
UP: Britannia

Conceive a quiet wood.
Two trees in a clearing west of Trinsic.
In one tree, an owl who is not an owl, sits in a moment of silent loathing.
In the other tree alights a raven, that flows into a gargoyle, and perches
clumsily on a low hanging branch.
SWAK! And the gargoyle rolls from his perch, and flows into a huge hairy
red daemon, rubbing his chin, askew on his back, propped on his elbow.
"Where�s Seth?" demands the owl.
"I don�t know," grunts the Daemon. His voice barely uttered shakes branches
throughout the valley. "P�raps he�s hard at work on your aggressive quotas
of the slain, dear brother.�
The owl is silent for only a moment, considering the Daemon with a cold
"You anticipate my displeasure with your apparent idleness, Ba�ab."
Continues the owl. "I am disappointed. Where have you been, and where
is our brother?"
Anger and spittle spray from the daemon, who still does not rise "Freeing
that fool your very dear brother Seth."
"Juo�nar?" the owl eyes squint.
"No! Seth was the idiot that wandered into Britain. He had the most
unfortunate luck of getting too close to the throne room, and Nystul found
him." Ba�ab pauses to let the implications of this colossal stupidity
to sink in.
The owl sighs, and flows down to the ground into the form of a Daemon
much bigger than the other, who backs away a few inches in mute apprehension.
"Where is he? You�ve freed him, haven�t you?"
The grimace tells the story, and Anmac Mallachtan grips his brother
Ba�ab with searing claws, and howling, hurls him free of his body like
a rag. The foul spirit writhes for a second and makes to lunge away, without
bothering to assume another form.
"Hold! Hold!!" The Shade screams "It�s not as if I didn�t try!" Grave
evil hovers in the air for a moment, and then the Daemon releases his
brother, turns back into an owl, and stares with unmitigated contempt
toward the north.
"Go and make yourself useful. Go hammer Trinsic.:
And the owl is alone in the woods.

From the Town Cryer - The Journal of Ultima Online, February 10th,
