visit to Deepwater.

Upon arriving there I just caught a glimpse of Jacob, telling the people: "The entrance lies near the shrine of honor.", before he retired to the tavern. Not quite knowing what was going on, I inquired and was told, that a party of the Guardsmen Militia, along with Elv'eng already had left fer the shrine, south of Trinsic, the city of honor. After opening a gate to Spiritwood to bring in some reinforcement from the Custodes Fati, we followed the others ...

When I arrived at the shrine of honor, I was greeted by a couple of well known faces, while an excited milita officer yelled orders to move on to a ruin to the south, where a couple of undead creatures had been spotted by their scouts. Slowly the gathered folks moved on, chatting and exchanging information till we suddenly found ourselves in the midst of a battlefield! Skeletons, ghostly figures and scaly lizards all around us, pouring out from an ancient ruin. Of course, in the end, they were no match to our superior forces and quickly the area was cleaned from the lurking evils. Searching the place we stumbled upon an ancient scroll: "The Legion has fallen to Darkhen ... ne ... fore ... until a simple man ...". Sadly this was all we could read from that ancient parchment. But this was nay all we found there ... on an olden stone pentagram there stood a dark crystal ball, clearly radiating ancient magics of unknown origins.

But what now? I heard someone mention, that before Jacob retired he told the people, that the name of Darkhen's ancient enemy was a key of some kind. I tried a few names springing to my mind, but they did have nay an effect on the crystal. But finally, like an inner voice, I knew I had found the key and whispered the name ... Anathema. Blackness ... a cool breeze and utter silence was surrounding me fer a few seconds, before I found myself standing in a narrow passage in a place unknown to me.

I was alone ... feeling quite uneasy and cursing silently I glanced around the place. It was cold .. and the place badly lit ... "Somewhere in the mountains fer sure.", I thought, thinking of my cloak, I left at home in Spiritwood. In the room ahead, I could see a black pentagram and behind that ... a daemon, encaged, imprisoned and luckily facing the other direction. Suddenly, as if emerging from the shadows, a white haired man appeared, telling me to leave this place before his master would return! I asked, who his master was, but the stranger only replied, that I well knew who he was and disappeared as fast as he came. After that encounter more and more people started to pour into the narrow passage ... and I was pleased of course to have company in that dreaded place.

Since the daemon seemed to be no threat we continued to explore the rooms beyond the passage leading west. We arrived in a small room, which looked like some kind of bedroom, with armor scattered around and a locked chest at the western wall. Elv'eng, quickly remembering the key he was given by that stranger, tried to unlock the ancient chest .. and it worked! Inside the chest we found two ancient tomes, one we knew very well, the Tome of the Crimson Serpent, but the other new to us. I started to read fer the curious crowd that had gathered around us:

Legions of the Noble Sphere
by Circle Leader Oriel

Since the first days of metal armor, we have been wearing this new material. It is still not comfortable to me, and I prefer the simple leather, but our foes are many, and our numbers are few. We have dedicated ourselves to the shrine of honor, which we helped to build. It will not be long that the first darkness comes. The dragons have been most helpful, but they say that there is nothing they can do to stop the three darknesses predicted. It is said too, in legend, that one day the world will be torn asunder, and one side dead with the evil of Manaxis... or something like him. For now, it is all we can do to keep back the hordes of red monsters sent against us. We seek his mountain lair and have followed him from the shrine, for we know the entrance is nearby.

The next entry seems to have a date, but it is obscured

The battle went poorly, I fear. Most of us lay slain on the field by the ancient evils, dragons and daemons, that he had transformed. The few that are left cannot fight much longer. I leave this journal in the hope that someone ... somewhere ... sometime ... will be able to again raise the banner of honor over the lands we love so much.

... 22
Death is imminent. I have not long. I will hide this journal in the ruins of one of our buildings. Darkhen is dead. Destroyed by his own evils that men turned against him with an ancient gypsie curse. Something about the number seven. Yet ... he is not dead. The stone he created, the Hatestone, contains his soul. I have seen it in the secret place. Someday, some fool may stumble on it and pick it up.

I pray that my journa....

The rest of the pages are bloodstained and unreadable.

More riddles, I thought, rubbing my chin thoughtfully while casting a glance at the people around. After a few moments the silent was broken by people voicing their conclusions and ideas, but most was purest speculation at this time. After reading parts of the Serpent's Tome as well, we came to the conclusion, that we had discovered all there was to find in this place, but one thing ... where was a way out of this place?! Upon returning to the main chamber we arrived in time to hear utter Dogei the name of Darkhen in reverse, before he disappeared before our eyes. Doing the same ... we followed right into hell itself!

The place we emerged was illuminated by fire deamons and a vortex roaming through the room, gazing at us fer a few seconds before they attacked. The battle down there was fierce and long and a many brave souls left their lives ... and hopefully nay more as one by one these spawns of hell attacked in sheer uncountable numbers. The battle was won ... at last ... but glancing around I wondered about if it was worth the losses.

On a table nearby, covered with reagents and vials containing strange liquids, I discovered a book, a book written by Darkhen himself, entitled Alchemycal Solutions and Permutation:

Transformations of any creature or even humand may be done quite easily with the right ingredients. You must mix up equal parts of ground mandrake, blood of the innocent, a vial of moss extract, 3 leaves of nightshade, two berries of the plant, and a powder of the wyrm's heart. With this mixture any creature may be brought under your control. They shall not attack you, and can be made to serve you and to destroy your enemies. I shall leave this book where only I may find it, when next my spirit takes some poor mortal's form.

It is said, that I shall be killed by my own magic, but I do not believe such a thing is possible. However, to guard against such eventuality, I shall record all my work and my formulaes here. Anathema shall give me her hearts, for they have the most power of any. I shall hunt her down and drink her blood myself. I swear it by the dark Serpent who I follow. (the rest of the pages are torn out)

(editors note: The exact amount of components described in the book were made unreadable by the author of this document fer good reasons OOC: The formulare is only known to those who read the original book!)

While reading that obscure work, that sprang from a mind most insane, I heard strange sounds from a neighbouring room, where a few warriors already had gathered to open the door. Beyond the door, we saw a flickering portal, nay one I've seen before, nay blue, nor read, but changing colors all the time, and emerging from it ... more creatures! Knowing, that we could nay hold this place fer long we slowly retreated one by one ... 

... back to our homes to study what he had found this day and mayhaps find a way to hinder Darkhen Irae from summoning the final darkness upon our beloved lands.

May the virtues protect us all!
Pad O'Lion

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Posted on Tuesday, April 24, 2001, 3:14 PM EDT by Pad O'Lion (Europa)

Europa Olympics
>>> Trammel Facet News <<<A note from Arthan:

Arthan's Tower (Trammel) - UOlympics
It's only a small tower and it's not that much... but it's the home of the mage Arthan.
But finally he will be making his contribution to the community.
Soon I will organise the first (and hopefully 2 monthly) UOlympic Games
This event is still being worked out and finetuned but here is what we have planned so far.
- It is an open event, anyone who likes to will soon be able to sign up at Arthan's Tower
  Participation fee : 250 gold per event
- To participate you will have to join the olympic Guild (for PvP events)
- The game will go on for 5 days
- Every 1st, 2nd and 3rd place winner will receive a medal which would be GM crafted by our own Tinker/Smith
- For winning an event, the prizes would be as follows
     1st place : 2500 gold
     2nd place : 1000 gold
     3rd place : 500 gold
   and ofcourse every contestant would receive a small packet opun completing an event as a reminder
- Every winner will receive a title
- Weapons/Equipment will be handed out on site
  you are not allowed to bring your own armor/weapons
- When participating in PvP events, players will be sparring for 2 minutes (without healing)
  when time is up, our medical staff will patch everyone up and make sure everyone will be at
  full strength for the next event (we will make sure no one will die)
- Only weapons that inflict low damage will used for PvP events
- Magic is absolutely forbidden
  when casting magic during the games without permission you will be disqualified
- The Game will take place in and around Arthan's Tower and in the Forests of Yew
- All events will be supervised
Events we have so far
- Knife Throwing (darting)
- PvP Contests (PIT)
   Archery contest
   General Sparring contest (skill(s) of choice)
- Horse Race
- 100yrd Dash (by foot)
- Beer Drinking contest
- Water Run (filling barrels of water as soon as possible)
- Reg Gathering Contest
- Brewing contest (alchemy)

Before the game starts we will have a small gathering where questions can be asked and the rules
will be explained for each event. Ofcourse you will be provided with enough drinks and food.
At the end of each day we will end the night with a few laughs and tales over some good ale (and more food).
So, this is what we have so far, but -like i said earlier- we are still working out details of how, what and where.
I'll update this post as soon as possible :)
(with dates, places, time & more details and ofcourse about the opening of Arthan's Tower)

Sounds Grand.

Posted on Tuesday, April 24, 2001, 2:26 PM EDT by Marshall Drakan (Europa)

UO3D Patch 62 Coming Soon
It looks like Patch 62 for UO3D will be coming soon. Here's a note from Tajima about it:
If testing goes well version 62 should be posted by the end of the week.

It will have some new and improved art, as well as some crash bug and memory leak fixes.

-Tajima [Producer, Ultima Online]

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Posted on Tuesday, April 24, 2001, 2:05 PM EDT by Joshua Rowan (GeneralNews)

Do you know this place?
Hail and well met fellow Britannians!  "Bones" McCoy coming at you with a friendly little contest that the Sonoma staff wants to throw out at you.  It's called "Where's Here?!"  A contest where you, the reader, are challenged by us, the staff, in trying to locate the scribeshot we're showing you.

What do you get for trying to find this place?  Why an easy 10,000 gold check, that's what.  Depending on how much of a response we get and the toughness of the location given, it may determain if the prize is worth more.  But don't count on it.  Vladimir is such a copper pincher.

What are the rules?  That's easy.  The first person who successfully sends in to the staff a cropped scribeshot, wins.  Please include not only the sextant coordinates and facet you're in, but your name in the scribeshot as well.  How much more simple can that be than that?  We will be running this contest once every two weeks with a new scribeshot location being placed here every Monday evening.

When a winner is submitted, we will post their scribeshot and the time that we received it and please, check the Sonoma page here and see if a winner has been posted.  If you see that ones been named, please dont send your entries in since the contest will be over at that point.

We will be keeping track of the time it takes for a winner to be entered and let you know who has the fastest time.  If 10,000 gold isn't your cup of tea, then perhaps we can offer you a personal interview, which I will do personally, and not by some cheap impersonator, like Vladimir does sometimes.  It's your choice.  So with all that in mind, WHERE'S HERE?!

Good Luck and may the best, fastest scribeshot win!

Oh, by the way, in case you were wondering, I am one of the new Reporters for the shard.  Yeah, Vladimir finally decided to pay me for all the hard work I've been doing.  Well, sorta pay me.
*looks at his three silver pieces for posting this news item*

If you want to know more about me, you can always look at my staff profile on the bottom of the menu bar. I'll give you a silver piece. *holds up a silver piece*

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Posted on Tuesday, April 24, 2001, 1:41 PM EDT by Bones McCoy (Sonoma)

2D Client Patch 3.0.0g
The following was posted to FYI:
We will be releasing a client patch on April 24th at approximately 12:00 pm CDT. This client patch will fix a bug related to switching to 800x600 resolution. This patch is for the 2D client only. The 3D client build number remains 3.0.0f.

If you have any difficulty receiving this patch, please check the following:
  • Check the “Patch” directory within your Ultima Online directory (the default location is C:\\Program Files\Ultima Online\Patch). This directory should be empty. Any files in this directory should be deleted.
  • If you are unable to connect to the patch server at all, and are using an original (Non-T2A) version of Ultima Online, you may need to update your verinfo file. For details on updating this file, please see the information posted at
  • Run a virus scan on your computer. Undetected viruses may cause conflicts with patching Ultima Online. For information on up-to-date virus detection software, please visit
If after trying the above, you are still experiencing difficulty patching the Ultima Online client, please contact Technical Support at

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Posted on Tuesday, April 24, 2001, 12:58 PM EDT by Joshua Rowan (GeneralNews)

Attacks on Edinburgh Continue
>>> Trammel Facet News <<<Niamb Goldenhair had delivered this latest scroll in the trials of the village of Edinburgh.

The peace of Edinburgh was short-lived as attacks have resumed on the village. Recent attacks have included a number of hell hounds. The revered Paladin, Martel Nevarre visited the Whispering Pines recently. It is Nevarre's opinion that the presence of these hell hounds points to the involvement of Baron Malek Nocturnis. Nocturnis began life as a mortal man and pursued the interest of training hunting dogs. At some point, however, he became involved with the Necromari and returned one day not as a man, but as a lich lord and trainer of hell hounds. Rumors have been heard that the Baron was sighted in Satamarin, though these have not been confirmed. We know not why he would attack our village, unless he has taken up the cause of the Necromari against the descendants of those who once opposed them. In the meantime, villagers begin again to sleep with their weapons close at hand.

Naimb Goldenhair
Mayor of Edinburgh

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Posted on Tuesday, April 24, 2001, 11:44 AM EDT by Rebellion (Catskills)

Another Perspective on the Memorial to Scaramandine II
>>> Trammel Facet News <<<King Giot contacted me concerning the recent report of the Memorial for Scaramandine II. He wished the following added.

I would like to be takin this time to send in a brief word on the vigil for Scaramandine II. It doth seem to have fallen upon the wronged ears, that the one that has sent in the news failed to mention many a word about this occasion. I being one in attendance, although new to these lands, stood upon the eastern wall and listened to the words spoken by many of those in attendance.

The good Sir Watts, whom for a friend set up all that we did witness, was first to speak. He spoke many a word to those in the congregation of all that Scaramandine II was to him, and that he shant ‘er be forgot. One could see from the words spoke by the wee dwarf that many a tear entered the people’s eye. One such eye that shed a single tear was that of the Lady Deminatza. As she took to the front of the congregation and spoke of her love for the newly departed Scaramandine II, more tears were witnessed in the eye of those around the shrine of Sacrifice. Standing from my position on the eastern wall, I too had wiped many a tear from my own eye, from the words spoke, one could attest that Scaramandine II was a good man, and all be it that when I came above ground a short time ago, I did nay care much for the humans, now, seeing how these ones cared, and the way this man Scaramandine II touched their very lifes and souls, one can attest this man was a good human, and nay ‘er shall be forgot.

May his resting place be blessed, and may his heart know that those that called him friend, shall continue to do so til the ends of time.

~ King Giot, King of the Underground Dwarves.

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Posted on Tuesday, April 24, 2001, 11:39 AM EDT by Rebellion (Catskills) Revamps Their Site
It looks like we have an all new on our hands. This just in from Redlowwinski: has been revamped and updated from front to back. Including a new survey for April, more of your favorite 'unique' images, new banners, and of course a brand new UO Soap Opera: As Britannia Turns - Episode 21. For those new to, I highly suggest reading the front page disclaimer. For the reason that we are not a family-safe website (nor will we ever be one), and for other reasons that will become obvious if you don't read closely enough.

Yes.. go my children.. to my site. Good.
*prepares to harvest souls*

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Posted on Tuesday, April 24, 2001, 10:25 AM EDT by Joshua Rowan (CandidCoverage)

l33t Player Killers Website
Thanks to Nexus for alerting us about a new fansite dedicated to the Player Killers of the world. Here's what he had to say:
I'm writing to tell you about a new website dedicated to player killing and pvp combat in mmorpgs:

We support all mmorpgs, including Ultima Online!

Please alert the player killers in your community to the presence of this new movement.

Posted on Tuesday, April 24, 2001, 10:21 AM EDT by Joshua Rowan (CommunityNews)

New @ Stratics - 04/23/01

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Posted on Tuesday, April 24, 2001, 10:11 AM EDT by Joshua Rowan (GeneralNews)

Getting Hitched? Get Some Pics!
We received the following...
Hail I am NerZhul TheMage from the Shard of Lake Superior!

I have just recently become infatuated with UO weddings and being the photographer!

I am submiting this information to you hoping that you will help me in my advertising of my Services for the Lake Superior shard!

A website to show my photography and making images can be found at

The pictures are rather big *not too big* but need to be so I can read the happenings on the journal!

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Posted on Monday, April 23, 2001, 11:23 PM EDT by Beans Baxter (LakeSuperior)

Archaelogical Expedition to Khaldun Thursday
>>> Felucca Facet News <<<We received the following...
Britannian Archaeological Expedition

Date: Thursday, April 26th, 2001
Time: 9:30pm, CST
Starting Location: High Council Office in Magincia, Felucca Facet; Coordinates: 42* 27' South, 164* 52' East

Dear citizens of Britannia,

In the past, an expedition into the depths of the now famous Khal Ankur's Tomb, called by some Khaldun, has led to the disappearance of four renown Britannian archaeologists, Morg Bergen, Tavara Sewel, Grimmoch Drummel and Lysander Gathenwale, as well as their assistants and crew. This tragedy has not gone unnoticed by the High Council, nor has their brave task been forgotten.

On the eve of Thursday, April 26th, at 9:30pm CST, another team shall gather with hopes of finding clues to the fates of these heroes, and to finish the task of charting the tombs as they had set out to do. In preparation for the dangers which will be faced, a force of warriors from the Order of the Silver Serpent have been asked to aid in the defense of the expedition, but this may not be nearly enough.

I would like to open a call to all valiant adventurers and warriors of the realm, to join in this quest to carry on where my colleagues could not. Shortly after gathering at the High Council office we shall set out to enter the tombs, with hopes of finding both signs of the lost archaeologists, and also with the task of finding unknown secrets which have been buried in the tomb for ages. All treasure found within the tomb itself may be claimed by those who found it, and I shall personally give rewards of gold to those who discover new information of archaeological significance, or information regarding the former expedition and it's team. Any questions may be sent to me, at: I look forward to seeing the faces of the many noble citizens of Britannia on Thursday. Thank you.

Sincerely, Lady Aine Blackwood,
3rd Seat, Yew
High Council of Britannia

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Posted on Monday, April 23, 2001, 11:15 PM EDT by Beans Baxter (LakeSuperior)

Comments from the Team - Evocare
Another Comments from the Team today, this one from Evocare:

As you likely know from the team comments heading, I go by the name of Evocare and I am a designer for Ultima Online. In my time at Origin, I’ve had the pleasure of working on a variety of game systems for both Ultima Online and the game formerly known as Ultima Online 2, and as a result I’d like to take some time to bore you with some game system theory. ;]

One of my primary goals here at Origin is to take a holistic approach the design of game systems. In order to deliver the best possible play experience, it’s crucial that we have a keen understanding of how each game system relates to other game systems. The idea is to create and maintain a web of essentially symbiotic game system relationships so that the combination of systems becomes dramatically more interesting and compelling than the sum of the value of each individually. Beyond creating an interesting and deep game world, one of the greatest benefits of this approach is the ability to deliver the aforementioned experience with a minimum of complexity and clutter when compared to a game of equal depth that is comprised of largely unrelated game systems.

Now that you’ve been given a mouthful of buzzwords, I’ll attempt to turn it into some tangible and useful information. Currently, Ultima Online has a foundation of basic game systems that establish the groundwork for your play experience. Although these systems are reasonably interesting on their own, they become considerably more interesting when meaningful relationships between them are developed. You can see this kind of relationship between the guild and housing systems, in that a guildstone must be located within a house. A result of this interaction is that the value of the guild system is compounded by the interesting qualities of the housing system (and vice versa), since players must work with the elements of attempting to establish a guild while balancing those desires with their housing needs. An example of one of the housing system’s effects on the guild system hinges on the ability of the players to (among other things) declare houses as public or private buildings, since it creates a meaningful meta-game in which a guild can make use of the “public” feature in order to have an open gathering environment, or the “private” feature in order to use the guild house as a sort of retreat from the outside world (all the while balancing the needs of the guild against the challenges of obtaining the best possible house type).

At this point, you may be wondering what this has to do with the future of Ultima Online, how it is that we can expect to see this type of approach provide benefits to the existing game world, and why it isn’t like that already! Without giving away too much detail, we’d like to see Ultima Online evolve its current system design into a more cohesive whole, where the distinctions between systems blur as their interactions are built upon and encouraged to grow! Although this has been an elusive goal due in large part to the realities of live game maintenance and changing faces among the development team, I believe that as time goes on, you (the players) will see a gradual and noticeable refinement of the game systems within Ultima Online. Hopefully, this will translate into a more cohesive and fun game.

Take care!

Tom “Evocare” Chilton
Designer, Ultima Online

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Posted on Monday, April 23, 2001, 8:49 PM EDT by Joshua Rowan (GeneralNews)

Stormhaven Scavenger Hunt
>>> Trammel Facet News <<<This was just dropped into my in-box.
Hail Citizens of Britannia!!

Stormhaven is proud to announce their sixth weekly Warrior/Mage Scavenger Hunt.

The rules are simple. You will first be handed a special colored bag. In the bag will be a book telling you what items you must find. We will then gate you to the pre-designated area. The first one to complete the list, place the items in the bag, and then turn in the bag to the referees at the site wins. This will not be as easy as it seems since many will be after the same thing you are and will be attacking the same prey. Are you fast at looting?!

Special Rules:

Registration is unlimited.
Battle pets such as dragons, wyrms, drakes and nightmares are not allowed. Barding is permissible; however, this event is fast and others will be attacking your barded prey.
Attacking the same prey while others have targeted it is permissible.
You must not leave the pre-designated area.
Please! No cheating. This is a fun event for all and if you cheat you are simply proving what an idiot you are and you will be barred from events of this nature in the future.

There will be four chests loaded with checks, magic weapons, semi-rares, mage supplies, home add-ons, filled kegs, and Grandmaster manufactured goods.
  • First place may pick 3 items total from the 4 chests

  • Second place may pick 2 items total from the 4 chests

  • Third place may pick 1 item total from the 4 chests

Special Note: All magic weapons are Force or above. Therefore, no id wands will be allowed while choosing from the magic weapon chest.

This weeks hunt is rather challenging so come prepared.

Date: Monday, April 23, 2001

Time: 7:00 Pacific, 9:00 Central

Location: StormWatch Tower/Tavern – Stormhaven

Coordinates: 62o 13’N, 53o 43’E

Hosts for the event: Tay’loren and members of the Gendarmes

Hope to see you there and remember,



Stormhaven Sovereign

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Posted on Monday, April 23, 2001, 6:32 PM EDT by Pelle Svanslos (NapaValley)

2D Client Patch 3.0.0e
The following was just posted to FYI:
We will be releasing a client patch on April 23rd at approximately 11:00 am CDT. The client patch will include the following: The translation server will no longer pop up a dialog box when it encounters a missing language pair.
  • A crash caused by trying to plot a course on a map between two identical locations.
  • A fix for the "Unknown Packet Oops" dialog crash. Other random crashes.
  • This patch is for the 2D client only. The 3D client build number remains 3.0.0f.
If you have any difficulty receiving this patch, please check the following: Check the “Patch” directory within your Ultima Online directory (the default location is C:\\Program Files\Ultima Online\Patch). This directory should be empty. Any files in this directory should be deleted. If you are unable to connect to the patch server at all, and are using an original (Non-T2A) version of Ultima Online, you may need to update your verinfo file. For details on updating this file, please see the information posted at Run a virus scan on your computer. Undetected viruses may cause conflicts with patching Ultima Online. For information on up-to-date virus detection software, please visit If after trying the above, you are still experiencing difficulty patching the Ultima Online client, please contact Technical Support at .

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Posted on Monday, April 23, 2001, 5:43 PM EDT by Joshua Rowan (GeneralNews)

640x480 Window Size Issue
After the latest patch many of you started encountering a problem with the window size. Melantus just advised us of the following in regard to the the issue:
There have been several reports about a resolution size problem, forcing to 640x480 mode. We are working on this and have a fix being tested now. As soon as I know more, we will post it to the UO update pages. Thanks and sorry for this inconvenience.

Online Community Coordinator
Ultima Online

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Posted on Monday, April 23, 2001, 5:40 PM EDT by Joshua Rowan (GeneralNews)

Food, Drink and Naked Folks
>>> Felucca Facet News <<<I found this scroll on my doorstep today…

From Desdemona:

Krista’s Ranger Station will celebrate the third annual Beltane festival at that location on May 1st, from 9p to 11p by the Central Sky.  This festival officially allows for “naked cavorting folks”, so leave our clothing at home!

The festival will also feature food and drink, free cookbooks and a blessing for those in spiritual need.  Any couples that fall into deep, passionate love with each other may see Desdemona for a handfasting (that’s a marriage or engagement that lasts a year and a day).

The Ranger Station is on the Felucca shard, southeast of Yew Abbey’s “bank” side.  There’s a farmhouse at the end of a road about halfway there.  The coordinates are 59° 14’N  34° 44’W.  For more information contact “Krista” at ICQ 24124261.

Now that sounds like quite a party: food, drink and naked folks.  Last year’s was a smash hit with the local residents, and I am certain this year’s will be just as exciting.

~Barth VanDorn

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Posted on Monday, April 23, 2001, 4:56 PM EDT by Barth VanDorn (GreatLakes)

Ultima Online Celebrity Chat Tonight
Join us today, April 23rd, 2001 at 7:00pm CST in #Ultima-Online for an Ultima Online Celebrity Chat located on Stratics IRC. Our Special guest this week will be Den, the creator of He will be here to answer any questions you'd like to ask him. So feel free and stop by in #Ultima-Online on Stratics IRC. #Ultima-Online is the 24 hour chatroom brought to you by Stratics IRC.

Never been on Stratics-IRC before? It's simple! Download an IRC client, such as mIRC and connect to one of the following servers:

  • Once you've connected, type /join #Ultima-Online. As an alternative, you can use the Stratics Java IRC client, here

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  • Posted on Monday, April 23, 2001, 4:38 PM EDT by Xena Dragon (CommunityNews)

    Mystery of the Unknown Jester
    Ug Hummies!

    Not everyone takes life in Britannia as seriously as you or I. Why, just the other day, I saw a man who called himself "The Amazing Chicken" wandering around the Britain bank droping gold like he was laying eggs. And then today, I received the following notice from a jester who calls himself Hehe and Lol:

    Hail and good tidings! It is I, the wondering comedian! I will be in and around Brit to liven up the masses. You can follow the music of laughter to find me. Each day, I strive to find new companions to liven up there day, and hopefully leave them with a smile on their face and straining stomach muscles.

    My identity is unkown, but know this, he who has a run in with me will have a good moment! I will be posting you with bulletins of my upcoming adventures for I am fairly new to Legends and plan on adventuring with many and leaving a trail of laughing comrades in my wake.

    For instance, this last week, while in the Graveyard, I warned the Young ones to watch out for the red monster that does appear, afterwards I morphed into the body of a great daemon and proceeded to chase the young ones around the yard. Ah, such comedy! Who could resist but to laugh?

    Well, orcs aren't exactly known for their sense of humor, but I always enjoy a good polymorph spell.

    Praise Minax!

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    Posted on Monday, April 23, 2001, 4:22 PM EDT by Ithunk (LegendsAOL)

    A Tale of Tragic Loss
    Ug Hummies!

    Not many of you know this, but when not writing for AOL Legends Stratics, I make my living as a simple bowyer. Yes, I use every feather from every pigeon you folks send me. Anyhow, my point is, as a bowyer, there are some thing I've grown attached to: My knife, my hatchet, my duct tape, et al. For this reason, my heart was touched when I received the following message from King Woodsman:

    Hail reader!

    My name is King Woodsmen. I write this as a final respect to my great friend. Now this is not a person; This great friend was my hatchet. It was given to me at my birth and I have kept it ever since. Alas, a few days ago, my great hatchet was lost. While out chopping in the woods of Moonglow my great hatchet fell apart in my hands. As it did I dropped to my knees and sobbed over my lost friend. You may call me pathetic but you would feal the same for something you have had your whole life. As I was there I dug a shallow hole and buried the pieces. Now I wonder this great land look for a new hatchet that I can call a friend.

    I, for one, wept a tear for King Woodsman for I, like him, lack the Blacksmithing skills to keep my hatchet in good shape. I weep for all woodsmen who have lost hatchets! Weep with me now! It might look like I am de-feathering King Woodsman's pigeon, but I promise I am weeping on the inside.

    Praise Minax!

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    Posted on Monday, April 23, 2001, 2:44 PM EDT by Ithunk (LegendsAOL)

    Terdeus Hall Grand Reopening
    >>> Trammel Facet News <<<This Friday, 4/20/2001, Sauron held a Grand Reopening of Terdeus Hall. A sizable crowd turned out to enjoy the festivities which included a scavenger hunt, relay race, riddle contest, best dressed contest, drinking relay, and random trivia.

    By the end of the night most of the guests had won a prize! Sauron announced that Terdeus Hall will now have gambling events regularly. So you should drop by and try your luck.

    Sauron also said "I would like to also extend a thank you to all the people who donated items to be given away at the event." Indeed it was a fun night for all!

    Terdeus Hall now offers gambling be sure to visit and play "Strike it Rich". The jackpot starts off at 110K, and slowly builds up. The objective is to guess 3 rolls of the dice in order. So you guess three numbers, each 2-12, and if they come up in the order you said them, you win the jackpot. The jackpot grows with each bet, and it only costs 100 gp per try! Terdeus Hall and the Mystic Mead Tavern worked together to create this exciting new game.

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    Posted on Monday, April 23, 2001, 1:38 PM EDT by Cymidei Fier (Baja)

    A Battle in Dreamstone
    >>> Felucca Facet News <<<

    We received this report from Angel of Marlit, the Emissary of Dreamstone:

    Last night, a meeting was held between representatives of Dreamstone and her allies - the Skara Brae Rangers, The Alliance and the Duchy of Trinsic. We gathered to discuss our troubles in Dreamstone, in particular those originating from the Ilythiiri Dobluth Empire and their allies, and how best we could prepare and defend ourselves against our enemies. 

    Just as we were nearing the end of our talks however, I heard something that sent a shiver up my spine. As I glanced out of the window I almost had to force my heart to keep beating as a portal appeared at the front of the Tavern and a great army of Drow and their allies from Naeloth arrived in Dreamstone. Members of the Spectral Court and Outcasts of Eldamar also gathered with them. I collected my mount and went to meet our visitors. 

    On the patio stood the Drow leader. One who calls himself Tars D'Tarkas. He has already scarred my family deeply in the past, and finding him on our doorstep filled me with hatred and fear in equal measure. I was not willing to allow him into the Tavern, despite his thinly veiled attempts at being friendly towards us. His disguise soon fell however, as he lost patience and screamed a terrifying battle cry that launched an attack the likes of which Dreamstone had never experienced until this night. We fought hard, determined to protect our town, and a number of our enemy fell. However in the end, the surprise and strength of the attack left us with a decimated defence and I was forced to retire for the night leaving my sister Ailsa to join what allied forces we could gather to mount our own attack upon Naeloth and avenge our fallen defenders… 

    Once gathered, they journeyed to Fire Isle and made their way to the very heart of the dark city itself. Soon a sea of Drow and their allies rushed out and a long and arduous battle began. Drow attacked from almost every side it seemed, and our plans of victory slowly crumbled as the Drow and their allies fought relentlessly against our attack and once more brought us to our knees. Many of their defenders fell, but they managed to survive with the strength to beat us back until we had no choice but to admit our defeat once more. We returned home with the wounded and weary, leaving the healers to do their work. 

    Dreamstone will not cower in fear from Naeloth and her people. The losses we have felt at the hands of these folk cannot be brushed away or denied. Together with our allies we must make it clear that these attacks upon us are unacceptable and will not go without punishment. 'Tis the very least our grieving families deserve..."

    Angel of Marlit
    Dreamstone Emissary

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    Posted on Monday, April 23, 2001, 1:22 PM EDT by Pad O'Lion (Europa)

    OTS Announces Dungeon Crawl
    >>> Trammel Facet News <<<This announcement was just received from Steve Irwin
    Event: OTS Dungeon Crawl When: Saturday, April 28,2001 5:30 PST

    I would like to invite one and all to the very first OTS Dungeon Crawl. You do not have to be in the OTS to take part in the event. We will be choosing a random dungeon by a clever little system (Thank you Mage Tower). About thirty minutes before 5:30 I will be gating to Lord British's Castle from banks of all towns. (We are meeting at Castle British) Once we have all arived we will pick a dungeon. Gates will then be opened to the entrance of the dungeon.

    After every one gets there and a round of Nightsite Spells we will go in the dungeon. We will work our way down to the bottom of the dungeon killing every thing in sight. I personaly will help you get your stuff from your fallen body if needed and Im sure every one else will also. After we are done cleaning out the dungeon gates will be provided to The Mystic Mead. At The Mystic Mead there will be a dart contest for a large pot (15,000 gold last week I think) and a few rounds of Bjorn's Brew. After every one has had their limit gates will be provided back to town.

    Steve Irwin
    General of All Bards
    Children of The Seas

    Thankye Steve

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    Posted on Monday, April 23, 2001, 1:11 PM EDT by Cymidei Fier (Baja)

    Durham Stargazer Interviews Fritzy and Don Calo Part IV
    >>> Felucca Facet News <<<Durham Stargazer of UO Journal sent in this interview
    Part IV At this point Fritzy joined us.

    Durham Stargazer: Greetings

    Don Calo: What did you think of us before you came to the interview?

    Durham Stargazer: That I better run if I see you if I am alone, and that I better call for friends.

    Don Calo: (Laughs hard at this point.) I like that, the call for friends part, the more the better. I like the chase.

    Durham Stargazer: Well GI seems to like being in Britain, so they love to come hunt you guys.

    Don Calo: Good we like that, but in TB you are one of the main targets, but it's not personal.

    Fritzy: Durham you're our main target in TB's

    Don Calo: We just like it! (Laughs) you and Longshot!

    Durham Stargazer: Well to be honest I always hate when we kill you guys! Well I mean Fritzy I don't think we have gotten Don Calo very often. I know there is a lot of GI who would rather hunt you than go after others because you have killed them multiple times.

    Fritzy: (laughs)

    Don Calo: (laughs)

    Fritzy: They always go after me. Some thing about me talking a lot of smack.

    Don Calo: Fritzy always gets focused on!

    Fritzy: I never do

    Durham Stargazer: nods agreeing with Don. I am not sure why that is.

    Don Calo: Sure you do Fritzy and you rez kill more than me, oh, I love killing horses.

    Durham Stargazer: What has been you best hunt day?

    Don Calo: We gained about 100 points each in one day.

    Durham Stargazer: wow

    Don Calo: It depends there are less players now or so it seems, it seemed like everyone was running around in there little groups, now they are more focused, which is good, better tactic

    Fritzy: I know there all bunched up around guards!

    Don Calo: lol we don't like those guards! But that's a good tactic to have them there.

    Durham Stargazer: So what about total kills in day?

    Don Calo: Well recently not many haven't been out much lately, however I would at least 100 per weekend people killed not including rez killing.

    Fritzy: We play none stop, for two hours hitting all towns and dungeons. But mainly Britain

    Don Calo: We have the whole town marked with runes already

    Fritzy: We have to separate you guys it is our best chance

    Don Calo: shhh Fritzy

    Fritzy: We like when you run!!

    Don Calo: Actually we like you in a group better.

    Durham Stargazer: I like me a bigger group with you guys around, not that it always help.

    Don Calo: We like the action, I know some people see us being from more of an evil side. And that is how we really like to play.

    Fritzy: Why don't you kill don and take a picture hehe

    Don Calo: lol

    Durham Stargazer: laughs, you mean try, I am not really that good.

    Don Calo: Damn it Fritzy don't make me paralyze you.

    Fritzy: I'll help you Durham!!

    Durham Stargazer: laughs, who wins between you two

    Don Calo: Me

    Fritzy: Don

    Durham Stargazer: Always??

    Fritzy: I'm not that good.

    Don Calo: Pretty much

    Fritzy: Not!!

    Don Calo: I hate dueling though, but I have done it for the record.

    Fritzy: Me too, takes too long

    Don Calo: Dueling now a days takes forever! If you fight someone with decent skills, the one way to kill them is if they run out of supplies. In that much time we can kill 20 people

    Don Calo: and Longshot Part V Tomorrow The Final Chapter.

    Thankye, Durham Stargazer

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    Posted on Monday, April 23, 2001, 1:04 PM EDT by Cymidei Fier (Baja)

    The Pirates Brawl
    >>> Felucca Facet News <<<A tired pilot passed this scroll to me as I passed him in the streets.

    The United Pirates held their first Pirates Brawl on Sunday. Twelve teams of two battled it out in Red Skull Bay to see who could claim the title of the best. There was some brutal fights but in the end, only 3 teams made it to the finals.

    The finalists were Gaia Zambre and Hyn of the Shadowlords Faction, Gryphon and Monatron of The Turks [MHX] and Necare and Bayle Domon of The Britons [Brt]. The second place prize of 20k went to Gaia Zambre and Hyn, while Necare and Bayle Domon took the first place prize of 50k. The Pirates are planning another Brawl to take place in the comming months. Good job to all who entered the competition.

    -Samuel Novus [UP]

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    Posted on Monday, April 23, 2001, 12:04 PM EDT by Rebellion (Catskills)

    Report from Melantus after Cincinnati
    Melantus just posted this onto the official Discussions Board:
    I'm back from the Cincinnati player lunch, and had a good time. It was a good constructive luncheon and everyone there was nice. [added: I'll write up some of the notes I took and post them here] I'll be trying to catch up on email (something I am trying to do better at), and a bit later today I'll be back on the boards to see what is going on.

    Two things we have been working on, packet error and a reported memory leak for Third Dawn. I think we are making great progress on these and I will hopefully have more info on them later today. I just want to double check on them before commenting.

    Atlantic has had some problems that we are closely looking at. The distributed backup system appears to be ok, but was changed back to the old system just as a precautionary measure to diagnose another area server problem that was occurring. We are still tracking this one down. What this means is that "timewarping" will still be noticed as in the past if the shard crashes, because the new quicker backup system is not turned on.

    I have a large list of things we have fixed and will be publishing soon, which we will put into the "testing for next update". I have a few things to do today, so I will be back in a bit to talk more. :)

    Online Community Coordinator
    Ultima Online

    As Mel adds more to his post, we'll keep you updated!

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    Posted on Monday, April 23, 2001, 11:57 AM EDT by Joshua Rowan (GeneralNews)

    Memorial Held for Scaramandine II
    >>> Trammel Facet News <<<This unsigned message was left tacked on my door. It appears to be the work of Niamb Goldenhair, Mayor of Edinburgh.

    Knowing that it well could mean his own end, Scar II cast the Spell of Banishment upon Scaramandine the Elder, Sunday evening. At that same moment, the Elder was casting a spell upon Scar II to transfer his soul into the younger man's body. The Spell of Banishment took effect as the Elder's soul was in the process of transmigration between the two bodies. As both bodies contained some part of the Elder, the Spell of Banishment took effect on both men and they were thrust irrevocably into the Abyss. With the banishment of Scaramandine the Elder, the people of Edinburgh were freed from his wonton attacks against their village. Now villagers and others of the Justice Alliance gathered to honor the sacrifice of Scaramandine II.

    A wake followed the service, at the Whispering Pines Tavern in Edinburgh. As the hour grew late and friends departed for their homes, an attack of undead and hell hounds descended upon the village. Rallying those of the Justice Alliance, these attacks were beaten off only to be followed by an attack of evil mages. A strange shrine appeared in front of the dungeon of Wrong, containing an ankh like that at the Shrine of Sacrafice. As villagers examined this strange phenomena, it vanished before their very eyes. A stranger came forward and told of seeing one Zerin, Archmage of the Fire Realms, near the town's library, but who this might be or how the stranger came to know his name are not known. A search of the village failed to locate him. At last, peace restored once more, the exhausted villagers returned to their homes.

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    Posted on Monday, April 23, 2001, 11:46 AM EDT by Rebellion (Catskills)

    Tower of Runes Opens
    >>> Trammel Facet News <<<The Rune Garden, Rune Books previously situated in the desert of Compassion Shrine have recently had a change of owner. All the books are now located in the Tower of Runes at bearing 45°42'N, 26°37'W just outside the Yew Cemetary in Trammel.

    A rune to the Tower can be found on the doorstep of the old Runes Garden.

    The new Owners of the Tower of Runes, Martellus and Ellie, a mysterious couple are said to have a written agreement with Max the Guildmistress of EYE, making EYE the protector
    of the Tower.

    Herald of the Dawn, EYE
    Marcus Blanc

    Posted on Monday, April 23, 2001, 5:26 AM EDT by Diangelo Grey (Oceania)

    The Black Dragon King and his Curse
    >>> Felucca Facet News <<<Given to us by a wandering healer:
    Many of you might remember strange books appearing out of no where around the world a few months ago. These books explained the story of a Lone Warrior whose father was a war hero, who came up against the ArchMagi of all trolls. The father fought the troll and slashed his eye, the troll disappeared vowing revenge. A few years later, the Lone Warrior found his father looking outside of his window to the garden, to witness his mother being raped and beaten by the troll. As the father stood there in fear, the young boy grabbed his fathers sword and ran out to the troll. He pierced the trolls leg with the tip of the sword, at that time, the troll cracked his mothers neck, and placed a curse on the boy. The father became a drunkard, and for 10 years, he would beat his son to near death each night. When the boy was 7, a 'god' in his land gave him a gift, he could peer into other worlds as he slept, so he could at least have a little bit of light in his life. When he turned 13, he considered killing himself, and held a knife in his hand, moving it over his wrists. His father returned home, and proceeded to beat him. The boys rage and anger exploded, and he thrust the knife into the fathers stomach. The boy ran away from his dead father, and lived in the wild. He learned skills and was thus, named "The Lone Warrior" in his world. Yes, That is correct, he comes from another plane. A scholar in his world became the boys only friend, and taught him how to be civilized. The Lone Warrior came to a cave one night, which was said to be haunted, wanting to hide from the rain and wind, he slept there. When he woke up, he was in a forest south of Yew, surrounded by a group of Liches, chanting things. The Liches let him go, right after, almost with smug grins on their decayed faces. He made an establishment close to this place, for unknown purposes.

    He's kept to himself mainly over the past 12 years, he keeps to himself most of the time, with the exception of a few friends who he trusts with his life.

    Over the past few months, his curse has begun to come into effect. His body is turning into that of a black reptillian creature, and his voice is begining to sound more... serpentine, prolonged 's' sounds, and his battle prowess has increased substantially. His body is now being shared by two beings, he, himself, and the Black Dragon King, who I have come to believe is being used as a puppet, so he can open a gate to allow the Troll ArchMage into this land. If there are any mages, scholars, alchemists, or fellow healers out there who can remove this deadly curse before it's to late, please, help. The Warrior can usually be found in Paxlair each night, guarding his friend.

    Inverness, Wandering Healer
    Posted on Sunday, April 22, 2001, 2:10 PM EDT by Reed (Chesapeake)

    Minoc Invaded by Daemons
    >>> Trammel Facet News <<<Everyman sent us the following news :
    Hello Lords and Ladies !

    As I was arriving in Minoc for supplies I suddenly became aware of the massive crowd that was standing in front of the bank. Then I understood why : Daemons in Minoc !

    I postponed my shopping and assisted the brave heroes to kill those beasts. After some big fights (some brave men and women were lost) the Daemons surrendered and we had our victory.

    After their deaths it rained gold and magic items from the sky. This attracted even more people, and there was a little party afterwards.

    Now could there be something going wrong in our dear Minoc. Who knows what the future brings but Travellers be aware as things are getting a bit dangerous, even in town.

    Kind regards,
    The Illustrous Everyman,
    Grandmaster Fisher

    Thanks a lot for this report !

    [ Comment on this article ]

    Posted on Sunday, April 22, 2001, 12:23 PM EDT by Bel d'Ajoor (Drachenfels)

    Gathered Spirits Tavern Staffed Starting Friday
    >>> Felucca Facet News <<< Lady JuffaArchui sent uis the following news:
    The Gathered Spirits Tavern will be staffed again on Friday nights! After a short relapse in our regular staffed hours, as of this Friday 20th April, the Tavern, located south East of Yew on the Felucca facet of the Pacific Shard, will be tended on Fridays from 7 - 10pm PST. Our bartenders will be on hand to serve you free food and drink, and our events department will be running an event every week.

    This week, Fawne Goldynhart will be running cock fighting in the area outside the tavern, starting at 8pm. Each contestant will have a chicken named after them, and the chickens will take part in duels. The winner will receive 10,000 gold. There will be no entrance fee - so come along and try your luck at winning some gold this Friday night.

    For an illustrated history of the Gathered Spirits Community, see our past UO Spotlight

    For more information about the Tavern, including a map (click on 'GSFacilities'), visit our relocated website:

    Our plan is to try staff the tavern even more regularly in the future, so we've reopened applications for new staff. If you're interested in taking part in running one of Pacific's oldest and best-known player establishments, click on 'GSApply' from our website.

    I hope to see you there on Friday evening!

    Community Founder

    [ Comment on this article ]

    Posted on Sunday, April 22, 2001, 8:35 AM EDT by Pfredd Mudd (Pacific)

    A Farewell to Someone Dear
    Kieron sent us the following sad news:
    A Farewell to Someone Dear

    Tonight, the friends, family and volunteer co-workers said farewell to someone very special to those whose lives she touched. Two weeks ago, Ancient Seer Kintara of Pacific and Napa Valley, Deedlit to her friends in the Interest Program, was taken from our lives in an auto accident. Tonight, an in-game memorial was held by her sister at the Pacific Moonglow Lycaeum. Many came to the memorial service from all walks of life. From the various Interest and Support programs, to the friends, family and players within the game, many came to give a moment of silence or offer words in memory of Seer Deedlit.

    Seer Deedlit was one of those special people who brought a smile to the face of everyone she came in contact with. She smiled with us, laughed and cried with us, and was always there with a kind word, *hug*, or grin that was infectious to those around her. Her presence will be sorely missed by everyone whose lives she touched.

    On behalf of the family and friends of Dee, thank you to all that attended.

    Interest Coordinator
    Ultima Online Interest Program

    [ Comment on this article ]

    Posted on Sunday, April 22, 2001, 8:04 AM EDT by Pfredd Mudd (NapaValley)

    A Farewell to Someone Dear
    Kieron sent us the following sad news:
    A Farewell to Someone Dear

    Tonight, the friends, family and volunteer co-workers said farewell to someone very special to those whose lives she touched. Two weeks ago, Ancient Seer Kintara of Pacific and Napa Valley, Deedlit to her friends in the Interest Program, was taken from our lives in an auto accident. Tonight, an in-game memorial was held by her sister at the Pacific Moonglow Lycaeum. Many came to the memorial service from all walks of life. From the various Interest and Support programs, to the friends, family and players within the game, many came to give a moment of silence or offer words in memory of Seer Deedlit.

    Seer Deedlit was one of those special people who brought a smile to the face of everyone she came in contact with. She smiled with us, laughed and cried with us, and was always there with a kind word, *hug*, or grin that was infectious to those around her. Her presence will be sorely missed by everyone whose lives she touched.

    On behalf of the family and friends of Dee, thank you to all that attended.

    Interest Coordinator
    Ultima Online Interest Program

    [ Comment on this article ]

    Posted on Sunday, April 22, 2001, 8:03 AM EDT by Pfredd Mudd (Pacific)

    A wedding Invitation!
    Flowers and bells are happening once again in the fair town of Sanctuary.

    All are cordially invited to attend the wedding of Don Genaro's daughter, the lovely Rhiannon to Adolon.

    The wedding will occur at 5pm (sydney time) Sunday the 29th of April at Sanctuary Palace Tower in the Town of Sanctuary.

    Posted on Sunday, April 22, 2001, 12:22 AM EDT by Chainsaw Knight (Oceania)

    UMF Spring Leather Giveaway
    >>> Trammel Facet News <<<This announcement was received from Cloud of Baja,
    Event: UMF Spring Leather Giveaway
    Where: Sharkee’s & The New Trinsic Shop
    When: Sunday, April 22, 2001 1:00pm – 3:00pm CST

    Details: Bring in the new Spring fashion season with a colorful set of GM crafted Leather or Studded armor, the United Merchants Federation (UMF) is giving away FREE sets of GM exceptionally crafted COLORED studded and leather armor. Each of our shops will be offering a different color so make sure you visit them all. All we ask is that you bring along the materials needed to make the armor i.e. 150 hides for studded and 100 hides for regular leather 75 hides for female. We will provide the GM Tailors and leather dye tub to make the armor for you. Limit: 2 sets per customer please. Gates will be provided to and from the shops from Britain’s West Bank.

    In addition to giving away the Spring color leather armor, we will be selling “special” rune books with each of our vender shops in them as well as a SPECIAL rune. At 3:00cst you need to recall to the location of the special rune. If you pop up in the spot where our President Sharky McGee is, you will win a Ratman statue! Only 100 of these books will be made and they will sell for 1000gp each.

    Our shops are well maintained and frequently updated to provide the best in customer satisfaction. Look for many new and exciting player run events in the future including Treasure Map Competitions, Competitive Dungeon Crawls, and other craftable giveaways. We hope everyone comes by and visits us to pick up their free armor.

    Cloud of Baja
    Community Relations Director
    United Merchants Federation
    Thank ye Cloud!

    [ Comment on this article ]

    Posted on Saturday, April 21, 2001, 9:30 PM EDT by Cymidei Fier (Baja)

    Necromancers Attack Moonglow
    >>> Felucca Facet News <<<This accounting of events the other eve sent in by Elerond.

    Hello. Upon this fine eve I was standing at the West Brit bank
    when the town crier cried 'Necromancers attack graveyard near Moonglow
    Felucca!' I rushed to drop off my most valuables and collect my reagents.
    Upon arriving It was clear not only I had received the news. Reapers had
    formed over graves and gates. Hell hounds ran unchecked. The normal spawn
    was there as well on increased quite a bit. Finally after seeing nothing
    interesting but determined to stay I waited. Soon enough a gate appeared and
    began pouring forth undead and Zealots of Unelak (not sure on spelling of
    Uneak) they fell easily but then came their masters. Lord Tremain and Lord
    Julius. I spent most of my time talking with Tremain trying to convince him
    not to take Moonglow but he was beyond reason. The two of them were no
    doubt necromancers for as they spoke words the undead rose to their bidding.
    Skeletal knights and mages. I fell twice but was persistent. People tried
    to attack the two necromancers to no avail. Magic nor sword nor dragonbreath
    could harm them. Finally I gave up speaking and began to attack them to no
    avail of course. They kept saying ' The Darkfist will rule all!' and 'We
    attack because the Imperator commands' (something of the such) One ghost
    told me upon stepping through the gate we wound up on a boat. I can not say
    if this is true for no one but the dead apparently can step through. I had
    to claim more reagents from my bank box but before I left I saw the two step
    through the gate and leave. Upon return they were gone but soon rode forth
    ' The Noble Lord Denton' Denton began to speak and inform us to some degree
    what had happened. He mentioned something along the lines of ' Only the
    enchanted clothing can protect the from the power of the darkness' or such
    After Denton arrived a orange colored Ancient Wyrm advance upon the crowd
    yet attack no one. Finally they departed and sadly that is all I can relay
    for this event. But be on your toes fellow adventurers. Had I not had to
    gather my possessions first I may have seen a great deal more. I fear we
    shall see Lord Tremain and Julius again!

    Thank ye Elerond for this news.

    Posted on Saturday, April 21, 2001, 9:23 PM EDT by Azalin (Atlantic)

    A Message from Jazzmine Lexx
    >>> Trammel Facet News <<<

    This was sent in from George.

    Sailing the high seas fishing for those big fish my mates tell lore of. I saw in the distance a sparkle in the water. Hmm I said to myself "This may be the sun sparkling off the fin's of one of those big fish". So I quickly Sail over, and as I pull closer there was only an old wine bottle in the water.

    Well I was a bit disappointed and was close to drawing up and pulling away when I noticed a parchment in that bottle. Now I'm not a greedy man by no means but I hear tell of treasure maps and such being found in Floating bottles. I ran over to the side and with my net Scooped up that bottle. What I found inside chilled my old bones, a message from Jazzmine Lexx. I hurriedly sailed ashore and hid in my humble but safe home. I have not sailed the seas now for over a week, my shakes have gotten better now and I think I can show ye what I found.

    Thank ye George.

    Posted on Saturday, April 21, 2001, 9:18 PM EDT by Azalin (Atlantic)

    The Stars Are Coming Together..
    This mysterious message sent by a man named Jortan.

    The writer of this message is a man by the name of Jotarn. He has for
    many years seen the aging of time dull
    his wit and warp his body. Yet each day he tirelessly rambles the long
    distance from the compound to the
    telescope. His intensive research and sleepless nights make him older
    than he seems. His profound love for
    Yew wine has ruined his stomach and causes him to go into spasms of
    horrible pain. All of these things
    combined have created a man crazy for the information of life and of
    good and evil...but most say he is just

    "Jotarn speaking to those of the realm. There has come to my attention
    something of the most wonderful
    standard. During the time when the Avatar came to be...there was an
    alignment of the stars.
    Parquos...Altameen...Histarou...and Choasumos...they all came together
    to create one star."

    "If my calculations are correct then the stars should again cross
    paths to create one star. But this star is strange
    in its ways. It comes in times of need oddly. When great choas and
    disunity plague the land. When the dead
    are forgotten."

    "What does all this mean? Well it means two things. First one is that
    the stars and the Avatar are not
    connected. That would mean that I am a fool and a dreamer. Second is
    that the coming of the new figure of the
    Virtues. The Second Coming of the Avatar may be at hand. I shall
    report more to you as I find information."

    *you see a stain of wine that dulls out the name*

    Thank ye Jortan.. we think.

    Posted on Saturday, April 21, 2001, 9:11 PM EDT by Azalin (Atlantic)

    Farewell Ash
    I regret to inform you that,due to Real Life conflicts, Ash Kaitlyn will no longer be reporting for the Pacific News.

    Ash has been a great asset to us. He shall be missed!

    If you know someone that would be interested in reporting for the Pacific News here at UOSS, please send me an e-mail.

    Posted on Saturday, April 21, 2001, 6:32 PM EDT by Pfredd Mudd (Pacific)

    EXTRA EXTRA! Tons of news today.
    Just a quick notice, I posted a TON of stuff today, and I've noticed more and more story submissions lately too, which is great, but which pushes events off the page sometimes. The 5 headlines at the top are just a handful of all the stuff that was posted today, so just keep going. There are a lot of events going on today like the GOF Spring Festival (about halfway down the page) and the Best of Great Lakes Warriors Tournament. Just keep reading down the newspage until you start hitting old stuff, otherwise you could be missing out on something fun! :) Thanks!
    Posted on Saturday, April 21, 2001, 5:27 PM EDT by Nadia (GreatLakes)

    Trinsic Council Denounces Royal Rule
    >>> Trammel Facet News <<<On Thursday the 19th of April, the Trinsic Town Council, or what was once the Trinsic Town Council, dissolved their affiliation with our Lord and King, citing their act as one of 'freedom,' despite outspoken cries of treason from representatives of the Noble Houses of Britannia, the Trinsic Virtue Guard, House Halleck, and the Order of the Silver Serpent amongst others. Mayor Vail of the Order of the Silver Dragons put forth a declaration of independence for any wishing to sign, renaming the City of Honor as the City of Neutrality, a haven for all be they Dread or Glorious, evil or good, guards of order or harbingers of chaos.

    Mayor Vail insisted that Lord British had abandoned his people in his absence and that by ridding their loyalties to the King, they were somehow to gain in their war against the Cult of the Black Dragon, whose enforcers had recently sacked and burned the Paladin's Library while British guards stood idly by. Reports indicate however that O$D has publicly welcomed known evils and threats such as the Cult to within the city's walls to stand beside them. Debate rages on as to whether this was a movement of freedom, or simply one of pride.

    The meeting on Thursday played to a packed house which not only made conversation difficult, but also brought strife. Although by this writing his allegiance to B-D had been severed, then Cultist FiRe came down upon Mayor Vail and assassinated him before a shocked assembly who were unable to interfere or heal the hapless Mayor due to the facet's physical laws. Differing reports seem to justify and/or condemn the attack, and facts remain sparse. In addition, on scene witnesses also noted later on a senseless attack by Boromir on EdGuardo, who, having refused to fight the rancorous Cultist in the Meeting Hall stood his ground peacefully while Boromir relentlessly attacked...and then fled.

    General Nero of the Order of the Silver Serpent has yet to make a formal statement on the actions taken by the Silver Dragons, although it seems that many have expressed great interest in his doing so, being a respected representative of the crown.

    More news to come.

    Posted on Saturday, April 21, 2001, 5:19 PM EDT by Nadia (GreatLakes)

    Admorel Twilight Murdered
    Several days ago, the Cult of the Dragon under leadership of Basil Stag Hare were dealt a heavy blow with the loss of the Emperor, the mortal vessel of the Black Dragon, one Admorel Twilight. Evidence suggests that the crime or perhaps even the body was discovered by the Cult while north of Empath Abbey in Felucca. None of the Cult could be reached for further questioning on the murder, whether the body was found, or what leads them to believe that the death is permanent.

    The death has however sparked what the Cult has labelled the JIHAD, an unholy war against all virtuous. Reports indicate that the first act of the Jihad enforcers was a brutal raid on a handful of O$D (Order of the Silver Dragon) members at the South Trinsic bank, witnessing saying that Alexis and her guildmates were greatly outnumbered by the Cultists. One noticeable change was the reattiring of 4 "Jihad Enforcers," namely Eowen, Raticker, William, and , who had been outfitted in the deepest of blood red studded leather.

    The next act of the Cultists was a raid on the Magincian library, wherein a fight broke out between quarrelsome Royal Knights to the point where the library was closed by the disgruntled India West, pulling the artifacts from the case. The Jihad slowed after a bloody battle in Trinsic, where a horde of Silver Dragons retook the southern bank avenging their fallen comrades from the encounter earlier that day.

    What sparked the Jihad? Cultists claim that all virtuous shall suffer for the death of Admorel Twilight, although little evidence has been revealed to point to any party responsible for that act. Analysis of Twilight's writings also brings to light that the late Dark Emperor knew of the upcoming Jihad, in that he foretold it, saying that: must start the rain must fall and rivers must flow, red with the blood of foe, and the earth must be tortured by the bones of those who oppose us. And dust must fill the mouths of those who strive against us. The Jihad must begin when the moons align, soon in several days hence....
    News surely to come.
    Posted on Saturday, April 21, 2001, 4:52 PM EDT by Nadia (GreatLakes)

    Phoenix Rising Gets Spotlight!
    A quick congrats to the town of Phoenix Rising, a Trammel-based player run city, for their feature story on the mainpage.

    Nice work, guys!

    Posted on Saturday, April 21, 2001, 4:24 PM EDT by Nadia (GreatLakes)

    Sea Serpent Slaughter!
    >>> Trammel Facet News <<<
    "Britannia needs some excitement," Commodore Flagg announced to the Fishing Council of Britannia crew, "It's time to pull those fishing nets you be saving in your holds, we're going to treat the citizenry to some real nautical fun. We'll be aholdin' a sea serpent slaughter this Sunday at 4 p.m. EST (3 p.m. CST). The new recruits raised their hands, "Please, sir. What's a Sea Serpent Slaughter?"

    Flagg replied, "The fishers of the FCB bring their fish nets to the Trammel Maginica docks. We cast them onto the sea, 2, 3, or even 4 at time. As any proper fisher knows, but many landlubbers do not, each net spawns sea serpents, water elementals, and even the deadly kraken (who sometimes carry ropes or SOS bottles as loot). 'Tis great fun--many of the citizens die, but there is a friendly healer at the end of the dock who will quickly resurrect the victims. We provide gates from Moonglow and Britannia."

    Jonah grinned, "Life on the sea is hard and fishers face these dangers daily, but I pity the poor souls of the landlubbers who dare to attempt it."

    Thanks, Gem of the FCB for the submission! submitted by Gem
    Posted on Saturday, April 21, 2001, 4:20 PM EDT by Nadia (GreatLakes)

    The Discovery (Conclusion!)
    The moonless night was crisp and clear in the land of Felucca. Raticker paced the floor of the comfortable and cool halls in the Temple of the Cult of the Black Dragon. 'Waiting is the hardest part,' thought Rat as he awaited the response to his pigeons. Two other enforces would be present and members of the Dark Paladins would also join the small band set to travel into the realm of the Trammelites. Rat stopped as he heard hooves approaching the temple's main gate. 'This was it'. He grinned.

    Eowen and William arrived first along with Boromir and FiRe. This should be plenty to capture the innocent one and bring her to the ceremony. After all, who would truly oppose the power of BD?

    "Well let's get this thing going mage", chirped William in his gruff and imposing tones. "We have much to do tonight."

    "Your lack of patience will be your downfall, young enforcer."

    "Aye, but not tonight".

    Rat was ready to get on with it anyway, so without delay he opened a passage to the moongate which would transport them to the 'Virtuous Lands.' The blue gate opened behind the meeting hall in the city of The Phoenix Rising. With the amount of armour and horses, Raticker new the kidnapping would have to be quick and efficient. Peering around the corner of the wooden building he eyed several citizens doing the last of the daily chores. As expected the citizens of this lazy town would not anticipate such a subtle attack on their laid back lifestyles. "All to easy..." Rat whispered to his fellows.

    After a couple of minutes, the young and fierce Pepper appeared outside the main doors. She would be perfect. Though not the innocence of a virgin, she would do for the purposes of tonight. "Take her!" exclaimed Raticker. Moving with the precision of trained warriors, Eowen moved to block the girl before she could bolt, while Fire placed the shackles around her waist and wrists. William grabbed her spellbook before she could attempt any type of escape.

    "Nice of you to join us my dear...." said Raticker.

    "What is this? You dare approach a member of the TPR? cried Pepper.

    "We dare much my innocent one," replied Rat coolly.

    "You will not get away with this, vile creatures!"

    "Ah but we already have!" Rat opened a gate as William yanked the girl into the corridor which delivered them to Felucca and the Temple. Once inside the members of BD began to methodically prepare for the ceremony around a large pentagram in the main hall. Eowen opened the tome which held the formula for the creation of the Staff of Law. Calling off the ingredients, all was placed as directed. Upon the grinding of the Black Pearl, the distribution of vials of blood, the incorporation of the powers of earth, wind, fire, and sea - all was finally in place. Stripped down to nothing, Pepper whimpered as she was led to the center of the Pentagram. Her haggard look and wild eyes betrayed her stanch indignation of not 30 minutes before. "Not so sure of ourselves are we my dear?" jeered Eowen.

    All was set. Raticker began the incantation which invoked the dark forces of Felucca, calling down the eternal powers of the Universe in an arcane language long forgotten, a bluish mist clouded through the temple. Lightning cascaded from the sky, lighting all areas of the temple. In a heated rush of ecstatic energy, Raticker yelled, "KILL HER"! In a frenzy of blind emotion, the members of BD cut down Pepper and smeared her blood along the shaft of the staff. When it was done, Raticker pulled himself up from the bloody heap and grabbed the pulsating staff. Turning to his brethern he yelled: "Behold! The Staff of Law lives!"

    Posted on Saturday, April 21, 2001, 4:07 PM EDT by Nadia (GreatLakes)

    Warriors Compete for "Best of the Lakes"
    >>> Felucca Facet News <<<Best Warrior in Great Lakes

    Sound like a title you'd like to tote around?

    If so, here's the thing for you.

    This Saturday April 21, 6:00 PM CST (7:00 EST), the BEST WARRIOR OF GREAT LAKES tournament will be held in Felucca on the rooftop of a house, thus to eliminate running as a combat option (and evening out connections). "All skill, no running." Tonight's is a warrior tournament, but mage, archer, etc will follow.

    The Rules:

    • No magic equipment of any kind
    • Any weapon or armor besides magic is allowed
    • No backing away or running from the opponent
    • You may use bandages, potions, shields, or any other equipment
    • Looting will be determined by a vote held at the tournament location
    • Single elimination, bracketed tournament
    If you want to be in a tournament, sign up in-game at the time. No pre-registering. There is a 5,000 gp entrance fee. The winner of the tournament gets 75% of the pot. We take the rest for taking all the time to set things up etc, etc.

    For a map to the spot, click here.

    For more information, see the website here.

    Posted on Saturday, April 21, 2001, 3:45 PM EDT by Nadia (GreatLakes)

    Drow and Draconians
    >>> Trammel Facet News <<<
    The setting sun cast an eerie red glow over the city of Trinsic as Elthanas and Lord Caleb of BDA stood at the edge of the Trinsic Pier. The city was quiet, and they could feel the eyes of the citizens upon them from their homes as they waited in silence.

    The evening had begun like any other, patrolling the streets of Trinsic in support of the new council, and a renewed BDA interest in the area. The city was being contested on all sides, and it would take a miracle to untie those fighting into one force; one side; for Trinsic and the for the people. It was two guardsmen who approached them at the bank to tell them the first news of the evening. The shrines of Sacrifice and Valor could be seen burning in the distance. An unnatural fire, both guards had said, with a blue flame. More reports of burning shrines began to come as the evening had worn on. Soon it had been confirmed that all 9 shrines were burning with the same blue flame. Needless to say, both Elthanas and Lord Caleb had grown suspicious, and perhaps even a little nervous. Shortly after the news of the burning of the shrines had reached them, even more troubling news came to their ears. One of their spies had heard word from some fisherman, who had been working their nets just off the coast of Buccaneer's Den, that a fleet of white winged ships was making it's way toward Trinsic Bay.

    So the Drow found themselves at the edge of the pier that night, watching the tops of the waves as the first of the ships appeared over the horizon. Elthanas was about to signal for the rest of BDA to join them, when Lord Caleb put a staying hand on Elthanas' arm.

    Nine ships appeared over the horizon, moving swiftly toward the harbor. In the lead was a smaller ship, not nearly as glorious as the other eight which followed behind. Upon reaching the harbor, the smaller ship docked at the pier where Elthanas and Lord Caleb stood in awe, while the other eight ships formed a ring around the Bay. A gangplank fell from the small ship, and a hulking figure stepped from the boat. Dressed in leather armor, plate arms, and a plate helm, the figure moved lithely toward the two Drow. Elthanas could tell by the way the man carried a massive two handed axe in one hand that the man was Draconian. And he had only known one living Draconian all of his life. And that Draconian had been killed on Fire Island in an attempt to recover the heart of the slain Sewell. Elthanas could only watch open mouthed as the figure approached, and fell to one knee in front of his Jabbuk.

    "Lord Caleb," the booming voice echoed through the night, "I am once again in your service."

    As the ships pulled away from the harbor and sped away into the night, the figure stood and faced Lord Caleb, who took the Draconian's hand in his and shook it heartily.

    "Vendui' Gwydion," he grinned cunningly from ear to ear, "It is good to see you again."

    -Kronos the Historian

    Posted on Saturday, April 21, 2001, 3:28 PM EDT by Nadia (GreatLakes)

    Descension: the Return (the conclusion)
    .....Trugagh rubbed his eyes, and sat up. He was in a small, nearly pitch-black room. The only light was a few thin orange slivers shining down through the narrow slits in the cell's door. He stood up warily. For a moment, he stumbled around, caught in a dizzy spell. He braced his hand against the wall, steadying himself and then asked hoarsly, "ib enne wun owt der?" There was no response. Still feeling a bit queezy, he sat back down on the wooden bench attached to the black stone wall of the cell. He heard a shuffling of feet coming from his right, from what must have been another cell. Trugagh leaned over, and pressed his ear against the wall. "NOOOGRRAAAH" he heard something scream out loud, and then a muffled thump as that something hit the cold ground. He heard a hideous, loud skreetching noise. From what .. sounded like.. a cat? ......

    The full story and conclusion is available here.

    Thanks Redlow, great read!
    Posted on Saturday, April 21, 2001, 3:21 PM EDT by Nadia (GreatLakes)

    The BAC is BACK!
    Word from the capital is that the Marquis Alazraham of the Britannian Affairs Committee is back on his feet and preparing another meeting. At a recent press conference, he speaks on his condition:
    Hail, people of Britannia!

    Some of you might have heard of my health trouble as of late. Indeed, I did go through a rough spell, but none bothered me as much as the BAC's inactivity. I sincerely apologize to the citizens of Britannia for failing in my duties, and I vow to remedy the situation as best I can. With the loss of Lionel and her resources, maintaining the Committee will prove difficult, but I know that together you and I can prevail. My physicians have warned me about overworking myself again, and so I have made some changes to help quell their incessant pleas. These are all management changes, and do not affect the purpose or basic function of the Committee.

    I have also taken the liberty of scheduling the next BAC meeting. It will be held Monday, April 23 at 9 PM CST. I hope that you will attend and help get us back on our feet.

    Thank you.

    There is more information regarding the BAC changes at their Official Web Site.

    Posted on Saturday, April 21, 2001, 3:12 PM EDT by Nadia (GreatLakes)

    Ilshenar Reputation Titles Section
    Given the revelation of several new titles that people are obtaining in the new lands of Ilshenar we have decided to create a section dedicated to them. At this point details are fairly sketchy, but as we obtain more information we will be updating the section periodically. So far, thanks to several players sharing their discoveries, we know of three titles:
    • Foe of the Abyss
    • Blight of the Cold Blood
    • Adversary of the Vermin Horde
    • Subjugator of the Vermin Horde
    • Bane of the Arachnid
    Want to find out more about these titles and hear some hints from the Dev Team about them? Then head on over to our Reputation Titles Section now and check it out!

    [ Comment on this article ]

    Posted on Saturday, April 21, 2001, 2:03 PM EDT by Joshua Rowan (GeneralNews)

    Tragedy Strikes Yew
    >>> Trammel Facet News <<<This letter was received from Nethin of Fairhaven Village,
    A small farming family was found butchered in their home late last night in the deep forest near the city of Yew. The family was discovered by a passing traveller who smelled the terrible reek of the carnage. Upon investigating, he found the dismembered remains of the entire family of three. A large pentagram was drawn on the floor of the house in the blood of the victims, and it was later discovered that the heart had been removed from one of the victims, and the head removed from another. The third victim was found dead outside, bludgeoned from behind. His corpse had not been violated. "This is just awful", said a neighbor, who asked not to be identified. "They were very reclusive, we didn't even know their names. What if we're next?"

    The local residents are up in arms about the incident and have sought protection from the nearby town of Fairhaven. "We know of no monsters in the area that could do such a thing. Ogres may bash your head in, but they don't cut out your heart", said Mayor Silkon, who has pledged to get to the bottom of the incident. "We're on the edge of the wild out here. Yew is too far away to guarantee our safety."

    Residents also don't believe this to be the work of normal monsters, as there are generally very few in the area. "We get the occassional ogre or troll here sometimes, but they generally leave us alone," said local farmer Atkis Williams. "'Bout the most they've ever done is eat a few of our sheep."

    This is not the first strange incident to go on in the area. Local hunters have found disturbances in the enviroment and wildlife in the area, and believe there is some unknown force is at work. "Just yesterday I was out huntin' me some cooters, they make a good stew they do, really warms ye up inside, when I saw this poor grizzly just strung out on the ground. It looked like somethin had turned him inside out like, an' there was blood all over. Most of the major organs were missin. I ain't never seen nuthin like that before, an' I been a trapper for 50 years."
    Nethin of Fairhaven Fairhaven
    Thank ye Nethin for this disturbing as it is. Good luck in getting to the bottom of this mystery.

    [ Comment on this article ]

    Posted on Saturday, April 21, 2001, 1:27 PM EDT by Cymidei Fier (Baja)

    GOF Spring Festival Starting Friday
    >>> Trammel Facet News <<<

    This Friday, April 20 at 7pm the Guild of Friends will be hosting this years Spring Festival.  The Festival will last for two glorious days at the Jollier/Skara Fairgrounds.

    There will be several booths for you to visit: a kissing booth, fortune telling and gambling.  Also there will be several events sponsored thru out the weekend that will include an archery contest, a scavenger hunt and many others.  On Saturday evening there will be a Ms. Skara Brae beauty contest.  All of the events will have a 50k gold first prize.

    Check the fair grounds message board for schedule of events or the GOF website at

    Hope to see you there....Steve, Grand Duke of GOF

    This sounds like a great weekend of fun… 

    ~Barth VanDorn

    [ Comment on this article ]

    Posted on Friday, April 20, 2001, 9:40 PM EDT by Barth VanDorn (GreatLakes)

    Lady Lynn Arrested
    >>> Trammel Facet News <<<

    News from Stonekeep:

    Twas Friday eve and suddenly a pigeon came from the skys with enormus speed (me still be wanderin' wha' 'em sergant be feedin' it with) it was from Sergant Luther, he tol' me tha' 'em had arrested a Necromancer... Necromancer Lynn, she had been huntin' the book o' Domain fer years, she had send some mighty armies upon us Stonekeep, bu' we had defeated her each time, savin' both Yew an' the book from fallin' into her hands. When me had readen the message, me quickly rushed te the Stonekeep Citadel, home of our well-known Torture chamber *coughs* I mean Jail.

    Me went inside our CItadel, findin' a huge army o' guards allready guardin' the jail door, me pushed through the masses, reachin' the door an' me went in, findin' the Necromancer chained te a chair an' the wall. Me stood there fer some time listenin' te wha' them guards tha' was allready spoke o'... An' quickly found out tha' she had come to offer wha' in her eyes is a peace-treaty. She wanted te let our champion fight her champion (which would be a black mummy appearantly against one o' our guards). Me laughed a bit at her proposal knowin' how strong her black mummies is.

    Us three corsairs tha' was there stood fer a time whisperin' 'bout wha' te do o' her, we didn't find any answer o' tha' an' waited fer a officer te come in. Sergant Wernyl came in after some ten minutes looking around, appearantly callin' 'em Inquisitors from the Church, Advocate Praecor Loth an' Advocate Fallicius. Me noticied how 'em came rushin' through the crowd, pushin' everyone aside with their eyes, Ay tell ye this, 'twas nay a pretty sight, 'em finally made it to the jail, an' quickly silenced all' us guards watchin', then them began te question' her.

    Them asked her why she was 'ere, an' she explained te them how she had visited our Stonekeep before, friendly askin' te see our shread o' them book o' Domain, her request was o' course denied. An' then she had send her General 'ere te Stonekeep te make sure she would get the book, bu' the General's armies did nay stand a change to the mighty Militia. So now she had decided she wanted te pay Stonekeep another visit proposing a treaty, bu' she had, as soon as she was sighted, been arrested by 'em Sergant Luther, an' taken te Jail. Them Inquisitors then asked te her 'bout if it was nay true if she be evil, an' spawn o' 'em Guardian, she did nay answer te this, an' 'em Inquisitors quickly jugded her guilty, an' had her ordered burned at the stacke on Sunday at 8:30 pm. GMT. (21:30 CET) She did o' course nay like this judgement, an' went into some sort o' odd trance, an' if ye ask me, she was callin' fer her General an' 'ems armies, so us be expectin' some sort o' attempt te rescue her on sunday. Them Inquisitors also ordered their squire te search her backpack, bu' she had appearantly made some sort o' security curse on her self, so tha' anyone reachin' out fer her would be striked by 'em Lightnin' bu' that did appearantly nay frighten the two Advocates tha' juss' stood calmly with their eyes burnin' o' anger starin' at the Necromancer. One o' 'em then took a torch an' moved it closer te her, me do nay know how, 'bu 'em appearantly knew tha' she be afraid o' fire, an' used 'ems knowledge te torture her, bu' it seems nothin' could make her show wha' she had in hers backpack

    Our Cap'n Drakan came in, askin' wha' it be all 'bout, an' 'em was explained wha' be goin' on. 'Em nodded an' send some pigeons off, appearantly te Spiritwood gettin' runners te Stonekeep te take notes an' return them te the Leaders o' Spiritwood. While us waited fer these runners from Spiritwood, them advocates set a time fer the Necromancers burnin', an' ordered a sergant te prepare fer this on the Citadel roof fer Sunday eve'. After some time them runners from Spiritwood finally arrived an' the Cap'n had Corsair Aluwan explainin' wha' had happened, an' the two runners was busy scriblin' it all down in thems papers. In the mean-while them Sergants had begun te set up a big defense infront o' the Citadel, 'twas a mighty defense. After Aluwan had finished, the runners quickly ran off back te Spiritwood with the letters te their leaders, lettin' 'em know o' the develpment in Stonekeep. An' both our mighty Stonekeep an' Spiritwood be now ready te handle any troubles an' attacks tha' may appear. Bu' me's pretty sure tha' the Churchmen will 'ave their will, an' 'ave the Necromancer burned.

    Necromancer Lynn will be burned at Sunday 8:30 pm. GMT (21:30 CET)

    It will happen in Stonekeep. Stonekeep is located on the Trammel Facet at the Yew Crossroads.


    Burn her to Hell I say!

    Posted on Friday, April 20, 2001, 9:09 PM EDT by Marshall Drakan (Europa)

    The Trial of Mayor Gathis
    >>> Trammel Facet News <<<

    A note from Moonglow:

    Hear ye - Hear ye!
    On Sunday, April 22nd, at 19.00 CET - 6pm BST - 5pm GMT the trial of vice
    mayor Gathis of Moonglow will be held in the Yew Court of Truth, Trammel.

    The Moonglow City Council thinks he is responsible for several murders and
    guilty of high treason, as he seems to be the one trying to kill mayor
    Yoldran, because of which Yoldran had to feign his own death.

    Town Constable Kabach Cryonax will try to proove this to the jury as
    prosecutor, while Preben of the Custodes Pax will defend Gathis. Deciding about his
    guilt will be a jury consisting of 6 citizens of Deepwater and 6 citizens of
    Spiritwood. Chancellor Michael of the Spiritwood University will then set the

    Everyone is invited to attend the trial and listen to the arguments being
    brought forth.

    For more information on the history of this case and the view of the
    Council, please visit it´s skypage at .

    I hope to see ye there,

    Treasurer of the Moonglow City Council

    Ar! I hope ye hang that swine!

    Posted on Friday, April 20, 2001, 9:05 PM EDT by Marshall Drakan (Europa)

    Lady Lynn seeks an Alliance

    Some Disturbing News:

    The Necromancers seek an alliance.

    *On the ground you see a discarded message, you pick it up and read it* 

    "Hail fearless leader, while walking the lands I stumbled into a magical gate made by someone, i fear it led me somewhere i did actually not want to be, as a Daemon stood in front of me at the Daemon temple on Fire island...
    I know from far back in my first youth that the best thing to do when your are not yet up to your best is to run incase yer infront of a superiour monster, hence: I ran as fast as the wind, leaving the Daemon far behind me but making me end up in a town called Naeloth, the city of the Drow.
    Luckily none of them where around but, so i could walk around the town freely...i thought...
    I walked around a bit and ended up at some ruins , covered with spider webs and to my suprise someone else was there and as soon as i thought i was close enough without beeing seen i hid.
    Looking closer i found a woman with a strange armour on and a pale skin adressing a couple of...Bone knights!
    I had heared tales of this woman...apparently it was the Lady Lynn, the Necromancer.

    Listening on i overheared her speak to the undead who where around her...

    Now hear this Bone cracklings.
    Keep a close eye on this region for we need allies.
    We may be able to ...use those here to do our bidding.
    But do not show our intentions...
    For now.. look... and witness what goes on and i will split your bones apart if you fail to give me what i need!
    We will make spiritwood and those guardsmen fall.
    We shall bring order to this world.
    It will be ours...
    Now GO!
    A sigh of relief went from my Body as the woman left...
    ...and  the undead started to move away, possibly looking around the town.
    My leader ,i know i am new to our group, but i think it would be in our best interest to look into this situation further , and mayhaps join this apparent Necromancer in her "Quest" ...I am grinning evily and sinisterly at the thought of it, but it is something for you to decide.
    Gabriel, Crimson Rogue ."
    *a drip of a bright green liquid stains the entire letter but you only notice it just now and wish you had put on some gloves to protect that...nasty....wound.....on....your...hand............*

    Trouble a Brewin'...

    Posted on Friday, April 20, 2001, 9:01 PM EDT by Marshall Drakan (Europa)

    Your New Sonoma Reporter
    Hello everyone! I'd like to introduce myself, I'm Ashley, one of your new Sonoma news reporters. I'm thrilled to join the Stratics team and can't wait to start posting for our shard. Once my email is set up with Stratics, please feel free to email me any news or announcements you might have by clicking on my name on the side menu when you see it there. Safe Journeys :)
    Posted on Friday, April 20, 2001, 8:24 PM EDT by Ashley (Sonoma)

    Introduction to Role Playing
    Seeker has written a very nice Introduction to Role Playing in our Roleplaying 101 section. Go check it out, even if you think you are a d00d and don't need to play a role to be able to r0xx0r the shard :)

    [ Comment on this article ]

    Posted on Friday, April 20, 2001, 7:50 PM EDT by Xena Dragon (GeneralNews)

    GOF Spring Festival
    >>> Trammel Facet News <<<

    This Friday, April 20 at 7pm the Guild of Friends will be hosting this years Spring Festival.  The Festival will last for two glorious days at the Jollier/Skara Fairgrounds.

    There will be several booths for you to visit: a kissing booth, fortune telling and gambling.  Also there will be several events sponsored thru out the weekend that will include an archery contest, a scavenger hunt and many others.  On Saturday evening there will be a Ms. Skara Brae beauty contest.  All of the events will have a 50k gold first prize.

    Check the fair grounds message board for schedule of events or the GOF website at

    Hope to see you there....Steve, Grand Duke of GOF

    This sounds like a great weekend of fun… 

    ~Barth VanDorn
    Posted on Friday, April 20, 2001, 7:34 PM EDT by Barth VanDorn (GreatLakes)

    Comments from the Team - Rick Hall
    A brand new Comments from the Team! This one comes from Rick Hall, the new Senior Producer for UO:
    Stellerex? Who the heck is this guy? Oh. Another producer on UO, right?

    I don’t expect many of you to know who I am, since I’m not much for stepping into the limelight. Most of you probably don’t even realize that I was a UO Live team producer last year for a while. And better yet, most of you had no idea I’d been a producer on UWO:ORIGIN last year, and had just returned to that project before the big shake-up at Origin a few weeks ago. But now I’ve returned to the UO team, this time as senior producer. Still don’t have any clue who I am? That’s okay. Like I said, I don’t really crave the attention. I just like to do my job and try to help the team make the best games I can.

    But with the aforementioned shake-up in EA World, the inevitable rumors and speculations have started to surface. So I thought it was only prudent to speak out for a few minutes to clarify things a bit.

    Yes, there was a big layoff here at Origin last month. And yes, a couple of projects got cancelled. After having just rejoined the UWO:ORIGIN team, I can tell you it was hard to hear. But as much as people want answers, the ‘why’ and ‘who’ and ‘how much’ questions aren’t really what's important. What it comes down to is that the decisions were made. And as I said before, I like to do my job and try to make the best games I can. So before I continue, let me state for the record that the vast majority of the UO Dev team remains intact. In fact, quite a number of folks from other projects have rolled onto the team. We’ve made a lot of statements since last month's events about putting more focus into UO. So why should anyone believe us? Well, I know actions speak louder than words, but here you go anyway.

    First of all, we decided to make some adjustments to our organization. At this point, the UO Dev team is larger than at any time since the game shipped, so we needed to expand our team management a little. Let me be the first to publicly congratulate our own Kirk Black, a.k.a. Runesabre, on his promotion to producer. He’s done such a great job for us over the past couple of years that it was really inevitable anyway.

    Next, we decided to sit down and take a look at everything. And I do mean everything. We’ve got more resources than at any time in the history of the game, and we have a responsibility to get the most we can out of them. We're starting some really big initiatives right now, and this year’s efforts will help to position UO to get constantly bigger and better for the very long haul.

    Over the course of the next twelve months, we’re going to be pulling out all the stops to make the game more stable and efficient. You’ve already seen a big part of this with the distributed backups that have just been implemented. Additionally, we’re going to make a concerted effort to try to locate and eliminate problems, improve performance on the 3D client, and continue to improve server stability.

    And now you’re probably thinking, “Yeah, that’s great. Big deal.” Well, if that’s all we had planned, you might be right. But like I said, with our expanded team size, we’re going to be doing something completely new for us - we're devoting a segment of the team to focus on nothing but Live Content. That’s one of the efforts that Runesabre will be heading up, and personally I think it looks pretty exciting.

    And just because we have the manpower, we’re also going to be working on lots of boring-but-critical infrastructure stuff, and a couple of things that are far enough off that we aren’t quite ready to reveal details about them yet. But suffice it to say, the UO Live Dev team is alive and well, and we’ve got an ambitious future ahead of us.

    Rick "Stellerex" Hall
    Senior Producer
    Ultima Online

    [ Comment on this article ]

    Posted on Friday, April 20, 2001, 7:31 PM EDT by Joshua Rowan (GeneralNews)

    Meredith the Bard Hosts Storytelling Night
    >>> Trammel Facet News <<<Do you have a story to tell? Do you like to be the center of attention? Do you like to hear the tales and experiences of others? If so you should stop by the Skara Brae Faire Grounds on Trammel every other Wednesday night at 6:30 PM PST. The next story telling event will be on May 2, 2001.

    Meet Meredith the mysterious bard clad in dragonscale armor. Join us for an evening and listen to captivating tales of adventure, virtue, and more! When she is finished she calls upon members of the audience to tell their tales. Take the stage and let your creative tale be heard.

    [ Comment on this article ]

    Posted on Friday, April 20, 2001, 3:47 PM EDT by Cymidei Fier (Baja)

    The Golden Brew Players Seek Actors for the Princess Bride
    While scouting for news this morning I found this post on theThe Golden Brew Message Board
    The Golden Brew's Plays are always fantastic! I can't wait to see Princess Bride. Good luck!

    [ Comment on this article ]

    Posted on Friday, April 20, 2001, 3:14 PM EDT by Cymidei Fier (Baja)

    Rivendell Town Night Saturday!
    >>> Felucca Facet News <<<We received the following...
    Greetings from Rivendell (Felucca),

    Rivendell Town Night will hold a 2 vs 2 Mage/Warriors Tourney this Saturday April 21. First and second place prizes will be awarded, and Will be generous as usual. Everyone is invited to attend, whether participating or observing the fun.

    The following rules apply:

    • Any GM made weapons are allowed, competitors may use any combination of weapons.
    • No poisoned or magic weapons
    • No magic armor
    • Bandages allowed
    • Potions allowed (there is no limit on the amount used bring enough to last multiple rounds)
    • No looting
    • No pets
    • Fight to the death or yield
    • Healer and resurrections will be provided at no charge
    • You will not be allowed to leave the ring after you have entered so bring enough supplies to last multiple rounds.
    There will be a $3k entry fee for each pair due at the time of registration. Registration will begin 30 minutes prior to the start inside the Rivendell Tavern. The back room with the teleporter to the arena will be opened at the 7:00pm CST start time. With the growing number of participants, we request that registrants arrive as early as possible so that the competition gets underway promptly. (Please note: No more contestants will be taken after the contestants are in the arena.)

    We look forward to seeing old friends and welcoming new ones to Rivendell. Thank you for your support!

    Rivendell Town Council

    [ Comment on this article ]

    Posted on Friday, April 20, 2001, 1:13 PM EDT by Beans Baxter (LakeSuperior)

    Upgrading of Our Forum Software
    This weekend we will be upgrading our forum software. The new upgrade is going to introduce a great number of bug/feature fixes; many brand new features as well as performance improvements across the board. This is a MAJOR upgrade that will impact every site on the Stratics Network.

    The URL used to reach the forums will be changed. This change reflects the fact that we will be moving from a Perl based system to a PHP system. The new URL will be posted to the existing forums so that after the upgrade is complete, even if you do visit the old URL, you’ll receive a notice indicating where to find the new forums. Please be sure at that time to update your bookmarks at that time.

    Some features that you’ll find in this upgrade:

    • Over 79 different stylesheet options to choose from and each stylesheet now include matching button sets. You’re no longer subject to the same button colors no matter what style you choose. Each style now has a matching button set.
    • Expanded FAQ giving detailed explanations of all Markup Tags. Be sure to check it out.
    • Many new smile and emote icons that may be used (see FAQ for details). We now have 97 icons in our database that may be used.
    • Fifty-one (51) new Markup Codes, including 42 new colors have bee added. You can also now use new markup tags such as blockquote, standard lists, ordered and unordered lists and others (see FAQ for details).
    • Several New Titles have been added.
    • New Colored icons have been introduced. These icons now reflect whether a person is an Administrator, a Moderator or VIP. VIP’s include game developers and other special guests. These icons replace color-coding of names since such colored names often looked bad in certain stylesheets.
    • A new option to login directly from the Main Index if you’re not logged in.
    • A new “Show Threads” option within each forum that allows for you to choose how old the messages are you wish to view. If you choose to view only news messages within the last day or two, this drastically reduces the load time, so you’re not stuck loading day’s worth of posts. This is a terrific new speed enhancement. There is a matching option within your User Profile that allows you to set the default age of posts.
    • A new “Quick Search” field right inside each forum listing. This allows you to quickly search that forum alone.

    The majority of the upgrade however has taken place on the back end. All of the Administrative features have been enhanced for performance and stability. The next release, due out in a month or two, will include a huge assortment of additional features end-user features.

    I would like to take a moment to sincerely thank both Panther and Auz for their outstanding assistance in preparing this software for release. We had to take the vanilla version and make a great deal of enhancements and changes to it prior to reaching this point. Thanks again guys; I really appreciate your help!


    Community Development

    The Massively Multiplayer Network

    [ Comment on this article ]

    Posted on Friday, April 20, 2001, 12:54 PM EDT by Joshua Rowan (GeneralNews)

    Deepwater Wrestling Championship
    >>> Felucca Facet News <<<News from Deepwater:

    This sunday (22/4) night Deepwater will host the <i>Deepwater Wrestling
    Championships</i> again. We'll be in the Deepwater Tower of Magic, witch is
    located east of the Deepwater tavern, Owls eye. It will start at 9pm cet
    (8pm gmt). Wrestlers should be there atleast 10-30minutes before the event
    start to sign up.

    Wrestlers will have to pay a fee of 1000gold coins to join, this will go in
    to the prize pot that can be won. The winner will recive a check on
    25.000gp, and will also get the title Wrestler of Deepwater, untill the next

    <b>Rules of the the competion:</b>

    You may NOT use healing in any form, nor may you use weapons or armor. If
    any of this rules would be broken by one person, he or she will be kicked
    out from the event.

    However, you MAY use bonus potions, sutch as refresh, strenght etc.
    Leather/Studded gloves may also be used, and this can be magic if the person
    wants to wear that.

    So do not forget, this sunday, at 9pm cet (8pm gmt). Deepwater will host its
    Deepwater Wrestling Championships. And you can win up to 25.000gold coins.
    Location is at the Deepwater Tower, witch is located east of Owls eye, the
    tavern in Deepwater.

    Ryndir - Event cordinator

    Posted on Friday, April 20, 2001, 12:48 PM EDT by Marshall Drakan (Europa)

    Calling all Trinsic Residents
    A note from Mentazm:

    Thou are cordially invited to a meeting of new Trinsic residents.

    This meeting will hopefully be the first of many, and is intended as a
    point for the exchange of ideas, organising of quests, and general merry
    banter. Mainly though the meeting's are intended to help new players to make
    friends and
    learn more anout Britannia.

    We shall meet in the Trinsic Meeting Hall (x1895,y2719) on Monday 23rd of
    April at 20:00.

    Hope to see you there,

    Thanks, a good start!

    Posted on Friday, April 20, 2001, 12:45 PM EDT by Marshall Drakan (Europa)

    The Grand Opening of the Frost Merchant
    >>> Trammel Facet News <<<This announcement comes from Sknird Dloc II and can also be found on the official UO calendar section:
    We are having our official Grand opening of the Frost Merchant Shoppe. Come and see the fine items and supplies for sale. Located in the Compassion Desert North of Britain at the following coordinates {69o31 N 39o9 E}. We will try to have gates available for all this night.

    We will have some door prizes, food, and drink for all who come. Lots of vendors from across Pacific will be here in attendance. Use the time to come and enjoy the atmosphere.

    Tons of scorps and earth elementals for all to have fun attacking. So come and enjoy the fun.

    Sknird Dloc II - The Frost Merchant - ICQ 11963580

    Time: 6-8 PM PST
    Date: April 29
    Shard: Pacific
    Facet: Trammel
    Coordinates: 69 N 39 E
    The Frost Merchant website.

    [ Comment on this article ]

    Posted on Friday, April 20, 2001, 12:38 PM EDT by Ash Kaitlyn (Pacific)

    Orc Fort Burned to Ground by KoJ and PGoH
    A centurion delivered the following message.

    T'was a long eve in the first place, but the comming events would draw it out further.

    As Senator of War Wolf of the Purple Guardians of Honor stood by the gates of Olympus breifing us for the training that was to take place later that eve, a hawk bearing a message landed in the middle of our group. I stepped to the hawk and removed the scroll tied to its leg, and read the short message aloud:

    The Orcs have invaded Trinsic.

    In a flurry, Impreator Martok, Senator Wolf, and many others gathered our armaments and entered the gate that would lead to Trinsic. A few others had gathered at the northern bank, and saw before us a disgusting horde of Shadowclan Orcs. We engaged the Orcs furriously, but were overwhelmed by their numbers.

    After the ensuing massacare, Impreator Martok and I leaned against a tree, attempting to mend our wounds.. We both heard the gasping of a man behind the tree who sounded as if his wounds were more severe.. We exhanged looks, and turned around to find our Emperor, Greg, gasping for breath.

    Immediately we called for assistance in attending to the Emperors wounds. Senator Wolf, Martok, Baltazar and I stood around the Emperor, we could faintly hear him say... "Burn it........ Burn it to the ground.. I want it BURNED!.........."

    Our faces frowned as we knew he was in great pain, and we had failed him..

    At his word, Martok spoke, "Coldren.. Gather what forces you can.. Call upon the Keepers of Justice.. we have a mission tonight.."

    We all gathered at the front of Olympus, the Guardians and the Keepers. We formed our groups and Senator Wolf briefed us on our tactics as he informed the Keepers as well. Reagent Aramis of the Keepers of Justice was kind enough to summon as many of his legion as he could and send them to us.

    We set out for the Orc Fort in the realm of Fellucca. Divided into 2 teams comprised of both the Keepers of Justice and the Purple Guardians of Honor and took postions at the North and South of the fort.

    Many fell bravely as the the kamikazii's proceded to bomb the entrance guarded by orcs with explosions, archers loosed their arrows, and mage's rained down fire and brimstone.

    When all was said and done, Senator Martok looked about, and seeing that nay a single orc drawed breath gave the order to torch the fort. In an uproar, the legions of PGoH and KJ let out a war cry such as was never heard, as they lit their arrows and cast flame upon the walls of the fort that formerly was inhabited by the orcs. The orcs had been defeated at their own habitat for the first time as long as any could rember...

    But the war is far from over...

    Gladiator Centurion
    Purple Gaurdians of Honor

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    Posted on Friday, April 20, 2001, 9:01 AM EDT by Rebellion (Catskills)

    Wedding bells ring once again.
    Today I got word of yet another wedding on our great shores of Oceania:

    On Friday 20th of April, Lord Toad Licker and Magica joined hands in that most sacred of ceramonies which was conducted by Counselor Lord Arden.
    The event was held in Lord Britishes Throne room on the Trammel Facet with a small group of invited guests showing to give their best wishes.

    Snapshot of the wedding.

    We wish them both goodluck in their new lives together.

    Posted on Friday, April 20, 2001, 8:58 AM EDT by Calvan (Oceania)

    Undead Stage Britain Attack
    >>> Trammel Facet News <<<Ashley Covington delivered this message.

    I was sorting weapons and armor, intending to give them to Zola to sell, when a large commotion arose in the nearby Britain graveyard. Being well-acclimated to the usual sounds of combat, I tend to ignore such things, but the sheer volume inspired me to grab my shield and katanas, and survey the graves for myself.

    I rode into the middle of a war zone. Bone magi, bone and skeletal warriors, liches, reapers, hellhounds, fire elementals, and all varieties of lesser undead filled the graveyard, while countless warriors and mages fought against them. I joined the fray, and together, two or three waves of creatures were finally dispatched, though not without casualties on our side. I seized a lull in combat to cry out, "Does anyone here know the meaning of this!"

    An old mage, by the name of Lars, ventured an answer. "I have heard of a mage," he spoke. Many shouted out opinions, most focusing on Artarion, whose exploits are well-known in the land. Lars had no knowledge of names, however, and instead continued fighting the newly appearing forces of evil.

    Finally, the last enemy was vanquished, and the crowds began to disperse. I walked a while with this man Lars, but alas, he had no more details about the strange undead attack. Instead, we spoke of his new arrival to the city of Britain, and his past life as a mercenary and "locksmith", as we made our way to the home for the Retired Mercenaries of Britannia, in the lower part of the city. There, he bade me visit him again someday, and retired for the eve. I had no choice but to ride back to my own home, and do the same.

    Thus, a massive attack on the graveyard of Britain leaves me with plenty of questions, and no answers. This may be the work of Artarion, or some other evil force. As Lars agreed, there are far too many in this world with the potential for great evil power.

    Ashley Covington

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    Posted on Friday, April 20, 2001, 8:41 AM EDT by Rebellion (Catskills)

    Party On at Swamp Village
    Hail folks, heres a diddy from the people who bring ye Yellow Fever...

    Another grand Swamp Village party, Friday the 20th evening, 100k prizes, 5k diamond jewlery, full valorite armor prizes! Fashion contests: Best dressed female, best dressed male, and most creative. Scavenger hunt & a surprise event! Details are here: Swamp Village Website

    Sounds exciting...  Dont forget thy repellent...

    [ Comment on this article ]

    Posted on Friday, April 20, 2001, 7:11 AM EDT by Vladimir Taltos (Sonoma)

    3rd Annual UO-Disney Florida Luncheon Update
    Thanks to Angel Storm for sending us in this update about the 3rd Annual UO-Disney Florida Luncheon:
    Just a quick update for everyone interested on attending the luncheon in Florida this year.

    The date is finalized for June 23rd. We are currently awaiting confirmation from Walt Disney World on location and costs, but it will be within the park.

    We expect the costs to be $40 or less per person and will be holding this event "picnic" style as in previous years.

    If you are interested in attending please be sure to email AngelStorm ( Also keep visiting the site ( for updates and information on the luncheon.

    This just in! We have verification that there WILL be a representative from OSI in attendance. However, rumor has it that there is a battle royale going on in the office over who gets to come to Florida this year. We will keep you posted on who comes out of the ring the victor!

    Posted on Friday, April 20, 2001, 2:27 AM EDT by Joshua Rowan (CommunityNews)

    Stealthers Meeting
    Can't find your fellow stealthers? Funny that. Meeting at Azazel's place to meet and greet, swap tips and plot.

    The meeting will be held on Sunday the 21st of this month.
    Gates are provided at the Assassins Guild in Buccaneers Den from 8:15pm to 8:45pm.

    For more information regarding the meeting feel free to
    email the organiser
    Posted on Friday, April 20, 2001, 12:40 AM EDT by Chainsaw Knight (Oceania)

    Dark Swords Guild Presents a Fair at the Skara Brae Fairgrounds
    >>> Trammel Facet News <<<Lord Ash sent us this announcement:

    Sunday, April 29th, 2001
    7:00 pm to 11:45 pm CST
    Baja, Skara Brae Fairgrounds (Sextant Coordinates 47o 32'S, 35o 55'W), Trammel

    Hail one and all! The members of Dark Swords wish to invite one and all to a celebration at the Skara Brae Fairgrounds! The night will start with a storytelling contest, followed by animal fights (betting is allowed!), and finishing with a beauty contest open to any woman who wishes to enter (for a small entry fee you get a chance at very nice prizes)! There will be raffles throughout (prizes including holiday bells, sets of GM armor, and much more to be announced at the event). All contests will have prizes, email for full details, or just show up and we'll explain there. If you are interested in entering the beauty contest, emailing beforehand would be a plus!

    Gates to the fairground will be provided from Britain West Bank on the night of the event. I hope you will all join us for this night of fun and games! Please contact Lord Ash at with questions or for more information.

    Lord Ash - Guildmaster of Dark Swords

    Posted on Thursday, April 19, 2001, 9:22 PM EDT by HellRazor (Baja)

    Announcing the First Meeting of the Councel of Merchants
    >>> Trammel Facet News <<<This letter was received from Lord Durnik

    I am proud to host the first meeting of the Councel of Merchants of Baja on Saturday, April 28th starting at 2 PM Central Time. My ICQ is 17484064. We will be meeting in my Keep in Trammel and gates to the Keep will be available apon request from inside the Nujelmn Bank, the Jhelom Bank and the East Bank in Britain. Gates will not be offered once the Councel starts to meet so please make arrangements to come 20 minutes before hand. Every merchant on baja is invited and urged to attend. Everyone has ideas and I would love to hear them in detail.

    The Councel of Merchants will meet to discuss the following topics. 1. What is an acceptable price range for some goods and services.
    • Price for Raw Materials
    • Price for GM Armor and Weapons
    • Price for Assassin Goods
    • Price for Leather Goods
    • Establishing business partnerships on Baja.
    • Different ideas on how to run a Mall.
    • Price to charge Merchants
    • When to Kick a Merchant out of your Mall
    • How to handle Empty Vendors
    • Vendor Philosophy
    • How can the Mall give back to the Community

    I would like to hear from a diverse group of individuals on these topics. Once we have heard your viewpoints, I will start to model the malls to reflect the ideas that you so generously donated. All ideas and view points will be gladly accepted. Lets leave the egos out of this meeting and do something great for Baja.

    Lord Durnik, The Humble Smith
    Thank ye, Lord Durnik

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    Posted on Thursday, April 19, 2001, 8:06 PM EDT by Cymidei Fier (Baja)

    The Ice Dwarves Cometh?
    >>> Trammel Facet News <<<Ug Hummies!

    A frosty letter arrived at the new temporary Stratics office in Yew from Tyrak Grimstone, dwarf and alleged Lord of Ice Mountain. While the bird that delivered the message was defrosting, this is what I read:

    My name is Tyrak Grimstone grandson of the late Tyranthus Grimstone, last known Lord of the dwarven tribes of Ice Mountain and the Dungeon that lies underneath. It was many years ago when my people were forced out of there homes by the evil Rat tribes that now inhabit the dungeon as there own.

    I have returned long last to try and unify what is left of my tribe and remove this rat scourge and the other denizens which roam the halls that are rightfully ours. I also ask that those adventurers who have gone in and plunder out our fine stone statue return them to us as they are what little left we have of our heritage.

    Any remaining members of the tribe please contact me in my log cabin home in the lovely town of Willowport directly across the bay from the entrance to the caverns below the mountain..

    I am excited to hear that the dwarves are returning at last! They are stout warriors, powerful miners, and heavy drinkers. Good companions all!

    Praise Minax!

    [ Comment on this article ]

    Posted on Thursday, April 19, 2001, 7:42 PM EDT by Ithunk (LegendsAOL)

    Reminder: OSS 2nd Anniversary Party Monday
    >>> Trammel Facet News <<<We received the following...
    Reminder: OSS Party 23rd Boat Race Starting 7 PM CST; Kick off party at 8 PM CST

    Hello. This is just a reminder for the Order of the Silver Serpent 2nd Anniversary Party on the 23rd (Next Monday)

    At 7 p.m. CST, the Sea Serpents of the OSS will host a Boat Race from the docks of Serpent's Hold. Anyone who wishes to compete in this event please meet there first. Rules will be further explained but bring your crew because there will be some fighting to do. This race should have a special twist as there will be special fishing nets involved but the rewards shall be grand!

    At 8 p.m. CST the actual Celebration and Festivities will kick off at the Serpents Hold Counselor Hall (or, as we call it, the Council of Courage). From there we will have a list of contests to compete:

    • A Dance Contest (for all you Third Dawn people)
    • Archery Contest - This will take place at the Warrior's Hall at the Hold near the training area
    • Best Dressed - Before the night is up judges will be deciding on the best dressed man and woman as well as a best dressed couple (which duo compliments each other best).
    • Lumberjack Contest - Follow the OSS to the Forests of Yew for this contest. Rules will be given at that time.
    • Magery Contest - How many elementals can you summon? We will soon find out in the town of Harmony where the Silver Serpents will determine the winners!
    • Scavenger Hunt - Several mundane objects will be hidden around Serpents Hold. Can you find them all? Be the first, second or third to do so and win a prize!
    Door prizes will be awarded before the night is over. Be sure to register and you will need to be present to win.

    The Registrar will be in front of the Council Hall most of the night taking names (into a book) Each event will be announced in the Council Hall fifteen minutes beforehand.

    Some of the prizes are as follows:

    • A large ship
    • Glacial Staff 30 charges
    • A bust (statue) an Orion statue, a ‘praying woman’ statue
    • Trophy deeds
    • GM crafted armor and weapons/dyed GM leather
    • Tall single candles
    • Fishing Nets
    • SoS Bottles
    • Checks of various gold amounts (10k, 25k and 50k!)
    • Vanquishing Weapons
    • a large painting (tall necked Madonna)
    And many more.

    If you have any questions or would like to register your name early for the door prize, please email

    So please join us for a night of fun and festivities.
    Marshall Grey Wolfe

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    Posted on Thursday, April 19, 2001, 6:17 PM EDT by Beans Baxter (LakeSuperior)

    KOA Golden Knights #65 "No Holdin' Back" Tomorrow
    >>> Felucca Facet News <<<We received the following...
    KoA Golden Knights #65 - "No Holdin' Back"
    - hosted by NeoMikel, KoA Sage

    DATE: Friday, April 20, 2001 @ 8 PM CST
    TIME: Registration takes place from 7:30 - 8:00 PM CST. The event begins @ 8:15 PM CST.
    WHERE: The event takes place in the Alliance Village. The coordinates are 136*24'S 27*12'E

    ENTRY FEE: 1500g for team entry fee, 750g per person Must have all team member present when registering and have a team name when turning in the fees.


    • Winner receives 10k check
    • 2nd place 5k check
    DESCRIPTION: This will be a 2v2 battle with only Three Rules. RULES:
    • No Looting.
    • No Tamed Pets except for mounts.
    • Mounts may not be used to fight in any form.
    (There will be a 5 minute time limit per match)


    • No faction fighting in the village during the Golden Knights event.
    • Please do not equip bows around the ring. Spells or potions may hit you that will cause you to attack back.
    • Please try to stable or feed your mount prior to the event. Wild mounts are a problem.
    • No casting, sparring, or fighting right around the ring. If you wish to do this go to another location in the village.
    • No spectators in the arena after the event begins.
    • The Golden Knights event is a Seer sponsored event for Lake Superior. Grief players are at times removed and/or jailed, banned, etc. The consequences for disruption are solely the decision of the representatives of Origin Systems.
    • Have a great time! Cheering for your friends is encouraged!

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    Posted on Thursday, April 19, 2001, 6:08 PM EDT by Beans Baxter (LakeSuperior)

    Romantic Getaway!
    >>> Trammel Facet News <<<Have you ever wanted that oh so special spot to take a loved one away to? Get away from the hustle and bustle of Britannia?

    Well, my friends I have found the perfect spot for you. My friends, Moo & Angalina, have been working hard on the island of Moonglow to create a place where you can go and leave your cares behind.

    Enter: Moo’s Lagoon. Located on the west coast of Moonglow at 43o 9'N 152o 48'W in the Trammel facet. On the first floor there is a luxurious waterfall you can sit and hold hands with your honeybunny in a gentle, relaxing setting.

    Upstairs is the bedroom complete with a secure armoire for your gear and a whip for those who take a walk on the wildside!

    The roof holds an intimate dining area where the couple can share oral pleasures as you and your loved one feed each other from the finest exotic foods available. After stuffing yourself silly you can wander outside to sit under a large weeping willow or on the rocks with a spectacular view of the ocean. These rocks, which cannot be found elsewhere, actually let you sit upon them! One of a kind!

    Then stay the night while you snuggle between the sheets in pure bliss as you talk the night away about everything under the stars.

    What do you think you’d pay for an adventure like this? 1 mil? 2 mil? No, my friends, not even close. Although it may be worth that much you will get all of this for the amazing low price of 10k per night per person. This includes your meals!

    The grand opening is April 20th so if you want to reserve your night then call right away. Moo, the manager, can be reached at ICQ 48269318.

    [ Comment on this article ]

    Posted on Thursday, April 19, 2001, 5:53 PM EDT by Pelle Svanslos (NapaValley)

    Council of Honesty Seeking Applicants
    We received the following...
    Council of Honesty Seeking Applicants

    The Council of Honesty, representing the glorious city of Moonglow, has 3 positions available.

    The first position is the Evening Event Coordinator. Responsibilities will include evening events planning/coordinating. Will also coordinate with the plot writer for all scenarios taking place in the evening. Applicants must be available on icq or to log into the game for short periods at least 4 evenings a week, including either Friday or Saturday evening.

    The second is specifically geared for someone who is interested in placing CoH information on a web page. Responsibilities will mainly focus on building and maintaining a web page for the CoH. Will also coordinate with the Public Relations Seat to insure that news about plotlines/quests is posted in a timely manner. They will also assist in the plots/events that are scheduled. This position will require a substantial amount of time, both in and out of game.

    The third is a general position with a focus on assisting the other councilors. Responsibilities will include assisting day and evening events coordinators with events, plotline writer with scenarios, and generally helping out as needed. Applicants must be available on icq or to log into game for short periods at least 3 evenings a week, and one weekend afternoon.

    For more information or to apply, please contact Councilor Catrina.

    [ Comment on this article ]

    Posted on Thursday, April 19, 2001, 5:22 PM EDT by Beans Baxter (LakeSuperior)

    House of Blaine Opens Illithien Friday
    >>> Trammel Facet News <<<We received the following...
    The House of Blaine has been quiet for the last couple months. Why? We have been hard at work building the town of Illithien, located nearly due north of Vesper in Trammel.

    After these months of building and planning we are pleased to present the grand opening of Illithien Arms and Provisions. The event will of course take place in Illithien on Friday, April 20th. At 6:45 p.m. CST we will begin opening gateways from the West bank of Britain and from Moonglow bank in Trammel to Illithien. At 7 CST, we will begin giving out prizes at random to folks who have stopped by. And in addition, many items for sale on the vendors will be sold at a discount cost for the evening.

    We invite everyone to come enjoy good company, lot's of food and plenty of fine wine and ale. :)

    (In addition to the gates being provided, maps will be placed on The House of Blaine website this evening.)

    [ Comment on this article ]

    Posted on Thursday, April 19, 2001, 5:19 PM EDT by Beans Baxter (LakeSuperior)

    Trammel Wind Book Drive
    >>> Trammel Facet News <<<The City of Wind sent along this note that they have begun a book drive, as well as having opened diplomatic relations with Yew, Trinsic, and Satamarin.
    The City of Wind, Under the authority of our Council Magistrate Arkaana Kohl, is hereby taking up a collection of all books that can be found within the world of Brittannia. [OOC: We currently have about twenty player written books, and all game written books we could find] We ask that anyone please contact us through our Soul Page, under the contacts section, or to seek us out in Wind, or around Trinsic and Yew, or Satamarin, as these are currently the three areas we have sent emmisaries to and can be reached in.

    Many Thanks and Arcane Blessings,

    The City of Wind

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    Posted on Thursday, April 19, 2001, 4:57 PM EDT by Elisa Montclaire (Catskills)

    Comments from the Team - MrTact
    Brand new Comments from the Quality Assurance Team:

    Forgive me for not using Britannia-speak. I hope you'll understand that I don't wish to embarrass us all with my incompetence.


    Enter MrTact, also known in an alternate life as Tim Keating. I started here at Origin in August of '99 as a programmer/DBA for UO operations. My responsibilities included such mundane but important tasks as doing development on the UO login server, generating service metrics and maintaining the billing system. Early in 2000, I became the manager of my team, and was chartered to grow the team by several people. Toward the end of last year, I hit my limit for responding to pages about login server meltdowns, and decided to look for something else to do.

    As it happened, QA was looking for an engineer right around that time, it seemed to be a good fit for both the team and myself, and I made the jump.


    This is an extremely exciting time to be a part of UO. Throughout the lifetime of the game, parts of the community have been very vocal about problems with bugs and stability. Historically, the dev and QA teams have been in a kind of Catch-22 situation: given a finite amount of time, they had to balance adding new features to the game with fixing bugs. Some bugs had to be left in, not because no one WANTED to fix them, but because the necessary resources had to be dedicated to adding and testing promised new features.

    That's not the case anymore.

    The upside to all the chaos of late is that many people and procedures from UO2 are now a part of the UO team. This is a big win for UO. There are more people working on UO now than at any other time since its launch. Additionally, with only one product, our focus as a company is very narrow. We can afford to pay attention to details that previously we would not have had the bandwidth to address.

    From a QA perspective, we've never had the kinds of engineering resources devoted to UO that we do now. Where QA used to just mean "testing" (and black-box testing, at that, for those of you who know anything about software development), we are now fully responsible for improving the quality of UO from stem to stern. We are starting, slowly but surely, to get involved with development earlier in the lifecycle so we can help dev catch bugs sooner.

    Add to that the renewed commitment by the OSI management team to stomping bugs and improving the quality and reliability of our service, and you can see why I'm so enthusiastic to be getting involved with UO at this point in its lifetime. I hope you'll stick around, because we're going to see some really exciting improvements.

    Tim "MrTact" Keating
    QA Engineer, Ultima Online
    Origin Systems

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    Posted on Thursday, April 19, 2001, 4:31 PM EDT by Joshua Rowan (GeneralNews)

    (I would like to begin this article saying that player griefing is not supported and tamers have enough people who hate them. So, don’t get all up in arms people! Anyway...enuff said.)

    Normally hidden in the shadows our special investigative reporter, CrazyJoe, has spent countless hours and traveled many miles to uncover this startling epidemic. Risking life and limb he brings this to us now:
    There seems to be a disease going around the lands! It's called, "Mad Dragon". Basically it seems some dragons ate tainted cow or bull meat given to them by Tamers, and are going around spreading it all over the lands. I'm asking all thieves to please and take the time out from their hectic stealing routine to inspect all dragons they come across and deal with them as well as you can.
    With his team of sanctioned investigators in the Dragon Defense Shelter CJ has come up with a few steps to halt the spread of this deadly plague:
    1.) Limit the transportation of all dragons to towns. This involves keeping the animal in the general area that you find it, fastest way of doing this is to steal the Tamers' Mandrake Root so he or she can’t gate portal it to another populated region where it can infect other dragons.

    2.) Inspect the animals brain for infections. The only way to do this is cut up the corpse and see if you find the brain - if you find one then you can determine if there was an infection. If there is no brain on the dragon corpse, then it seems the disease was in its Third state - the brain evaporation stage. The easiest way for a thief to kill a dragon is to first rob the tamer of his mandrake root and all his bandages.
    And remember folks, you must be a registered member of the Dragon Defense Shelter to officially take part in fighting this deadly disease. This means before embarking upon these safety patrols you must have all documented proof that you’ve completed the procedure as stated in directive 4.35.1a.


    This just in...thanks to the airbourne nature of this highly contageous plague (it is held in the waste matter of birds) it seems that a new strain is going around affecting nightmares! In the bowels of Khaldun a DDS team came across this poor mare and deal with it as humanely as they could.


    Known areas of infection:

    1.) Yew Lich Forest
    2.) Fire Dungeon, the eefret and Demon area on 2nd level
    3.) Khaldun
    4.) Shame Elder Gazer Room
    5.) Shame Blood Elementals
    6.) Titan Valley

    Posted on Thursday, April 19, 2001, 4:12 PM EDT by Pelle Svanslos (NapaValley)

    New Queen in Trinsic
    >>> Trammel Facet News <<<Ug Hummies!

    With the passing of King Rurik, a new ruler has ascended in Trinisc. We received the following account from Queen Sihiri with more details:

    These last few days have left me exhausted. My mind is still reeling from the drastic events which have irrevocably changed my life. But I am getting ahead of myself.

    My name is Sihiri, daughter of the late King Rurik, the ruler of Trinsic for nearly half a century. It is with a very sad heart that I hereby announce his death, and my subsequent assent to the throne. While I am grieving over the loss of a great ruler and a loving father, I am also honoured and excited to stand upon the brink of a new age for Trinsic as its humble leader.

    I am enclosing herewith the revised Trinsic Charter for your review:

    • As the legal blood daughter of King Rurick, I will hereafter be known as Queen Sihiri.
    • There shall be a Council of Honor, consisting of elected representatives. I alone shall determine what council positions shall be needed to best benefit the needs of Trinsic, and the citizens will then have a vote to elect a representative to fill each position.
    • The council will vote upon issues relevant to the needs of Trinsic and its citizens, and decisions will be determined by majority vote. In the event of a tie or any dispute over any issue, I will have the final deciding vote. I will also have the power to veto any majority decision made by the council.
    • If at any time, a council position becomes unnecessary, I have the power to terminate that position. I also will have the power to modify any council position.
    • At no time will the elected council have the power to overthrow or threaten to overthrow the legal ruler of Trinsic.
    • Trinsic will always strive to remain neutral and peaceful, unless situations or events occur which warrant action.
    • In the event I have no children to whom to pass this reign of Trinsic, I alone shall appoint my successor to the throne. My choice for successor will be made in writing with my royal seal, and shall be kept in a secret location by a council member of my choosing until such time as it may be necessary to declare my successor.
    I am dispatching this to you with due haste because, as you can imagine, the succession to the throne needs to be established immediately to sustain peace and stability in this fair city. I will make every effort to follow this letter with a more detailed accounting of the amazing events which have led me down this path.
    Alas, another city falls to virtue!

    Praise Minax!

    [ Comment on this article ]

    Posted on Thursday, April 19, 2001, 3:59 PM EDT by Ithunk (LegendsAOL)

    Two Clans of Sin Form
    Headline: Ug Hummies!

    Enough of this virtue nonsense! I received a pair of messages this week concerning Clans of Sin that left me beside myself with glee (not a pretty sight). First, the following notice arrived from Symma Dhowna:

    Good evening. My name is Symma Dhowna, Student of the Occult and the Arcane, Member of the Guild of Arcane Arts, and Master of the Cult of Forbidden Knowledge. Since so many cities and areas in our world are being claimed by the forces of "Good", I felt it was high time to assert dominance in this power struggle by reviving a clan of Sin, namely, the Clan of Deceit.

    The Balance has shifted too far in favor of the followers of light, and it is a fine opportunity for "the darkness" to arise once more. Thus, I claim the Clan of Deceit for mine own. I have been allowed to assume the position of Archpriest by the elders of the Guild of Arcane Arts, with their blessing.

    This clan will be based near Moonglow , so as to be close to resources and the embrace of the Guild of Arcane Arts, and I will be its supreme leader. From this position the Cult hopes to be influential in destroying the ties of the other good-aligned town councils, thus stoking the fires of war. The Anti-Virtue of Deceit is to be remembered and acted on at all times by members, so trust no one... I have spoken!

    Best of all, Moonglow is currently free of one of those cursed Councils of Virtue. What fun for Deceit!

    I also received a message bourn by an enormous pigeon (half Harpy, according to the sender) from Altus concerning the status of Wrong:

    Lord Erus Pro Curo has seized control of the clan of Wrong by force. His claim was witness by several of the clan, most importantly were Infero Casus, who is Erus's main supporter, and Ira Pro Deus, who seems to have murdered all who opposed the claim. Lord Erus has deemed that the rule shall be one of Theocracy, and all shall pray to and worship the Demi-God Pravus, who travels alongside Erus in his dragon form.

    Any and all that oppose this claim shall be heard... and then put down.

    Lord Erus decisions will be final in any and all clan matters and cannot be overturned, except by the will of Pravus.

    Dragons are nasty enough, but a Demi-God in Dragon form? That's bad nasty!

    Praise Minax!

    [ Comment on this article ]

    Posted on Thursday, April 19, 2001, 3:42 PM EDT by Ithunk (LegendsAOL)

    A Reminder from the Historical Society
    >>> Felucca Facet News <<<Here's a reminder from the Historical Society of Britannia:
    Just a reminder about the Grand Opening Party for the Historical Society Library on Saturday the 21 of April.

    We will be having a Bards lyric contest and poetry contest and a costume Contest. Food will be provided by the Britannian Society of Chefs. Please all come out to celebrate with us and enjoy the wonderful Player written novels on our shelves.

    All are welcome to attend, including Murderers (their will be security for your protection as well as others) and any seers or gms that wish to come and see what a wonderful place this is and what a grand addition for the citizens to read of fellow player's adventures and histories.

    For more information on the society please visit our website.
    Need directions? A map can be found here.

    Thanks for the reminder Balgair.

    [ Comment on this article ]

    Posted on Thursday, April 19, 2001, 3:05 PM EDT by Ash Kaitlyn (Pacific)

    News from Crown of Thorns

    News from CoT:

    Crown of Thorns (Chapter II)

    Lord British sat in his castle with his advisers talking about the recent defeats in Vesper. It was decided eventually to declare peace. His head was truly a crown of thorns in decisions but a decision finally got through. He sent forth a messenger to the Militant speaker of the Vesper Militia.

    When the Message arrived the Militant speaker opened the letter and read it out loud to his men.

    "At 8 o'clock on March the 1st Lord British has officially declared a cease fire on the city of Vesper and shall allow the city to remain forever free. All Guards, Troops and Knights shall be removed from the city and leave the Militia to police it. . . . .Lord British. "

    The Celebrations began all over vesper as the people cheered that the war was finally over. Even people in Britain celebrated and cheered for the city of Vesper.

    After the celebrations were over and repairs to the damage had began from the war there was something rising in the city of Yew. Something was stirring yet they were unsure. It was heard that yet again another Rebel Force has risen only this time in Yew. Yew was a large spread out city and hard to locate a hidden base. Intelligence from Lord British believe that this force has been going since the beginning of the Vesper wars. using Vesper as a distraction.

    Lord British sent out his team of Britannia Guards to locate and destroy the threat in the city


    Leader of the Britannia Guards

    Gah! Sounds Nasty

    Posted on Thursday, April 19, 2001, 2:55 PM EDT by Marshall Drakan (Europa)

    Stonekeep Darts Competition
    >>> Trammel Facet News <<<

    News from Stonekeep:

    Stonekeep Darts Competition

    This Saturday (21st of April) at 8pm (GMT) Stonekeep will be holding a Darts Competition. The rules of the game are simple; Each player will throw three darts and the score for each of these darts will be added together to make that persons overall score for the round,  the person with the lowest score out of all the competitors for that round is knocked out of the competition and the rest move on to the next round, this continues till only one competitor is left. The winner of the tournament  will receive a check for 10,000  gold coins, the runner up gets a prize of 3000 gold coins. Entrance fee is 500 gold, and all entrants must be at Stonekeep tavern at 8pm (GMT) in order to join the hunt.

    Stonekeep can be found at the Yew crossroads, trammel facet, sextant co-ordinates (38o 50'N, 35o 9'W)

    More information can be found at

    Hope to see ya there !

    Klion - Event Organisor of Stonkeep. (Pigeon Number 74832864)


    Posted on Thursday, April 19, 2001, 2:53 PM EDT by Marshall Drakan (Europa)

    Miss Britannia 2001 Final

    News from Zen:

    Miss Britannia 2001 Beauty Contest Final

    The final of the Miss Britannia 2001 Beauty Contest Final will take place

    18:00 GMT Saturday 21 April at the Valoria Meeting Hall. (Building number 10
    on map shown in the link below).

    Miss Moonglow - Riadnit
    Miss Yew - Tamryn
    Miss Minoc - Feral
    Miss Skara Brae: Portfolio
    Miss Jelholm: Cen Taliana
    Miss Trinisic: Mailia

    1. Metal Armour
    2. Leather Armour
    3. Clothes
    4. Your own combination

    As part of the forth round each contestant will be asked to say why they
    think they should be Miss Britannia 2001. Funniest lines gets extra credit.

    Total prize money donated by the sponsors comes to 500,000gp, which will be
    awarded as follows...

    1st 300,000gp
    2nd 150,000gp
    3rd 50,000gp

    I would like to thank the following sponsors for their generous
    contributions to this event, and also Kofu and Valoria for providing a

    Jarok Dragonsoul
    Ancient Oak Village
    Elrik Garin
    Max Power

    The 3 judges for the final are

    Kofu, Kurt, Valfreyja

    If you have any questions, or want to check for last minute changes then please go to the comment link below on the Stratics Europa Forum.

    Have fun...


    Good Luck All!

    [ Comment on this article ]

    Posted on Thursday, April 19, 2001, 2:52 PM EDT by Marshall Drakan (Europa)

    Merchant Market
    >>> Trammel Facet News <<<

    A note from Gerrick:

    Hear ye! Hear ye!

    In the safe and fine Merchant District of Yew, the first annual Market of
    Yew will be held! Our peasants have worked hard to gather their resources,
    merchants are even now booking locations to place their stands. This market
    will not only be the perfect area to trade with others, to buy or sell goods
    or just to talk peacefully with one another. Many more thrilling events will
    be held ranging from bardic tales to the proving of one's fighting
    abilities! There is also the possibility of prizes and rewards and even more
    Do visit us at the Merchant District of Yew, Trammel facet near to Yew
    Cemetery and sextant coordinates 400 41'N 410 58'W
    Everybody will be there....will you not be?

    For more information visit our skypage at
    Gerrick, High Merchant( Pidgeon Cage Number:89072446)

    Sounds Good!

    Posted on Thursday, April 19, 2001, 2:49 PM EDT by Marshall Drakan (Europa)

    Annoura and Jacob Reunited

    News from the Quest:

    Last night as I returned from my studies back to that haven of peace and scholarship called the Spiritwood University, I was greeted by a gathering of restless souls crowding the lobby. Members of our own University as well as others including Dianora, the mayor of Deepwater township had already gathered there in anticipation of the events of the evening, as foretold by the shade of the departed Druid of yore known as Jacob. In fact it was his lost love Annoura, who, after her rescue from the Orc Fort, had proclaimed that on the night of the 18th, the time would be right for she and her Jacob to be once more united in timeless love. As we spoke about the events that were about to unfold, the stillness was broken by a large detachment of soldiers from the Guardsmen of Yew. Under the command of one particular young officer, they had apparently been assigned to our service in this worthy quest. Not knowing where to start, we decided after some discussion that half of the soldiers might make their way to the Tomb of Jacob, to see if his spirit stirred there, while the other half accompanied the rest of us to the town of Spiritwood in Felucca, where Annoura had last been seen taking her rest. I formed a mental link with the detachment of soldiers bound for the Tomb so that they could send word of any discoveries, before making a magical portal for them to transport to that dark and forbidding place. I warned them not to wander far but to seek for any sign of the shade of Jacob. <?xml:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" />


    After several attempts to gather up the stragglers, those remaining travelled then to the town of Spiritwood in Felucca, where we made our way to the University campus there but alas, Annoura was not to be seen. There was however a darkly clad old man whom the Militia soldiers referred to as “Father” and whom they seemed to hold in some regard although I for one cannot for the life of me see why they should, for he was a most unruly and ill mannered wretch. No sooner had I arrived when he clutched violently at my arm and demanded I follow him into the shadow of the tower for some secretive exhortations. Once he had unhanded me, I agreed to see what this foul tempered old brut sought of me, and followed him a short way from the crowd, whereupon he immediately accused me of setting a trap for the Militia detachment sent to aid this holy task and demanded the single rune I held for the Tomb of Jacob. Naturally I declined and returned at once to rejoin the others. It was then that this old fellow, called Adjudicator by the Guardsmen present, spit curses at us and called for the hunting and burning of those who displeased him, claiming all to be somehow stained with a defilement of magic. He thence himself conjured a magical portal into which he ordered the last remaining guardsmen! Although quite perturbed by this bizarre behaviour, perhaps I surmised the result of his failing aged mind, I urged the others to have compassion for the old brut as he fled, and we soon set our minds once more to the task at hand, namely finding the Lady Annoura so that she could once and forever more be reunited with Jacob.


    It was then that I received word from Ms. Terri, the rather remarkable Housekeeper of the Spiritwood University who, along with a small but determined band of scholars had remained ever vigilant within the Tomb despite the withdrawal of the original Yew Militia detachment sent to stand guard. It seems that this small band of scholars saw their devotion to service rewarded for the bewitched and moaning form of the shade of Jacob himself had come, and was at once beset by hordes of undead minions! Glad was I then that I had retained the precious rune, for I used it at once, calling forth a magical portal to that place and beseeching the brave souls gathered about me to hasten through to relive our hard pressed comrades in the tomb. Through they poured with great determination and not a moment too soon, for the sight that they beheld in that dark place was a most loathsome and terrifying thing indeed. Shades, Wraiths, Lichs and more swarmed therein, all set upon the destruction of the spirit of Jacob who stood there too, within his protective circle moaning in despair. Annoura too was sighted fleetingly in the shadows and Jacob called out to her as the attacks increased. Soon huge red beasts started to come forth, Elder gazers the colour of molten lava, fierce crimson Gargoyles and a great blood red Wyrm all baring the name of Drakhen’s Pets! I frantically cast my curative spells and sent a hasty call to lady Dianora to bring forth the Heart of Anathema and Words of Power that she had gathered. This she did and throwing caution to the wind, she bravely stood within the very centre of the maelstrom and spoke the words. A wave of terrible Lichs came forth and struck the good Mayoress down. We rushed to her aid and restored her to what health we could and again she chanted and called forth.


    It was about then that a gate opened into the very midst of this madness and pouring forth from it came yet more of the Guardsmen of Yew. They set about themselves slashing and cutting and showing that, where they may fail when tasks of common civility are called for, they are on the contrary most capable of shear brut force, for soon the undead hosts were at last in abeyance. Again the Mayor Dianora used the words of power.


    And then it was that the recently transformed lady Annoura at last came forth and stood before the tormented spirit of the ancient Druid Jacob. Clutched in her trembling had was a staff of great mystery, which she held out before the midnight form of the druid’s soul. It was his own staff it seems! Then it was that these old eyes at last beheld a miracle the likes of which I have rarely been witness to. There was a shock of brilliant lightening and then as the smoke cleared and our eyes grew once more accustomed to the gloom, there stood before us a man where once the black form of a tormented and disembodied soul had coalesced. It was Jacob, made whole once more through the words of Dianora, “Dianna’s namesake”, just as was foretold by the Tome of the Crimson Serpent!


    The gathered throngs shouted out in jubilant triumph then as Jacob fell into the arms of his beloved, clearly weakened and in shock. Many spoke then offering aid and a place of rest for the pair. Dianora invited them to the town of Deepwater, where they would be welcomed. I offered them the shelter of the peace and tranquillity of the University. A rough military voice called out that the Militiamen’s own stronghold of Stonekeep was the most well guarded place in the land and it was here that Jacob chose to journey to next, for he opened a pair of gates, firstly to the lands of Trammel and thence to the meadow of Stonekeep itself.  No sooner had the gathered heroes arrived but all were set upon by heaving elementals that sprang forth from the earth, clattering spiders and venomous scorpions! So much for the safety of famed Stonekeep! Many good souls bravely held off this attacking force allowing Jacob and Annoura to dash to safety in the central keep. I myself went after to make sure they had arrived at last in safety, but I was rudely accosted and insulted by the soldiers therein. It seems that my humble book of hymns and prayers was viewed as some sort of accursed defilement, no doubt the legacy of that mad old fool I had met earlier. I was insulted and threatened with physical violence if I did not cast the book aside at once, and so, pacifist that am, I immediately left that unholy house.


    I can say no more therefore of what came to pass within, but only this: T’was but a short moment later, as we gathered to leave, that the gods brought down a great curse and time itself stood still across the lands. I cannot but think that it was as a fell warning to the men of the Guardsmen’s Militia, whose lack of charity may have displeased them so. I know that many brave souls at last awoke in their beds, shaking their heads as though none of this had come to pass. But I tell ye my friends, it did. Jacob and Annoura are re-united once more, and I have since received word from Mayoress Dianora that both shall avail themselves of the hospitality of the township of Deepwater this coming Monday Evening, the 23rd where ALL shall be welcome to attend.


    Sacre Benedictus



    Chancellor of the Spiritwood University

    Humble Monk of the Virtues

    Ar! Good Luck!

    Posted on Thursday, April 19, 2001, 2:47 PM EDT by Marshall Drakan (Europa)

    Annoura and Jacob Reunited

    News from the Quest:


    Last night as I returned from my studies back to that haven of peace and scholarship called the Spiritwood University, I was greeted by a gathering of restless souls crowding the lobby. Members of our own University as well as others including Dianora, the mayor of Deepwater township had already gathered there in anticipation of the events of the evening, as foretold by the shade of the departed Druid of yore known as Jacob. In fact it was his lost love Annoura, who, after her rescue from the Orc Fort, had proclaimed that on the night of the 18th, the time would be right for she and her Jacob to be once more united in timeless love. As we spoke about the events that were about to unfold, the stillness was broken by a large detachment of soldiers from the Guardsmen of Yew. Under the command of one particular young officer, they had apparently been assigned to our service in this worthy quest. Not knowing where to start, we decided after some discussion that half of the soldiers might make their way to the Tomb of Jacob, to see if his spirit stirred there, while the other half accompanied the rest of us to the town of Spiritwood in Felucca, where Annoura had last been seen taking her rest. I formed a mental link with the detachment of soldiers bound for the Tomb so that they could send word of any discoveries, before making a magical portal for them to transport to that dark and forbidding place. I warned them not to wander far but to seek for any sign of the shade of Jacob. <?xml:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" />


    After several attempts to gather up the stragglers, those remaining travelled then to the town of Spiritwood in Felucca, where we made our way to the University campus there but alas, Annoura was not to be seen. There was however a darkly clad old man whom the Militia soldiers referred to as “Father” and whom they seemed to hold in some regard although I for one cannot for the life of me see why they should, for he was a most unruly and ill mannered wretch. No sooner had I arrived when he clutched violently at my arm and demanded I follow him into the shadow of the tower for some secretive exhortations. Once he had unhanded me, I agreed to see what this foul tempered old brut sought of me, and followed him a short way from the crowd, whereupon he immediately accused me of setting a trap for the Militia detachment sent to aid this holy task and demanded the single rune I held for the Tomb of Jacob. Naturally I declined and returned at once to rejoin the others. It was then that this old fellow, called Adjudicator by the Guardsmen present, spit curses at us and called for the hunting and burning of those who displeased him, claiming all to be somehow stained with a defilement of magic. He thence himself conjured a magical portal into which he ordered the last remaining guardsmen! Although quite perturbed by this bizarre behaviour, perhaps I surmised the result of his failing aged mind, I urged the others to have compassion for the old brut as he fled, and we soon set our minds once more to the task at hand, namely finding the Lady Annoura so that she could once and forever more be reunited with Jacob.


    It was then that I received word from Ms. Terri, the rather remarkable Housekeeper of the Spiritwood University who, along with a small but determined band of scholars had remained ever vigilant within the Tomb despite the withdrawal of the original Yew Militia detachment sent to stand guard. It seems that this small band of scholars saw their devotion to service rewarded for the bewitched and moaning form of the shade of Jacob himself had come, and was at once beset by hordes of undead minions! Glad was I then that I had retained the precious rune, for I used it at once, calling forth a magical portal to that place and beseeching the brave souls gathered about me to hasten through to relive our hard pressed comrades in the tomb. Through they poured with great determination and not a moment too soon, for the sight that they beheld in that dark place was a most loathsome and terrifying thing indeed. Shades, Wraiths, Lichs and more swarmed therein, all set upon the destruction of the spirit of Jacob who stood there too, within his protective circle moaning in despair. Annoura too was sighted fleetingly in the shadows and Jacob called out to her as the attacks increased. Soon huge red beasts started to come forth, Elder gazers the colour of molten lava, fierce crimson Gargoyles and a great blood red Wyrm all baring the name of Drakhen’s Pets! I frantically cast my curative spells and sent a hasty call to lady Dianora to bring forth the Heart of Anathema and Words of Power that she had gathered. This she did and throwing caution to the wind, she bravely stood within the very centre of the maelstrom and spoke the words. A wave of terrible Lichs came forth and struck the good Mayoress down. We rushed to her aid and restored her to what health we could and again she chanted and called forth.


    It was about then that a gate opened into the very midst of this madness and pouring forth from it came yet more of the Guardsmen of Yew. They set about themselves slashing and cutting and showing that, where they may fail when tasks of common civility are called for, they are on the contrary most capable of shear brut force, for soon the undead hosts were at last in abeyance. Again the Mayor Dianora used the words of power.


    And then it was that the recently transformed lady Annoura at last came forth and stood before the tormented spirit of the ancient Druid Jacob. Clutched in her trembling had was a staff of great mystery, which she held out before the midnight form of the druid’s soul. It was his own staff it seems! Then it was that these old eyes at last beheld a miracle the likes of which I have rarely been witness to. There was a shock of brilliant lightening and then as the smoke cleared and our eyes grew once more accustomed to the gloom, there stood before us a man where once the black form of a tormented and disembodied soul had coalesced. It was Jacob, made whole once more through the words of Dianora, “Dianna’s namesake”, just as was foretold by the Tome of the Crimson Serpent!


    The gathered throngs shouted out in jubilant triumph then as Jacob fell into the arms of his beloved, clearly weakened and in shock. Many spoke then offering aid and a place of rest for the pair. Dianora invited them to the town of Deepwater, where they would be welcomed. I offered them the shelter of the peace and tranquillity of the University. A rough military voice called out that the Militiamen’s own stronghold of Stonekeep was the most well guarded place in the land and it was here that Jacob chose to journey to next, for he opened a pair of gates, firstly to the lands of Trammel and thence to the meadow of Stonekeep itself.  No sooner had the gathered heroes arrived but all were set upon by heaving elementals that sprang forth from the earth, clattering spiders and venomous scorpions! So much for the safety of famed Stonekeep! Many good souls bravely held off this attacking force allowing Jacob and Annoura to dash to safety in the central keep. I myself went after to make sure they had arrived at last in safety, but I was rudely accosted and insulted by the soldiers therein. It seems that my humble book of hymns and prayers was viewed as some sort of accursed defilement, no doubt the legacy of that mad old fool I had met earlier. I was insulted and threatened with physical violence if I did not cast the book aside at once, and so, pacifist that am, I immediately left that unholy house.


    I can say no more therefore of what came to pass within, but only this: T’was but a short moment later, as we gathered to leave, that the gods brought down a great curse and time itself stood still across the lands. I cannot but think that it was as a fell warning to the men of the Guardsmen’s Militia, whose lack of charity may have displeased them so. I know that many brave souls at last awoke in their beds, shaking their heads as though none of this had come to pass. But I tell ye my friends, it did. Jacob and Annoura are re-united once more, and I have since received word from Mayoress Dianora that both shall avail themselves of the hospitality of the township of Deepwater this coming Monday Evening, the 23rd where ALL shall be welcome to attend.


    Sacre Benedictus



    Chancellor of the Spiritwood University

    Humble Monk of the Virtues

    Ar! Good Luck!

    Posted on Thursday, April 19, 2001, 2:46 PM EDT by Marshall Drakan (Europa)

    Tavern Review - The Elven Outpost Bar & Grill
    >>> Trammel Facet News <<<Hail and well met,
    I was fortunate to be invited to visit the Elven Outpost Bar & Grill, and would like to share with you what I found.

    Nestled in the trees of the Hamlet of Nevermore Trammel Facet, on the west side of the mountains surrounding the Dungeon of Wrong, there is a quiet little bar and grill run by Jeff the Mayor of Nevermore and The Elven League. This well decorated villa offers to the weary traveller provisions of food and drink and is located near a small marble craft shoppe.

    The Elven Outpost Bar & Grill is open all day every day via loyal trusted vendors and is proud of its weekly Happy Hour. Each Sunday night at 7 o'clock PM Pacific time the tavern holds Happy Hour, and Jeff told me when I visited that they soon hoped to add gambling to their weekly event. The Tavern also offers an upper room for meetings and the like, The Mayor only requires advance notice via email to book the room for use. Jeff also informed me that there is no charge to the visitor to attend events at the tavern, he also asks that out of respect for other visitors, any pets be stabled or left outside the establishment.

    If you have any questions or would like to book the upstairs room, email Mayor Jeff at this email address.
    A calander of tavern events can be found at their website.The Elven Outpost Bar & Grill
    To check the location of the tavern follow these coordinates.125*46'N / 42*23'E

    Your humble servant,
    Raeven Aurora

    [ Comment on this article ]

    Posted on Thursday, April 19, 2001, 2:16 PM EDT by Raeven Aurora (NapaValley)

    GOR Rampage!!!
    >>> Trammel Facet News <<<This was just dropped into my in-box.
    Saturday Night (April 15) the largest guild on the Napa Valley Shard, Guardians of Ravenhill, commonly known as GOR, was sighted at several spots across the land.

    They were reported to have been seen traveling in a column that stretched several screens long. One eyewitness said that the sound of their marching cracked the windows in her home and knocked her good china to the floor. She also stated that at least 25 or 30 of them passed directly in front of her home and the dust they generated has ruined her new net carpet. A lawsuit for damages has been filed with MAD (Minoc Administrative Department).

    Complaints were also overheard in the City of Vesper where it seems GOR members had a grievance with the banking community. Some sort of protest was staged where they lined up in front of the bank, blocking traffic with several members saying "cheese". No one really knows what the word "cheese" ment to the gor members. Some speculate that perhaps a new rare cheese had been banked for safety and then disappeared from the vault.

    No official comment has been made however from any member of GOR.

    The staff and guards at Lord British's Castle were caught unprepared when GOR decended upon them with no warning whatsoever. They stormed the gates and took over the throne room with only one casualty. The head chamberlain stated that all in all GOR seems to be a very dignified and orderly group. His main complaint was the behavior of the horses. (It seems GOR members do not use a pooper scoop.)

    The strongest complaint about GoR's late night adventures comes from the staff at the dungeon of Shame. According to sources there, a horde of GOR appeared from out of thin air and began attacking helpless earth, water, and air elementals as well as many of the other peaceful inhabitants of Shame on more than one level.

    Bodies of these helpless victims were sometimes 5 deep and entire families were wiped out. A reward has been offered by high officials of Shame for the capture of these deadly warriors and mages.

    Is this the beginning of a new age for GOR? They have always been around, but kept a low profile. Helping others but never being obvious about their deeds or their numbers. Could it be that finally GOR will step into the mainstream and help shape their world? Only time will tell.

    The Guardians OF Ravenhill

    Posted on Thursday, April 19, 2001, 1:19 PM EDT by Pelle Svanslos (NapaValley)

    A Dream
    This story in from Kronos, Paladin of Courage.

    After a grueling day of fighting undead and preaching virtue I returned home.
    I set my armor and supplies aside as I readied myself for bed. Once asleep I
    had this fantastical dream, that I will now share with you.

    I was alone standing on top of a pillar stained red. As I surveyed my
    surroundings, I noticed a white ladder leading up to the north of me. To the
    west there was a purple bridge made of rope and to the east there was an
    oragne bridge also made of rope. I could not see where any of these paths
    lead. Spinning around I also saw a black ladder to the south it was leading
    downward. Not being one toi take easy roads I decided on the purple rope
    bridge to the west. Halfway across I could make out another pillar. This one
    seemed stained blue. I could also see the image of a man in bright armor
    standing on the pillar. I steadied myself for a confrontation, since as the
    Paladin of Valor battle is my way of life. I stepped onto the blue pillar
    only to find myself face to face with my brother, The Paladin of Honesty.

    "Keale!" I cried out.

    "Hail my brother" he said in his usual manner. "What do ye make of all this?"

    "I know not" I answered.

    As we looked all around us I noticed the same layout as I saw at the red
    pillar. A whit ladder to the north and black one to the south a purple bridge
    to the east only this time there was a green rope-bridge to the west. My
    brother and I decided to keep moving west. So across the green bridge we
    walked. We slowly came to another pillar. This one seemed stained yellow. And
    upon it stood our dearest friend and guildmate, Katanya, The Paladin of
    Compassion. It was slowly becoming clear to us all. All these pillars and
    bridges and ladders were representing the 8 virtues. We stood there for a
    moment. Together we decided it best to go up the white ladder, which we knew
    stood for spirituality. One by one up the ladder we went. Once at the top we
    found ourselves on a white pillar. looking down we could all see it so
    clearly....the Codex! The pillars and bridges formed the Codex. All 8 virtues
    lay out before us. We all felt a sense od peace. Then with a flash an old
    wizard appeared. It was Travellian, The Old Sage! It was he who directed us
    to form the Paladins of Virtue, our guild.

    "Dont ye see my friends?" the old wizard said. "Without the three pillars the
    bridges would fall."

    "What are ye telling us magician?" I demanded of him.

    "I once told you that Britannia needed virtue. That its people were lost and
    confused." he said dryly. "I also said that it was up to you to bring virtue
    back into their lives."

    "Have we not done what ye have asked?" Keale asked him.

    "Indeed you have, but what are the eight virtues without the three principles
    that guide them?" The OldSage said.

    It didnt occur to me until just then. The three pillars not only stood for
    Valor, Honesty, and Compassion. They stood for the greater principles of
    Courage, Truth, and Love.

    " I tell you three now, go forth as my Paladins of Courage, Truth, and Love."
    Travellian commanded. "Take with you your Paladins of Virtue, spread the word
    of virtue and teach the three principles that binds everything together." And
    with the words of Power, "Kal Ort Por" he was gone.

    I lie awake in my bed. wondering if what I nad just dreamt was truly a dream.
    I gathered my things. "I must let Keale and Katanya know!" I said to myself.
    As I strode out my door I found them already outside waiting for me.

    Katanya began by saying, "Let me guess what you just dreamed about" she said
    with a smile.

    The three of us had the same dream! So there on that day we took an oath to
    Honor the Old Sages wishes to teach the three principles. And to show that
    all that is righteous, good, and true begin with these principles as their

    Kronos, Paladin of Courage (P*V)

    Thank ye Kronos for this most.. inspirational tale. *coughs dryly*

    Posted on Thursday, April 19, 2001, 12:33 PM EDT by Azalin (Atlantic)

    Grand Opening of Ultima Mart!
    Another valuable recource for the Shard.

    I'm very please to be able to announce the Grand Opening of Ultima Mart at!

    Ultima Mart has the LARGEST stock of UO resources on the Atlantic shard.
    Their prices are very competitive and their service is unmatched.

    If you need ingots, boards, regs, or any other in-game resource on the
    Atlantic shard, you should pay a visit to Ultima Mart.

    Warmest Regards,

    Ultima Mart

    Thank ye Remiah for this announcement. Evil luck to your efforts.

    Posted on Thursday, April 19, 2001, 12:28 PM EDT by Azalin (Atlantic)

    The First Attack of the Shadowlord's Ends
    >>> Trammel Facet News <<<More interesting news on these Shadow Lords from Tay M'real.

    In the looming distance, I could hear the sounds of the roaming lich
    lords and the chanting of the Dark Priests. Their voices echoed through the
    valley that encased their stronghold and drifted over the mountains until
    finally settling upon my ears. I stood there for a moment, looking up at the
    great mountain range that stood before me. Even admist all the confusion, I
    could slowly feel myself begin to smile. The end could come this eve, or
    rather it would. The Lightbringers shall be victorious, and for another
    generation, the threat of the Shadowlords will be thwarted by the M'real
    family. As the generations of Warriors had done before me, I would continue
    their legacy, and uphold the name of the M'reals. My thoughts scattered as a
    familiar voice came from behind me...

    "Father, tis it necessary that thou dost continue now?"

    I turned and gazed upon the young man of whom I raised, and now called
    son. He was so sincere, his brown eyes shimmering in the early evening sun.
    His face was scared, remnants of his torture from the Shadowlords, and his
    body seemed frail and undernourished. I smiled at him, a reassuring smile
    that seemed to secure his feelings of fear for my safety. I reached out to
    him, clasping his shoulder and squeezing it firmly I said...

    "Now son, the heritage of the M'reals must continue with me as it has for the
    thousands of years before. If I t'were to break the link, Britannia would
    fall into utter chaos under new Lords." I could sense that the mention of the
    word Lords startled him as he dropped his head, and began to kick at a small
    rock at his feet. "Come now boy, all will be well. I assure to thee that I
    shall return." He looked up at me, seemingly satisfied that as a man of
    Virtue, I was telling him the truth.

    "Father....I love thee"

    "And I thee James. Though thour't nay blood,thour't surely my son, and a
    M'real." I reached to my backpack and searched through until finally settling
    upon a small ring. "As thou'rt my oldest, thour't the most deserving of this.
    Tis the ring of the M'real family." I dropped the ring into his hand, and
    slowly pushed his fingers over top of it. I could see a lone tear begin to
    stream down his face as he looked up at me, then back down to the ring. I
    could barely bring myself to look at him, for I feared the day that I would
    leave him alone in the world. I composed myself, fighting back tears of my
    own then spoke to him in a voice that I knew he could sense the fear in.
    "Son....If....If I am to perish here this day, I wish for thee to carry on my
    name of Tay M'real. Tis why I am giving you this ring. May it serve thee as
    it has served me."

    "!" He quickly became defiant and turned from me. I
    began to reach out to him, but felt it best if I didn't. I drew my hand back
    to my side, and dropped my head. I turned and began to walk to the approach
    of the mountain. I looked up to it's summit a last time, then clenched my
    teeth, breathed deeply, and began my ascent.

    Over my shoulder, I peered occasionally to see if James had waited for me
    to begin my climb before leaving. I was the least bit surprised to find that
    he had stayed there, watching me, his golden clothing blowing briskly in the

    I climbed the approach of the mountain for the better part of an hour,
    finding it difficult to maneuver over the terrain once the sun disappeared
    behind the crest and darkness settled in.

    After what seemed as days, I reached over the top of a rock and found
    that the valley loomed before me as I pulled myself up. Standing upon the
    ridge, I looked down upon the black trees and the burning fires. I could
    smell the ravages of death, and upon closer inspection, the fires burned with
    the bodies of the slain. I shook my head, sickened by what I saw. I nearly
    lost my stomach and had to turn away for a few moments as I gathered my
    thoughts. I wheeled around, my body and spirit finding new determination as
    I gazed upon the great fortress of Stonekeep, home of the Shadowlords. I
    withdrew my war hammer from the loop at my belt and began my descent down the
    face of the valley.

    The trek down the side of the mountain went without conflict as I
    carefully watched for movement in the shadows that surrounded me. When I
    reached the base of the valley, a large stretch of plains loomed before me
    before resting finally into a large patch of forest. I sighed, angered that
    I would be without cover for an extensive period of time. I cursed my chain
    mail armor, and searched the area where I stood for somewhere to hide. I
    found a mass of large boulders nearby and hurried behind them. Once there, I
    looked around for activity and proceeded to remove my armor and slid the
    pieces into my pack. I cursed myself, my mind yelling at me to defend it
    against attacks, but I could nay risk them hearing me. I shouldered my pack,
    picked up my hammer and proceeded to run across the plains. The ground was
    relatively even, dipping slowly in some areas and covered in high weeds. My
    heart began to beat faster as I neared the forestline, my body obviously
    reacting to the presence of the evil as it neared.

    Just as I was about to reach the edge of the forest, through the corner
    of my eye I saw a shadow move, and felt the sound of piercing wind as an
    arrow flew across my arm and pierced through my pack. I immediately leaped
    onto the ground, regrouping my thoughts and searching for the area the arrow
    came from. I watched intently, my body sweating profusely and my heart
    seemingly about to burst from my chest. The assassin was near, I could feel
    him, could hear his breathing. But where? Where was he? I waited silently,
    searching for his slightest mistake. Then he made it, he launched a potion
    into the air, the bottle reflecting light from the fire, and I could see it
    reflecting from the jewel the assassin wore. I leapt from the ground,
    charging the area that I saw him. Behind me, the potion exploded in a blast
    of shimmering light and dirt and I could see the expression on the assassins
    face as I set upon him with my hammer. He was pulling an arrow from his
    quarrel and sliding it into the bow as I swung my massive hammer down. He
    rolled away in time for me to miss his head, but his shoulder didn't escape,
    the crushing of bones echoing through the forest as a flock of birds rose to
    the air from the noise. He pulled a dagger from his belt and slashed wildly
    at me with his one good arm. I waited patiently, his slashing keeping me at
    bay. I noticed his eyes widen and I could feel the presence of hot air upon
    my neck. I quickly turned as the dagger flew from his hand and past my face
    to settle in the neck of another assassin that was raising a Longsword to my
    head. Startled at the killing of his companion, I took the opportunity to
    finish the first assassin. I rose and swung with all my power at the man,
    settling with a massive blow to his chest. Again I could hear his bones
    smashing and his body went quickly limp, and sprawled over the ground.

    I felt it best to stay in the cover of the night and forest and
    proceeded through the brush to the looming fortress beyond. The rest of my
    trek was without conflict, and so I felt safer if I had re-equipped my chain
    mail. I emerged from the forest after several minutes and found myself
    standing before the walls of the massive fortress, it's black rock reflecting
    an image of me as a skeleton. The first time that I had laid eyes upon the
    black stone, I was startled at the sight of me...dead. I was used to it by
    now, the many times that I had frequented the fortress whence I was
    controlled. Running my hands along the wall, I paced it for an eternity until
    finally finding the piece that I had searched for. I turned the round stone
    and the sound of moving rocks echoed until opening into a black cave beyond.

    The depths of the fortress were easy to navigate. It served as a sewer
    so the guards that were present were easily avoidable. It wasn't until I
    reached the door to the first floor of the Fortress that I felt the extreme
    presence of death. I felt my body grow cold as I held my ear to the large
    wooden door, listening for sounds of movement on the other side. When I felt
    it was clear, I opened it, peered through, then continued to search the walls
    for the door to the Shadow Chamber.

    The better part of 3 hours I searched the deathly fortress, occasionally
    slipping past guards, and sometimes having to kill them to continue. The
    battles were quick, my ease as a man of quietness enabled me to sneak behind
    them and cut their throats with my dagger. It wasn't until I was somewhere on
    the 5th floor that I came upon a large wooden door. Almost immediately I could
    hear the voices of the Shadowlord's within. I blessed myself, touching over
    the cross on my head, and quietly spoke my battle cry "Sanctum de virtuous".

    I opened the massive door, shut it, and continued to walk to the center
    of the room. I searched the shadows, seeking the mirror that was the portal
    from their world to contact ours. I pulled a torch from my pack and lit it
    until the room appeared bright with color. I turned, looking at the walls
    until I saw it. The mirror was crafted of gold, swirling mists of black,
    green, and blue lining it's center.

    As I neared, I felt their presence The Shadowlords, so evil, so vile.
    They reached to me, attempting to bring me back to their world, attempting to
    kill me and break the seal that held them captive. I fought body
    slowly draining, and my mind quickly becoming delirious. As I held the hammer
    above my head, I could feel my body being sucked into the swirling mists. I
    yelled but no avail as I was slowly being pulled into the Realm of the Abyss.
    My hammer fell to the floor, my hand reaching for it desperately. I gave one
    last effort to retrieve it, but the force was too strong, and I was pulled

    The ordeal I experienced within the Abyss is best left to the bards, for
    never again shall I speak of it. The death that surrounded me, my longing
    battle with the Shadowlords...have left me a stronger man of Virtue.

    When I emerged from the swirling mists of the mirror, I looked down upon
    my badly damaged armor. Many of the areas were burned completely away, and my
    robe was torn and ragged. My body ached and bled from wounds deeply
    inflicted. My eyes shifted to rest upon my war hammer that had fallen from my
    hand earlier. I picked it up, attempted a smile, and peered at the mirror. I
    clenched my teeth, and with my last ounce of strength, swung at the Gate of
    Death. It shattered, spreading shards over the entire floor. I dropped to my
    knees, my mind unable to control the emotions that flowed from my body, and I
    broke down and began to cry.

    My moment of victory was short-lived as the ground beneath me began to
    shake and the walls began to crumble. I looked up then around as the fortress
    began to close around me! My mind yelled for me to run, and with low stamina,
    I stumbled forth into the halls. The dismantling of the fortress caused the
    walking lich lords and gargoyles not to notice me, instead, they were
    disintegrating into dust.

    I emerged from the valley and descended the mountainside as the sun was
    rising to it's home in the sky. In the distance, instead of the figure of
    James, I saw two shadows standing near my horse Kinson. I walked slowly,
    still badly battered from the battle. When I finally reached the bottom, I
    slumped forward into the waiting arms of my two sons, James Zachary and Drag
    On. They looked at me for a moment, surprised perhaps that I was so badly
    damaged, or that I had lived through the ordeal. They smiled at me....and
    the last words that I remembered were..

    "Father, you've returned"...then the M'real family ring slipping onto my

    Yours in Virtue,

    Tay M'real
    (Knight's Captain, B(C)

    Thank ye Tay.

    Posted on Thursday, April 19, 2001, 12:24 PM EDT by Azalin (Atlantic)

    The Demands of Zift For the Safe Return of Jazzmine
    >>> Trammel Facet News <<<This from the city of Valenor and its Mayor, Doctor Fate.

    I heard Ilex scream in terror that she just saw Zift pass. I ran to the ledge and looked over, for a moment I did not see him then he came from behind one of the homes of Valenor and stopped at the doors of city hall. Though I was a bit anxious I ran down to greet him in hopes of finding some way to get Jazz back.

    It was obvious he was there to toy with me. He said he had plans for Jazz but he also had need of special armor. Armor he described as being pure evil, that the Blacksmith that made the armor would need to be pure evil. He had someone in mind to make the armor but he was not done toying with me and would not yet tell me where or who to get this armor from.

    "I'm not so sure I would give him armor that would increase his powers even for Jazz, as all of our lives would then be at peril". I told him even if I knew whereto get this armor I would not give it to him without knowing Jazz was alive and safe. In response to my statement he said if we killed a Balron and brought him proof that it had been slain by us that he would give us proof that Jazz was alive and well.

    He then sped his horse, as his horse leapt forward Laughingly he yelled back "Ill be waiting". It is plain to me I have no choice but to meet his first demand. The Guardians Of Valenor and mages warriors from RSR BSE and EEG sought out and slaughtered the mighty Balron. Now we wait for proof that Jazzmine Lexx is a live.

    Doctor Fate Mayor of Valenor

    Thank ye Doctor Fate.

    Posted on Thursday, April 19, 2001, 12:18 PM EDT by Azalin (Atlantic)

    Return of the Cult of Juo'nar
    Recently, rumors have begun to surface regarding the possible return of Jonathan Rye and the criminal organization known as the Cult of Juo'nar, sometimes referred to popularly as the "Chessmen." Since the prior events in this story are many months old, we will first provide a summary of the Cult's previous machinations.

    The Debut of the Cult

    The following information has been adapted from the writings of Stratics reporter Lady Eve, who in turn compiled it from information provided in part by Tymaron and Elisa Montclaire (myself), neither of whom were reporters at the time. Further information was provided by Ashley Covington, Xavier, Gorion, and sources unknown.
    • Authorities release a statement regarding the disappearance of eight young women.
    • An enigmatic letter arrives at our publication, referring to the missing women as pawns, and implying they will be killed if the missive is ignored. Eight riddles are provided, each leading to a different location, where a game of chess is to be played at midnight, on the following eight nights, for the life of each "pawn".
    • The first match is held at Sage Advice in East Britain, with a gentlemen named Demonstalker representing the kidnappers, dressed in verite green armor with a black staff in hand. Ashley Covington plays the first match, a variant of traditional chess, and loses, with Demonstalker disappearing after stating the first "pawn" is forfeit.
    • Authorities release a second press release, placing the individual known as Demonstalker in Trinsic during the month prior to the kidnappings. He is said to have been in the company of two men, also wearing verite chainmail.
    • The second match is played in the Nujel'm Theatre, with a man named Rankin representing the kidnappers, also dressed in verite chain, this time bearing the mark of a grandmaster smith known as Farrah. When asked to provide proof of the first woman's demise, Rankin indicates that Captain Filbert Eggcup of Winterfell had been provided evidence to this effect. The first round, against Theros Ironfeld of the United Blacksmiths, ends in stalemate, forcing a second game. Rankin redeems himself in the following match, however, defeating Elisa Montclaire and claiming the board, but not before offering to answer a question. He reveals that the motivation behind these games is humiliation and an attack on morale, and then vanishes.
    • The third match is held, in which Dorian Locke defeats that evening's Chessman. The defeated player reveals that he and his comrades are working towards the resurrection of Juo'nar.
    • Five more matches are held, with the citizens of Britannia claiming several games but losing the set. The day after each victory, the Cult releases a hostage, all of whom are curiously named "Alyssa". Each of these hostages tells an incomplete story of her captivity.
    • The tournament culminates in a giant game of human chess upon the Nu'jelm board between the Chessmen's King, Jonathan Rye, and his former commanding officer, Purple Guardian Gorion. Rye is ultimately victorious, and reveals a disturbing secret: that the "hostages" his followers released were impostors. He further claims that all eight genuine hostages were executed, and indicates that they can not be resurrected. He invites the assembled to hear Juo'nar speak at the site of his death: Feluccan Trinsic.
    • In Trinsic, Jonathan Rye distributes communications crystals to a large crowd. An hour later, a voice identifying itself as Juo'nar speaks through the crystals, mocking the virtues and announcing his intention to return to Britannia in human form. He further states that he will lead a human army against the existing Britannian government. After the speech, Jonathan Rye returns, inviting those interested in joining him to meet him at the Chamber of Virtues in Trammel.
    • Jonathan Rye fails to appear at the Chamber of Virtues. The reasons are never explained.
    Jonathan Rye Re-appears

    Information here was gathered from news stories published by Tymaron (after he became a shard reporter), including information provided by Gorion, and by Jonathan Rye himself. More recently, this information has been supplemented by an interview with Lord Elmdor, who briefly assisted Rye.
    • Jonathan Rye threatens the Purple Guardians of Honor, implying that he intends to attack Castle Olympus. The threatened attack never occurs.
    • Rye releases a biography of Juo'nar at odds with many widespread beliefs. This biography paints Juo'nar as rebelling against a corrupt Trinsic establishment, attempting to end the oppression of orcs, and being framed for some of his more notorious crimes.
    • Lord Elmdor and several of his followers are recruited by Jonathan Rye; the absence of the other cultists is noted but never explained. Elmdor offers the following account of their brief association:
      We met I believe it was... three or four times all together. The first was to merely talk about "The decisions" we will make... and to pledge our loyalties to him and Juo'nar. I recall one meeting... we needed to retrieve some items... one being a Deamon Bone Helmet. He claimed it was to create Juo'nars body.
    The Return

    Now we move in to the realm of modern events. The earliest word came from Emperor Greg, of the Purple Guardians of HONOR. Two weeks ago, the Cult of Juo'nar organized a sort of recruitment meeting, under the guise of a chess tournament. Kai Hohiro, one of the competitors, narrates:
    14 people attended. During the tournament I overheard converstions from the Purple Guards, they mentioned names like Jou'nar and especially Jonathan Rye. At the end of the tournament only Raven and I were left. And two other persons were still there a man named Mad Mardigan and that mysterious referee...

    we called it a draw and we should divide the price, at that moment the referee reveiled that it wasnt just a harmless chess club he belonged too...

    Kai and Raven's match ended in a draw, prompting a revelation from the referee:
    He took of his disguise, revealing green armor crafted by a smith named Farrah, who was the original blacksmith of the cult. It seemed that MadMardagan knew it all the time, and they talked a bit, about the returning of the guild, then Dimitri handed me the prize and vanished. It was a box wth Gold, rares and some magic items. And between all that was a book. I think it's about some ritual and on the last page is a riddle where to find the Cult another time.
    This is the book:

    The book implies another round of chess games, and also possibly new Chessmen (the "seven new voices"). The final page appears to be one of the Cult's familiar riddles, and was interpreted as such by Kai and Emperor Greg.
    Greg and I departed to meet at 8:00 PM again, because we thought the riddle meant that we should be at 8:00 PM on that Sunday in Moonglow. He brought along one of his Praetorian Guards, named Ser Brightblade. Then we started to search... we checked all of Moonglow, trammel and Felucca, but couldnt find anybody, and so stopped the search after an hour. I think the problem was that we arrived an half hour or so late in Moonglow.
    According to Kai, the Valor Knights were approached by a member of the Cult several days later. This Chessman, named Vincent, delivered another riddle:
    The First Song is Sung. The first board is claimed. Wait for Another in a cove where it Rains. On Wednesday 8 eastern evening sky. You'll find out our Machinations. Our many reasons why."
    The Guardians, Valor Knights, and Kai met again.
    We searched again... we searched in the town of Cove and in real coves... again I think we were too late and couldnt find any cultist.
    At this point, therefore, two games have been missed, and the Cult's scheme has yet to be revealed. If anyone has further information on this matter, please do not hesitate to contact us. We will release any new information as it becomes available.

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    Posted on Thursday, April 19, 2001, 3:58 AM EDT by Elisa Montclaire (Catskills)

    Grimoire Fight Night
    >>> Felucca Facet News <<<Hail and well met,
    This just in via carrier pigeon:

    Grimoire Fight Night 2 vs. 2, Friday, April 20th, 2001, at (9 PM PST, 10 PM MST, 11 PM Central, Midnight EST)
    Event coordinated by Josh, and sponcered by Fiona Pentell

    Here are the rules:

    • No charged magic items, clothing, or jewelry. No magic armor and weapons allowed.
    • No pre-poisoned weapons. They may be poisoned during the battle.
    • No use of summoning spells, offensive field spells, blade spirits, energy vortex, recall nor gate.
    • No Stealing is allowed during battle.
    • The only pre-casting allowed (casting done before the match countdown) is Magic Trap, Reactive Armor, and Magic Reflection.


    • All contestants are subject to snooping by Grimoire Staff to ensure everyone is participating fairly.
    • The Event Coordinator's decision on all matches is final and will not be disputed during the event.
    • Anyone who disrupts the flow of the event for any reason will be banned until after the event.
    • In the event that a contestant loses connection during the event, the Event Coordinator will make a decision as
    • to the possibility of a rematch. That decision stands and may not be disputed. Any disputes will be handled after the event.
    • A connection loss during combat events where the roof is sealed off, will result in an automatic forfeit.
    • The Event Coordinator reserves the right to adjust these rules at any time without notice.

    To avoid confusion, registration will start at 8:00 PM PST, and end at 9:00 PM PST. No late entries. Tournament will start at 9:10 PM PST.

    We must have a minimum of 4 teams to start this event!

    This event takes place in the Grande Grimoire Battle Arena. Once you have entered the Grande Grimoire Battle Arena, all Contestants are bound by the Rules of the Battle Arena. Failure to follow these rules may result in your death or banishment from the Arena.Grimoire Tournament Rules

    Contestants and Spectators must observe and obey all the Village Laws. Failure to do so can end in your death or banishment from the village.Grimoire Village Rules

    For calendar of events, rules, maps and community message board, please visit: Village of Grimoire

    Your humble servant
    Raeven Aurora

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    Posted on Thursday, April 19, 2001, 12:04 AM EDT by Raeven Aurora (NapaValley)

    Rogues Endure Strange Enchantment.
    >>> Felucca Facet News <<<This was sent to us by Crescendo the Bard.

    Hello my friends, my name is Crescendo. Yes, yes, I'm the really cute one with the sunny blond hair (it's my natural color I tell you!) and the festive fife! *sighs* I love my fans!

    Anyhow, I wanted to share with you lusty ladies and gigantic gents *winks* an interesting observation. Have you seen these silly thieves about? They travel in hordes, and run around stealing, ad nauseam? This gigantic organization (and they dress *horribly* I might add... where are the fashion police?!) wearing primarily black and red (boring!) seems to have had an interesting twist of fate.

    While visiting PaxLair some weeks ago, I saw a silly looking man waving his arms, apparently oblivious to the fact that thieves were raiding and taking all the pretty trinkets and flashy baubles of the citizenry (I was well-ways up a tree at the time, so they couldn't get me... though one kept telling me "Come down here, little bird!"). Anyhow, I had a great view of this tower-topping mega-mage! And this wily wizard would wave and he'd dance like he had ants in his pants! Finally, a strange thing happened to the thieves....a flash emanated from the top of the tower, and I heard them saying in deeply emotional voices....

    "I Love You!"

    to everyone they would steal from. They themselves looked absolutely gleeful in doing so, stealing from people and expressing their undying affection!!! It is truly one of the worst practical jokes I've ever seen played on evil people..... and perhaps one of the funniest!

    Maybe some scholars from other lands can come help a simple choirboy like me figure out what the hay is going on!!! Toodles!!!

    Crescendo the Erratic

    Posted on Wednesday, April 18, 2001, 11:36 PM EDT by Joe Woodwright (Chesapeake)

    Market at Trammel Vesper Bank Postponed
    >>> Trammel Facet News <<<The Vesper Market reported earlier today has been postponed, as noted below by Erdrick Catskill:
    Due to certain circumstances the flea market is postponed to next Thursday April 26, 2001. The place and time is still the same. Vesper Bank Trammel at 7pm CST (8pm EDT).

    [ Comment on this article ]

    Posted on Wednesday, April 18, 2001, 6:38 PM EDT by Elisa Montclaire (Catskills)

    Seahorses Coming Soon!
    It looks like Seahorses (rideable creatures that will allow you to travel over water) are right around the corner from being added into the game! First, a post from Melantus on the official Discussion Board about it:
    Wait until you see someone riding the seahorse, which I saw on Test Center yesterday (Leilo was showing me what they looked like in motion.).

    Online Community Coordinator
    Ultima Online

    And then a bit later to an e-mail discussion group that was talking about it:
    I clarified that post a little in another post. Players cant exactly get these creatures yet because the items/steps needed is still in the process of being worked on (on Test Center). However being on the inside, we were able to skip the steps needed to get a seahorse and simply make one. :) Was interesting to see it. The rest of that design should be going in soon.
    So not yet, but soon! I'm sure many of you are just like me in that you can't wait to see this one!

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    Posted on Wednesday, April 18, 2001, 6:36 PM EDT by Joshua Rowan (GeneralNews)

    Changes to Trade Forums
    Greetings Merchants of all Shards. Today we have made some changes to our existing Trade and Merchant Forums. First thing that you will notice is that there's now an entire Trade Category that holds all the trade related forums. At the top of the forum you will find the Merchants Forum that until today was located in the Professions Forums section. Next thing you will notice is that we divided the single Trade Forum we used to have into 5 pieces, where each piece serves a specific region. For the US Shards we now have a East Coast, Central and West Coast forum, and for the overseas Shards we have the European and Australasian forums. In a nutshell:
    • UO Merchant: General trade and merchant related discussion.
    • East Coast: Atlantic, Catskills, Chesapeake and AOL Legends
    • Central: Great Lakes, Lake Superior, Siege Perilous and Test Center
    • West Coast: Baja, Napa Valley, Pacific and Sonoma
    • European: Drachenfels and Europa
    • Australasian: Oceania and Asian Shards
    The old Trade Forum and Holiday Gift Forum have been set to read-only. You can still read the posts that have been made there, but you can no longer reply to them or start new threads. We will try to move the most recent threads from the old to the new forums. Since this is all done by hand, only the posts that clearly state which shard they are for will be eligable for moving.

    Anyway, I hope that this division of forums will help all merchants and traders buy and sell wares with more ease. As always, we will continue to monitor the new forums to see if things need to be tweaked a bit more. For now, happy trading and enjoy the new forums !

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    Posted on Wednesday, April 18, 2001, 6:33 PM EDT by Xena Dragon (GeneralNews)

    Trammel Magincia Tavern Night
    >>> Trammel Facet News <<<Our colleagues at the Trammel Magincia criers' office are shouting of a tavern night to be held at the Great Horns Tavern, just east of the Magincia magic shop, on Sunday, April 22nd, at 11 PM Eastern Daylight Time.

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    Posted on Wednesday, April 18, 2001, 6:30 PM EDT by Elisa Montclaire (Catskills)

    Anomaly at Sea
    >>> Felucca Facet News <<<Hail and well met,
    A tale from the seas of Britannia, shared with me over ale at Liquids Pleasures in the Village of Virtue

    Apparently there is an anomaly in our oceans, something hidden under the waters of Britannia that the local seamen and women can not explain it. "We were out fishing and came across some strange turbulent waters, when I check over the side of our ship this is what we found", said Petri one of the villages fisherwomen. Petri then handed me a drawing of what she and her companion found.

    "It looks like a giant archer is lying under the surface of the water", chimed in Petri's companion. I had to agree it did look like an archer under the waves. But what is an archer the length of four large ships doing lying under the waves of southern Britannia? Petri went on to discribe its location, "there are four small islands around southern most penninsula, the Shrine of Valor is on one of them. In the center of these islands is the image under the waves. "I know I am young", continued Petri, "only fourteen winters, but I have spent the last few years of my life on the high seas mastering the art of fishing. I have never seen this before, go look for yourself the coordinates are: 179*17'S - 69*19'E". I took the coordinates down and went to take a look for myself and there it was plain as day.

    What's lurking beneath the sea? Does it pose a threat to the people of the lands? Could it be just a shallow island being formed, or an giant ancient ship full of lost treasure? As the answers to these questions come to the surface I will keep you informed!

    Your humble servant,
    Raeven Aurora

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    Posted on Wednesday, April 18, 2001, 6:24 PM EDT by Raeven Aurora (NapaValley)

    Updated Kinship Tavern Schedule
    >>> Felucca Facet News <<<I noticed this schedule posted on the door of Kinship Tavern this afternoon.
    This is an update for everyone on the current Kinship Tavern barkeep schedule and Kinship Village events.

    The tavern schedule is as follows:
    • Sunday - Mishca, 9pm - 11pm EST (Currently covered by Fianna)
    • Monday - Belsen, 9pm - 11pm EST
    • Tuesday - Boswick, 9pm - 11pm EST
    • Wednesday - Gryffyn, 9pm - 11pm EST
    • Friday - Maximus, 9pm - 11pm EST
    On Thursday evenings, a hunt night is hosted by Rook. Everyone is welcome to join us. Meet at Kinship Tavern at 9pm Eastern. The destination is decided by participants and so far all hunts have taken place in Trammel (for those worried about hunting in Felucca).

    Kinship Village is located on the mainland just east of Skara Brae in Felucca. Just use the moongates to travel to Skara Brae, then take the ferry at the docks to the mainland. Walk a short ways east along the road and you can't miss us.

    Remember, you can always find the latest barkeep schedule, plot information, event notices and more on our website.
    A map to Kinship can be found on their site, or locally, here.

    [ Comment on this article ]

    Posted on Wednesday, April 18, 2001, 6:15 PM EDT by Elisa Montclaire (Catskills)

    Pirate's Plunder Tavern Opens in Trammel Buccaneer's Den
    >>> Trammel Facet News <<<I found the following message tacked up on a tavern wall.
    To all ye pirates, thieves, rouges an tha' like, the Pirate's Plunder in Buc's Den (Trammel) will now be opening for one hour every night as a place to gather and have a few drinks. All are welcome, drinks will be sold for 4 coin each and seating will be provided.

    The schedule will be as follows:
    • Monday 5 pm (EST)
    • Tuesday 6 pm (EST)
    • Wedensday 7 pm (EST)
    • Thursday 8 pm (EST)
    • Friday 7 pm (EST)
    • Saturday 6 pm (EST)
    • Sunday 5 pm (EST)
    PS: We are looking for aditional bartenders, anyone who is interested can send a message to ICQ#70956965.

    Darius Foxcraft
    Hired Keeper of the Pirate's Plunder

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    Posted on Wednesday, April 18, 2001, 6:04 PM EDT by Elisa Montclaire (Catskills)

    Market at Trammel Vesper Bank
    >>> Trammel Facet News <<<We received the following from Ahab:
    The Britannian Order of Woodcrafters and the Fisherman's Guild on Britannia will be having a joint market at the Vesper Bank on 4/18 at 7:00 PM CST. We are planning on a large turn out of carpenters and fisherman to sell a number of goods. Please join us for this joint venture.

    Fleet Captain
    Fisherman's Guild on Britannia [FCB]

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    Posted on Wednesday, April 18, 2001, 5:53 PM EDT by Elisa Montclaire (Catskills)

    Glamervelt Tavern Returns to Hosted Hours
    >>> Felucca Facet News <<<The following announcement comes from Celeb Loske. I have taken the liberty of translating it from the elven dialect in which it was received.
    I have the honor of announcing that after a long period of time without hosted hours, the Glamervelt tavern will again be staffed. I, Celeb Loske will be hosting all travellers in the tavern every Friday 4pm-7pm and Saturdays 12pm-3am EST.

    For more information I welcome you to visit here.

    Celeb Loske
    Espel Barmaid of the velt

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    Posted on Wednesday, April 18, 2001, 5:46 PM EDT by Elisa Montclaire (Catskills)

    Artarion Invades Britain Graveyard
    >>> Trammel Facet News <<<Artarion, the mysterious mage responsible for several large-scale summoning attacks in recent years, appeared again at the Britain graveyard. The graveyard has its own long tradition of large creature attacks, and has also been recently associated with Artarion by the placement of a "conversion crystal" on the roof of one of the buildings. Artarion invaded the graveyard with a large force of dragons and demons. His motive has yet to be determined.

    IronMan provided us with the following detailed account of the attack:
    I was abruptly awaken from my quarters located in the swamps of Trinsic in the early hours only to hear the news. Atarion was on the attack again, summoning creatures and wreaking havoc with his sinster magic. My friend, Gaia, a True Britannian had already made her way to the Britain graveyard and was expecting my arrival. Weary and confused, I donned my bronze armor, mounted my trusty horse, Star, and recalled immediately to the closest spot possible, the Britain Blacksmith. It was almost deserted and I saw friends and enemies scurry to the scene of destruction.

    Upon my arrival, I was disgusted when I saw the remenants of destruction. The corpses of lava serpants, daemons, and Ice Fiends littering the home of the dead. I rushed to the scene, trying my best to blank out the cries of the dying, hoping to fight the evil socerer's minions and help those in need. After all, I am a warrior of Jhelom. I passed through the gates of the graveyard only to find a blistering wyvern, a creature that I had only heard through myth. Immediately I rushed to Gaia's cry for help, but I was too late. The masses of dragons, wyverns, and the evil wyvern was too much for her frail body to support and she unfortunately perished. I waited for the scene to clear, pushing my way through creatures and walking through ghosts of the recently deceased. Hearing but not understanding her moans, I rushed to help Gaia, when suddenly, two more creatures that my eyes have never seen appeared; a Frost Wyvern and a Frost Fiend, followed by an array of Ice and Snow Elemental. To make matters worse, I could not reach her body, for it was covered with corpses and creatures of all shapes and sizes. I was able to aid her and use my healing skills to assist her, but unfortunately, many others suffered her fate.

    When the battle was over, the heathen appeared. Atarion. The muderous coward who hid behind his minions. Anger filled my heart but soon thereafter, after his departure, my heart was filled with failure and shame for failing my friend. Even though she seemed to be proud of my efforts, I felt as if I could have prevented her untimely demise.

    I urge you, fellow Britannians to stand up and fight against the evil Atarion! Don't fear! For many others will stand with you! It is with our efforts and only our efforts that we can defeat the vile mage! With our determination and desire, Atarion will become merely a carnival act who hides behind his minions.

    Dread Knight
    Mac's Boyz

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    Posted on Wednesday, April 18, 2001, 5:32 PM EDT by Elisa Montclaire (Catskills)

    Purple Guardians Confront United Pirates
    >>> Trammel Facet News <<<The Purple Guardians of HONOR recently took action to free one of their allies from the United Pirates. Lord Martok sent us a description of those events.
    The sun drifted behind the horizon, masking the dimly lit halls of Olympus in darkness. The castle was barren. Two lonely guards stood watch at the Castle's entrance. A small group of men, led by Senator Wolf crept about the shadows inside the castle. Their mission was known to only the small group.

    A group of eight men stood huddled together. Greg, Wolf, Vandorn, Coldren, Wyverlunder, Martok, Baltazar, and Magic Nookie all reached into the small chest, and each drew out a black robe and a white hat. With a nod from the Emperor, each unfastened the straps of their armor, and changed into the long flowing black robes, and placed the wide brimmed white hats upon their heads.

    As the group seemed to be transformed, the Emperor began to speak. "Our mission this eve, be to the Jolly Roger Inn. It appears our good friend Naim has been swindled into doing the United Pirates dirty work. She has been working the tavern there for some time. I fear she may be lost if we do not act quickly. It tis time for her to come home."

    The group nodded their heads in understanding. The Emperor continued, "We shall travel to this Jolly Roger Inn under the guise of missionaries, seeking converts. We must play the guise well. Each of you pick up one of these holy books of a GOD." Greg pointed to a stack of books upon the desk. Each book was dedicated to one of the GODS.

    Each man picked up a book, and seemed to prepare themselves for the mission ahead. The Emperor continued, "Our sister be in great peril. She must be returned to us safely. We can not risk a direct approach, so we shall do something a little more creative." The Emperor smiled widely at his statement.

    The group looked perfect. Undressed of all armor and normal identification, they looked truly the part. Some of the members even dyed their hair to the pure white of an aging Soothsayer. Resplendent in their robes of black, topped with a white hat, the covert team walked from the castle halls to the shore, where they set sail.

    Preparing for their roles, they began to shout to each other upon the decks of their ship, "Testify brother! Repent Sinners of darkness, for the Lord's day is at hand!" Each covert participant attempted to outdo the other. "Praaaaaaise the Lord! The day of darkness is at hand! Who shall you turn to?"

    The men began to laugh so violently, the ship began to rock. Only after several threats from the tillerman did they finally settle down. Satisfied they were set in their roles, the men remained silent.

    The ship, named the Vessel of the Lord, crept slowly into the bay outside the Jolly Roger. A drunken pirate stumbled outside the tavern. Lifting his head to look upon the ship of missionaires, the pirate stumbled back into the inn, shouting to his friends. "Ye all come out h'er und see dis! Be a ship full o' monks! Ye all come see!" shouted the pirate. His friends simply shook their heads at their drunken comrade, telling him to be slower with the bottle and laughed off his ramblings.

    The ship landed slowly, and the group made their way upon shore. They then began their work. "Repent sinners! Only by Poseidon's graces shall ye survive!"

    "Testify brother Coldren, testify!" another shouted.

    "Amen!" quickly shouted another, his book of a GOD held high in the air.

    Several people on the street stopped in their tracks to look at the group of missionaires. There were many different groups of people that could be seen within the Red Skull bay, but never a missioniary!

    The group made its way to the tavern, and entered. "Brothers! Behold the flock of goats! Destined for the fires of HADES, we must bring them salvation!" Greg cried loudly, for all within to tavern to hear.

    "Testify!" the group shouted in unison. Their white hats falling over their eyes. Several pirates seated at the inn blew ale out their nose as they laughed.

    The group stood at the back of the tavern, continuing their guise. "Praaaaaaaaise be to MARS!" one shouted.

    His words were quickly responded upon by the group, "Amen!" they shouted.

    WidoW, one of the pirates put down her mug in disguist. "What da hell be 'dis?" she asked.

    "Repent sinner, for your time is near! You shall burn within eternal damnation for your sins! Do ye wish to be saved?" they asked.

    "I'm not gettn near dem." WidoW stated to the man beside her.

    "I dink dem be vanjerlists or sumptin." another pirate stated, looking in question at the group of robed preachers.

    "The prophecy shall be fullfilled!" shouted Greg.

    His outburst was quickly followed by the goup in unison, "Testify!"

    "Your sins shall be forgiven, ye of wretchedness, forty pence for your salvation here and now!" one of the robed men shouted.

    "HAR! we be poor merchants here! Aye fellas?" WidoW asked her friends.

    "AYE!" they returned.

    "We being on da same crusade! Gettn donations! HAR!" she laughed loudly, spilling most of her mug on the table.

    "I have seen this in the prophecy!" Greg shouted loudly, waving his hands around in the air.

    "Dem remind me 'o dem people dat be knokin on yur door all das time." one of the pirates told his friend.

    "I have been guided here! Ah yes, the prophecy guided me here!" Greg continued to shout. His congregation, though was not well rehearsed, responded with remarkable unison.

    "Brought him here!" they shouted, with the occasional "Amen" and "Testify brother!"

    "YOU!" Greg pointed to Naim. "The one dressed in red! You are the one!" he shouted.

    "Me?" Naim, the barkeep asked. "Can not be" she laughed.

    "You question HIS word?" Greg responded.

    "Questions his word!" the group shouted, again in unison.

    "I must speak with you child, it is my destiny!" Greg shouted.

    Naim looked to the pirates seated around the bar, apparantly seeking their approval. One of them waved her off, as if amused by the ordeal, and not wanting to interrupt anyting.

    Naim walked with the prophet Greg into the other room, where they could talk more at length.

    The remaining missionairies, remained behind, content to their ramblings and amusing the pirates.

    They all gathered in a line, and began shouting while bowing. "Testify! Amen brother!" they repeated as they bowed low to the floor.

    "Dem vanjerlists be scarring me." one of the pirates stated.

    "Do you hear the word!" Wolf shouted.

    "Testify! We hear the word!" the group shouted back, stalling to give the Emperor time.

    The group then began to shout to each tavern patron, attempting to swoon them over to the light. "Are you brave enough to walk in the light sinner? Repent! Repent and be free!" Coldren shouted.

    The group continued with their preachings for nearly twenty minutes, while the Emperor swooned the fair Naim back to her senses. What Greg said to the lass, still remains a mystery.

    Eventually, Greg emerged from the room, with Naim at his side. "She has seen the light brothers!" Greg shouted. "The prophecy has been fullfilled! Do you hear brothers!"

    "Walk in the light! Amen!" the group shouted.

    Greg quicky walked over to the door, holding snuggly onto Naim. "She shall be seated at the hand of the Lord!" he shouted.

    Greg then walked over to the door, with the group following him. "I bless this place, and may the GODS be with you!" he shouted as the group quickly departed the tavern, heading towards their ship.

    The group of amused pirates followed them from the tavern, too enthralled with amusement to let go so quickly.

    As the black robed missionaries set foot upon their vessel, they tore the black robes and white hats from their bodies. Upon the deck, was their packs with armor, capes, and purple half-aprons.

    As they changed their clothes, the pirates looked un in astonishment. "Hey der!" one of them shouted. "Dem's not monks! Dem be lubbers!"

    Greg fastened his cape around his neck, and saluted the pirates upon the shore. Swiftly, the ship began to leave the harbor, heading back towards Olympus.

    The pirates remained on the dock, red with anger and hopping with embarrassment at their deception.

    The misson was a success. Naim was won back to the Empire.

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    Posted on Wednesday, April 18, 2001, 5:16 PM EDT by Elisa Montclaire (Catskills)

    Do Ye Own the Ugliest House?
    Hail and well met Britannians!  It would seem that Pluffy has a hankering for abuse...  She has this idea in her head to subject herself to the awful treatment of looking at potential, poorly decorated homes one right after the other...  And smile while shes doing it too...

    Has she flipped...?  Has she lost her mind...?  Has she gone insane...?  NO!  Shes holding The Ugliest Home in Sonoma Contest!  Do ye think thy home resembles what comes out of the hind end of your horse...?  If ye do, then dont hesitate to see what it is Pluffy is doing and why, by clicking on : The Ugliest Home in Sonoma Contest

    In there can be found the rules necessary to participate...  I dont know who to wish good luck to...  Ye or Pluffy for whats to come...  Anyway...  Good luck and may thy house be confused with the Britannian land fill...

    Safe Journeys...
    Signing off, this...

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    Posted on Wednesday, April 18, 2001, 5:12 PM EDT by Vladimir Taltos (Sonoma)

    Calling All Orcs!!
    Hail and well met fellow Britannians... Heres something that one of our upcoming NEW reporters, Pluffy, has spotted and asked me to turn ye on to it...  Read on...

    If you find yourself weary of eating with a fork and correctly using the pronoun "I," you might be an orc! Perusing the Stratics Sonoma Message Boards, I came across this post from Maelwyn (aka Gruumsh One-Eye), inviting all would be orcs to join up with Lich Soulstealer and his army to help evil triumph in the upcoming shard war confrontation, which will take place Saturday at 8 pst in Oasis.

    Gruumsh is available at ICQ# 52675214 to help would-be Orcs choose names and will even outfit orcs with appropriate armor and headgear. Orcs are the pawns in the chess set of evil, the front line sent in to create body-bunkers to shield the more powerful creatures of darkness, so don't worry if your orc character is brand new and likely to fall over dead at the first glance.

    Just get your "Good Blow" and "Me No Die" macros set, and show up ready to role-play, as all orcs, living or dead, are asked to remain in character for the duration of the battle.

    This was sent in by Pluffy the Orc Slayer!  Thanks Pluffy for the hot tip!
    YEOW! *Grabs Eye* MY EYE!!

    Safe Journeys...  Signing off, this is...

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    Posted on Wednesday, April 18, 2001, 4:00 PM EDT by Vladimir Taltos (Sonoma)

    Grand Reopening of Terdeus Hall
    >>> Trammel Facet News <<<This news was just received from Sauron

    Friday April 20th, 8:00 PM - 11:00 PM PST The Grand Reopening of Terdeus Hall: All are welcome to attend the festivities and to partake in the games. At the Grand Reopening, Sauron shall explain his story, and as to why the Grand Reopening is taking place. There will also be a posting of regular hours of business for Terdeus Hall, and recruiting for employees. We look forward to seeing you there! Gates will be provided from the West Britain Bank prior to the event, and runes will be dropped throughout various cities. If you have any questions or comments, contact Sauron
    Thankye Sauron! I'm glad to see that Terdeus is back.

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    Posted on Wednesday, April 18, 2001, 1:02 PM EDT by Cymidei Fier (Baja)

    The Society of Archers Baja Chapter has day of activities, contests and fun!
    >>> Trammel Facet News <<<The leader of The Society of Archers sent in word about how the event went!
    The Society of Archers (S|A) first ever Archers Faire took place last Saturday. The Faire took place at the Skara Brae Fairgrounds in Trammel and lasted most of the afternoon. The crowds, in particular Archers, came out in large numbers to participate in the activities. It was a fun and exciting day, and attracted many interesting people who sat around and chatted the day away, thanks to Sparky's constant barrage of ale.

    The Lumberjack race was first, with Sularas pulling in an impressive 400 logs and taking home the first place prize of 50,000 gold. The Archery event followed and was by far the most exciting part of the day. After three rounds of target shooting, only 6 contestants remained. The target was set higher, and all had gone but one and had come up short. People began to speak of a "shoot-out" believing the mark had been set too high. Then the final contestant Sniper Wolf, of PAK, hit three straight bullseyes under pressure to win the event! With her great shooting, Sniper Wolf, took home the grand prize of 50,000 gold and a Vanquishing Heavy Crossbow.

    Overall, the Archers Faire was an entertaining and fun day for all. Thanks to all came, everyone seemed to really enjoy themselves. The Society of Archers Baja Chapter is now looking for Archers interested in uniting together and being involved in more activites like the Archers Faire. You can reach us at, or look for us around Vesper. I hope you all will keep an eye out for more S|A events in the near future. Farewell!
    Thankye and congratulations to Sularas and Sniper Wolf!

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    Posted on Wednesday, April 18, 2001, 12:49 PM EDT by Cymidei Fier (Baja)

    The liche Larcalin & His Search For the Crystal of Ral'clur
    >>> Felucca Facet News <<<
    Once a powerful mage, Larcalin walked this earth some 200 years ago. (Historical documents housed in the Trammel Magincia Library provide information about him and his relationship to the Crystal of Ral'clur.) Of late, his spirit has been spotted as a liche that haunts various locales around the world, including TUR Village, Felucca. Some may know that there are shrines in the Yew Outlands -- one just a stone's throw to the west and one immediately to the south of the TUR Village Sentry Tower: the Dark Gateway and the Reign of Light. Alternately, Larcalin seems to draw power from the Dark Gateway and flees in terror from the Reign of Light. When he is present, he rants and raves about finding "the crystal," and seems to know that there are those of us who know of it's whereabouts. His minions include all forms of undead and last night's attack on the Village indicates he is stepping up his torrent of evil in an effort to secure the crystal. We believe he seeks the Crystal of Ral'clur -- which he once guarded in his mortal life and which later consumed him as he accessed its mysteries.

    Some have asked why the Clan UnRuled would allow such a shrine to darkness to stand in TUR Village. It is our collective belief that it provides the counterpoint for the sister portal of light, and that very few -- if any -- of us are capable of subscribing always to one standard or another. To be simplistic, if evil and good are opposites, then one defines the other and without both, neither would exist. If I "hate" Larcalin and his evil minions, am I not just as evil for harboring that emotion?

    At any rate, I have seen for myself this crystal of Ral'clur which the liche Larcalin seeks. It is displayed in the Magincia Library, Trammel, and the librarian, India West, has indicated that it is protected by magic as are other artifacts in the display case. Having some experience with gallery procedures, however, I asked her if the case were ever opened for maintenance or inventory. She indicated that this would be done on Wednesday night this week.

    Friends, I fear for all of us if Larcalin is able to retrieve the crystal, as he discerns not for who is "good" or who is "evil". I especially am concerned for the life of India West. If the liche draws power from the Dark Gateway in TUR Village, and if he abhors so the purity of the Reign of Light, might we use this to our advantage in setting a trap?

    TUR Village is located well northeast of the Yew moongate, Felucca. The Library is located northeast of the Bank in Magincia, Trammel.

    Skye McCloud

    Posted on Wednesday, April 18, 2001, 9:21 AM EDT by Helper (GreatLakes)

    KOA Announces Grand Opening of Alliance Village Casino and Resort
    >>> Felucca Facet News <<<We received the following...
    KoA is proud to announce the Grand Opening Ceramony for its Casino.

    When: Monday April 30th
    Time: 7:30 CDT
    Where: Alliance Village Casino and Resort (on southern end of KoA lake)Fellucca

    We at KoA are proud to announce that our casino is going public. Come one come all, Tell your friends, bring your girl win her that ring shes been wanting.

    We have many events and games planed for your spectating pleasure. We will be having all the games with the exception of RL craps style. And many more planned as a special treat. And since it is a Grand Opening we have a spectacular Fight for you. We call it Rage in the Cage 2 massive beast enter one will leave. And of course since this is a casino sponsored event you get to wager on who you think will win. So check out the web site for the casino and the KoA public Boards for more info as the date approaches.

    Johnathan Swifts
    (KoA Warrior, and casino Pit Boss)

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    Posted on Wednesday, April 18, 2001, 8:20 AM EDT by Beans Baxter (LakeSuperior)

    Storytelling Contest at the Refreshment Outpost
    >>> Felucca Facet News <<<We received the following...
    This is Lord Draconias from UO. I am having an event this Saturday, April 21st at 10:00 pm EST at My Refreshment Outpost. It is a UO Lore Storytelling contest (True UO Stories to put it simply). There will be alot of food and drink and a grand prize of 25k with a 2nd place prize of 10k and 3rd place prize of 5k. The coordinates are 89o 23'N 40o 25'W in Felluca. It is closest to the Yew gate and it quite a ways North of it.

    Lord Draconias

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    Posted on Wednesday, April 18, 2001, 8:15 AM EDT by Beans Baxter (LakeSuperior)

    Fate Blacklace Tames Buc’s Den?
    >>> Trammel Facet News <<<Ug Hummies!

    I am pleased to announce that a soul has appeared on the scene who seems to have the, shall we say, chutzpah to establish a town council in Buccaneer’s Den! on Fate Blacklace sent us the following proclomation and constitution:

    My name is Fate Blacklace. I am not a political woman, and honestly have mostly stayed away from politics since moving to this place. However, recent events seem to have thrust me into an extraordinary position. Forgive me if my lack of knowledge on these matters makes me seem less than serious. Until a day ago I was a simple citizen of this great land, part-owner of a modest business, and perfectly content to live my life here quietly. When I walked into the tavern on Buccaneer's Den, I had only one intention: to settle a personal issue. What I did not know was where the resulting battle would lead me.

    By speaking with the residents of Buccaneer's Den, I have been persuaded to take the position of leader of Buccaneer's Den. I do this by request of the people. Since it is their will, only a change of heart of the furtraders, provisioners, innkeepers, bankers and other good people of the town will persuade me to step down from this position.

    The citizens of Buccaneer’s Den and I worked out the following charter:

    • Initial charter may be modified as situations occur, or requests arise, but cannot be changed without approval from Fate Blacklace, nor shall changes occur without consulting with town inhabitants and/or advisors.
    • Fate Blacklace will not overly interfere with or drastically change any aspects of daily Buccaneer's Den life without consulting with inhabitants of said town.
    • The official claim of rule upon Buccaneer's Den by Fate Blacklace has been noted and recorded. Her government will take the form of an Elitocracy.
    • Fate cannot be removed from her position unless the inhabitants of Buccaneer's Den who granted her leadership decide that it is no longer needed or required. If this does occur, Fate will take part in/lead the search for a replacement if one is requested.
    • Buccaneer's Den shall now be and remain neutral at all times unless Fate Blacklace and the town advisors deem it to be a political necessity to become involved in a dispute.
    • The Pirate's Plunder Tavern has the right to refuse service to anyone.
    • Open communication with other towns is certainly welcome but not expected.
    • If, for any reason, Fate Blacklace cannot continue serving Buccaneer's Den, arrangements will be made by Fate and inhabitants of the town.
    • This is a list of agreed upon terms. It is not necessarily the final list. Town laws will be discussed with and presented to inhabitants of Buccaneer's Den within the next week.
    Every now and then, a story arrives at UOSS AOL Legends that requires a bit more “in depth” reporting. Fortunately, when these stories come up, we now have a way of dealing with them. Yes, I am proud to introduce our first Spotlight article, which gives some background information on Fate Blacklace. Click on “Spotlight” on the left menu column for more information on this fascinating new leader.

    Praise Minax!

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    Posted on Wednesday, April 18, 2001, 6:47 AM EDT by Ithunk (LegendsAOL)

    Oceania Chefs Faire, come one come all!
    >>> Trammel Facet News <<<The Oceania Chefs Faire.

    5pm 21st April 2001 (Sydney Time)

    The Grey Dog Tavern, Trammel, Oceania Shard.
    (The Grey Dog is located in the heart shaped clearing south of Yew at 12o
    0'N, 37o 0'W
    Check Here for its location

    The Chefs Faire is organised by the Britannian Society of Chefs [BSC]

    The Chefs Faire is a cross shard event with a Faire hosted (usually)
    Bi-Monthly on a shard by shard Basis, this week is Oceanias turn. It's
    purpose is to highlight the profession of Cooking and to have a lot of fun
    while Chefs can share their goods for free with the local community.

    Aside from much free food and drink there will be a range of events and
    acitivities that are planned for the Oceania Faire...

    Lucky Door Prize:
    Each arrival will recieve a baggie of free food, drink and a book. This book
    is your ticket for the lucky door prize which will be drawn at an
    appropraite time (about halfway) through the Faire.

    Scavenger Hunt:
    Entrants will recieve a book listing items. First to return with those
    items will win a prize.

    Fishsteak Russian Roulette:
    Pick the poisoned Fishsteak!

    The Great Race:
    There will be a race held. There will also be a goal at the mid point of
    the race. Entrants should bring a weapon or regs supply.

    Die to a Lich Competition:
    Past patrons of the Grey Dog will probably be aware of the lich spawn
    nearby.... Find one... First Ghost to return will be the winner (Ressers
    will be available) You may wish to enter naked. Your posessions may be
    left for safe keeping with one of the Chef Slave Packhorses.

    Best Dressed Competition:
    Be sure to dress up if you wish to enter this... You may recieve a prize if
    you are deemed to be the best dressed person at the Faire.

    & more:
    If time permits we have even more events up our sleeves that may keep you


    Did I mention Prizes! Prizes range from cash prizes, to semi rare packs,
    through to bulk food supplies, GM made Greater Potion Kegs, GM made Tailored
    Armour and more!

    So bring your empty tummies and come along to the Oceania Chefs Faire.
    Everything is Free and you can win a prize just for showing up. There will
    be gates provided from Brit Bank Trammel for those that cant make their way
    to the Grey Dog under their own steam.

    Thank you!

    Host Chef of the Oceania Chapter of the
    Britannian Society of Chefs [BSC]

    Posted on Wednesday, April 18, 2001, 5:28 AM EDT by Diangelo Grey (Oceania)

    Angus, Mystic Respond to Warlord
    >>> Trammel Facet News <<<Ug Hummies!

    Ah, this is more like it! The Warlord's threatening messages has two of the city Councils ready for battle! I can already hear the battle and see the houses left with doors left open so a cunning orc could sneak in and steal some fish cakes. But I'm getting ahead of myself.

    Lord Angus, who recently resolved a similar dispute peacefully, is ready to meet this unknown challenger head on:

    To the one called Warlord!

    Hail! I am Lord Angus, ruler of Vesper. I claim that city and am the liege of all who live in the area. All of us shall defend Vesper from foes like thee. We will not tolerate such threat! The only way you will take control of the Council of Loyalty will be when you pry it from my bony, bloody, decaying, lifeless hands. This I promise you: if you come to challenge me, be prepared to meet your master.

    To all Council's that have risen to justly rule over Britain's towns, now is our time to join and defeat this so-called Warlord and all others who would threaten our honest ways.

    Lord Angus impresses me on two fronts. First, he extends his hands to the other Councils in a very diplomatic way. Second, he uses the words "bony, bloody, decaying, and lifeless." As the song goes, those are a few of my favorite things.

    Lord Mystic of the Brittania Council of Compassion had harsher words for this new threat:

    I laugh at the Warlord's feeble threats. I myself have already been through numerous assassination attempts. I dare the Warlord to try and kill me. I believe he wants us to leave so he may claim power over all of Brittania.

    This rash person wants us to step down from the positions we have earned thus far. Maybe this "Warlord" should set up his own government, or maybe move to Buccaneer's Den. That is a lawless place over there, best suited for this person's disregard for law and order.

    Ah, but I have an announcement about Buccaneer's Den in the very near future!

    At any rate, I applaud the responses of the leaders of the Councils, as well as the assassination threat posed by The Warlord. It all equals exciting news stories for this orc!

    Praise Minax!

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    Posted on Wednesday, April 18, 2001, 5:27 AM EDT by Ithunk (LegendsAOL)

    OPS Dungeon Hunt announced..
    On Saturday, April 21st, the Oceania Player Seers will be holding their first dungeon crawl. It promises to be
    a exciting event for Young or Old.
    Depending on the size of the group, we shall seek out different dungeons and take down the evil fiends of Britannia,
    so bring your best gear and all your guildmates and friends.
    It is also rumored that a very special treasure might be hidden in one of the dungeons, so keep your eyes wide open!

    We will meet at 8pm Sydney time on the 21st of April at the OPS Keep located in Trammel at 132°32'S 26°0'E.

    So be there - if you dare.

    For Further details check the Oceania Player Seer Website.

    Posted on Wednesday, April 18, 2001, 5:12 AM EDT by Diangelo Grey (Oceania)

    Items & Artifacts Section Updated
    Several further updates have now been made to the Items & Artifacts section.
    If you have any missing information or pictures of any of the listed items, or have information on extra quest items that are not yet listed, then please email me here with the details.
    Posted on Wednesday, April 18, 2001, 1:41 AM EDT by Courage (QuestandEventNews)

    Jas Lightstryder Cancels Resignation From Trammel Yew Council
    >>> Trammel Facet News <<<Yew Senior Councillor Jas Lightstryder, whose resignation was reported yesterday, has announced that he will be remaining in office for the time being.
    Citizens of Yew,

    First of all, I want to apologize. I made a poor judgement in resigning my position. Considering elections are so close, it was silly of me. Having spoken with the remaining council, they have granted me my position back for the remaining term, even if it is only a week or two.

    I also apologize for giving up on my obligations to you all. Due to many reasons, I felt the urge to resign. But it was a grave error, and I hope to remedy such.

    Once more, for those who need me, I shall be in my old office. I hope to serve you in these remaining days better than I have in the past. Be well, citizens.

    Humbly yours,
    Senior Councillor Jas Lightstryder

    [ Comment on this article ]

    Posted on Tuesday, April 17, 2001, 11:50 PM EDT by Elisa Montclaire (Catskills)

    Griffin Township Spring Festival Games
    >>> Felucca Facet News <<<The following came marked with the seal of Griffin Township:
    Welcome one and all to the Spring Festival Games, to be held in Griffon Township, which resides in the facet known as Felucca. This is the season of awakenings and new beginnings, one of wonderous growth, magic and the ever welcome warmth of the sun. Hence, in following, we have 5 events that will bring the sleepy soul from winter's cold back to life. These events will be a true test of one's mind and mastery of motion, magic, and a bit of luck. So do sharpen your swords, memorize those spellbooks, stretch those arms and legs, and join us for the thrilling competition that awaits us all. For those that are unaware, this long standing village is located east of Mt Wrong, along the water's edge northwest of Minoc. The Games themselves will begin Friday evening, April 20th and end Sunday evening, Aprill 22nd. Each night the events shall begin promptly 8pm EST. Further details of the rules can be found here.

    Friday 04/20
    8PM EST Tournament of Champions

    Saturday 04/21
    8PM EST Dagger Toss
    10PM EST Mage Duel

    Sunday 04/22
    8PM EST Foot Race
    10PM EST Summoning Contest

    Lord Marcus
    Elder Druid of the Order of the Griffon

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    Posted on Tuesday, April 17, 2001, 10:50 PM EDT by Elisa Montclaire (Catskills)

    The Discovery (Part 3)
    After a long day of researching the internal organs of animals and the anatomy of dragons, Raticker heard the pigeon bell go off. Putting his shirt back on, Rat climbs the steps to his dis-organized but spacious house. Never liking clutter, the furniture was sparce in his three story home near Minoc. Not being a Trammelite never bothered Raticker, though he was not the crotchety old veteran of the dead lands, he did miss the colorful countryside.

    The pigeon was from a new friend to the Cult of the Black Dragon, Eowen. Rat had not had much interaction with this person, however Eowen claimed to have a blue staff which fit the description needed for the artifact he was working on. If she turned out to be wasting his time, well he also had a poisoned knife.....

    The note stated she was in the town of Nu'jelm, torturing the inmates at the new jails. Well this sounded like fun at least. Preparing himself for travel, Raticker grabbed a couple extra Cure potions. One could not be to careful these days. Opening a moongate, Rat decided to also show Eowen a copy of the formula which he had transcribed the previous nite. The city was quite as usual, which was nice considering the business which was being conducted. Eowen was no fool.

    As expected, she was torturing inmates. Well she seemed to have a raw
    talent for it. Perhaps future lessons could be shared between them. Her ability to extract high pitched scream for the males was incredible! Grabbing a hot iron, Raticker made his was towards the female.

    "Come any closer and I will kill you." Eowen stated matter of factly.
    Raticker stopped. Slowly she turned around with a deep desire in her eyes which was not quite sexual, but just as intense. Raticker opened his hands dropping the hot iron and prepared to paralyze the women, and kill her if necessary. The form which she held in her left had toppled to the ground with a grunt.

    "Raticker! Glad to see you. Have been playing with the locals. I love
    this town. Lord British cant even afford to staff the local militia
    properly." Eowen stepped forward and pulled a rag to clean the blood
    dripping from her hands. "You stated you have something for me?" Rat said. He was never one for small talk, and his nerves had been on edge for the past weeks working on this project.

    "HaHa, not one for courtesy are we? No matter, I like that in a man."
    Eowen went to her horse and pulled out a rune. "Here mage, open a gate to this and we can pick up your toy." Raticker did as he was asked, but was not happy with the way Eowen said 'toy'. After walking into the gate, Rat handed the book to Eowen for inspection. "Read this, and you may not consider what I am working on a toy". Eowens eyes went wide, could this be true? Had the Cult discovered a way to control weather patterns? This was
    interesting indeed. Eowen eyed Raticker and went to a locked chest.

    Pulling out the bluish staff, Eowen turned to Raticker and stated. "Here, you ruin this and I expect it replaced. If you are successful you may keep it." Raticker accepted the staff with shaking hands. Finally, all the elements were coming together. The only major step left was the sacrifice. Raticker turned to Eowen and said, "Perhaps you know of an innocent in our community whose sacrifice and dis-memberment could satisfy the last requirement of the formula?" Eowen replied, "Perhaps I do... we will need
    the assistance of the Cult of course."

    "I am sure the talents of William, Fire, Duran and others can be utilized" said Raticker; Both started laughing uncontrollably...
    Posted on Tuesday, April 17, 2001, 8:50 PM EDT by Cheebatoke (GreatLakes)

    Incredible Auction at Impy's
    >>> Trammel Facet News <<<I found this scroll on my doorstep as I returned home from a long, long week… 

    From the Isle of Ice… 

    Impy’s Artic Faire will be hosting their weekly auction starting at 9pm by the Eastern Sky on Wednesday.  We here at the Faire would like to invite all of the lands to attend this week’s auction, as we have two wonderful items up for auction.  A full set of daemon bone armor and a full set of statues, along with many magical weapons and armor.Remember to check for a complete list of all of this week’s auction items and directions to where we are located on Ice Isle.Impy has asked that you please stable your pets before the auction as he is allergic to wet fur.  Runes to Riches and the Mystery Chest games will also be played this week following the auction, so please stick around and take a chance with lady luck.  

    Impy’s Artic Faire Staff

    Sounds to me like the folks out at Impy’s have quite a night planned. 

    ~Barth VanDorn

    Posted on Tuesday, April 17, 2001, 8:39 PM EDT by Barth VanDorn (GreatLakes)

    Swamp Village Housing Program
    Hey folks, check out what theyre doing in Swamp Village!

    Swamp Village Housing program is swiftly becoming a great success!

    We all love that warm tingly feeling we get when we do something good.  It is what makes us truely happy citizens. Thanks to many people helping support our newbie-first time home owner program, we have been able to provide 6 houses in the last 2 weeks!

    Not only have we been able to do this, but also help young couragous players with other needs and assistance in adventuring through out the wild lands of Britania. Some of our adventurers who have benefited from our program, have even turned around and donated to this program, allowing it to continue at a more rapid progress!

    Special thanks out to Gyr, I m a dude, and Snuggles,  for their contunued support!   Swamp village will be hosting another event, this Friday the 20th. Events will include a fashion contest, a scavenger hunt, and more, details to be posted soon on the Swamp Village website.  Hope many can make it!

     ~Nefertete of Swamp Village.

    Enjoy this Scribeshot!

    Keep up the good work...

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    Posted on Tuesday, April 17, 2001, 4:58 PM EDT by Vladimir Taltos (Sonoma)

    Captain Stormeye Strikes Back
    >>> Trammel Facet News <<<Headline: Hail All!

    We recently received the following gripping story from Alrik Ploetzbogen:

    Hail Peoples of Britannia!

    On Tuesday Lord Xeth the Demonologist showed himself again to Britannia. His second task for us was it to bring him eight eggs of Elder Harpies.

    Lord Xeth Requests Eight Eggs

    After long search we found the harpies in a ravine north of Britain. There were many and the Elder Harpies were very strong, however this artist's rendition shows you what happened in the end...

    After Lord Xeth had received the eggs, he explained that there is still another third task, which he will soon present to the Britanniers. A beast from the Abyss is to be destroyed. And it may be reliably said that this will be a hard fight. As reward, Lord Xeth wants to give the survivors the secret password to Stormeyes hidden cave.

    On Wednesday Captain James Stormeye struck back in Buccaneers Den. Masses of monsters and the black horseman appeared there. For a short time Buccaneers Den belonged to them.

    The Battle for Buc's Den

    However, with the assistance of many courageous heroes the city was released.

    An exciting tale indeed! We will continue bringing you more updates about Captain Stormeye and Lord Xeth as they come in. Our thanks to Alrik for his submission.

    Go with the Virtues!

    [ Comment on this article ]

    Posted on Tuesday, April 17, 2001, 4:47 PM EDT by Rock (Drachenfels)

    Chronicle of Evil
    This was just dropped onto my in-box. Lots of great stories here. Check them out:
    Hail dark friends,

    The evil of our lands are braggarts and enjoy nothing better than to tell grand tales of pillage and plunder.

    There is a place I know of, where the cutthroats and brigands tell their tales and boast of their adventures.

    Come read this Chronicle of Evil, but be discreet, for you would not want to draw this crowds attention to yourself!

    --Adam Ant

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    Posted on Tuesday, April 17, 2001, 4:01 PM EDT by Pelle Svanslos (CandidCoverage)

    New Titles from Ilshenar Confirmed!!!!
    Gewurtztraminer, a player, posted the following to the official UO3D Boards:
    I spent most of the day yesterday annoying the demons and gargoyles in Ishlenar, killing gargoyles in all of their 51 flavors.

    I pulled up my paperdoll and was suprized to see:
    The Famed Diogi: Foe of the Abyss Instead of:
    The Famed Diogi Grandmaster Mage

    Way way way back during the beta they had hinted that titles could be gained by your actions. The example they gave was a warrior who killed a lot of dragons would come to be known as a Dragon Slayer.

    And then this morning Melantus posted this followup:
    This is true and not a rumor. This has something to do with that "mystery" of Ilshenar that I talked about a few weeks ago, but theres much more to it. That's all I'll say about this for now. :)

    Online Community Coordinator
    Ultima Online

    All I can say is WOW! This is incredible!!!! I guess I know where I'll be adventuring this evening!

    [ Comment on this article ]

    Posted on Tuesday, April 17, 2001, 2:31 PM EDT by Joshua Rowan (GeneralNews)

    Bloodrock Clan Discovered in Covetous
    >>> Felucca Facet News <<<This in from Pedro Depacus.

    I am writing this story as I saw it, although dangerous and I could have lost my life in the process, I felt it is necessary. As I was wandering around the area of Buccaneers Den, knowing there would be a story there. I heard someone mention orcs in the area. I thought nothing of it, but looking for a story I went and searched the area.

    As I was walking past a cave near Covetous, I heard loud grumbling and what sounded like a wrestling match. Using my ability to sneak upon someone I got closer. It was the orcs that was spoken of before. Using what little knowledge and a lot of research I deciphered what these orcs were talking about this is what I saw and heard.

    Three Orcs sitting around a campfire looking like they were praying, all similar in size and appearance. They were asking someone named Krenbluk to help them and to give them guidance. They saw the moon glows red inspirit of her. They were making offerings to this person, whom I can only suppose is their God. This went on for about ten minutes when all of a sudden, a female orcish mage appears before them. The three falls to there knees and begin to cry in joy. This God of theirs, tells them to pray no longer, that she has the answer and they already know it. She tells them that they are to form a clan to be known as Bloodrock. She is smiling and tells them that she will send someone to help guide them on their journey sand this orc is a member of Bloodrock on another land far away. She smiles at one and said that he is to be the Chieftain of this clan and to never betray the two orcs with him that they will always serve her with him. While they are talking I notice another dark orc hiding in the corner, this orc does not seem to be smiling either and I feel that it knows I am here.

    Getting nervous, I get back to the other orcs. At this exact moment Krenbluk throws her arms in the air, lets out a yell and a gate appears behind her. Another orc, appearing to be exhausted and weakened somehow appears through the gate. She introduces ! him as, Zarbag Karfmug. The three stands and one at a time say their names for me to hear for the first time. The one to be the chieftain stands and speaks, “Ee ham Ta’rug.” “Ee ham Gru-ja,” another said. The last one said, “Ee ham Muglog.” The four turn to “Krenbluk” and fall to their knees once more. She said that they have been given their task, make her proud and vanishes into thin air. This is where I found out who the dark orc was. This dark figure comes for the shadows and the three fall to their knees again quickly. The one know as Zarbag said, “Belok, weeb ar surrie weeb nub knu uu wur da!” The dark orc, whom I can only presume as Belok, laughs wickedly loud. “Uu kno whu ee ham,” it states. “Su uu kno wat ee wan frum uu den!” and with that the dark orc vanishes into the shadows.

    The three greet the new fourth orc and all agree that they should rest until morning. Being as quiet as possible, I quickly left the area. Not being the bold man, I want to find out more. However, the next morning when I arrived, there was nothing but a burnt out campfire.

    Pedro Depacus

    To learn about the Bloodrock you can visit If you wish to join or help Bloodrock on Atlantic contact Zarbag in IRC channel #bloodrock-atlantic or #bloodrock. You can also contact Ta'rug through ICQ 109515799. Thanks in advance.

    Would seem the orcish clans are on the rise, yes? Excellent. Thank ye Pedro Depacus for this news.

    Posted on Tuesday, April 17, 2001, 1:52 PM EDT by Azalin (Atlantic)

    Liano's Magic Clothing - Part One
    >>> Felucca Facet News <<<This in from Shannon.

    "Dark minions and evil sorcerers?" I eyed Magnus with a bit of apprehension
    as he told me of Maximiliano and the recent raids on his small band of

    "Yes", he replied with a slow nod of his head, " Dark sorcerers have led
    attacks on the encampment for the past two evenings. The minions are of the
    utmost evil, dark liches, lich lords and various other monstrosities."

    I listened with a mix of excitement and wariness. I silently asked myself
    if I would have taken Magnus up on his invitation to accompany him, had I
    known what lay ahead. With a resolute nod and a brief smile to him, I
    agreed to take on his task.

    He spoke briefly about Maximiliano, the leader of the Gypsies, who was to
    supply us with magical clothing that would protect us from Unelak, the dark
    presence that controlled these minions and threatened to wipe out the entire
    Gypsy encampment. Though Magnus was unsure of the reasoning behind the
    recent attacks, he insisted that unless the dark forces were stopped, the
    results could be devastating.

    So Magnus entrusted me with speaking with Maximiliano, called Liano or Lord
    Max by most in his presence, to attempt to obtain the magical clothing items
    for the warriors who seek to destroy these dark minions.

    As I waited at the encampment trying my best to console Rowen's impatience,
    a strange woman arrived searching for Liano. She spoke of a dark sorcerer
    named Julius and a scourmage with him on the previous night. She claimed
    that Julius was not slain, though the warriors tried with all their might.
    Hearing this left me a bit concerned. If the numbers she spoke of were
    unable to slay this foul creature, we were indeed in for a long night .
    This woman , who I later learned was named The Noble Teresa, was most
    intrigued with a small bag which lay on the table inside the hut. She
    claimed it was a "magic power bag". Indeed I had noticed the small bag, but
    being new to this small band of warriors, I felt it best not to pry about
    it's purpose. With this stranger's statement, however, I was compelled to

    "I'm not sure" she replied, "but I can say that it is a new addition to
    Liano's hut, and no doubt has something to do with the magical clothing."

    With a brief nod, I turned my attention to the magic powder bag. It looked
    as normal as any other bag, only a very strange color, and carried a scent
    that flowed throughout the room. A rather musty, but clean scent. Being a
    mage, I'm familiar with the scents of most magical components, but these
    were strange to me.

    As we waited, more adventurers began to file into the small hut, all of who
    claimed to be in search of Liano. I began to silently question my purpose
    in all this as I listened to the adventurers talk of past battles with these
    minions. Then Maximiliano arrived.

    He was immediately concerned that we were all present within his hut without
    being "purified" as he called it. He requested that we all move outside
    where he proceeded to sprinkle us all with some sort of strange sparkling
    powder. I must admit that I was a bit apprehensive, wondering what this
    "purification" was really all about. But trusting Magnus' judgment on the
    company he keeps, I set my apprehensions aside and allowed him to proceed
    with his ritual.

    After all were purified, we returned to the hut to discuss matters that had
    transpired. It wasn't long before an adventurer named Dabou questioned
    Liano about the magical clothing. He claimed that a gentleman by the name
    of Spencer had told him that the warriors needed the clothing to defeat
    Unelak. I then told Liano of Magnus' request that I wait for his arrival
    and obtain the clothing items. Liano was quick to respond that the clothing
    was not yet complete. With a questioning look, we asked him why.

    "There is a lack of Balron hides my friends." He replied, "Without these
    hides the clothing cannot be made."

    Teresa asked Liano if the hides he needed to make the clothing had to be
    from Balrons.

    "Yes" Liano replied with a nod of his head, "Only Balron hides can withstand
    the enchantments that I must place on the clothing."

    The adventurers were quick to offer their help. Teresa being the first to
    speak up and offer her assistance in gathering the hides. I immediately
    offered to accompany her. We asked Liano how many hides were needed, to
    which he responded...

    "The Balron which roams the depths of Hythloth should be enough"

    Within a couple of minutes we were on our way to Hythloth.

    With a deep breath I stepped through the gate and my breath immediately
    caught in my throat. I had never faced a Balron before, and I was quite
    shocked by their appearance. The strangest color of brown I had
    encountered, the Balron we faced towered over us with a menacing glare.
    Warrior and mage alike looked on and attempted to initiate an attack on this
    foreboding monster.

    The mages prevailed in this particular battle, coming together to confront
    the foe with a barrage of Meteor Swarms that eventually brought the creature

    We swarmed the creature's body to gather it's hides before the next foes
    appeared to remove us from their territory. There was some concern over the
    amount of hides that were needed, as Liano was never clear on a number.
    Teresa agreed to return to the encampment with the hides gathered to see if
    it was enough. The rest remained behind to take care of the next barrage of
    foes that came at us with fresh ferocity.

    Having successfully defeated the previous Balron, this one posed no problem
    and was quickly disposed of. The hides, however, mysteriously disappeared
    amongst the group. Whether there were any hides to begin with, I cannot say
    for sure.

    During the battle with the second Balron, Teresa returned informing us that
    Liano was not at the encampment. We were immediately concerned that he was
    not there and decided to return to the encampment after slaying the second
    Balron. The disappearance of the hides was quickly forgotten as we stepped
    through the gate which lead to the encampment.

    We were met by Liano and Magnus o Alihart and with a sigh of relief settled
    in to discuss the making of the clothing. Teresa presented Liano with the
    hides we were able to gather and asked if this would be enough. Liano
    agreed that what we gathered would be ample for his task, but that it would
    take some time for him to make the clothing. He asked that we return
    tomorrow evening to pick up the items.

    I was a little disappointed with this bit of information, but understood the
    time required to make things of a magical nature.

    Another adventurer by the name of Thor announced that he was going to scout
    the camp and make sure it was safe. He returned shortly thereafter shouting
    a warning of Liches in the near vicinity.

    Then it began..........

    Liches, Lich Lords, Dark Liches, Ogres......they were everywhere, coming at
    us from every direction. There were screams coming from every direction.
    Chaos was everywhere. Above it all Magnus was insistent that the dark
    forces should not be let into Liano's hut. I managed to pass this along to
    the warriors around me but the dark liches were upon me. The sheer force of
    this attack quickly overwhelmed us, and many, including myself, fell to the
    dark forces.

    Despite The fact that many of the adventurers did not know each other
    personally, the teamwork displayed by those present was astounding. I was
    quite impressed with the ability of some to battle, resurrect and heal all
    at the same time.

    After returning from my walk with the dead, I quickly gathered my things and
    returned to the fray.

    I found Rowen and Catraco in a fierce battle with a Dark Lich. Other
    adventurers around were busy gathering their things, keeping a close eye on
    this monstrosity we faced. As Catraco and I did our best to keep Rowen
    healed during his battle, a cry rose above the cackle of the lich.

    "It heals itself!!"

    It wasn't long after this cry was heard that Rowen fell, despite the best
    efforts of Catraco and myself to aid him in his battle. The Dark Lich then
    started yet another path of destruction that nearly took out every able
    bodied warrior we had.

    It didn't take long to realize that we needed help, and lots of it. As
    Magnus called upon the aid of Auren Therion, Mayor of Britain, I made a
    quick trip to the Trammel facet to obtain my pets, Sage and Malice.

    During my absence, the battle raged on. The dark minions came with an
    unspoken vengeance, and pursued the warriors with stamina that seemed never
    ending. Still the adventurers fought on, working together to defeat the dark
    forces that threatened all of our lives.

    And then a minion appeared that made each warrior stop in their tracks, the
    mere site of this dark presence being so unique, they wondered briefly how
    to defeat this new foe. It didn't take long before Rowen stepped up to meet
    this strange new creature, known among us only as "The Red Lich"

    Rowen made great progress in his efforts to destroy this red lich, and was
    soon joined by others in his attempt.

    Despite the overwhelming power of this new foe, the adventurers pulled
    together and finally defeated him. The warriors were quick to check the
    body in hopes of finding some clue as to where it came from and what's its
    purpose was. After careful inventory of the body, Teresa informed us that
    aside from a little gold, the red lich carried nothing more than a few baked

    "Baked pies?" the astonished crowd asked for confirmation.

    "I kid you not" Teresa replied with a slight chuckle.

    Not long after the red lich was slain, the remaining dark forces were
    defeated. It appeared the battle was over, but Magnus was not convinced.
    We gathered our forces to regroup and prepare for the next onslaught. Auren
    and his followers arrived to lend their aid in our efforts. My pets, Sage
    and Malice, stood close ready for battle.

    We waited, some impatiently and some in deep thought about the things that
    had occurred. There was some conversation about the purpose of these dark
    minions. I wondered silently where Liano had disappeared to after our
    battle began. He seemed to be no where in sight, but the others showed
    little concern, including Magnus and Auren, and so I kept my thoughts to

    Some time passed before we at last decided that the dark forces must be
    finished with us this evening. I wondered if this could perhaps have
    something to do with the Red Lich being slain, but again kept my thoughts to
    myself as the others discussed where drinks would be served and toasts be

    After putting my pets to bed, I joined the group at the Serpent's Cross
    Tavern. Spirits were high and the alcohol was plentiful.

    A quiet adventurer names Marcus Ironaxe took up the harp, Auren served all
    the beverage of their choice, and it wasn't long before there was laughter
    and song, despite the battles that raged such a short time before. As I sat
    watching those around me, I pondered the evenings events. I was a newcomer
    to this crowd, but so readily accepted as we sought to defeat those that
    threatened our lands and our friends. I marveled at their bravery,
    especially that of Rowen and Catraco, who were more than ready to lend their
    aid to those around them and a swift beating to those of the dark nature. I
    felt very appreciative to be a part of such a noble cause, and to be in the
    company of Magnus, Auren and the others that fought without apprehension.

    The festivities continued on into the night, with several of the warriors
    becoming quite intoxicated, falling off stools, speaking in slurs and
    battling the fleas of one strange female that I did not have the chance to
    meet. Of course, with an affliction of fleas, I'm not sure that was such a
    bad thing.

    As the night wore on, the warriors slowly filed from the tavern. Magnus
    stated that he would be returning to the Adventurer's Guild to seek out
    Verity, but I decided to stay behind to watch the adventurers in their
    drunken stoopers a bit longer. It was quite entertaining, but I soon found
    myself back at the Adventurer's Guild with Catraco, Rowen and Magnus.

    We spoke briefly with Magnus, who explained the finer points of being
    "accepted" to the crowd. I was compelled to tell him of the excitement I
    felt and how much I appreciated his bringing us into this puzzle that we

    Magnus went on to tell us of previous attacks on the encampment, and told us
    that each of the Dark Liches carried a necessary ingredient for the
    incantation that Liano was to perform to create the magic clothing -
    Blackmoor. Catraco produced some of this Blackmoor and presented it to
    Magnus, who thankfully accepted.

    He told us that two nights ago a dark sorcerer named Herchel led an attack
    on the gypsy camp, but was driven away by the force of warriors. The next
    night, this Julius sorcerer that Teresa had spoke of, led yet another
    invasion that practically wiped out the gypsies. He informed us that Julius
    was by far the strongest of the minions they had yet faced, and that the
    purpose of the attacks was still unknown.

    The conversation continued to topics other than the fierce battles, and
    Rowen and Catraco soon found their way to other activities. Magnus and I
    continued to talk throughout the evening, but that is another adventure in

    Thank ye, Shannon.

    Posted on Tuesday, April 17, 2001, 1:38 PM EDT by Azalin (Atlantic)

    Unelak Strikes Near Vesper
    >>> Felucca Facet News <<<This news concerning Unelak in from Red.

    Hail, it is I, Red of Atlantic, Master of Fighting, Running, Looting, and Hiding, here to recount what happened last night in Vesper. While out "hunting" (its a living) in the quiet town of Buccaneers Den, the Crier started ranting about something besides Villains and "GUARDS!", he said that out neighbor of Vesper, more specifically, its outpost near the shrine, were being assaulted. I sensed there was more to be had there than in the City of Brotherly Lo er... The Den.

    I rode there quickly as possible and noted the presence of a moongate, spewing forth magi that assaulted all present. Many people did not have the common courtesy, or common sense to not take what law says was not theirs, so the looters were killed along with those whom they had taken it from.
    After a few moments, a figure drenched in black stepped through the gate, Lord Unelak.

    He spoke words of doom to all present, I laughed at his petty talk, for I have heard more intimidating things from far more intimidating people. However, the others present addressed him with fear. He seemed perturbed when he noted that one among them had mystical clothing that had been previously given to them. Moments later he was no longer phased and began to chant, and as bolts of power struck him, Dark Liches, and Liches of the normal variety, appeared out of no where. They looked intimidating, with the help of another fighter I quickly dispatched one and threw its belongings in with those I had taken from the greedy citizens of Trammel. The others followed.

    I was getting greedy, for not only were monsters dying, but well armed reagent bags, and armor chests died as well. I secretly called for more and was delighted as he summoned bone knights, and mages into the fray. I took this moment to loot the liches that my "comrades" had slain, the liches gold was lying on the ground, can't let it go to waste.

    When all was looking bad for Unelak, he summoned a aid, Sorgan, and the two of them personally dropped their defenses and entered the battle, summoning help all the while. My self interest dictated that I assault Unelak, however I was quickly dissuaded from that plan when he hit me 2 times and took a rather large chunk of life away from me. Besides, I had snooped him earlier, he had nothing but necromantic reagents and a spell book, worthless to me.

    I was becoming overjoyed with the success I was having, but then as things turned for the villains, they summoned a mighty swarm that shook the soul out of me for a moment (a good 6 seconds.) All the while I was aware, but my body would not move, as I fretted, and reunited body and soul, I was filled with hope as I seemed to bolt off, alive. However, it was but an illusion, half a second later I saw myself back in the fray, being torn to bits. I had no chance to survive. Greed killed me as much as the knights of bone.

    Clearly there is a great evil at work, undead summoning is becoming more common these days, clearly a dark shadow is overcoming us. Undead are a foe beaten with ease, but when in the power of one, they can organize and prove deadly. Those with power over the dead must be dispatched, although if the population could derive the source of their power, it would prove of great use to mankind.

    Keep it real, keep it blue, and keep it in color.
    - Red of Atlantic

    Thank ye Red for this insightful piece of information.

    Posted on Tuesday, April 17, 2001, 1:36 PM EDT by Azalin ((none))