Clayton Trembell
UP: Britannia
A rancher from Yew � "I awoke and went to
feed muh animals jus' like any other morn. But one step outside, and I
saw the gate to muh fence was as open as the wide blue sky. Muh animals
were gallivantin' all over the place, screechin' and hollerin' like the
world was 'bout to end.
Well, I was madder than a polar bear trapped behind a wooden box and
threw muh favorite straw hat on the ground to stomp it flat. But that's
when I saw a whole herd... or flock... or whatever they call it... of
mongbats in muh fenced yard. They was busy feasting on the corpse of one
o' muh poor cows and hadn't noticed me.
I turned tail as fast as a rabbit from a youngster with a new sword and
hitched it on over to the closest guard post. Oh sure, I can stomp pure
fury on a straw hat, but when it comes to something wild that's gonna
fight back� well, I'd just rather let the professionals step in.
Once I got to the guard post, though, all them guards were in there just
sleepin' or something. I whooped and hollered as loud as I was able, but
they merely glared at me and ignored my pleas for help. Disheartened,
I walked back to muh ranch wondering what to do. Luckily once I got there,
them mongbats was gone. I was able to round up most of muh critters though
a few of 'em did disappeared. No sign of 'em since. Plus the remains of
one of muh best cows... poor dear.
I heard of the same thing all over the area most of the day. Can�t help
but wonder why mongbats are suddenly comin' into Yew like that. One or
two isn't unusual, but seems like a lot more of 'em all the sudden. I've
a feeling I'd best make sure the house is properly secure in case more
show up."
A beggar from Vesper � "I've lived on the streets in Vesper
for a long time now. Sure people look down on me and my chosen career,
but it's not a bad life. A little cold some times, but I rarely go hungry.
And I have no fear of anyone trying to rob me seeing as I have nothing
for them to take.
So anyway, I tend to know what's going on around Vesper, just because
I have little else to do when not working but eavesdrop on other people.
Ye can learn some interesting things that way, trust me.
I began to hear a lot about trolls wandering into Vesper. We've had
our trouble with trolls before, no doubt. It usually blows over after
our guards give them a whack on the nose with their swords or halberds.
So I took note of this news, but was not truly concerned. Yet.
Then I began to hear more and more that none of the guards were confronting
our troll visitors. People were banding together and fighting the
trolls on their own, but not a single guard had done a thing to help.
I started to get concerned. Don�t get me wrong; I've nothing against
trolls in general. But they tend to not only not give much in the
way of gold to beggars but also make it difficult to find a safe place
to sleep, what with their tendency to try and kill any humans they
come across.
As if that was not enough, I then began to hear that offensive magic
is somehow working in town again. That is every beggars' nightmare!
Who better for all those up and coming mages to practice on? Why beggars,
of course! Beggars have nothing to do and won�t be going anywhere.
Nice and easy targets. Youch!
Looks like I may have to get some use from the education my parents
spent so much time and gold on and get a job."
A miner from Cove � "We're used to constant trouble from
orcs. They have a big fort just on the other side of the mountain.
But at least they rarely venture into the town itself. So when all
these headless began to appear within our city walls, we began to
My family has mined for iron in Cove for many a year. We've had
little trouble and most of even that has come from bandits and
thieves. But headless... I can't work under constant threat like
this. My nerves are completely frayed. As soon as we begin to
think they're gone, more headless appear. I nearly jumped clear
out of my tunic one time when I thought I heard a headless chittering
right behind me. Luckily it was just a torch rolling across the
floor, but I nearly had a heart attack anyway.
And to make matters worse, the guards have not lifted a finger
to help. I've seen other miners pay some warriors to protect them
and fight the headless, but the guard have remained all cozy in
their posts not doing a thing.
This is just too much. Maybe I�ll take up knitting and move to
Britain." **Sighs**
A paladin from Trinsic � "Zombies, skeletons, ghouls...
if I don't have to wipe their putrid ichor from my sword again
in a long time, I will be a very happy lady. Seems hardly a
month goes by without some sort of undead uprising around here.
As usual, the city guards are of little use, but the noble
Paladins of Trinsic have long known that the true protection
of our city falls squarely upon our shoulders. This is an
obligation we accept willingly and gladly. As yet, no foe
has managed to truly overrun our walls successfully. We've
had our setbacks, but have always managed to regroup and free
Trinsic from those who wish to tarnish our city's honor and
We�ve also gained an unexpected boon in the form of the use
of magic against these latest attacks. Mages who have allied
themselves to our cause have found their spells fully functioning
within the city walls, which has greatly aided in fending
off the twisted mockeries of life that again assault us. As
they fling balls of fire toward our foes and help our healers
tend to our wounded, we've managed to easily crush the undead
we�ve so far encountered.
But I fear these minor skirmishes are but the beginning.
I suspect we will need all of the help our mages can muster.
Perhaps they can even find away to bring our city guards back
to life. **chuckles**"
From the Town Cryer - The Journal of Ultima Online, January
15th, 2000.