Ahh, of course. M-my apologies Bundor. The undead have broken through the defenses and are currently wandering the city streets. We've seen pockets of resistance emerge, including the group that is currently harboring us. [Communication crystal static starts] [Undead moans] So far they aren't able to stave off the never-ending tide of undead. It doesn't look good. [More static] My crystal is fading again Bundor. I strongly advise those who are not able to defend themselves to find a way out of this city. From all indications, it looks like these vile creatures intend to stay. We'll need to gather some more gems to recharge the crystal. I'll broadcast again as soon as I can.
Bundor Bard:
Thankyou Drenon. May the virtues protect you and all the citizens of Trinsic. BNN will continue to bring you live up to the minute coverage of the invasion of Trinsic. That's the way it is in the city of Trinsic this 36th day of crisis in Britannia. I'm Bundor Bard. Goodday.
[Exit Music]
Title: Crisis in Britannia, Day 36
Author: OSI
Copyright: �2000 Electronic Arts
Abstract: Britannia News Network

From the Britannia Network News