Genn Wintord

UP: Britannia

Initial steps were taken today to prepare for the
coming trial of the Leader of the Followers of Armageddon. Lord Britishs
spokesperson, Halston Montil, announced today that Judge Winton Arlis
was appointed to hear the case. Judge Arlis brings over thirty years experience
at the bench. Montil stated, Judge Arlis record of jurisprudence
speaks for itself. We are confident he will conduct a thorough and just
trial, in full accordance with the laws of our land.
Montil also announced today the appointment of the
counsels for both the defense and the prosecution. Surprising to no Court
insiders, Lord Julius Darnell was named as the Prosecution for the State.
Lord Darnell has, as yet, an unbroken string of ninety-seven successful
prosecutions, and is famed for his flamboyant style.
In a surprise move, however, Montil announced that
local Skara Braen lawyer Grant Adams was named as the Counsel for the
Defense. Adams, 29, is young, but very experienced, with forty-eight successful
defenses in his nameincluding the infamous Red Arrow Murder
trialbut has never handled a Capital crime case to date. Montil
said, Given the sensitive political nature of this trial, Lord British
decided it best to broaden the search for the best lawyer to defend the
FoA leader beyond the traditional pool of Realm Barristers. The States
intention is to assure that a fair, vigorous, and unbiased defense is
given in this matter. Mr. Adams was viewed as the best candidate to meet
these criteria, and has embroiled himself into the case with the utmost
of enthusiasm.
Montil also declared that as soon as Discovery was
completed (a process he hoped would be done within a week), subpoenas
would be sent out to witnesses to events. Among those expected to be summoned
are Sir Geoffrey and Mariah of Moonglow. Montil finished with the announcement
that while the trials would be closed to the public for reasons of security,
a rotating member of the press would be allowed to bear witness to events.
Our absolute intention, Montil concluded, is that the
public has full view and record of all that transpires, and that the questions
that have plagued us for so long as finally answered to the satisfaction
of all.
A small demonstration by pro-FoA Citizens was conducted
in front of the Kings castle in Britain this afternoon protesting
the continued incarceration of the FoA Leader, but no violence was reported
at the rally.
From the Town Cryer - The Journal of Ultima Online, Thursday, January
14th 1999