Marcus D'Blight

UP Correspondent

A foul mage has joined forces with the orcs that plague
the town of Cove.
This mage, calling himself Fistandalus, lays in wait inside
the orc's fort. As soon as a lone warrior engages the orcs,
Fistandalous paralyzes the brave warrior. If his weakened
victim survives the battle, the mage then unleashes lighting
to finish him off. Fistandalus has been overheard to have
said, "God, I love killing people." Fistandalus
is aided in his evil deeds by a black knight who calls himself
"Paladin" in a vile mockery of the noble order.
The announced goal of this dark duo is the theft of magical
equipment from their victims.

From the Town Cryer - The Journal of Ultima Online, Friday, February 6th 1998
