BNN Day 50
[Intro Music] Lady Machiavelli: Crisis in Britannia, Day 50. Hello, I'm Lady Machiavelli and you're listening to Britannia Network News. In the headlines today. In stunning news, it has been reported that Lord British has been captured by the enemy. According to companion Dupre, British's entourage was ambushed by a large combined force of mongbats and orc mages not far from the dungeon Shame. During the ensuing battle, British was overwhelmed and carried away before Dupre and the heavy cavalry, providing escort, could intervene. British was on his way to the City of Yew to assist in questioning a captive orc. He hoped to discover who or what is behind the current crisis. There is no word from Britain on what steps will be taken to recover Lord British or who is in control of the realm at this time. We'll be right back after these words. [Lute music] Male voice: Great party! I just love a barbecue! Another male voice: Thankyou, have a sandwich. Male voice: Thanks! [Eating sounds] Say! This is really good! Is this chicken? Another male voice: No. Male voice: Hmm, [More eating sounds] you know it tastes like chicken, or-or turkey, or maybe dragon. It does taste a little like dragon. Another male voice: It's not turkey or dragon. Male voice: Well, it's just the best damn barbecued bird I've ever had. C'mon what is it?! Another male voice: Mongbat. Male voice: Uhh, oh man. [Spitting sounds] Yet another male voice: Mongbat. The other white meat. Lady Machiavelli: In the rest of the news, the druid, Selzhanik, continues to question the captive orc in Yew. According to inside sources, the orc has not revealed any important information to date. The interrogation is scheduled to continue today. Selzhanik will reportedly try to find out where Lord British is being held captive. Lim the Slightly Angry has been sighted again in Minoc. According to eye witnesses, several people were killed when they approached Mr. Angry chanting, 'We are not worthy,' and attempted to touch his armor. He is said to have ridden to the northeast muttering the phrase, 'Damn gimped kitties.' And that's the news. I'm Lady Machiavelli and you've been listening to BNN. [Exit Music] Title: Crisis in Britannia, Day 50 Author: OSI Copyright: �2000 Electronic Arts Abstract: Britannia News Network

From the Britannia Network News
