[Intro Music]

Bundor Bard:
Crisis in Britannia.
I'm Bundor Bard and you're listening to Britannia Network News.
In the headlines today.
We bring you to Trinsic, where BNN reporter Drenon Quick is ready to give a live report. Drenon?

Drenon Quick:
Hail Bundor. I'm standing inside the Keg and Anchor with one of the former resistance leaders in Trinsic. She's told me she has some very important information for the citizens of Britannia.

Female voice:
That's right Drenon, I wanted the people to know that we discovered something strange when we entered Minax's evil structure before we retook the town.

Drenon Quick:
Wonderful! What did you discover?

Female voice:
Well frankly, we're not sure what to make of it. When we entered my band of comrades were transported somewhere else to some other place. In this place we fought undead and three evil guardians plus had to destroy two gates that I've heard lead to Minax's realm.

Drenon Quick:
Aye, please continue.

Female voice:
Well just before we destroyed the last gate, I happened to glance in and saw...I saw...well it looked kind of like Trinsic.

Drenon Quick:
I'm not sure I understand

Female voice:
Me either. It was Trinsic, only different. The stones of the city were dark and foul, broken and crumbling, even in that short glimpse. Even the air seemed to flow visibly and with great effort. It was as if I was seeing a version of Trinsic from some horrific nightmare.

Drenon Quick:
What's your next step then?

Female voice:
We've sent word to Britain, brought this news to Nystul and those of equal power. They're looking into the existence of such versions of the realm. Perhaps there will be one to which we can move and be free of the treachery of Minax and her kind.


Drenon Quick:
Sounds like a daunting task m'lady, but I'm sure the good people here are up to the task. Ah, there goes the crystal again, back to you Bundor.

Bundor Bard:
Thank you Drenon. Well, there you have it. We'll update you as the situation progresses. This is Bundor Bard signing off. You've been listening to BNN.

[Exit Music]