BNN Day 47
[Intro Music] Lady Machiavelli: Crisis in Britannia, Day 47. Hello, I'm Lady Machiavelli and you're listening to Britannia Network News. In the headlines today. Disaster near Trinsic. The army sent by Lord British last week to recapture the city has been ambushed and destroyed by legions of the undead. Reports from the few survivors state that the army was first attacked by thousands of the undead two days march northwest of the city. A running battle, lasting over eight hours, then ensued. The armies fate was sealed when a second undead legion attacked from the southeast. No causalities lists have been released yet. Again, the relief army dispatched to Trinsic by Lord British has been ambushed and destroyed. Trinsic remains in the hands of the enemy. We'll be right back after these words. [Lute music] Male voice: [Dragon roar] Hey what's that? Another male voice: Dude, it's a dragon. Male voice: No way! Another male voice: I think it's a dragon or a chicken. Male voice: Either way, I'm naming it Chuck. I've always wanted a pet like you. [Wing flap sound] Don't be afraid! [Another roar] Come here, dragon, dragon, dragy. [Male voice yells out] [Loud dragon roar] Yet another male voice: Friends don't let friends tame drunk. Paid for by TADAH, Tamer's Against Drunken Animal Husbandry. Lady Machiavelli: In the rest of the news, Lord British has departed Britain for the city of Yew to observe the questioning of the orc taken captive by Sir Geoffrey. He is in the company of companion Dupre and is guarded by several lances of heavy cavalry. Civic duty or public nuisance? That's the question being asked today in Moonglow. Mary, the baker's assistant, has rounded up all the formerly tamed small animals in that town. She is keeping them in her house and some citizens have complained that the managerie is noisy and stinks. Mary insists that it is a civic duty to, 'Salvage these poor beasts ruthlessly named A, D and Thee by their former owners and show them some compassion.' The Moonglow City Council will debate the question later today. And those are the headlines. I'm Lady Machiavelli and you've been listening to Britannia Network News. [Exit Music] Title: Crisis in Britannia, Day 47 Author: OSI Copyright: �2000 Electronic Arts Abstract: Britannia News Network

From the Britannia Network News
