BNN Day 37
[Intro Music] Bundor Bard: Crisis in Britannia, Day 37. I'm Bundor Bard and you're listening to Britannia Network News. In the news today. Here at BNN we have always felt it our responsibility to present both sides of every story. Tonight, we have a special report from corespondent Lilia Mason. Lilia has been granted permission to travel behind enemy lines to interview a young soldier, a headless to be exact, as he prepares with his battalion for yet another assault upon the people of Britain. Lilia? [Light background group gathered sounds] Lilia Mason: Thankyou Bundor. I'm deep in the forest north of Trinsic in what appears to be a swiftly assembled camp. Soldiers are milling around us making final battle preparations. With me is Wallace Sims, formerly of Skara Brae, who will be acting as translator for a young headless soldier who has agreed to speak with us. Uh, I'm sorry. What is your name again sir? [Mushy sounds] Lilia Mason: Um yes, well, uh you and your comrades at arms have been terrorizing the people of Britain for some weeks now. Could you tell me why it is you're fighting? [Mushy sounds] Wallace Sims: Yeah... well... He claims that... let me see... People of Britannia must be destroyed, the cities must be pillaged, the wealth plundered, the lands burned, Lord British brought to his knees. The usual. Lilia Mason: The usual. Alright then, why Britain? Her people merely wish to enjoy their lives, travel about a bit, and embark on the occasional adventure. Isn't there somewhere else you could pillage? [Long mushy sounds] Wallace Sims: He says no. Lilia Mason: I see. So it's pillage and plunder Britain then. One more question, if I may? For the listeners at home, could you tell us quickly, who is the master-mind behind all of these attacks? [Mushy sounds] Wallace Sims: I'm sorry, I'm afraid it's time for my companion to be ready for battle. No more questions please. Lilia Mason: But wait, our listeners want to know. Who leads this army? [Single mushy sound] Wallace Sims: No, no, no, n-no comment. We must be going now. Terribly sorry, some other time. Lilia Mason: Well there you have it. Britannia destroyed and Lord British to his knees. Sounds like this army has quite the task ahead of them. Back to you Bundor. [Silence.] Bundor Bard: Thankyou Lilia. Lilia Mason will continue working behind enemy lines to bring more updates and interviews with the armies planning to destroy our existence. And that's today's report. I'm Bundor Bard. [Exit Music] Title: Crisis in Britannia, Day 37 Author: OSI Copyright: �2000 Electronic Arts Abstract: Britannia News Network

From the Britannia Network News
