BNN Day 40
[Intro Music] Bundor Bard: Crisis in Britannia, Day 40. Hello, I'm Bundor Bard and you're listening to Britannia Network News. In the headlines today. The city of Trinsic remains in enemy hands. The city gates have been barricaded and the streets are patrolled by an army of the undead. Lord British's guards have been expelled or killed. Thousands of refugees clogged the main roads, out of the region, making it difficult for more warriors to reach the city. Reinforcements have been sent by Lord British, but there is no word yet on when they may arrive. We also have news that defenders trapped within the walls have formed a resistance movement. According to unconfirmed reports, the defenders strike isolated undead patrols and then fade back into deserted buildings. BNN reporter Drenon is thought to be trapped behind enemy lines. If we can establish contact with him we'll bring you live reports from the captured city. We'll be right back after these words. Male voice: Has this ever happened to you? Another male voice: Hey, sweetcakes! Whatcha doing out in the woods all alone? Female voice: What do you two want? Yet another male voice: Nice boots. I bet they fit me real good. Another male voice: Yeah! I just love your armor. Female voice: Hey! What the hell?! [Spell sounds, slashing sounds, more spell sounds] Male voice: Danger is everywhere, but you don't have to wander the woods alone. Come on down to Harry the Tamer's Pet Emporium. We have the finest tamed pets gold can buy. Panthers, bears, daemons, elementals. Yes, even a dragon can be yours for one low, low cost. Results are guaranteed or your gold cheerfully refunded. Another male voice: Hey, look who's back. Yet another male voice: Didn't get enough last time eh toots? Female voice: Nice boots. [Dragon roar] [Male screaming] Male voice: Harry the Tamer's Pet Emporium, just outside old Britain not far from the Warrior's Guildhall. Harry the Tamer's, because life without a pet can be no life at all. Bundor Bard: In the rest of the news, Sir Geoffrey of Britain has again been sighted near Yew. He and Lord Iolo are trying to capture a prisoner for questioning by Lord British and his advisors. British has required everyone in the realm to assist Sir Geoffrey in whatever way possible. In Minoc, a grandmaster mage, attempting to raise the dead, has mysteriously disappeared. Witnesses say Mage Philo was trying to slow down the space-time continuum in hopes of causing his brother-in-law to return to life. During the attempt, he suddenly vanished in a puff of smoke and has not been seen since. The mage was reported to have screamed the phrase, "It's a feature," as he vanished. And that's the news. I'm Bundor Bard for BNN. [Exit Music] Title: Crisis in Britannia, Day 40 Author: OSI Copyright: �2000 Electronic Arts Abstract: Britannia News Network

From the Britannia Network News
