BNN Day 42
[Intro Music] Lady Machiavelli: Crisis in Britannia, Day 42. Hello, I'm Lady Machiavelli and you're listening to Britannia Network News. In the headlines today. BNN reporter Drenon has recharged his crystal and is again in contact from inside Trinsic. We take you there live. Drenon? [Smithing sounds] Drenon: Hail Lady Mach, as you no doubt have heard the undead army has taken ahold of the city. Both the west and south gates have been sealed. Barring magical travel or boats there is no way in or out of the city. We've set up a temporary safe house in the Shining Path Armory and I'm here with the shops owner, Gregor. Gregor: Well Drenon, [Clears throat] I've lived in this city all my life and I'll be damned if I'm going to let some walking corpse drive me from my home. I may not be able to fight too well these days since my run-in with a gazer a few years back, but me and the boys been making weapons and armor all night for those who can fight. Drenon: And I bet you're making a tidy little profit there too huh? Gregor: [Sputters] Profit? Profit!? What's wrong with ya man? We're fighting for our freedom here and you think I would charge for my weapons? We've got skeletons living in the barracks. The Rusty Anchor's full of zombies and lord only knows what created that stench in the Tinker's Guild. Bah! Get out of my sight. Profit? [Coughs] The nerve. Drenon: Uh, back to you Lady Mach. [Smithing sounds stop] Lady Machiavelli: Drenon, do the people there have any idea why the monsters have sealed off Trinsic? [Smithing sounds] Drenon: From what little we can piece together, they seem to be using the city as some kind of staging ground. Their purpose is anyone's guess. Whatever it is, it can't be good. I'll update you again if we are able to find anything. [Smithing sounds stop] Lady Machiavelli: Thankyou Drenon. It seems we have a mystery to solve in Trinsic. As always BNN will be on the lookout for any further developments. And that's the news. I'm Lady Machiavelli for BNN. [Exit Music] Title: Crisis in Britannia, Day 42 Author: OSI Copyright: �2000 Electronic Arts Abstract: Britannia News Network

From the Britannia Network News
