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Rendered Pictures, by Deane Saunders (Myrex of Europa)
A few renders of a house, inspired by Ultima Online. All renders and models by Deane Saunders


Most of the renders here are finished versions, suitable for desktops etc. The first several shots are simply work in progress images, showing how the model was built up from various details. I used 3d Studio max 2.5, working on the models for about an hour a day for 1 1/2 months. The actual images took initially 10 minutes or so per frame on a PII400, but after upgrading to an AMD 1ghz, they rendered much quicker - about a minute. Feel free to use the images on your desktops, websites etc. but if you do so, please put a credit to me on it and send me a copy of the page link at [email protected] or visit me at

Small Brick House

Small Stone Shop