Marin Mortance

UP : Vesper (Atlantic)

Even as the bodily remains of Sage Humbolt are being brought to
Britannia, his last worldly possessions are the subject of a new exhibit. You can read the
story of the Sage's last few hours in our front page story, but another story of giving
and remembrance has blossomed from some of the warriors than traveled with him in his
final hours.
Last eve, Serena Glenraven contacted the Seers about the possessions of
Sage Humbolt. Apparently, the night before last, after the Sage's death, Serena Glenraven
collected the Sage's chainmail tunic and leggings, as well as the magical sandals. The
items had not come directly from his corpse, however, as many checked his body for items,
and none obtained all three.
According to Serena Glenraven, she collected the items after talking to
adventurers, and convincing them that a display of the full collection of items would be
more beneficial to to Britannia than simply letting the Sage's items rot away in a chest
somewhere until the end of time.
Serena Glenraven contacted the Seers, and Seer Maverick agreed to work
on a display for the items. Three pillars were erected in Vesper, and the three items of
Sage Humbolt now reside on top of the pillars.
The items are on display throughout the day and night and are open to
the public free of charge. They are located in the Vesper Museum on the south side of the
city. Feel free to drop by and take a look at the last items in the possession of Sage
Humbolt, as well as the plaque located near the display thanking the item owners who
donated them for this exhibit.

From the Town Cryer - The Journal of Ultima Online, Friday, April 24th 1998
