Vinen the Warrior

UP: Britannia

The battle of Trinsic had raged for days, and now
the city was held in the grip of Juo�nar and his undead legions. Having
fought my for my life, I was bested by a lich upon the wall at the West
Gate. The last thing I remember was that cruel laugh then darkness. Much
to my surprise I awoke minutes later. It seems that my life was not taken
but that I simply had been knocked unconscious. I slowly opened my eyes,
only to realize that maybe death would have been kinder. Looming over
my right side, was the Malabelle conversing with one of her lesser minions.
"I now control this city. Trinsic is mine!" she boasted. Terrified for
my life I lay still as can be. As the last note of Malabelle�s proclamation
to her underling rang in my head, a flash of light appeared on my left
side. Slowly a form can into vision. A beautiful woman stood upon the
walls. I eyed here a bit closer. She was dressed in a revealing black
leather outfit with long raven colored locks flowing down here back. In
her hand she held a black staff that pulsed with a blue energy that seem
to scream evil. Her eyes were cold and black as she stared at Malabelle,
"Allow me to correct you my dear. I now control this city. Trinsic is
mine," she said in a commanding tone that made Malabelle appear to flinch.
"Yes milady Minax, the city belongs to you," she said and quickly vanished
into thin air. Minax grinned and gave a small laugh before turning her
attention upon the fighting in the street below. With out a word she raised
her staff in the air and then it happened. I could not believe my eyes.
I have been a warrior in this land for many years and never have I seen
such power. I could feel the energy building around her as she slowly
continued, wordlessly, to raise her staff. Lighting rained out of the
sky striking all the warriors below. I was blinded by the display for
brief moment. When my vision recovered I could see that not a single man
or woman on the street below was alive. The zombies had already begun
to ingest the newly dead. Minax smiled, as if this murder had given her
joy, and the disappeared.
I dare say I thank the virtues that I still live to tell this tale. I
believe it will be a long time before I return to Trinsic.

From the Town Cryer - The Journal of Ultima Online, February 17th,
