Genn Wintord

UP : Great Lakes

Buccaneers Den - - With an escort of trolls and ogres, a
powerful and evil mage, Grunhhon, took refuge in Buccaneers Den. Feeling that he
would be safe there to run a ring of thieves and assassins, he made his home in the Pirates
Den. His army made itself at home in the other buildings and on the island in general. Any
humans in the area were either killed or run off.
Heedless of the warnings many brave warriors and mages set sail for
the pirate island. While the threat this mage posed was as mysterious as was he, the
desire to quash the scoundrel was equal to the challenge. Many fought and died, but the
larger loss was to the army of trolls and ogres.
When finally cornered without any of his monsters to help him,
Grunhhons lieutenant, Bazerion, threw as much magic as he could at his attackers.
Fires burned and lightning flashed as the battle wore on, but eventually the heroes got
the best of Bazerion and Grunhhon. As his second in command died Grunhhon was heard to
mutter, Drat. This setback will delay things for much too long. I must find another
way. One can only wonder what this meant.
Many thanks to the virtuous warriors who, through Valor and
Sacrifice, preserved Justice for another day!

From the Town Cryer - The Journal of Ultima Online, Saturday, March 14th 1998
