Dacyn Tiddry
I shall tell thee something of my life and how I came
to meet the great Fildan. I progressed through life on the
Great Isle of Moonglow,
in the midst of our land's magic. My youth was filled with
many wonders of science, magic, and alchemy. My parents were
wealthy merchants and made sure I always had the best of everything.
On each birthday, they lavished their attention on me, giving
me the most wonderful of gifts and organizing the most exciting
parties. My 18th birthday, my coming of age was to be the
most wonderous of all.
I had heard in my meager travels of a roaming traveler
who studied the magical arts not for the sake of knowledge
as those dull mages at the Lycaeum
do, but for the sheer fun of it. I heard Fildan was to be
visiting Moonglow around the time of my birthday so I begged
my parents to see if they could arrange a meeting with Fildan.
I was amazed to hear that he was interested in meeting me
as well! My own small magical experiments had reached his
ears and perhaps he noted something of a kindred spirit in
me. We spoke on the day before my birthday of many things.
We talked and laughed far into the evening darkness.
I thought that would be the last I would ever see of him, but much to
my surprise, during my party the next day, a bright heat searing bolt of lightning struck
the center of the courtyard, the guests were terrified, and emerged from the haze was
Fildan! He then proceeded to amaze us with a variety of magical tricks. With his skill in
alchemy, he created many dazzling explosions in the air. His grand finale was the creation
of a great dragon that rose above the party and suddenly burst, raining treats and candies
upon all the guests! All of those present were impressed by his display of magical
prowess, but I noticed most during this time the sheer joy with wich Fildan wielded his
After that most exciting party, I approached him and asked if I
might learn at his side as his apprentice. He smiled and said, "Apprentice, nay, but
partner! I could use a helpful hand now and then in my travels."Since then I have
traveled with Fildan learning many things and assisting him with his DeathTrap game, after
ressurrecting many dead, and congratulating many who have survived his deadly game I can
now say it was and always will be worth it
From the Town Cryer - The Journal of Ultima Online, Friday, February 27th 1998