[Intro Music]
Bundor Bard:
Crisis in Britannia, Day 54.
I'm Bundor Bard and you're listening to Britannia Network News.
In the headlines today.
We've managed to re-establish contact with BNN reporter, Drenon Quick, who, despite the peril, has remained within the walls of the fallen city of Trinsic. Drenon?
Hail, Bundor. A few days ago the undead built a structure near the city's docks. For the past few days all attempts to identify its purpose have been met with failure. Until last night. I have with me two of Trinsic's citizens. Can you tell the listeners what you saw last night?
Well we was fishing last night, keeping an eye out for them undead thingies when me and Rasitlin heard a noise. Scared the spooky skin right off me bones. Dropped my fishing pole in the water!
Yer taking too long to tell the story, Rant. Let me tell it. Like Rant says, we were fishing and we heard this here noise. So we hide behind that tree over there and watch the building. We saw Malabelle open the door and walk inside. She was in there a looooong time.
Ya, at least an hour. And then she came out with at least a dozen other people. Maybe they were skeletons, I couldn't tell from where we were standing.
A dozen, are you sure? That place doesn't look big enough to hold even six people.
It was definitely at least a dozen. Dunno where they all came from, but we saw 'em!
Well, Bundor, it seems we have another mystery to solve here in Trinsic. I'm going to sign off now. I'll report again, should we learn anything further.
Bundor Bard:
Thank you, Drenon. We'll do our best to bring you any new information from Trinsic. May the virtues protect the brave men and women trapped behind its walls. And that's the news. You've been listening to BNN. I'm Bundor Bard.
[Exit Music]
Title: Crisis in Britannia, Day 54
Author: OSI
Copyright: �2000 Electronic Arts
Abstract: Britannia News Network

From the Britannia Network News